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Desert Treasure Overrated?


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Finished it yeaterday, only hard Part is Dessous because the first time he regenerated full health and thn the second time he died. I had so much food left over from the Ice guy that I did not have Inventory space to put the cakes in >.>

Wongton is better than me in anyway~~



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At the time of it's release, it was one of the ahrdest quests around. But now (some) players are getting more experienced, and there are neweer quests which have high level bosses, but are quite easy (ie. Dream Mentor).




I found DT quite easy, did it at about Combat 75; only found the Ice guy the hardest because I was out of food and was getting hit by the snow effect as I walked towards the trolls.

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now if we were talking about a quest with some requirements, like mourning ends part 2, without a guide, i'd agree it should be hard.




DT is a quest with low reqs. i wouldn't expect more from it than currently. we all know jagex bases their quests on having as many people as possible playing all the content.




I think the quest cape has ruined the dificulty levels on quests for the future a bit as well. too many people would loose their precious easy to get capes -.-

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DT I found to be a easy quest, I enjoyed doing DT but I also had a


good friend helping me out at the time. :)




Horror From The Deep quest well lets not even go there I died 3 times


doing that dang quest. :XD: BTW: I was level 75 at the time. <.<




I beat DT and Horror from the Deep at 72 Combat!! ::'




Lol I've done HFD on a lvl 31 pure ::'

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LOL like many have said, the quest is easy but the spells are the best for combat. I never died, and used 3 lockpicks, and around 80k on pots (pray, energy, sup resto). if u use Mage, its the easiest. damis was my first, easy kill with ppots. then dessuous, easy with Mage. then smoke. easy with Mage and energy pots, and kamil was simple with


fire bolt, chaos gaunts, and sup restores.

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I never died but I had to tele out when fighting damis, didn't bring enough prayer pots didn't think the prayer drain would be that bad. The biggest problem for me was my lack of thieving and agility made the pyramid and lockpicking a pain in the butt.



Wc'ing my way to 99 (Wish me luck)

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DT, is not a joke.




The rune HQ questguide is a joke. damis is a joke, RUSHING is a JOKE, using an obscene amount of supplies is a joke.






it's like having a gigantic mansion that everybody talks about and hypes up, and having run-down furniture and terrible smelling rug inside.




DT might look hard, but it's easy, certainly not a joke though.




i beat it at 53 combat ftw




died once at blood guy, he was ridiculous.




smoke guy was a laugh




damis was sooo easy.




kamil was a pain, cause my stats were low at the time and i had to restore every minute or two to continue using my fire spell.

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I had more problems getting to the bosses than fighting them... Fareed's dungeon really threw me for a loop in particular, I had to walk around to find everything first, walk back to make sure I remembered the way back (I am not very good with maps and my memory of them is awful) before I could even try the torch thing (which I initially had lots of problems finding).

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It is fairly easy when you think about it, I never fell, and it only took about 25k worth of food, potions and runes for me to beat it. And rushing is practically worthless.. :| Train on modern until you can burst if you really want to use ancients. Personally, I consider it a huge waste of cash.. But then, I'm not stinking rich.

There is no meaning or truth in life but that which we create for ourselves.


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Not a hard quest..with a guide.


If you actually attempted this quest without guide help as jagex probably first intended you would most likely find it a much, much harder quest to complete.




As for the reward. Back when pking/staking were parts of the game the quest was pretty much a necessary requirement for success.


My two cents :mrgreen:

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No, it was bloody hard!


Though tbh Monkey Madness is harder.




Damis and Kamil were very hard, Kamil was hard due to the fact the path there wasted the pots you brought, and I didn't being enough Ppots needed for Damis.




Pyramid was just annoying.




Other 2 bosses were very easy.

Doomy edit: I like sheep

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Hmm, when does Desert Treasure first came out? And what year is it now?




When DT first came out, do we have defender, piety, special range bolts, barrows, rfd gloves and easy to obtain whip(cheap whip)? Whereas now we have a much stronger and better equipment than before. What I'm implying is that as time passes, the desert treasure boss stay the same yet the players fighting them have better equipments than their predecessor and better tips and tricks too.




Yes, DT might be consider as a hard quest when it first came out and when players don't have such good equipments and extensive tips and tricks on defeating the boss. You can't consider Desert Treasure as Overrated if you come prepare [prediciting what the boss is using and preparing a counter solution to it], it is natural for you to think the quest is easily if you aready know what the boss would be using and the recommanded way to kill them.




If you would still insist DT as being overrated, you might just as well say quest guides are overrated instead and also blame jagex for not improving the Desert Treasure boss when they improve the equipments we could use.

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