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Just got scammed purple partyhat...


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Most people from tip.it don't know me, but I've been playing runescape for 2+ years.




I just right a little while ago got scammed of a purple phat by a new scam (won't say what it was). Please, pm and thank him since he's probably blocked me or logged off that I am thankful he made me realize that there's more to runescape out there. Do I care that he scammed me of like 81m? Yeah?!!?? It takes a hell of a lot of time to get. God will prevail and will take justice upon him no matter how corny that sounds about a game but it takes about a year to get that for most people.




To the rest of you, I ask that you quit runescape now because it is a huge waste of time. Something like this might happen to you or simply you will get banned and just think about all of that lost time you could have spent outside or playing with your 'real' friends. I just want you to enjoy childhood before it's gone and you have to work fulltime.




P.S.- Yes, I have a few mil left. Although I am quitting don't ask for it, I don't know what I'm gonna do with it yet. Plus incase you are wondering, yes I almost cried when I lost it. :x

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It's okay.




Money cames and go on RuneScape. The major point of the game is to enjoy the luxuries of it whether it is through stats or money. Though your money is gone you can still continue to play, make friends, raise your skills, and so on.




As for naming other players. I totally disagree with that. Though he broke the rule and hurt you badely, all people have the right to privacy I believe.




I hope you don't quit. If you need help rebuilding yourself, add me as "aprzepioski"




Don't be sad.



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:( Poor guy, but you're not exactly asking for sympathy when you worded your disguist for you so bitterly. We in TIPIT did not cause it.




What you should do is explain to us what happened, how you got scammed, as a warning for the rest of us. That would contribute to the community.

All I learned in life, I learned on Tip.it

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To the rest of you, I ask that you quit runescape now because it is a huge waste of time. Something like this might happen to you or simply you will get banned and just think about all of that lost time you could have spent outside or playing with your 'real' friends. I just want you to enjoy childhood before it's gone and you have to work fulltime.



If you stoped hanging out with 'real' friends for runescape thats just sad. I play runescape often and still hangout with my friends. How you can get addicted to a game is above me.

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There is more to this game than money. Train a skill and make friends. If you become a staker or a merchant you are in for a sad and lonely RS life.


If you quit BAI. if you stay CYA.




excuse me, stakers have friends too i believe?




hell, staking (in my belief) is probably the funnest part of the game :?

94 mage 94 range 87 hits 80 defense, all 94 combat, all skill =)


currently (retired?) from runescape, only play on occasion now



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There is more to this game than money. Train a skill and make friends. If you become a staker or a merchant you are in for a sad and lonely RS life.


If you quit BAI. if you stay CYA.




excuse me, stakers have friends too i believe?




hell, staking (in my belief) is probably the funnest part of the game :?

94 mage 94 range 87 hits 80 defense, all 94 combat, all skill =)


currently (retired?) from runescape, only play on occasion now



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Sorry to hear you got scammed, but you are having the perfect attitude about getting scammed. So cheers for that! :D




However, if you are going to make a post like this, like others have said, you should have post how you got scammed so we can avoid it in the future.




You guys that are making fun of the OP are just plain sad hypocrites.

Last.fm: http://www.last.fm/user/Aaronm14/


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And the bible is the big book of lies, call me a racist if you must.

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Sounds like you lent out your phat to a "friend" and he stole it. Hardly new.


:^_^: I drew that smilie, btw, along with a few more used by this site.

Classic bloodveld for lyph3! Although I do like the new ones.

Like a ninja, here I was, gone I am now.

BUT! I may be back! Add my new account, Dr Bloodveld!

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What is the point of not saying how you got scammed? It would be better for you to tell us this "new scam" and help everybody else out.




Ya... Ok, then get outta here then. Cuz I'm not qutting RS since this guy tells me to do so.

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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I don't understand why everyone thinks it's a waste of time. Isn't the only reason you play RuneScape is for fun? So, if you have fun, how is it a waste of time? And, quitting just because you got scammed does not show that you are smart, it shows you are just a big crybaby. Lick your wounds and get back out there otherwise, don't just come to the forums and post trying to get everyone else to quit just because you weren't smart enough to check the second trade screen. I've been scammed plenty of times (although not from a party hat). EVERYONE gets scammed, be that from full rune or a blue partyhat. And remember..the point of the game is just to have fun, if your not having fun quit, but don't let one scam make you quit.

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quit whining and trying to get others to quit.


give it a week prices down to 10m easy... month down to 5... :-k

sum1 quote me on that and see in a month lol :ohnoes:

-December 6.


I never lost any spears to ppl i went with. My internet providers are backstabbing pixel huggers though.
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Joe, you poor soul.




Life is a waste of time.




Runescape is a perfectly legitimate use for it.




Sorry for your loss, hope you find happiness elsewhere.

Runescape Name: "unbug07"


Expand your mind.

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Really sounds like you're trying to form a cult that is anti-jagex when you try getting others to quit a game.




Sure... I'll talk down about Jagex (for obvious reasons), but I'd never go around trying to tell others how to spend their money. You were foolish enough to spend 2 years playing, so it couldn't have been THAT bad... :roll:




Being bitter isn't the way to go. And you're really coming off as bitter. Especially when you go on what could only be called a rant... claiming how the game pretty much made you a no lifer. Not to mention, as someone else said, you didn't warn anyone about the "new scam". :roll: :?


R.I.P Shiva

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I said that people shouldn't waste their time on gaining something in the game because if you do you might get scammed anyway..or banned. I don't want to tell people the new scam because some people might learn it and go out and do it. Now please stop beating me down I think I've had enough for the day. If I put quiting rs drop party in there I'm sure you all would post differently.

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If I put quiting rs drop party in there I'm sure you all would post differently.




Hardly... even if I had members I wouldn't be going (I have a bad habit of missing parties anyways).




So no... my opinion wouldn't be different. And I stand by what I said. If you were silly enough to post, you should be prepared for any "negative" comments.


R.I.P Shiva

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why wont you post the scam?




it is better that everyone knows what it is so they can look out for it, rather then having a few people know it and run around using it on people.








unless it is just some dumb old scam that you fell for and are too assamed to post it

RSN: Bantam222 [105 combat] [1578 total level]


Support my quest for 1600 Skill Total!

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Man I never thought of it like that...




This is a waste of life.... I mean all I am doing is playing endless hours of time collecting pixels.. never crawling out of my hole to see sunlight... I think I am cancelling right now... Walk out to wildy with everything and let the lucky soul collect the worthless pixels...






I think i might just






Ahhh f it play another couple hours and see what drop I get...




get over it... just pixels.. have fun

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Man I never thought of it like that...




This is a waste of life.... I mean all I am doing is playing endless hours of time collecting pixels.. never crawling out of my hole to see sunlight... I think I am cancelling right now... Walk out to wildy with everything and let the lucky sould collect the worthless pixels...






I think i might just






Ahhh f it play another couple hours and see what drop I get...




get over it... just pixels.. have fun





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Hey, if this makes you feel better, I lost over 50 santa hats and 33 masks when I was hacked about 3 years ago.




It's wealth that I'll never regain.





Baratus [AS] max hit: 166 with Moon Battle Hammer

ixfd64 [AS] max hit: 116 with (untitled spell #2)

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If you ever looked through the manual, there is a section for maintaining a balanced life while playing RS. If you follow those, you should be fine(except for the exercise at least once a week lol). I'm not wasting my childhood playing RS, I still hang with friends and other stuff. Sorry you got scammed.

Quit RS, combat 104, total 1651


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