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u took the thoughts outta my head.




add me to the petition


tip.it name=RSN(same)




:D good job of having the guts to start this

98% Of teenagers surround their minds with rap music, if you're part of the 2% that stayed with rock, put this in your signature, ROCK IS BETTER!





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We've explained it over and over...This would NOT affect members! And, some people's parents don't have credit cards, or don't want to pay. Those people may not be able to get a job, maybe they aren't old enough, or their parents won't let them. There are many reasons why some people aren't P2P.


Cenin pân nîd, istan pân nîd, dan nin ú-cenich, nin ú-istach.

Ithil luin eria vi menel caran...Tîn dan delu.

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hold up hold up hold. this wouldnt effect members?????? are you kidding me???????????! every update that occurs to runescape should be done for p2p no matter what. be glad you have a bank! quit whining and demanding jesus! im a member and I only use 4 more rows than the f2p bank! how do i do it?! I dont keep the useless crap that mos tppl do, i have armour, money, food and valuables. no arrow heads or random event items or holiday items, no knifes tinderboxes chefs hat aprons hammers, or anything. heres how you can manage this: if an item stays in the same place of the bank for over 1 month get rid of it. chances are its not very hard to get back and its no biggy. quit your got dang whining! its sickening! none of you can honestly prove to me why you deserve f2p bankspace by using real evidence and qoutes from jagex staff. and dont you think that if you did really deserve bank space jagex would have given it to you? runescapes been around for years and f2p bank space has not changed. take a hint!

Its better to be judged by twelve, than to be carried by six.

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hey Ive got a solution! get p2p its only 5 american dollars.dont say you cant afford it. just save up 20 quarters every month, and presto!




Not everyone is going to waste 5$ a month just to play a game, especially when we can enjoy it without having to get a membership. And for gods sake, read the cruddy posts! I have said it a dozen times: "Stop spamming up this thread with your 'You get what you pay for' posts!"




Please try reading the posts, especially the long lengthy ones I have scattered around the thread.






Sorry I haven't posted before now. I was away at the beach all weekend. \' I will try to add all of you tommarow. There are far too many names for me to add tonight. ::'




Thanks a ton for everyones support. For those of you wondering, I haven't recieved a reply from Jagex about the letter. I have a bad feeling it didn't get through to them. I'll try a different approach soon. Until then, good night all. :wink:



[bleep], my parrot has better grammar than you.

{Author of Tip.It Times article}{Founder of the F2P Bankspace Campaign}{Interviewed for the Gielinor Tribune}{F2P Bankspace was ACHIEVED!}

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hold up hold up hold. this wouldnt effect members?????? are you kidding me???????????! every update that occurs to runescape should be done for p2p no matter what. be glad you have a bank! quit whining and demanding jesus! im a member and I only use 4 more rows than the f2p bank! how do i do it?! I dont keep the useless crap that mos tppl do, i have armour, money, food and valuables. no arrow heads or random event items or holiday items, no knifes tinderboxes chefs hat aprons hammers, or anything. heres how you can manage this: if an item stays in the same place of the bank for over 1 month get rid of it. chances are its not very hard to get back and its no biggy. quit your got dang whining! its sickening! none of you can honestly prove to me why you deserve f2p bankspace by using real evidence and qoutes from jagex staff. and dont you think that if you did really deserve bank space jagex would have given it to you? runescapes been around for years and f2p bank space has not changed. take a hint!




Stop flamming pl0x? You tell us to stop whining? Stop flamming then. -.-




You still haven't given us a good, well thought out reason why we shouldn't get more bank space. All you've given us is a bunch of your immature spam... I don't want to get in a flame war. So please... STOP FLAMMING WITH YOUR RIDICULOUS NONSENSE THAT WE CAN'T MAKE HEADS OR TAILS OUT OF.




If you won't to argue, give us a good, well thought out reason why we shouldn't get more bank space.



[bleep], my parrot has better grammar than you.

{Author of Tip.It Times article}{Founder of the F2P Bankspace Campaign}{Interviewed for the Gielinor Tribune}{F2P Bankspace was ACHIEVED!}

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hold up hold up hold. this wouldnt effect members?????? are you kidding me???????????! every update that occurs to runescape should be done for p2p no matter what. be glad you have a bank! quit whining and demanding jesus! im a member and I only use 4 more rows than the f2p bank! how do i do it?! I dont keep the useless crap that mos tppl do, i have armour, money, food and valuables. no arrow heads or random event items or holiday items, no knifes tinderboxes chefs hat aprons hammers, or anything. heres how you can manage this: if an item stays in the same place of the bank for over 1 month get rid of it. chances are its not very hard to get back and its no biggy. quit your got dang whining! its sickening! none of you can honestly prove to me why you deserve f2p bankspace by using real evidence and qoutes from jagex staff. and dont you think that if you did really deserve bank space jagex would have given it to you? runescapes been around for years and f2p bank space has not changed. take a hint!




Let me just inform you that I'm a member...Where's your proof F2P doesn't deserve more bank space? Give quotes from Jagex or else you don't have an argument...And if Jagex thinks F2P oesn't deserve moer bank space, then why do they even have a bank?


Cenin pân nîd, istan pân nîd, dan nin ú-cenich, nin ú-istach.

Ithil luin eria vi menel caran...Tîn dan delu.

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I am currently trying to get respones from jagex staff, but as you know this is complicated and may take awhile. For the people who say "dont flame!", may I remind you that this forums is called Discussians & Suggestions. I am not flaming, but merely disscussing. I cant believe you have the audacity to tell other users to not discuss your idea!

Its better to be judged by twelve, than to be carried by six.

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I am currently trying to get respones from jagex staff, but as you know this is complicated and may take awhile. For the people who say "dont flame!", may I remind you that this forums is called Discussians & Suggestions. I am not flaming, but merely disscussing. I cant believe you have the audacity to tell other users to not discuss your idea!




Yeah, good luck with that then. :roll:




IMO. f2p deserves updates as well. f2p keeps this game in business by keeping it popular. And the ads themselves keep f2p going.




Anyways, yes giving f2p more bankspace does infact effect some members. Like me. When I quit members for a while, I always have to throw away most of my members items. If f2p does get more bank space, I dont have to throw as much stuff out. Which is why I fully support this idea.




How about you though? Why it it that you don't support this idea? You can only benefit from this update. I can;t find a logical reason to be against it (except for the crappy 'you dont pay you get nothing' argument).

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Yeah...I meant that there's no bad affect on mmbers I can think of...And Prankster wants people to discuss it, but only with supporting or constructive criticism, which your posts aren't.




I'm pretty sure you haven't read the whole thread...You probably just read the title, saw the letters/number F2P, and decided that it stunk. Please read the whole first post, and try to read most of the topic.




Did you actually write to Jagex saying "Tell me F2P don't deserve any updates!!!". If F2P don't get updates, a lot of them will quit, and they are potential members, potential money for Jagex. I hope you can understand that Jagex doesn't want F2P to quit because they don't get updates.




Give us some logical proof why F2P don't deserve more bank space, instead of going to Jagex to beg them to agree with you. Jagex obviously won't agree, for the reasons I and others have stated. You can't always rely on Jagex to not give F2P updates, I have a feeling that they will be getting more and more updates, probably 2 or more a year. This year, there has already been the SoS and the new prayers, both good additions of F2P and P2P. Remember, everything F2P gets, P2P get. Although this suggestion may not be for P2P, Jagex may decide to give anothe row to both.




Good job Prankster, you've gotten about 75 supporters! And a few of them are members too! Good luck with getting more supporters...


Cenin pân nîd, istan pân nîd, dan nin ú-cenich, nin ú-istach.

Ithil luin eria vi menel caran...Tîn dan delu.

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The message I sent to custom support, said this:


I have visted many fansite forums in the past weeks and have noticed there is an ample amount Non-Members(F2P) complaing about the lack of updates, and bank space. I as a P2P believe I deserve the updates more as I provide Jagex with the nesseceary funds to do so. However f2p updates do not seem possidle as they hardly contribute anything to Jagexs funds. Makeing it hardly economicaly feesable to do so.


I was wondering if I could get an explination, from Jagex staff only, as to why f2p does not get many updates, and why more bank space hasnt been added.






Its in no way asking jagex to agree with me.

Its better to be judged by twelve, than to be carried by six.

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To Seahawk:




You still haven't given us a good explanation as to why we shouldn't get more bank space. You have told us that we shouldn't get more updates because we don't pay... That is hardly a good reason. You want to know how Jagex profits from us?




I. The ads we click gives them money.




II. We tell our friends about Runescape. Our friends might become members some day, therefore giving Jagex more money. Our friends tell their friends, and it goes on and on...




That is how Jagex profits from us.




Now why is it again that you don't think we should get some more bank space?






To everyone else:




Thank's again for the support. I will count up the names on the petition and post the total once I add the newest names.



[bleep], my parrot has better grammar than you.

{Author of Tip.It Times article}{Founder of the F2P Bankspace Campaign}{Interviewed for the Gielinor Tribune}{F2P Bankspace was ACHIEVED!}

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Once again, Jagex uses the lack of bank space, skills, updates etc. etc., as a marketing tool to draw in members. If Jagex gave f2p everything theyt wanted then there would be no point in p2p, and Jagex would become bankrupt. The majority of people who play do not click on the ads, infact I bet 80% of all f2ps do not click the ads. Everyone was f2p at one point, f2p doesnt give Jagex the efficent funds just by inviting friends. Yes it is if they do become p2p, but thats not f2p support.

Its better to be judged by twelve, than to be carried by six.

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Once again, Jagex uses the lack of bank space, skills, updates etc. etc., as a marketing tool to draw in members. If Jagex gave f2p everything theyt wanted then there would be no point in p2p, and Jagex would become bankrupt. The majority of people who play do not click on the ads, infact I bet 80% of all f2ps do not click the ads. Everyone was f2p at one point, f2p doesnt give Jagex the efficent funds just by inviting friends. Yes it is if they do become p2p, but thats not f2p support.




All we are asking for is more bank space. We aren't running around asking for Dragon Armour, barrows, farming and construction skills, and all of those member benefits. all we want is some more bank space for all of those random event outfits and holiday items that Jagex gives us.




You think that us telling our friends, who later become members, isn't supporting Jagex? Lol! How do you think all of those members got there in the first place? They heard about Runescape from someone else, thought it was cool, and payed for membership.






I have counted the names. The current total number of supporters is 103!



[bleep], my parrot has better grammar than you.

{Author of Tip.It Times article}{Founder of the F2P Bankspace Campaign}{Interviewed for the Gielinor Tribune}{F2P Bankspace was ACHIEVED!}

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Once again, Jagex uses the lack of bank space, skills, updates etc. etc., as a marketing tool to draw in members.




Yes, that's the main reason that F2P don't have a lot of bank space. But almost no one becomes a member for bank space. When I became a member, I didn't even think about it.




If Jagex gave f2p everything theyt wanted then there would be no point in p2p, and Jagex would become bankrupt.




F2P are going to get everything they want. Neither is P2P. And no one ever said anything about F2P getting all of P2P, or anything about F2P getting everything they want. All these people are asking for is 8-12 more bank spaces, not anything else.




he majority of people who play do not click on the ads, infact I bet 80% of all f2ps do not click the ads.




Yes, not a lot of people click on the ads. But the money that Jagex gets from the few people clicking on ads is about enough to keep F2P going.




Everyone was f2p at one point, f2p doesnt give Jagex the efficent funds just by inviting friends.




By inviting friends, they are inviting potential members. Potential members mean potential money.




Yes it is if they do become p2p, but thats not f2p support.


I answered most of this above...But I don't get what you mean by F2P support. You mean giving Jagex money while being F2P? Well, they probably will invite more friends. Those friends are once again potential members, potential money. That's F2P support...Especially if the friends they invited became P2P first...




I'm done ranting for now, so good bye and have a nice day.


Cenin pân nîd, istan pân nîd, dan nin ú-cenich, nin ú-istach.

Ithil luin eria vi menel caran...Tîn dan delu.

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