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Which item in your bank gathers the most dust?


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The hats and scarfs from Christmas 2005








destroy them then.








Anyway, a golden sun bowl that i refuse to get rid of...i'm extremely clingy to items.

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Holy Wrench








"Nuff Said








why? ive easily used mine 20 times more then my glarias amulet, that thing rocks for prayer boost's. i even use it @ barrows








I have just never used it....I Rarely have to pot up at barrows.....1 in 6 chance if i get karil in tunnel.....so its useless to me....








I would rather have extra food =p

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Death talismans, got 5 of them. Dont need them anywhere but I'm still saving them for a drop party I might need to host one day... :-#




they are untradable




anyway my most unused item is well most of my bank, its all filled with crap really, except my armour i should clean my bank out but i never know what to keep.








They're tradeable, my brother lent me his to finish MEP2 so I never did the dwarf scavenger hunt thingy.

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Sadly, my Santa hats. I never wear them. I don't intend to sell them either... I bought them just for fun.








Oh well they'll be fun to have one day when there are less than 50 left in the game... :\








































Im sure the Orlyowl will want one if you dont want one :P

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