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Raise the GP Cap on P2P to 100 Bil


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lets think about it really.... why bother




its completely pointless..... yea you can show how rich you are but theres nothing you could buy with it all it would just be sat there doing nothing people would eventually get bord of being mega rich on the game and not having to work to make anything

8724th person to 85 slayer on 17/02/07. 99 attck. 88/90 slayer

whips - 35+

dragon drops - 6 chains, 3 legs, 6 skirt, 2 med, 2 left halfs, 4 d2hs, 2 axes and 1 spear


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They can't raise the stack cap, it's set in the Java. Java's max int is somewhere around 2.169bil, therefore that's the largest stack of ANY item.








Also, I love how you all call it a money cap, it applies to EVERY item, and is the max your STACK can hold, of that 1 item. At least use the proper terminology when trying to get a point across.

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You sure that there is a cap on rs money? I don't think that there is one. I've seen people with like 5 bil and stuff. And on one guys sig (Of course, this could have been easily doctered but anyways...) He had 14 bil in his sig.... So, if there is a cap on rs money and I didn't see it correctly then the cap should be raised to 400 billion trillion. Because I don't think that there should be a cap on money. Getting rich is half the fun on rs.







I have all the 99s, and have been playing since 2001. Comped 4/30/15 

My Araxxi Kills: 459::Araxxi Drops(KC):

Araxxi Hilts: 4x Eye (14/126/149/459), Web - (100) Fang (193)

Araxxi Legs Completed: 5 ---Top (69/206/234/292/361), Middle (163/176/278/343/395), Bottom (135/256/350/359/397)
Boss Pets: Supreme - 848 KC

If you play Xbox One - Add me! GT: Urtehnoes - Currently on a Destiny binge 


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I have seen a few comments regarding the relationship between rares and the gp cap which is causing such undue stress for so many of us players. If anything, the gp cap would tend to raise the price of rares. People who are running up against the gp cap would buy rares to reduce their cash balances, allowing them to earn even more millions in cash. Thus, increased demand for rares. And the demand would be a frantic ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ãâ¦Ã¢â¬Åspend gp or lose itÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬ÃâÃ

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Wait, so does this mean if you were to try and put 1000M into a bank that has 2100M already, the 1000M you were trying to put into would disappear forever? :shock:




most likely just would say "too full" or somthin like that, they wouldn't make it so you lost money


It disappears.. at least thats what i've heard happens.



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Wait, so does this mean if you were to try and put 1000M into a bank that has 2100M already, the 1000M you were trying to put into would disappear forever? :shock:




most likely just would say "too full" or somthin like that, they wouldn't make it so you lost money


It disappears.. at least thats what i've heard happens.




No, it dosen't. I've seen a picture somewhere and it says "You can't hold that much!" or somthing along those lines.




I personally think an update like this would be pointless though. If you really want to have more than 2.1B, then just go buy a couple of blue partyhats and use them to store the money. Hell, that is actually a better way to go then let 5B rot in the bank. Because it grows over time if you invest in the paper hats. But, if it is easy to impliment, then why not? If it requires some kind of database change or whatever though, forget about it. It would just take too much memory to give the elite few that option.

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They can't raise the stack cap, it's set in the Java. Java's max int is somewhere around 2.169bil, therefore that's the largest stack of ANY item.








Also, I love how you all call it a money cap, it applies to EVERY item, and is the max your STACK can hold, of that 1 item. At least use the proper terminology when trying to get a point across.



11th to 99 Summoning

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if jagex was accully going to change the money cap what they should do is create a lead bank of some kind that will change like 1gp = 1, 100gp coin that would be much better since it is literally impossible to change it unless they completly re-wrote the game in another script which would take a long time time....




on the other hand they already have something like this, just for the extremly rich, its called p-hats




btw its 2^32 = 2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2x

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I have seen a few comments regarding the relationship between rares and the gp cap which is causing such undue stress for so many of us players. If anything, the gp cap would tend to raise the price of rares. People who are running up against the gp cap would buy rares to reduce their cash balances, allowing them to earn even more millions in cash. Thus, increased demand for rares. And the demand would be a frantic ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ãâ¦Ã¢â¬Åspend gp or lose itÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬ÃâÃ
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if jagex was accully going to change the money cap what they should do is create a lead bank of some kind that will change like 1gp = 1, 100gp coin that would be much better since it is literally impossible to change it unless they completly re-wrote the game in another script which would take a long time time....




on the other hand they already have something like this, just for the extremly rich, its called p-hats




btw its 2^32 = 2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2x


I think you meant 31, assuming that as people have stated it is around 2.1bil, then I work it out to be to the 31, it's a 31 bit value. Weird, dunno why it isn't 32, I'd have expected that, maybe it was just to save a bit of space. Although, theres something i'm missing, it could be (2^31)+1, which'd make it 32 bits long?

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i can't imagine why it was ever placed..




Because an 4 byte unsigned int - which I'm pretty sure is used to store the amount od one item - can have a max value of 4294967295, which is just slightly over the cap.




This really would not be very hard to implement, and if it were only effective on P2P, it would give an added incentive for extremely rich players to maintain their membership, as they would be unable to acquire anymore gold pieces on F2P.




The next larger data type in sql* is the 8 byte BIGINT - and switching to this would make the bank data take 50% more space (assuming they use another integer to identify what item is in the associated slot), and i seriosly doubt they would sacrifice so much server memory for only a few players...




Also, I'm pretty certain that they use the same table for P2P and F2P characters.




*) I'm not sure if Jagex uses SQL as their database. I'm 95% sure they do, but even if they don't, what i posted shouldn't be far off.




...grrrrrr i was gonna say that




but still 2100m is enough now go get 99 in ea stat or give away some and stop complaining


God oF End Failed to light a fire at 99 firemaking...
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2100M may have been set for a reason, and I think that reason is because of the possibility that cheating may occour in the possibility that a player may find a way to create money in the matter of finding a glitch and giving away free money, thus, messing up the RuneScape enconomy with a large deal of money introduced at a quick pace. I don't know, this is just a vague outlook on the possibility. Anyone have any comments?




Before marriage, a man yearns for the woman he loves. After marriage, the 'Y' becomes silent.

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They should make a money substitute system. You take your cash, plus maybe 5%, and take it to a bank. You then exchange the cash, plus the 5% tax, into a cert/bond of some kind. This bond, can then be exchanged for the amount of cash you put into it. If people are so rich, that they need a higher cap, then they shouldn't be too mad of losing 5% of it every time they want to be able to technically have 2.1bil certs/bonds of 2.1bil.

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can i pls flame u....




First of all , that DOES NOT help. Your "tax" is nothing but stupid. Maybe because your poor and only have 10k or whatever so 5% of it is nothing. If ppl have 1bil, they will stand to lose 50 mil a month just because of yr stupid idea.




And here ppl are talking about raising the money cap , which is not able to be done unless you want runescape to lag like hell and the memory needed will be at least doubled.




In the post this references, I put in all kinds of emoticons in an attempt to demonstrate that my post was not serious. So, if you want to flame away on a joke, be my guest. If you don't have a sense of humor, it just isn't funny.

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i also agree that 2100 isnt enuff gp, i was sending jagex e-mails askin to raise it to 5000mil at least, this would also help phat prices drop, im gettin tired of holdin phats cause its all i can use instead of gp, i wanna see my hats but i have no room for cash, i hope jagex does something soon





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can i pls flame u....




First of all , that DOES NOT help. Your "tax" is nothing but stupid. Maybe because your poor and only have 10k or whatever so 5% of it is nothing. If ppl have 1bil, they will stand to lose 50 mil a month just because of yr stupid idea.




And here ppl are talking about raising the money cap , which is not able to be done unless you want runescape to lag like hell and the memory needed will be at least doubled.




In the post this references, I put in all kinds of emoticons in an attempt to demonstrate that my post was not serious. So, if you want to flame away on a joke, be my guest. If you don't have a sense of humor, it just isn't funny.




as an overly cynical individual, it pains me to say that sarcasm isn't decipherable over the internet. :wall:




however i do believe mr.icedearth15324 (the post above yours) is being serious about taxing players. oh noes... :ohnoes:




[sarcasm] but in all seriousness, money cap is effecting thousands upon thousands (or dare i say MILLIONS!) of players each day. imagine if you will, having billions of dollars and no place to put them in. :boohoo:




a moment of silence for those who falls victim for the evil that is money cap. :pray: we must urge jagex to fix this immediately even if it means not having any updates in the future! we don't want any new skills or quests or armors and we certainly don't give a rat's *bottom* about scammers or autoers (they must be poor to begin with and therefore we don't care for them). =;




so please, email jagex now and stop this madness![/sarcasm]




^ sarcasm

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if jagex was accully going to change the money cap what they should do is create a lead bank of some kind that will change like 1gp = 1, 100gp coin that would be much better since it is literally impossible to change it unless they completly re-wrote the game in another script which would take a long time time....




on the other hand they already have something like this, just for the extremly rich, its called p-hats




btw its 2^32 = 2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2x


I think you meant 31, assuming that as people have stated it is around 2.1bil, then I work it out to be to the 31, it's a 31 bit value. Weird, dunno why it isn't 32, I'd have expected that, maybe it was just to save a bit of space. Although, theres something i'm missing, it could be (2^31)+1, which'd make it 32 bits long?




it is the possibilty to have zero coins at a time :P that is what you missed

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maxium amount of cash you can have is around 2.1b any money exceeding that amount vanishes into nothing the reason is to do with game memory and java's capabilities as a program.. and any1 with 2.1b or more has no reason not to get 99 on every single [bleep]ing skill so all the lazy [cabbage]s with 2.1b start training please? ty \'

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i can't be bothered to read thru 12+ more pages of most likely nothing but flames, so here's my 2cents:




got all that extra money that won't fit in the bank? make a mule. or throw it on one of your other characters.




besides we all know 75% of the accounts in runescape are actually just multiple accounts from 15-20% of the ACTUAL runescape population.


not that its a bad thing. its nice to make different chars for different gameplay (anyone remember 2D RS when ppl made lvl 3s to max out skills?)

Currently training combat

71/82 Attack

77/78 Strength

71/71 Defense

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