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How I lost my items - by scamming, dying and others


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I remember being lured into the wild back in 07' - lost around 2m (which was a lot for me back then) but I think that was the last time i ever got scammed, and I've made over 80m since then. Ah, the good ole' days..

~ | Miracle | ~








Love the life you've got, because you never know when it'll be taken away.

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  • 2 months later...

I bought a yellow cape for 4k.

Because i wanted to look cool.




Oh yea one of my good friend back in like 07 tryed to lure for my dlegs and mystic top and i THINK dh axe or abby whip, Lured me into like 17 wild and i started getting barraged. Good thing they werent smart enough to teleblock.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Oh boy. Where to start.


Well today i disconnected at bandos JUST as my friend teleports out and i lose full elite void and an imbued berserker ring. (Good thing i had protect item on or you could add a fury to that list)

Then later when i was getting revenge on bandos with a freind, on the very last kill my friend died risking a lot, so like a good friend i waited for the grave to appear, bless it and tele the hell out of there with 200 lifepoints and no food... Predictabley, I got destroyed. GF another few m. I did manage to bless the grave though :)


Few weeks ago a close RL friend of mine quit runescape. That's a shame but wheres the loss for me? I had lent him 90m he was meant to be paying back. We're still close friends no matter what, and i understand that if he wants to quit he really shouldn't be oblieged to make back my pixels first, but it's still kind of a kick in the balls. Oh well, i'm sure he'll pay me back in booze. :D (ZOMG RWT)


A month ago i anti-rushed a clawer for his claws and teled as he died because i didn't realise he was actually dead and didn't want to be KO'd by his second special. Anyhow, i ran back as fast as i could, couldn't remember where i killed him, and there i see it. A pair of dragon claws, when my total bank was only about 5m at the time, i click it and freak out as my character nears it... Nope. It appears to everyone else, and one the 700 looters standing on the pile gets it, along with everything else. I think i got a amulet of glory out of the whole pile.


It feels good to vent out. I suppose i shouldn't be too mad, i have gotten 5 BCP duo splits in the past few days with less than 300 graardor kills. (0 tassets or boots, only 1 hilt. O.o)


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  • 3 weeks later...

I just diced my bank... :(



I know the feeling, same thing just happened to me last night except with staking.


A few days ago I turned 6M into 20M at the duel arena. Last night I went back with that 20M. Won a few 1M stakes and was at 24M. Lost a few 1Ms, then lost a 2M, then a 3M. After losing 8 fights in a row I was finally down to 15M. I figured after all of that I have to win this next fight and staked it all. I was quite unhappy when I started off the fight with a long series of 0s while my opponent couldn't seem to miss and hit a few 100s in a row. Needless to say I lost. My opponent had over 3/4 of his hp at the end and called me a nub when I said "gf". :rolleyes:


Back to glacors I guess.

99 HP, Attack, Strength, Defence, Summoning, Ranged, Herblore, Prayer, Agility, Magic, Slayer, Fletching, Fishing, Woodcutting, Mining, and Thieving.


Jagex'd out of my untrimmed hp cape on 6/14/2011.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I walked in the wild with 12m because i thought the *items kept on death* worked in the wild, sadly i didnt check before i walked in.

I got blitzed/clawed and then gfed




If you want to check what you'll lose in the wild, you can click 'what if I entered the wilderness' on the IKOD interface.

I'm not an efficienado.

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Ommggzzzzzz scammed 10k quitting rs 4 lyf D: D: D: !!1one!!!!11


ok not really quitting but I was "scammed" 10k.


I was standing at the G.E. derping around and then some guy starts saying "doubling money" (which you can see pretty much anytime at the ge).

Usually, with money doublers, you can offer a "test" trade to prove that they're legit and then just leave after they pay you back double. This is usually a small amount to lure you into trading more next time. In this case the guy was lvl 110 (this is an f2p world btw) so I assumed that he was at least relatively rich....


me: test trade?

lvl 110: ok.

I give him 10k .

me: can i haz money nao?

lvl 110: Omg

lvl 110: UR SO DUMB.

*logs off*

As you can assume I was absolutely infuriated and proceeded to report him, rage about it in chat, alt+F4, saw my computer in half, throw it out the window, cry, and jump out the window along with the computer.

Meanwhile at the lvl 110's house: I can imagine him as if he were Smeagol after obtaining the ring. YESSS IT'S FINALLY OURS!!!

Let me remind you again that he was lvl 110....scammers these days >.>

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  • 2 weeks later...

I haven't been lured anywhere like some of you guys are saying. I lost a load of my items by having my account hacked! I couldnt log in so I went through the usual process and when I got back into my account everything of any value was gone!


Hackers and scammers... There is no place for you on Runescape! Jagex do away with them!

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  • 4 weeks later...

I've only been scammed one time and that was atleast 2 years ago, i was trying to buy a rune scimmy and i derped into the bait and switch with a mith scimmy. Back then that was a tone of money for me =(


Now its like i wipe my ass with it ;)


That must hurt...

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  • 2 weeks later...

I remember I got a 2 day ban back in the day for "scamming" someone. I offered him a load of expensive items +25k cash for rune legs. I then took away the cash and we both accepted. He got more than fair deal but then followed me threatening to report me unless I gave the legs back. I don't think he gave me the items back but I still got a 2 day ban.


Another time many moons ago I just said to some abusive noob "I am a mod". Literally that's all I said. I log in later that day and it says "You have been banned for 5 days"


Oh the injustice! The young muska007 just created a new account, mined some coal and drop traded myself as soon as I was unbanned :coolface:

proud owner of bunny ears and scythe (rsc fo lyf)


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  • 3 weeks later...

waaay back in the day I used to scam people all the time, people would sit in the varrock east bank and sell pure essence 1000 for 100k (this was before it actually said 100k it just said 100000) so I would put up 100k and they would put up 1000 pure ess, I would "accidentally" click decline, then I would offer 10k because the difference between 100000 and 10000 was hard to notice especially because you want to hurry up because of the time I wasted by declining (pure ess people are busy) and I would walk away with a 90k profit 90% of the time they didn't even notice until after I was gone, wasn't reported once either.

this even worked the opposite way, I would offer up 1000 pure ess decline and reoffer 100, because they would be in such a rush they wouldn't notice, although 100-1000 is much easier to notice than 10000-100000 so I got caught a few times


those were the good ol days.


oh speaking of hacking, I got hacked once, this was when I was retired but still F2P, and a friend told me I was logging on and not talking to them, so I changed my info and got it back, when I got on it I had raised 10 magic levels (60-70) had 200+ blood runes and had gained 400k cash with no items missing, in fact I had also gained a Zamorak staff and cape. Guess I was a lucky one ^-^

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