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Pass The Cheese (Now on TIF)


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I ask for the cheese.. fluffy gives it to me because of how gross it is.. while giving it to me.. I decide I don't want it anymore.. and I don't collect it.. the cheese accidently falls into the sewer.... we both look at each other and... buy a new cheese! \'

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the good thing is that neighbour is not me! :thumbsup: #-o




I make up an awesome story about how fluff puff's sexy male neighbour retrieves the cheese like a golden retriever.. and she feels like puking and gives me the cheese to hold while she goes about her business....




I then run away with the cheese. :D

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The only problem is that the whole puking incident is not true, I know already that I have no sexy neighbors, male or female. While wits thinks she has finally outdone me, I continue to act sick. When wits is out of sight, I go get some ice cream. Then... I hop a plane to Toronto and stalk wits in the library. I peer around the corner into the adult magazine section and wits is there, as expected, viewing a magazine. I tell her "You can't outsmart me" in a very creepy and quiet voice. She laughs and thinks she's hearing things. I then creep around the other side of the shelf and end up behind her. I tap her shoulder and cover her mouth and say "I've got you now!" I then grab the cheese and run away giggling.

/FG/First thread post to when I joined the family.


[hide=Insert rant here]blahblahblahLIFE[/hide]


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fortunately that wasn't me in the adult mag section... I'm in the fantasy/horror section, and adult books section, and kids section [to get books not get picked up!]


so... i laugh at some random stranger as fluffy takes away his dirty yellow hat...




however a librarian notices me laughing and confisticates the cheese...








*plots how to take back the cheese*

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'Ms. Librarian lady, can I have my cheese back pleaseeee?"




"Why? You can always get some more; besides, this is moldy cheese."




"You know what? People like you astonish me. I've had that cheese since I was three years old. It was like my blankie, my binky, my stuffed animal of sorts. Cheesie has been there for me for all these years. I really don't appreciate you trying to make Cheesie seem like "just cheese". Puhhhleaze. This is not just cheese. It's my best friend. So, may I have my cheese back now?"




"...uhh, sure, here"




*runs over to wittyface* "HA! WHO'S WITTY NOW!" *kicks wittyface's shin and runs for the hills*

/FG/First thread post to when I joined the family.


[hide=Insert rant here]blahblahblahLIFE[/hide]


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O, u liek ur new nameh? Ahaha




Anyway... I PM wittyface until she loses her romantic PMs with some person called fingers and she FREAKS OUT. I then sneak into her house and take the cheese while she cries her eyes out.

/FG/First thread post to when I joined the family.


[hide=Insert rant here]blahblahblahLIFE[/hide]


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But you fall into the dame trap as the fellow in your avatar. I then open the box and torture you using various methods, of which I shall not go into detail, to get the cheese off you.




I then spray paint, "Doomy rulz" on it, just for the lulz.

Doomy edit: I like sheep

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While you were enjoying yourself spraying that, I sneak behind you and take the cheese.




I run to my house and arm myself with a sniper rifle leaning on my window awaiting whoever wants this cheese.








Break the Walls down!

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  • 2 weeks later...

renames myself no-one through the court of law and find you, stomping you to a fine paste and stealing the cheese




puts the pie into my collection of holy cheese simulated fakes in a random spot, memorizes the position, then goes about my business

It is not the great who are strong, but the strong who are great--Albel Nox

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I jump on your holographic cheeses until i find the real one, then launch a H-bomb at you. I split the atoms in the cheese and fire all the miniscule particles onto the zybez forums, where the sun doth not shine.

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