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How many of u will actually play on X-mas day?


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Why the hell would anyone play on CHRISTMAS?! :shock:
















if you are a dork, have no friends, and no life, and are bored.








that pretty much summs up my reasons for doing anything on the internet. no friends, no life, and lack of brain stimulation. sorry for the cynicism.








So you just called pretty much everyone n the world, inc yourself what you just said?








I dont think Bill Gates would be pleased to hear that...:P (Mac ftw!)



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We're doing the whole Christmas thing on Christmas Eve and during the day on Christmas. In the evening, I'll be back at my house and quietly spend the rest of my day there, giving my stomach a chance to regain its balance. So playing RS is a definite possibility. Everything that requires no brain stimulation will be.

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Why the hell would anyone play on CHRISTMAS?! :shock:
















Why wouldn't. My family is so freaking boring I always hate families days and moslty I don't go, but I have to; so probably I'll play a little less, but I'll deffenitly will!








(Note: Chrismas in Holland isn't as big as in the US)

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I'll be on twice. First after I look at my stocking, I'll play while my parents get up and breakfast cooks (we eat before opening anything but stocking), if I have the time. Then at night when we go to bed I'll be on a bit.

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Nope, (not that I play to much anyway) but i'll be giving and receiving presents with my beloved family :P. Also my aunt is expecting a baby on christmas day so that could turn out quite eventful. But to all you guys saying you will be playing on Christmas it's up to you but the way I look at it Christmas only comes around once a year so might as well make the most of it!

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I'm not a sad no lifer and anyone who says that I am doesn't know me well. Christmas for my family is a fantastic occasion but also a time of relaxation and fun.




I doubt I'll get on until the afternoon because the morning is full of stockings, presents, food, excitement, phone calls etc. But after you've opened your presents you can't just sit around all day! I'm not five or six anymore, I don't get loads of toys and games. My presents are most likely going to be clothes, CDs, books and other useful objects which aren't things that you can 'Do' on Christmas day; they have a lasting effect and not an immediate one.




OK, enough blab, what I'm trying to say is, I won't be getting any new games or whatnot so I'll probably spend an hour in the afternoon on RS to relax, do what I enjoy doing, and say Hello to some of my great friends :)


Thanks Choas for the Avatar and Petry for the sig (You know who you are) :)

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I find it interesting that a fair few people are celebrating 'Christmas' on the 24th. Why?








There's not a chance in hell i'll be on RS over Xmas. Christmas Eve will be a chaotic night out so Xmas morning will probably be peaceful recovering and slowly opening my few presents, then heading off to relatives for a massive meal and an evening-night of talking/games/drink. I get on really well with my extended family and look forward to spending a few days together. Boxing day will be more of the same with different relatives and i'll probably get back on RS the day after that :)

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Who has swim practice let alone any practice on christmas?
















and i hope its not a outside pool to.. #-o

we have all done this before

one time i woke up sleeping under my bed with a jello and a spoon lol :ohnoes:

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