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Is Jagex Over Cooking Runescape?


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First off..




Seems to me they just rush to get the update out and don't take the time to be creative.. Such as: Have you ever noticed that when hunting if you lay a bird snare your character bends over and does the EXACT SAME action as you do when you light a fire. Im serious check it out. d'oh!




You have to remember This game is basically java.. for what it is, its amazing what they've done graphically.. even look at the updated monsters, dont sweat the small stuff.....




I agree with whoever said is jagex undercooking runescape..




Just thinking about all the unfinished things on scape, hunter is pretty much a quest idea made into a stat.. really if you think about it, we've gotten basically the same degree of rewards from quests, and more then a few have opened up close to the same from one quest.. Or the plague city quests - how long ago was me2 released?, Tzaar city? Farming - My arms big reward(come on) whats really the next thing we could plant after the stat was released.. Even runecrafting to me seems like more of an addition then a full stat(like spinning to crafting or darts to fletching) I know theres not a ton they could add but a minigame or something maybe?..




There are a few things that were released over the last few months 3rd age armor(and tons of other tt items). skill capes, fremmik isles seems like it could be worthwhile.. But I guess they are few & far between..




I completely agree with the quests problem (plague city again:P) I dunno if they are trying to keep the quest point cape requirements down or what.. but some high-level quests would be nice, or even just challenging ones..

My first ever guide - for advanced farmers (~50+)


Now With Pictures!! - let me know what you think

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I'm really starting to get sick of these whiners... :evil:








If you honestly need updates to keep you going then just quit. I could be satisfied for over half a year without one update and I'd still have plenty to do. I'm tired of the whiners about bad updates and such, its just getting old :wall:








Thank you mate,




What I was just thinking.

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  • 1 month later...

I think something most of the high lvl people forget is that the majority of the players on runescape are mid-level. Making new quests or updates only targeted for the high lvl players that have been here forever leaves out a huge amount of other players who actually also enjoy the game, even if they cannot hit 48s or have 20 milllion in the bank. It attracts new players to the game, which helps Jagex bottom line, and keeps the overall population from dwindling away.

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:shock: how is hunter rubbish? the novelty only wears off if you decided to train on birds to 99......there are loads of things to train on, in fact i recently restarted it (today lol) and i forgot how fun it was, at least it's not the same boring click click click of most skills...*cough*Fletching*cough*




^^^^^Talk_To_Gods, they are trying this but it's not working, partly because they only release stupid agility courses with like level 20 agility needed....as for runecraft.....please be joking....so many people train RC it's unbelieveable, but yeah i agree that they should try to make RC faster, and try to get more people training these skills, UP TO HIGH LEVELS rather than to start training them then just stopping


Sig by me....

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I'm really starting to get sick of these whiners... :evil:




If you honestly need updates to keep you going then just quit. I could be satisfied for over half a year without one update and I'd still have plenty to do. I'm tired of the whiners about bad updates and such, its just getting old :wall:




you are whining yourself... whining at "whiners" is just like saying the glass is half empty... negativity. If people whine then don't whine back at them it's nto hard to understand if you don't like whiners.




btw i am whining cos i don't have a problem with "whiners" they usually have good points :-#

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I totally agree with the author. I've thought about how Jagex has been over doing the updates. Right now there is 123 quests. Say Runescape is still around in 5 years and they continue to do around 2 quests a month. There would be 243 quests. IMO that is way too many. Think of the new people starting to play. Even if they could do 4 quests a day, it would take them over 2 months to complete every single one. They would be incredibly behind everyone else. They need to make one update a month that is well thought out and planned.


These updates should however, not make it easier to do a skill. I quit for over a year and when I came back I could not believe the new things that could be done to make leveling quicker. The release of RS2 made gaining xp so much faster than RSC and they continue to make things easier. In RSC, 99 in a skill was a great accomplishment. Now there are thousands and thousands of 99's in every skill just because of the increased easiness Jagex has added. I believe they are just ruining their game for the long run.

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Over the last year, particularly the last several months I have drawn tired of the consistent pattern the game updates have been taking, Jagex seem to think they have to update the game every week with something new. This is coming at a huge price to the game, Jagex seem to be happy to add game content that has no meaning or reference that 95% of gamers could really do without. The game is starting to fill up with pointless quests and a huge number of useless items that should never have been released.





You may have been playing for years, but you don't pay attention much. If Jagex doesn't update the game every few weeks people complain about a lack of updates. If Jagex does update the game every few weeks, people like you complain that there are too many updates. <.<




How many Runescapers does it take to change a lightbulb? 5000. 1 to actually change it and 4999 to complain about how it was better before.
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hunting - every skill stays the exact same from when its released right? every skill gets an update




barb assault - plenty like this minigame, fighter torso is worth it




quests - people like quests too




main point is, do you want runescape to be for one person or for different types of people who want to play the game?




I actually agree with him.




Hunter is fun, and it just needs a new update.


It's easy and not combat related. So everyone can do it.




Barbarian assault is awesome, it's a nice team-player game, and that's acutally what Runescape is about. Meeting other players and playing with them.




Quests are cool too, rewards mostly worth it and Jagex' humor is awesome :P






So, don't whine :wink:


Credits to Skully Sc for the signature.24picns.png

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Well, I actually like to do a quick quest before I start work. I've always been an avid quester, so I appreciate even a quick jaunt. Still, it would be nice to see quests with more atmosphere; it's not about the difficulty or the reward, but the general enjoyment and emmersion of a quest. The lastest addition to the Myreque quests is a good example of atmosphere, the quest itself is a bit annoying, but I thoroughly enjoyed it anyhow because of how interesting the surroundings were; I can't speak for everyone, but a lot of people I talked to thought along the same lines. I also liked the penguin quest for the same reason, it was an interesting concept and well executed so I actually didn't mind running around quite so much; although Jagex was thoughtful enough to make some of the transportation easier during that quest. A bit more atmosphere would make quests more appealing to everyone, despite lower level difficulties and rewards.




Jagex has been taking some steps in the right direction recently, adding improvements to the game in general and not just content. I'm optimistic about where things are headed, and I'm looking forward to see what comes next.

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Started of this thread = noob




If you don't like hunting, don't hunt. There are plenty of other people who want to hunt.




If you think Barbarian Assault is dead, take a gander at world 6.




If you don't like quests, don't quest. Plenty of people want the quest cape.


Aspiring 99 Hunter

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I personally feel that Jagex Updates are going downhill.




But also I think that Jagex shold slow down with these updates and make them monthly. This will give them more time to work on stuff, and we'll get better quality quests/minigames.




If you look at some Older Minigames.. Castle Wars, Duel Arena or Barrows.




Then compare it to more recent ones like Trouble Brewing or Barbarian Assault.




Sure you have people on certain "official" worlds, but CW and Barrows are packed whatever world you're on.




Just my two pennies anyway.

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I agree...


I did the new quest released today right after it came out, it wasn't a challenge and had a bad storyline! It took me less then 20 minutes to complete it.


They should focus on the "hardcore" players like it used to be.




But also I think that Jagex shold slow down with these updates and make them monthly. This will give them more time to work on stuff, and we'll get better quality quests/minigames.


I totally agree! =D>






If you don't like hunting, don't hunt. There are plenty of other people who want to hunt.


Sure but its just that hunting has no real purpose... It's a pretty useless skill if you ask me, I think the same about construction (money-draining of the economy). I only train these skills to get my total lvl up <.<




- Back to casual f2p scaping due to limited time (university and girlfriend <3:) -

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i personally think that jagex is stalling. theyre just putting in small updates to stall before they put in that gigantic update every1 w8s for. still, they r lacking in good material nowadays. they should just have 2 or so updates a month, mayb then they can come out with good updates more frequently.



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Ok, I agree with you on hunter. They could have added more to the skill. Barbarian Assult is good, It just sucks if your on a crappy team. That's the only thing I don't like about it, It's one of the better mini games in my opinion. Quests... there hasn't been a quest I haven't liked in a while. So stop using walk throughs and try to figure it out on your own...

Quit RuneScape :)

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I'm waiting for the day that Jagex stops bothering to update Runescape because of all the incessant whinery




Hunter useless? The use of chinchompas has already been mentioned, salamanders have been adopted as the new barrows weapon of choice (look at leesters) and the spotty capes are used by every nat crafter I see.




So not everything in the skill is completely useable, so what? Do people use bronze squares from smithing? What use is there for any of the lower weapon poisons?




Barbarian assault - I like it, I still play it with people from TIF and others and still don't have all the rewards - a nice long hard challenge right there




Quests - I enjoy these too, all these people ask for a true high level quest but since when have their ever been any? RFD isn't that hard, Desert treasure isn't difficult, Monkey madness was no problem. Even the holy grail of MEP2 has been conquered by lower levels (as the quest cape shows) so I still fail to see the problem.




Thats my poorly thought out view on it anyway :lol:

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I think some of the updates aren't there for much of a use, which is bad, because it makes the basic outlines of runescape rather vague.


If I would be a new player, I'd be really confused by all of this.




It used to be easy when I started playing. Bronze armor and weapons are the weakest, then followed by iron, steel, black, mithril, addy, rune, and the almighty dragon armor.


Now we've got barrows armors, 3rd age, fighter torso, neitiznot helm, abyssal whip, the anchor, obby cape/shield, fury amulet, etc, etc.




Another thing that really does concern me, is that the the runescape world is getting to be to full with a new quest NPC here, quest related building there, new minigame there. Most of them in existing areas.




Basically, the world map is being packed with new, and sometimes not necessary updates. (lumbridge is the most extreme example.)




Updates I'd like to see: new interesting and usefull areas and cities.




So in my opinion, Jagex could cut down on creating updates for a bit, or take more time to work out their ideas,

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Boy what a whiner


Hunting:looks cool


Barb asault:never played it wished f2p had a minigame :oops:


Quest:i love Quest they are entertaining and actually puts up a plot or do you want to play a game where all you do is run around and kill for no reason.

Wongton is better than me in anyway~~



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It doesn't annoy me that all the updates are crap to be honest, what annoys me is that they release so much crap in a short space of time, why don't they every once in a while have a large update, like update monthly with either several small updates or one huge thing, allowing people to focus more time on the thing rather than having a different thing the next week to take their mind off it

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Supported. Even though the updates you are ranting about brought something new and nice to the game (meaning Hunting and Barbarian Assault more specifically) the uselessness of these updates were a bit more overwhelming.




Hunting - Chinchompas were a useful update for rangers. Money usage/Xp gain is fair in my opinion. Made noobs happy. YET, it was a bit pointless...




Barbarian Assault - the armours it provided are useful, yet it took another untradeable item into the wildy, which is very annoying. And I do agree with you when you say it should be more time to get them, they are too easy. Apart from these items it's completely pointless without anything leading or coming out of it. And anyway updates are supposed to provide useful items, so we shouldn't expect less, yet it should be atleast a bit useful apart from that <.<




Quests - Barely do any of the new ones - just focused on items and quests to make the new members and noobs happy :S I miss the real quests... Recipe for disaster... <3:


Runescaper since June 2005


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