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Rares - Estimate how many are left

The Dark Lord

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Anyways the lower demand for green halloween masks keep them below the value of Santa hats, correct?








Judging solely by their rarity you'd say that green masks are undervaluated, but because they are just much less popular their price relative to their rarity is much lower which is why they probably have roughly the same price as santa hats indeed.








didnt duke freedom have almost 400 santa hats before he was banned?









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I think most people underestimate the amount of rares left in the game, and I mean really underestimate.








There are a lot of people who probablly have secretly hoarded some rare, and others who have just left accounts with them. The amount of people banned with rares affects the total amount very little.








I don't think I or anyone (even Duke_Freedom said he could not) can estimate the amount though, there's too many variables to think about.








i agree :)

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Santas - 10.000




Green Halloween Masks - 6000




Blue Halloween Masks - 6000




Red Halloween Masks - 5000




Easter Eggs - 800




Disks of Returning - 150




Pumpkins - 150




Half Wines - 0




Purple P'Hat - 200




Yellow P'Hat - 300




Green P'Hat - 200




Red P'Hat - 200




White P'Hat - 250




Blue P'Hat - 150




Christmas Crackers - 100


Credits to Skully Sc for the signature.24picns.png

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Santas - 10000




Green Halloween Masks - 20000




Blue Halloween Masks - 18000




Red Halloween Masks - 15000




Easter Eggs - 20000




Disks of Returning - 900




Pumpkins - 15000




Half Wines - 150




Purple P'Hat - 1000




Yellow P'Hat - 1000




Green P'Hat - 1000




Red P'Hat - 1000




White P'Hat - 1000




Blue P'Hat - 1000




Christmas Crackers - 500








Numbers are probly WAY to high #-o :oops:


Happy to find I'm not the only one who eats glass.

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I doubt there are more than 25 half wines in the game.




It's been said in a Tip.It's article




If anchovies became 100% cookable, and you could no longer burn anchovies, how many burnt anchovies would there be in the game? Why would someone keep them if they used to be useless

Lamest attempt at a lure ever.
No, Ive seen "selling easter egg 5m must be level 78 77 or 76 and meet at varrock bar unarmed.
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In my opinion..rarest to least rare:








Half Wine








Disk of Returning








Party Hats




Easter Eggs
















You may think why pumpkin is rarer than party hat but ppl usually selling/buying cheaper rares so they are often seen traded...but it doesnt mean they are much more common...they just are much more merchanted.




Im sure there is more party hats than pumpkins...if old pumpkin were item you could equip like latest halloween item, price would be totally different...could be even above party hat.








There might be even more crackers what ppl think but they are not often seen because they are most expensive rares so ppl keep them saved and other point is that there is no correct market price for cracker so ppl dont want sell them too cheap...i would not even try to sell cracker or party hat so its easier to sell easter eggs or santas for quick cash...and their price doesnt change much compared to party hats.

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With so many trees in the city you could see the spring coming each day until a night of warm wind would bring it suddenly in one morning. Sometimes the heavy cold rains would beat it back so that it would seem that it would never come and that you were losing a season out of your life. But you knew that there would always be the spring as you knew the river would flow again after it was frozen. When the cold rains kept on and killed the spring, it was as though a young person had died for no reason. In those days though the spring always came finally but it was frightening that it had nearly failed.

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That sounds like an awful lot of Santa hats.








Anyways the lower demand for green halloween masks keep them below the value of Santa hats, correct? Really according to everyone's estimates, you all agree there are like 2-3k green masks but 10-20k Santa hats.








Not too long ago greens significantly higher than santas.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Santas - 10,000+




Green Halloween Masks - 10,000+/-




Blue Halloween Masks - 10,000+/-




Red Halloween Masks - 10,000+/-




Easter Eggs - 500




Disks of Returning - 250




Pumpkins - 700




Half Wines - 200




Purple P'Hat - 800




Yellow P'Hat - 700




Green P'Hat - 700




Red P'Hat - 700




White P'Hat - 700




Blue P'Hat - 700




Christmas Crackers - 50








remember, especially for the later rares such as masks and santas, there were a lot more people than at the beginning for the crackers and party hats. So there are actually a lot. And take this into consideration, even back before RS2 came out and RS truly became popular, there was I don't remember atleast 20,000 or so players at that time. So there was lots more drops and pick ups. :) So the numbers may be even higher for some.








I have to agree with that one :P



Add me if you so wish: SwreeTak

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With crackers, I think people are way off. I saw someone selling 22 crackers at once when they were around 200 mill. Its very possible there are several accounts that have them, and play, like this guy until around 1-2 years ago, but haven't sold 'em.

Kiss my axe.

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  • 7 months later...
I'd guess that there are nearly 10,000 santas out there, if not more.


I know of at least two people with over 500 santas each, which makes 10% of my guess right there.




There might be 1100 phats of each color, with a few more purples/pinks than the others.




I have no idea about the others, but I'd assume the rare with the fewest amount is half-wine.




what about disc of returning?




how did they get 500 santa's?`bought? i only managed 102 when they dropped =; :wink:


I believe one of them (Lord Liator - used to use this forum a bit back when rs2 came out) bought most of his, but I assume picked up a good amount from the initial drop.




As for the other person, I don't really know her personally, she's a friend of a friend. I think she bought most of em in rs1, but I can't be sure.


I've been told she has in excess of 500, while Liator has 500 exactly.




((I'm not saying I know Lord_Liator personally either, I just know for a fact that he has 500 santas, and that he even posted a bank picture with them ~2 years ago).




And as for disks of returning, I have no idea how many they number. I've only seen a total of ~5 in-game over the past 4 years :oops:




edit: found the bank pic that Lord Liator had posted:




I don't know the exact date it was taken, it was at the latest taken in Aug of 05.






I did not pick any santas. Only earn them by trading the rich (of course one of them include duke freedom and a few top 20 players at that time)and running errands since RSC. Still a pure F2P till now.... Most of my friends has very much quited the game. Need some help with the halloween quest 2007, pm in game. Some of the older player knows that I am a hard core chicken shooter of RSC. Lastly I truely think this is a great forum. :D

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Someone at the near beginning of this year did a illegal hex count, and there are thousands of "active" ones remaining, believe it or not, there are less Purples than Blues that are active (Party Hats).




It's just up to people if they want to believe these counts or not.




If I remember rightly, there was around 8,000 (+) Blues and only 3,000 Purples, I'll try find the exact number, I said it in a text file on my old PC.




There was around 600 Crackers by the way.

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Someone at the near beginning of this year did a illegal hex count, and there are thousands of "active" ones remaining, believe it or not, there are less Purples than Blues that are active (Party Hats).




It's just up to people if they want to believe these counts or not.




If I remember rightly, there was around 8,000 (+) Blues and only 3,000 Purples, I'll try find the exact number, I said it in a text file on my old PC.




There was around 600 Crackers by the way.




Ouch actually 8000 is a very small number. 1 million susbcribers right? So 8000 is less than 1%. No wonder I rarely see phats now.

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Hmm give me a minute I'll just do a very accurate global poll where everyone will tell me how many they got ;)






It's impossible to know, as far as we know there could be a few accounts with hundreds of raries, which noone knows about.


Runescaper since June 2005


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Just to chip in, I think that there's FAR more masks and santas around compared to phats. Y'know, when phats were being dropped, most people were like "ooh that nice", and heck, some even cared more for the secondary gifts in the crackers. I'm guessing only few stockpiled them, and even less people imagined how much they'd be worth after a few years. Possibly some people with experience from previous mmo's did a bit of stockpiling, even such a thing even exists in other games. As far as I know, there's no such thing in WoW, for example.




However, once the masks and santas came along, phats had already risen in price considerably, and Runescape's playerbase was quite a bit larger as well. So more people specifically collected masks and santas for the sole purpose of makings moneyz, and I doubt that even ye party hat dupe of old had much of an impact at this.




Still, guestimating numbers is a bit tough. All I know is that I at least contribute with a single semi-active hat \'

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Well since i like rares alot I mine as well put my estimates. I'll estimate the amount from people who login regulary to play- there would be way more from inactive accounts.










Santas - 4 - 5k (Theres tons of these things)


Masks (all colors) 3 - 4k (all colors combined)


Easter Eggs - 3 - 4k


Disks of Returning - 400 or so


Pumpkins - 3k


Half Wines - 250 or less


Partyhats - (all colors combined) 2k - 4k


Christmas Crackers - 100 - 150






Yes. My numbers are quite high. 1m members + 7m f2p'ers if i'm not mistaken? Theres bound to be a handful with rares. I myself have 9 (no partyhats) Imo, my numbers could be low. I have seen people with 50+ santas. 30+ easters. My numbers should be somewhat of a decent estimate. Anyone thinking less than 1k of each is way off though. you may not see many seller for something, but there are quite a few holders.



the trick is to balance all of these methods to get 99 and either play real life or train another skill while farming.


635th to 99 Farming 12/16/07

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Yes. My numbers are quite high.




They are quite low imo, i think there are much more rares than we think.




Think about all of the players who have quit.




Like I said. Active player at the top of my post. And they are pretty low. Typing this while farming too, so I'm not really thinking alot.. lol ::'



the trick is to balance all of these methods to get 99 and either play real life or train another skill while farming.


635th to 99 Farming 12/16/07

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