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Noobs say the funniest things!


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i've had one (i wanted to take a screenshot of something out of boredom) but it isn't that funny


Me:who wants 1 mil?




Me:u have to answer this question.r u a noob?




Me:lol.guess what?




Me:u were just in a screenshot btw u don't get 1 mil




kind of mean but...eh' heres another odd one


i was hanging out with my friend when....


Noob (pm):hi


Me (pm):who r u?


Noob (pm):omg u don't even remember ur gf?


Me (pm):how did u get my username?


Noob (pm):*silence*


Me (pm):how did u get my username???


Noob (pm):bye *logs off*

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I ws killing the lesser demon in the qizzy tower and a lvl 3 comes up to me. my combat was like 35. this is the conversation:


noob:woah! what spell is that?


me:fire bolt


noob:wow that is like lvl 35 magic! how long did that take you?


me:i started playin like 2 weeks ago.


noob:you must play all the time then!




noob:man that is a cool wep whats it called?


me;fire staff


noob:it must have cost you so much im gunna giv u 10 gp to make up for it.

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i said a noob thing before. it was day i was mad at the game fo somthin or another.


guy walks up with granite maul


me:will u squish my head


him:sure in a lil bit.


me like 5 mins later:can u squish my head now?




me:why not


him:i dont awnna


me:ill pay u 3k!!




teles somwher

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i've got another.this is from a while back so i don't remember it much.i'm refering to me as "m" and the scammer as "s"


s:hey u want to be a mod?my dad owns runescape


m:sure he does


s:he does he can give u 10 mil!


m:*plays along* ok what do i have to do to become a mod?


s:i need ur username and pass


m:*reports*u have my username already and i'm not gonna give u my pass.go try and scam some1 else.


s:i'm not scamming!




s:ok i was. i'm sorry.will u be my friend?



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I was weilding a rubber chicken when this happened




Noob: I'll buy your rubber chicken.


Me: It's non-tradeable, sorry.


Noob: Try anyway.


*I decided to try and prove it although I knew it wouldn't work*


Noob: Put it in the trade.


Me: I can't.


Noob: Why?


Me: Because it's non-tradeable. I just said that.


Noob: Yes it is! Reported for item scamming!




I get a lot of people like that... :wall:

Never take life seriously. Nobody gets out alive anyway.

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My RS Char is female, yet I'm male. I made my char female to see how people respond to a female char rather than a male char. Some people are automatically nice, some people are perverts. It's funny really.




I got this one time.




Him - "Nice bust"


Me - "Thanks mate, I'm a guy BTW"


Me - "You just stared at a man's bust"


this is why runescape sometimes creeps me out :( anyway nice story guys :D


Gamertag: EFs Predator.

Games I play: Halo 3, Halo wars.

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I was weilding a rubber chicken when this happened




Noob: I'll buy your rubber chicken.


Me: It's non-tradeable, sorry.


Noob: Try anyway.


*I decided to try and prove it although I knew it wouldn't work*


Noob: Put it in the trade.


Me: I can't.


Noob: Why?


Me: Because it's non-tradeable. I just said that.


Noob: Yes it is! Reported for item scamming!




I get a lot of people like that... :wall:




got similiar things happen to me.




Someone tried to buy my fighter torso and fire cape :|

99 attack-34,104th to 99 attack.



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I was weilding a rubber chicken when this happened




Noob: I'll buy your rubber chicken.


Me: It's non-tradeable, sorry.


Noob: Try anyway.


*I decided to try and prove it although I knew it wouldn't work*


Noob: Put it in the trade.


Me: I can't.


Noob: Why?


Me: Because it's non-tradeable. I just said that.


Noob: Yes it is! Reported for item scamming!




I get a lot of people like that... :wall:




got similiar things happen to me.




Someone tried to buy my fighter torso and fire cape :|


Can I buy your attack cape :P




I've had sooo many people trying to buy my fire cape lol

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All over Private messages, I will upload a picture when imageshack starts working again (conversation is word for word from the multiple pictures I took).


M= Me


H = Him




H: good day sir


H:im with jagex




H:i am member of jagexs taskforce




H:we need to check your account


M:why's that?


H:we been informed you have used autoers


H:so give us your pass


M:Sorry, for what?


H:to check your account is not cheating


M:And how do you check for that?


H: top secret methods


M:Such as?




H:give pass




H: you will be banned


H:do you want to be banned


H No you dont


H: so give pass


M: No I don't think so.


H: y not?


H: u wanna get banned?


M: You can't ban me.


H: yes i can


M: no you can't, because I work for jagex


*At least 2 minutes of silence here*


H:no yu dont lol


M: Yes, i do, and i happen to believe you are scamming


H:i aint i was joking


M: Maybe you were joking, but now I have to check your acc


H: wut?


M: You need to give me your pass and recoveries now.


M: before I report you to head office and get you banned


H:u cant


M: Want to try me?




The idiotic noob then precedes to tell me his pass and recoveries. I confirmed them, thought about changing them, but decided to let the noob have a second chance.

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I was in Lumbridge, screwing around with noobs and newbs. (That's what I do now that it's the most fun for your buck) Suddenly I get a message.


Scammer: Hi! Do you want to be a member?


Me: Sure. Thanks!


Scammer: Ok pay attention. I pay for 5 people. If you do what I say you can be one of them.


Me: Okay! Please tell me what I have to do!


(scammer doesn't respond for a minute. I start thinking maybe I was overenthusiastic. Then he does)


Scammer: Ok, I know you don't trust me so I'll tell you my main's pw as well if you tell me yours.


Me: What's your main like? *stalling*


Scammer tells about his main.


Me: OK, tell me your main's password and I'll tell me yours.


Scammer: Sure. User is Curse7, password is lalal. What's yours then?


The sad person I am, I checked for it in another window. Invalid user or password. Oh well, I tried.


Scammer: Uh hello?


Me: Yep. The password is:


Me: sujko78 (or something, I told him the wrong password)


Scammer: Kk thank you. Brb, but please log off first.


Me: *logs off*


Me: *logs back on half a minute later*


Scammer: Wtf you lied!


Me: Sorry, that was for my other acc. The pass is:


Me: Ding! Lamest scam ever.




At this point I decided to befriend the scammer. He was okay to talk to, we discussed a few more efficient scamming methods, and a few additional things like my mining outfit, the Lumbridge community etc. He didn't even beg or anything, for God's sake! (Okay, so I really just recommended him password guessing with all these anti-scam systems...)


Oh, and I still am not scamming. Just... screwing around with noobs and newbs.



You're being watched.

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Well, I decided to play runescape again after a while.


And I saw this today is lumbridge castle while spinning wool.


Its not funny but very nooby.


Technically its not me and I witnessed it but part of it was me I guess.




Noob to another player:I want to hack someone.


The the person ran off and the noob started to follow me.


Noob: I want to hack someone


Me: I see..


Noob: My main is lvl 90. (The player he was on was lvl 6.)


Me: That's nice to know.


Noob: But i'm quitting.


Me: k..


I went up to the bank to get more wool.


I went back down to notice he was trying to hack a person who was about lvl 63.


Noob: Can I share accounts with u?


(Reporting noob for encouraging other to break the rules.)


Lvl 63: Ya


Me in PM to lvl 63: You know he's trying to hack you. Don't be so blind.


Noob: U passed the quiz.


(Theres a quiz for hacking?)


Noob: The 1 ur on


Lvl 63: ?


Noob: Can we share it?


Lvl 63: No


Noob: And You share my 90.


Lvl 63: U gonna hack me


Noob: Ok you have failed (I thought he already passed :roll: )


And then I went back up to the bank and missed 15 seconds of the conversation.


Lvl 63: Your gonna hack me


Noob: No I wont!!!!!!!!!!


Lvl 63: Fine


(Reported for password scamming)


Noob: Whats ur pass? Letter bye letter. (Yes he used the wrong type of by)


Lvl 63: H


Lvl 63: 2


Lvl 63: S


Lvl 63: N


Lvl 63: I


Lvl 63: P


Lvl 63: E


Lvl 63: H2snipe


Noob: H2snipe


Lvl 63: Is mine


noob: Ur lieing!


Noob: You can't see your password when you type it!


Noob: See? *******


I then had enough and left. :wall: -.-


Noobs these days.


:o...x] hi. :]]

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Doing my oh so funny yews cutting when something strange happens.




So basicly it's me and another guy(mebe its a gurl?! :ohnoes:) cutting logs when he/she/it (Ill refer 2 this one as "it") ask my wc lvl. Here goes.




It: Wuts ur wc lvl?


Me: 83


It: OMG!!1 Wanna be friends?


Me: Um... Sure?


It: Sweet!


(At this point a 2 more guys comes around 2 WC)


Guy1: Wc lvls?


It: My best friend here got 83 wc!


Guy1: Who?


It: Shog (I srsly hate when ppl spell it like that :evil:)


Guy1: Nice! im 74


Guy2: 65 wc.


(Total silence for some time)


It PMs me: U now since we ar best friends and all, cane i have som free item and money?


My reply: No.. ?


It: Shog is a ****ing noob! *******! I hate u!


It logs out.


Guy1: Ok... that was random.


Guy2: Totally.




Maybe not all that funny but man was it random?


And we all keep wcing untill i get tired and logg.

129-130-331-59255585 RS Forums.

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This happened about an hour ago...


I was just cutting yews peacefully while reading this topic (I have long ways to go -.-)




Noob: Lol


Noob: lvl 68 wc?


Noob: Nerd.


I ignored it..


Some guy came up.


Guy: Wc lvls?


Me: 68


Noob: 75 :shame:


:o...x] hi. :]]

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That's a newb comment, not a noob comment.




Now here comes the very slightly edited version of my evening's experience!




Scene: Stronghold of Security lvl3, at giant spiders.


People: Me, 2 noobs, 1 guy who was just killing spiders, 1 guy who I talked with later, giant spiders, small spiders.




Note: The noobs had no grammar skills, but since it is too painful for me to recreate their writing, I'll do okay grammar with them anyway. Except sometimes. Warning: May not be suitable to young children.




First part: (It all happened out of the blue)




Me: *killing giant spiders*


Giant spider: *says nothing*


First noob: Jannak (love how everyone spells it so)


Him: U nub


Him: Stop


Me: You need a full stop too.


Him: ?


Me: You don't know what a full stop is, do you? Failure to go to school, I suppose.


Me: Period.


Him: ?


Me: Ah, I see.


Him: U idiot, u fail


Him: Lag


Me: There is no lag. Your comp fails.


Him: ?


(I love how he is so clueless.)


Him: Noob


Him: U have aids


Me: Eloel, okay.


Him: U know what it is?


Me: Artificial Immunity Deficiency Syndrome. Fail, much?


Him: Let me explain it to u


Him: Your mum and this man


Him: They had fun in the bed, but ur mum had this disease


Him: The end


Me: The end? I wasn't even born yet. :-(


Him: Ur mum had aids, so you got aids too


Him: U ***


Him: G


Him: @


Him: Y


Me: (I don't usually report anyone, but this one was asking for it. I go through a door and report the guy.)


Him: Ahahaha


Him: Sad


Giant Spider: *says nothing*


Him: He reported


Him: Lmfao (why can't these morons type in one line instead of one word each line? The editor)


Him: Now I'm gonna report you too


Me: o_O for what?


Him: Offensive Language


Me: Oh, sorry, have I offended you? :( Here, take this cake. (I don't give him a cake btw, I don't even have one on me!)


Him: Who ate half of it


Him: Your fat mum?


Me: No sry, I ate it.


Him: Ewwww, this cake has aids


Me: *sees him eating something* And he ate it!!! Rofl!!!


Him: Wtf no


Me: I saw you do that! Doesn't matter, you'll soon be muted anyway.


Him: Lool


Me: Yep. Even slowpoke Jagex will get you.


Him: Do I look like muted?


Him: No


Him: Lol


Me: *facepalm*




After a few meaningless more insults, he shuts up. The next noob came meanwhile. The first noob doesn't speak any more.




Him/Her (Him for future reference, though I'm not sure): Who is the noob here?


(while we're here, if you guys are interested in their names, i.e. want to harrass them, ask in PM :))


Him: I guess it's 61 (me atm), not 80


Him: Noob


Me: Very smart. So because I'm a lower cb level that means I'm a noob. Genius.


Me: So combat level is all, yes?


Him: No (at this point I'm confused)


Him: I think money is the problem


Me: *collides violently with desk. Arms dismembered from me gnawing it off in my pain.*


Him: I'm playing on my pure, not my main


Him: You can see it from my name


Me: Overused pure name... yep, I think I got it.


Me: Too bad your wildy is gone, so your account is useless. (Note: I'm all for the old wildy, just wanted to ticky numskull #2 off.)


Him: (after a minute or so) You know, I like to have fun in a bed... if you get what I mean


Me: Yep. :-k


Him: Sometimes with guys


Me: Are you a guy or a girl?


Him: Girl, duh (at this point I wonder what he meant with sometimes... sometimes he has fun with guys or he sometimes has fun with guys?)


Him: Do you want to see my videos?


Me: Yes please


Me: So how can I admire your beautiful curves?


Him: Go to redtube . (0m (wtf? I report him for advertising rule anyway... one noob is a thing, two is almost too much fun)


Him: Are you on the site?


Giant Spider: *says nothing*


At this point a guy also here tries to warn me about the site. I'm like, "I'm playing along - ssssssssssshhhhhhhhh :)" He actually claimed he went to a site - it's a porno site and he also got a virus - though he removed it right after so there was no trouble for him. Thanks, though I sort of figured that out myself :P


Me: Yes!


Him: Okay, go to the first video, that's me


I stand between two doors and go browse some forums for a minute. Then I come back and say:


Me: Oooooooooh, beautiful! Can I see more of your videos?


Him: Sure, the others are about me as well.


Him: Sry, I've got to go now. Cya hun ,I feel like making out now(after the convo I try convincing myself for about 5 minutes that he was implying me being Hungarian. I don't succeed.)


My friend comes on at this point so I cut the convo short. I quickly reply before she can leave:


Me: Why didn't you play with your main then? 'Cause it's banned?


Me: With all the stuff you just said you could get about 15 blackmarks.


Him: Wtf


Me: Advertising for a start... could probably try reporting for offensive language as well.


Him: What are you talking about, I did nothing


Me: Just joking, sweetheart. ;-} (this is the warmest, most love-full smiley I could produce at the moment. I just realised he/she was about to have sex and I shouldn't disrupt his/her experience. Or? I did report him for the advertising though.)


Me: G2g too, bye! <3




Well, frankly, there are many days when I don't meet any idiots. This made up for it all.



You're being watched.

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All over Private messages, I will upload a picture when imageshack starts working again (conversation is word for word from the multiple pictures I took).


M= Me


H = Him




H: good day sir


H:im with jagex




H:i am member of jagexs taskforce




H:we need to check your account


M:why's that?


H:we been informed you have used autoers


H:so give us your pass


M:Sorry, for what?


H:to check your account is not cheating


M:And how do you check for that?


H: top secret methods


M:Such as?




H:give pass




H: you will be banned


H:do you want to be banned


H No you dont


H: so give pass


M: No I don't think so.


H: y not?


H: u wanna get banned?


M: You can't ban me.


H: yes i can


M: no you can't, because I work for jagex


*At least 2 minutes of silence here*


H:no yu dont lol


M: Yes, i do, and i happen to believe you are scamming


H:i aint i was joking


M: Maybe you were joking, but now I have to check your acc


H: wut?


M: You need to give me your pass and recoveries now.


M: before I report you to head office and get you banned


H:u cant


M: Want to try me?




The idiotic noob then precedes to tell me his pass and recoveries. I confirmed them, thought about changing them, but decided to let the noob have a second chance.






LOL that is hilarious! =D>


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All over Private messages, I will upload a picture when imageshack starts working again (conversation is word for word from the multiple pictures I took).


M= Me


H = Him




H: good day sir


H:im with jagex




H:i am member of jagexs taskforce




H:we need to check your account


M:why's that?


H:we been informed you have used autoers


H:so give us your pass


M:Sorry, for what?


H:to check your account is not cheating


M:And how do you check for that?


H: top secret methods


M:Such as?




H:give pass




H: you will be banned


H:do you want to be banned


H No you dont


H: so give pass


M: No I don't think so.


H: y not?


H: u wanna get banned?


M: You can't ban me.


H: yes i can


M: no you can't, because I work for jagex


*At least 2 minutes of silence here*


H:no yu dont lol


M: Yes, i do, and i happen to believe you are scamming


H:i aint i was joking


M: Maybe you were joking, but now I have to check your acc


H: wut?


M: You need to give me your pass and recoveries now.


M: before I report you to head office and get you banned


H:u cant


M: Want to try me?




The idiotic noob then precedes to tell me his pass and recoveries. I confirmed them, thought about changing them, but decided to let the noob have a second chance.






LOL that is hilarious! =D>




yea exept for the 20million black marks that he could have gotten it's pretty funny :roll: :wall:

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All over Private messages, I will upload a picture when imageshack starts working again (conversation is word for word from the multiple pictures I took).


M= Me


H = Him




H: good day sir


H:im with jagex




H:i am member of jagexs taskforce




H:we need to check your account


M:why's that?


H:we been informed you have used autoers


H:so give us your pass


M:Sorry, for what?


H:to check your account is not cheating


M:And how do you check for that?


H: top secret methods


M:Such as?




H:give pass




H: you will be banned


H:do you want to be banned


H No you dont


H: so give pass


M: No I don't think so.


H: y not?


H: u wanna get banned?


M: You can't ban me.


H: yes i can


M: no you can't, because I work for jagex


*At least 2 minutes of silence here*


H:no yu dont lol


M: Yes, i do, and i happen to believe you are scamming


H:i aint i was joking


M: Maybe you were joking, but now I have to check your acc


H: wut?


M: You need to give me your pass and recoveries now.


M: before I report you to head office and get you banned


H:u cant


M: Want to try me?




The idiotic noob then precedes to tell me his pass and recoveries. I confirmed them, thought about changing them, but decided to let the noob have a second chance.






LOL that is hilarious! =D>




yea exept for the 20million black marks that he could have gotten it's pretty funny :roll: :wall:


:lol: I wouldn't try that again though, you might get in trouble for the same thing he would have.




Edit: I was trying to get my horrible range lvl up (I'm Combat 104 with 59 \' ) when this donkey comes up to me.[wagon].jpg


Right before I say "ooh I'm impressed" he shows off his void range bottom and zombie mask to me. Maybe he's right though. I must be a nerd for having a lower range level because I'm not playing this game all hours of the day and for not picking fights with random people. I mean COME ON his name is kooldude. *KOOL*dude. He must be right.... Right?

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