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Wp jokes.


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"Wow, [insert person I accidentally pm] is a total loser. He's coming on to you in Runescape? LOL."


"*^$% WP!"




That's happened to me before. I was talking with someone about a player we both didn't like all that much, and that certain player happened to be listed on my buddy list right above the person I was talking with >_<.




If you didn't like them 'all that much', why were they on your buddy list? Shallow much?

Why is 'common sense' so named, when there is so little of it about?

Welcome to puberty, we've been expecting you.


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i useally say this to me guy friends "ive got a bank pin...do u have a pin?"




To which I would reply, "Ya, do you have a balloon?"




Ask a silly question...

Why is 'common sense' so named, when there is so little of it about?

Welcome to puberty, we've been expecting you.


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Me, another friend, and some loser we picked up in the wildy as a 3 man team:




My friend and I were going to BS this dude because he kept "accidentally" attacking us in multi every time we found someone to PK, so we were going to get another mage friend to come and pretend to pk her, but then all 3 of us turn around and own that noob. It would've worked except for:




Me pming the noob: ok when [my mage friend] comes atk her for a bit then get the noob


5 seconds later


Me: $!&$ wp...




this happened to me to on my pure >.<


so as soon as i herd this i attacked them


we were a good team to




the pm said:




make sure when u come lure him into multi so we can kill him




he had the loot for our 3+ pks prob 500k worth


i killed the meleer and he pmed me back saying he got hacked and needed money


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This one is my favorite -- I did it to my friend on purpose.












But there is one that I always find myself guilty of and it does get annoying sometimes lol.




Bob logs in.


To Joe: Hey Bob whats up!


From Joe: ?


To Joe: Woops wp lol


To Joe: Hey Bob whats up!


From Joe: ...


To Joe: God...Wp


Bob logs out.








Happens all the time =\

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I had this friend,whom I shall call "A",for fun who was doing Itchlarin's L'il Helper. He was worried he'd die,so he asked me if I could gauge.It so happened my sister was online...Here's what happened




From A:Will the mummy pwn me?


To sister:No,mummy is easy to kill.


From sister:What the ****?I happen to love mum!








so i herd u liek devarts?

If you look at me and feel offended by my 666-ism,think.I could be just as offended by your "cross".

[hide=This's why I'm hot]

The Eleventh Commandment:Thou Shalst only say "Amen,brother".

Amen, brother :lol:

Amen, brudda (referring to the 10th commandment)

amen Bruder! (german ftw)

I'm invulnerable to everything, except Lenin and Dragoonson.

That's impossible.


I love people.[/hide]

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As I'm sure most of you know that are my friends, I've been doing a lot of "Wp" jokes, or, you say something embarrasing, then yell "WP!!". Quite fun. :)




Anyways, here are some of mine:




"Could you play 'It's raining men!'?"




"I love you"




"I like [insert your gender] too"




"Will you marry me?"




Give some of your examples.




Please note: KEEP THIS CLEAN!Although, if you want some of my dirtier ones, pm me.




no...just no.

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I recently asked toast when he had last seen bbq__sauce, but accidentally sent it to tallest. I got some response like "Mmm... BBQ toast *drools* Wait, what?"








I usually invite Or_Trade_Me (mod) to come pk then purposely say yeah we're bsing or trade me to him <3: :lol:


Come to #tip-it on Swift IRC, if you're cool

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I was on the recieving end of this one. I had a bf in real life, who played RS who had just dumped me. Well, he and another friend were talking about it...




Him: Yeah, I don't see why she's taking it so hard


Me: ...


*He logs in and out several times*


Him: Erm... Sorry about that...

Owner of quest cape since December of 2006


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this guy i knew...


him: can we do stuff with cheese and strawberries?


me: wat?








it happend to this girl i know irl...




her: yeah ofcours i like doing nasty stuff and playing with my self i do it with u all te time girl!


me: whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa?!


her: *$&*$)( omfg!!!! wp!!!!!!!!!!






this 1 i love!


some guy: i love you so much im willing to pay you to live with me!


me: im...not attracted to guys...


him: *blush blush* sorry wp




ofcours i knew all of those were meant for someone else before they said that but i like acting like im not it always comes out funny...


support new ghostly stuff here.

I see RuneScape slowly turning into a sadistic version of WoW.

.signature your as this use backwards this read to enough smart were you If
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This isn't a joke, it really happened.


On the forums, people have posted that (Insert Rs player who is very high on the highscores here) is very nice to people that talk with him, so I added him to my friends list.




My rl friend was chatting with me on runescape, claiming he got a whip. I didn't believe him, so I asked him to tell me if you could train strength while using it. He said yes. Anyone who has a whip can check and see that you can't, so I knew he was lying, and didn't actually have a whip.




I pm'ed my friend, typing out 'You are dumber than a sack of fish,' and I sent it. Ohes Noes! I accidentally sent it to (Insert Rs player who is very high on the highscores here)! I quickly message him, WP! I get an 'LOL,' and (Insert Rs player who is very high on the highscores here) logs out, probably setting his chat to private.




*goes back to training strength with a whip on accurate*

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Around a month ago, I was buying a d axe from leesters and talking to my friend who was asking about who Leesters was... Then I started a huge pm thing and it all ended up going to Leester's chat <.< He called me a goober after that, lol ::'

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I enjoy it when a lurer or a scammer is discussing the scam with his friend, and basically confesses the whole thing to you, the victim. Then he realizes his mistake and logs out!








Scam101: Get ready to attack the nub. he doesn't suspect a thing! he'll walk in the wild with 5mil in items and we'll own him.


Warren211: ????


Scam101 has logged out.






Lol, the scammer owns himself!


tip it would pay me $500.00 to keep my clothes ON :( :lol:
But then again, you fail to realize that 101% of the people in this universe hate you. Yes, humankind's hatred against you goes beyond mathematical possibilities.
That tears it. I'm starting an animal rebellion using my mind powers. Those PETA bastards will never see it coming until the porcupines are half way up their asses.


Apparently a lot of people say it. I own.


http://linkagg.com/ Not my site, but a simple, budding site that links often unheard-of websites that are amazing for usefulness and fun.

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I enjoy it when a lurer or a scammer is discussing the scam with his friend, and basically confesses the whole thing to you, the victim. Then he realizes his mistake and logs out!








Scam101: Get ready to attack the nub. he doesn't suspect a thing! he'll walk in the wild with 5mil in items and we'll own him.


Warren211: ????


Scam101 has logged out.






Lol, the scammer owns himself!




lol that happen me to..




scamer:I'm not gonna scam this guy he has a quest cape lol




:XD: he was to have a huge drop party where i was invited but he resceduled the time and then happened to send me this. (wonder how they were to scam me...)




and a other one that i begun thinking "this is yet an other one of those watching my movies`making a joke.."




player: darling wanna go out to day?


me: O_o


player:oo.. sorry wp




other one (same player as the one before, he must be bad at choosing who to write to lol)




player: didn't see you at school to day... whats up?


me: ooo..i didn't know what school to go to X) (wp? lol)


player: ye sorry =P


Dyslexia lvl 99, Youtube:3D RS, My 3D on Tif, My Runetrack, My Tif Profile

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Some of the people on my list are there, and I don't really know who they are. I think they're just people I added because of trades, and was too busy to remove them. So anywho, this guy on my list who hadn't spoken to me in a while messaged me:






Him: "What does wp mean?"




Me: "Wrong person..."




Him: "Yes, sorry"






At first, I was like "What-now?". Then I read it again, and started laughing. He thought that I asked him if he had sent the message to the wrong person, but I was just answering his question... Hehe.


This also works as a prank, I've tried it before. But if you get a reply like "WP means Wrong Person", you're doomed, and might as well log out :D




Speaking of pranks, I like to do a little prank on a random person, with his/her private chat on. I usually gather up with 4 to 5 friends, we find a person, then we all add him/her, and teleport away.


I'll call the friends "Friend #1, Friend #2" etc.




Friend #1 to Random Player: Hello, is Dave there?




He gets a reply




Friend #2 to Random Player: Hello, is Dave there?




He gets a reply as well




Friend #3 to Random Player: Hi, may I speak to Dave?




He gets a reply




Friend #4 to Random Player: Hello, is Dave there?




A little angry, the random player probably replies "NO!" or something like that.




Then, once all the friends have messaged the random guy, it's your time to message him.




You to Random Player: Hi, it's Dave. Did anybody ask for me?




The random guy will be like "What in the holy...?"


Too bad that you cannot see the guy's real reaction. I could just picture him looking at the screen, terrified... :shock:


Thanks to Jwrm22 for helping me with the signature :D

Have a look at my 'Land of Fakes'

Private chat ON, give me a HYT and I'll HYT you back :D

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I've accidentally said some stuff to people .. It's annoying when people log in at the time you click and you click on them.




Or when you're typing fast and you don't pay 100% attention to who you're clicking on, you just think it's right person lol.




I've accidentally said er .. personal stuff.



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See didn't I tell you it was very hard and long?




At this point I was wondering what the hell he was talking about, turns out it was a quest...

Your name is "bet you fail", and you're starting a business with your mom? I'm not even going to touch that.....
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From Soma2035: Wrong person sorry.


From Soma2035: Just great... told the wrong person sorry for pming the wrong person...


Haha thats hilarious when it happens

2480+ total

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this guy i knew...


him: can we do stuff with cheese and strawberries?


me: wat?








it happend to this girl i know irl...




her: yeah ofcours i like doing nasty stuff and playing with my self i do it with u all te time girl!


me: whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa?!


her: *$&*$)( [omg]!!!! wp!!!!!!!!!!






this 1 i love!


some guy: i love you so much im willing to pay you to live with me!


me: im...not attracted to guys...


him: *blush blush* sorry wp




ofcours i knew all of those were meant for someone else before they said that but i like acting like im not it always comes out funny...


Wow, my friend did that to me today, maybe he read this thread. :XD:

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Guest under_sweet

or...this example




(clicks first name in friends list)


me:yeh ill meet you in ardy


anotherplayer has logged in


(looking up and seeing the another player name and thinking i pmed them)


(clicks first name in friends list)


me: oh sorry wp...


you:so you dont want to meet in ardy?


me:oh wait...no nvm about wp


you:never mind about wrong person?


me:ill meet you in ardy!


you:MAKE UP YOUR MIND!!!!!!!!

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