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Behind the Scenes - January


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I wonder how they're going to remove the scroll bar from the magic interface. The icons are rather small already. I hope they don't do what they did with the prayer and skill page; the little popup boxes are rather annoying.








I really hope it doesn't end up looking like the prayer or skill pages, even though that's probably how they are going to get rid of the scroll bar. I think those little boxes are annoying also. I wish the skills page would go back to the way it was.

122 Combat : 99 Hits : 99 Attack : 99 Strength

97/99 Defence : 99 Fletching : 99 Woodcutting

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In our second quest this month, Larry the zoo-keeper will need your help. He, like the rest of the adventuring community, knows thereÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢s something not quite right about those shifty, beak twitching, fish guzzling penguins. He, too, has seen them plotting behind closed doors - always watching, forever watching... But nobody will believe him. He's close to losing his job, but that really isn't what he's worried about, since there won't be a job if humanity falls beneath their evil flippers. No, stop laughing, this is serious stuff! You'll be adventuring north, beyond Miscellania and into the Lunar Sea, building secret bird hides and trying to find out the secrets behind the Cold War. A new Agility course and some of the funniest animations we have seen will await those who dare challenge the might of these feathered fiends.












Cold War with penguins lol



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FINALLY! It was going to happen sometime! Penguin revolution! This is EXACTLY what I have been waiting for since I saw them disguised as sheep in Lumbridge! Oh how January will make me very happy indeed (unless it needs Lunar Diplomacy...)



Legends Quest Completed 4th April 2007 Combat Level 79


Visit my blog! The MrVegetable Diaries

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High level quest? I'm guessing "Must be able to kill a level 60 monster who only uses melee."


:^_^: I drew that smilie, btw, along with a few more used by this site.

Classic bloodveld for lyph3! Although I do like the new ones.

Like a ninja, here I was, gone I am now.

BUT! I may be back! Add my new account, Dr Bloodveld!

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you must be kidding... i've just reached 50 runecrafting, and just going to get one or two more smithing levels (for easier stew) and will do the last quest, then now... another one i probably can't just do on the day... *sigh*








prays that it at last will be a good reward

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High level quest? I'm guessing "Must be able to kill a level 60 monster who only uses melee."








Those were my thoughts when I saw that too. Hopefully it's the most difficult quest yet, none of the others were too difficult at all =/

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Only things which mainly interest me are








-what skills for that minigame




-what does jagex means with high level quests ... from previous experience it's indeed 70-ish attack and such needed at it's best ... not high leveld, at all












:| But yea we'll see what jagex comes up with.












Found it kinda funny how jagex put the "high level quest" in bold though, it's like saying "here you have your high level quest where you moaned for" ... but that's probably just me

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An Agility Update!!! Huzzar!!! \' Well done and that High Level quest seems very interesting, thank goodness I have done the other quest in Sophenam :D Barbarian Assult eh? Could we be getting the Barbarian items or even new Clothing? :-k Seems Like a good month!

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high lvl quest :o no more low lvl quest point capers :twisted:








I am quite sure it wont be harder than Desert Treasure, RFD, or legends.

It better be :|




Every single quest we have so far has been flat out easy in terms of combat.

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