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Really makes me wish KT was still around... :(








At least those guys can put up a tough fight.

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BD Robin Hood2's clan was known as a bad, or a villan clan. In my opinion you can't have the good without the bad, and tW was founded on fighting the villans, which brought some of the greatest players in runescape together.


With so many trees in the city you could see the spring coming each day until a night of warm wind would bring it suddenly in one morning. Sometimes the heavy cold rains would beat it back so that it would seem that it would never come and that you were losing a season out of your life. But you knew that there would always be the spring as you knew the river would flow again after it was frozen. When the cold rains kept on and killed the spring, it was as though a young person had died for no reason. In those days though the spring always came finally but it was frightening that it had nearly failed.

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okay in my defence and not wanting to steel this thread I did not steel the Knights Of Honors' name. we are the Knights Of Honour. diffrent spelling. also we wher made a year ago and I will respect that the Knights Of Honor may be a little older but we do have a diffrent name and command structure. also I had no idea you existed way back then and even did alot of reserch to make sure in advance.








now on to the notion of villiens. their are truely vilenus clans out their. in my opinion runescape does not need them as they are truely evil and without remorse. some go so far as to plant agents in other clans to asasinate their kings when the king is not even aware of their existance.




others pride themselves on manipulateing players to turn on their own frends. need I go on?

Clan Moderator from December 15th 2006- August 20th 2007

Founder of: Terran Gamers, formerly known as Militos Deci

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the clans that sit and wait above the scorpions in the 54 wild, then let 1 of the members they dont care about, peacfully strole past the axe hut. flame alil to whoevers in the hut, bother them alil, and then... after all that taunting. the solo wilderness wanderer takes off flying to the clan.








thats what an evil clan is.
















oh wait i ment sad not even :-w

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Look theres villains to everyone. Say ur fighting a clan you sugjest your the good guys and there the bad guys. But some people say that the winners of clan wars are good guys, cause everyone knows good guys always win :thumbsup: \' And theres also when your fighting someone for a one on one then someone hits you, the one who hit you and double teamed is known as a bad guy. But i dont really know if people talk it like that, clans arent really honorable. Mostly names like "killer guys" "gladz" "will pwn yo @ss" those clans are known as bad cause of there clan name. Well thats my opgnion pretty long eh? LOL well.

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have a seat, and fire away, monky :)

Former Leader of The Tal Shiar Alliance - An Original Tip.it Clan
Member of the Wilderness Guardians and Founder of the Silent Guardians
Founder of The Conclave - A Tip.it Clan institution
Tip.it Times author (click for all my articles) - When I use the wrong reasons to make the right statement, argue the reason, not the statement.
MSSW4 General - Did we kick your ass too?

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Bringing it back to its topic:








Evil... do evil clans actually exist? Do we not need to define what an evil clan is first?








I'll have a go:




To me, an evil man is a person who inflicts damage (physical, emotional, material, or otherwise) without any cause, nor any morals.








So what does make a clan evil? A clan that is willingly and knowingly immoral in principle and practise. A clan that commits immoral acts can be considered an evil clan.








Now, within the runescape community, only a limited number of actions can be considered immoral;




- Breaking of rules agreed upon prior of going to war (such as calling in a ton of allies).




- Running large scamming operations (especially the ones requiring multiple people to execute).




- Pilejumpers after Deathmatches




- And ofcoruse, any actions directly targetting another clan (crashing events, spying, slander, sabotaging, hacking into forums, and anything else that will deliberately destroy a clan)








Now every clan can have one or 2 rival clans, usually it was formerly 1 clan, but split up. That these clans are at eachothers throat is expected. But when a clan is out to destroy other clans from within, for whatever reason, can be considered an actual evil clan. The problem however is that there is little profit or gain from destroying other clans on a continuous basis.








So in my opinion, there are no truly evil clans out there.












But I can only asume that this thread was started to get a good side/bad side argument going. In this case, with the many thousands of clans out there, sides (wether it is good/bad or just red/blue) dont really matter.








Atleast, not now they dont.




If you want sides to matter, make a forum where ONLY clan leaders can visit, noone else. Have the so called Saradomin-supporting clans declare war on all Zamorak related clans, and have them unite.




Only by starting a conflict that you can fight fanatically will you be able to have the front that the wars are fought on widen to a point where you can speak of actual sides.








So call out to everyone and randomly declare war on other clans "just cuz yur sara clan" for all I care... And fight mean. And if they flame you on forums, laugh at them, for you know who won in the wild.








Wars can then be fought on multiple fronts, with many weapons at your disposal; Economics, Politically, simply with brute force in the wild, and even some of the more immoral methods I mentioned earlier.








Then the large skill clans can become economic powerhouses that supply the mercenary pure clans with the means to aid a larger clan in the defeat of another large clan.




That is how wars can be fought, and how it makes Runescape politically and on a clan-ary level a lot more interesting.

Former Leader of The Tal Shiar Alliance - An Original Tip.it Clan
Member of the Wilderness Guardians and Founder of the Silent Guardians
Founder of The Conclave - A Tip.it Clan institution
Tip.it Times author (click for all my articles) - When I use the wrong reasons to make the right statement, argue the reason, not the statement.
MSSW4 General - Did we kick your ass too?

Check us out!
==> No seriously, if you like FREE GP, XP and Dung tokens, as well as Community, Opportunity and above all FUN... <==

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Yeh, clans do do something bad sometime. I'm thinking he's referring to clans that are founded just to be bad. I don't know any clans like that, maybe someone could fill me in?








Reign of Terror
















They started out as a clan who disliked and broke the unwritten honor codes that the rest of the clan world went by, for publicity and for spite. They crashed every f2p war they found out about, and every p2p war they could. They even crashed fun events!








But they became a large problem to the rest of the clans, and an anti-no-honor alliance was set up to protect wars from no-honor clans including RoT. The strategy of protecting wars worked well enough to make it not worth it economically for RoT to keep crashing wars, in the free world at least.








They appear to be trying to regain the respect of the clan world now, and are planning a fight pits fun event on New Years, but they are known for tricking the trustworthy, so I dunno what they're going to do.








They were definitely founded just to be bad, but the clan scene is much more complicated than cops and robbers, heroes and villains. Basically, anyone who's not your ally is your enemy, but should be treated like a person whenever clans are not involved.

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There already are No Honor clans, im not sure what you would consider to be more villan like.








not true their is at least one clan based on honour- the Knights Of Honour




we pride ourselves in being honourble in all we do. but on the note of disshonouble or downright vilioness clans their are some. in fact we are at war with one of them already after a terrible betrail that has led us down the road to civil war.








KOH isn't the only honorable clan out there \'


.::::'The' Clan - 8+ Years And Still Going::::.

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Yeh, clans do do something bad sometime. I'm thinking he's referring to clans that are founded just to be bad. I don't know any clans like that, maybe someone could fill me in?








Reign of Terror
















They started out as a clan who disliked and broke the unwritten honor codes that the rest of the clan world went by, for publicity and for spite. They crashed every f2p war they found out about, and every p2p war they could. They even crashed fun events!








But they became a large problem to the rest of the clans, and an anti-no-honor alliance was set up to protect wars from no-honor clans including RoT. The strategy of protecting wars worked well enough to make it not worth it economically for RoT to keep crashing wars, in the free world at least.








They appear to be trying to regain the respect of the clan world now, and are planning a fight pits fun event on New Years, but they are known for tricking the trustworthy, so I dunno what they're going to do.








They were definitely founded just to be bad, but the clan scene is much more complicated than cops and robbers, heroes and villains. Basically, anyone who's not your ally is your enemy, but should be treated like a person whenever clans are not involved.








That is very accurate and detailed, and I agree completely with it.








RoT are now the main No-Honour clan, now that NI is pretty much dead (its leader joined rot). They are pretending to be good in order to get ranked, but I advise everyone to stay wise to what they're doing. Once you are NH, you can't just go Honourable in a click.

.: 123 Combat :.



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If villains there would probaly have to be like a RPG Story line sort of thing.








You could say villains are all PKing clans cause just go instant quite often how that being.Although people with crosses above there head do not count as instant

Runescape - Currently In-active and a cancelled membership due to a broken computer and a cabbage laptop!



(Previously 'Darkknightider', wow that was a bad name :p)

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