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Everything posted by Jonanananas

  1. Hmmm I would say I would sell it relatively few money. I've never particularly cared for levels and starting anew would mean I could replay all those great quests :P I would just need some time beforehand, to log onto my old account and tell my friends what my new account is. I'd say for 300 upwards I'd be willing to sell. (But I guess you have to consider I've recently quit/taken an extended break which I might not be coming back from so I guess that plays into it too.)
  2. Just did it myself today - no problems at all. You get your forty killcount (Aggressiveness of the monsters depends on your defense bonuses. I think they become unaggressive when you have over 100 defence bonus against their style, don't quote me on that though. In bandos and general melee stuff, only mages were aggressive) Killing Nex herself is easy. you enter the room, she will appear and "activate" her four minions, during that time you can't attack her. Then you can use attack her with the dart, usually without getting hit. It kills her completely (and the minons don't attack you, though I didn't go near them just in case).
  3. Yeah it's a step into the right direction, but imo, it should have a more lasting effect than breaking up training for a few minutes daily. Players will see new training methods, but I doubt many of them will use those who are simply less efficient. I wouldn't say they have no control whatsoever. They have few control, but that could still be used to push players into one direction a bit. There would have to be put a lot more thought into the design though.
  4. There's literally no way I can imagine integrating NDAs, executives, bondage, s&m, romance, drama, and social commentary into runescape. Wait, no. I just thought of something involving Mod MMG and Kuradel. It was not pretty. Please pass the brain bleach. Well...there's already the option to use the whip on the girl in carnillean rising.... :?
  5. On top of that, you would have to consider if the scroll of cleansing works here. I doubt it does, which would mean you will actually lose money by converting the herbs into unfinished pots....
  6. You should get 350 k xp for September, plus the squid cape (And possibly, other customisations for september, not sure if more than just the cape were included.)
  7. They said they would roll out botwatch slowly to make sure that the system works correctly. I would rather wait a few weeks than have a flawed system...
  8. Wow, I was disappointed with Part 3... Bit of a spoiler [hide]It bothers me that we have to wait for more comics to come out. The next is March 2013, and that's just the first part...The really interesting part is Zuko's mother, thanks to LOK we all knew what was going to happen with the Harmony restoration movement anyway. Anxiously waiting for the Promise series to end and then finding out we STILL don't learn anything about Zuko's mother really bothers me -.- [/hide]
  9. From the Wiki. Interestingly no mention of Jad, Nomad, Pest Queen etc, but a specific mention of Lucien lol. Well you're not supposed to be able to kill Lucien yourself, that's why. You are supposed to kill Nomad, Jad etc. yourself, though I am thoroughly disappointed that the darts work on those - If you cannot kill them normally, you shouldn't get the reward, and that's coming from one who so far has not been able to kill Jad.
  10. He didn't *say* it, but he heavily implied it...
  11. They use an in-house version control system. This means they have pretty much every server and client revision since 2002 cached on a server :). (hint, if you press the tilde key ["~"], you can see the current client revision on the bottom right [734.1 at the time of this post]). Andrew mentioned he had Devious Mud still on a backup server. They specifically said at Runefest that they do not have a stored version of 2006 Runescape, so if they were to do that, they would have to code it anew, which isn't worth the hassle considering that almost all players will soon quit again after finding out that RS 2006 wasn't as glorious as their nostalgia made it out to be.
  12. Might be that you got chosen as a replacement for someone who was kicked out of the beta. Same thing happened to me and I have less than half a year of consecutive membership.
  13. Been reading the Ulldart Saga by Markus Heitz. Can't say I'm fond of it, a lot of it is enormously cliché fantasy good/evil stuff and the characters are quite shallow.
  14. Wow, the dungeoneering xp seems to be excessive...
  15. First of all, is it lag or FPS issues? Lag means that your actions take long to register, often you might find that everyone seems just to be standing there without doing anything. This is related to internet connectivity. FPS issues on the other hand just means you are seeing very few frames per second, so the movements will not be smooth. You can check your FPS by opening the developer's console (with the ` key, next to the 1 on your keyboard), then type in displayfps and hit enter. If it's FPS issues, alter your graphics settings, as said above Software or Safe mode are not recommended, and just try playing around with different settings. Actual lag is harder to fix, but sometimes it's just a problem with one world server, so hopping world fixes that.
  16. It's not a race, you know. It is if the trimmed comp cape requires all of them. I very much doubt that. From the bts, it sounds like Tasks still exist seperately, and the goal of challenges is to make your daily training more diverse. It wouldn't make any sense to ask for them to be fully completed - that's what tasks are for.
  17. I'd say it's likely to be option 3 purely on the basis that the BTS video for Botany Bay was released last week and the challenge system's BTS video was this week. I would have thought if it was any other way the BTS video's would be ordered differently. He forgot option 4 al kharid this week, botany and challenge next week. That aside it's a safe bet Al-Kharid will not be this week seeing as the next bts video is about the quests and since that will be out friday it'd be pretty dumb to put out the quests before then. So I'd say option 3 is most likely, though option 1 is a possibility. Al kharid won't come this week due to the bts, that's why said option is not there. Not to mention there would be even more combinations if you would consider that a possibility.
  18. Why would that mean Botany Bay is this week? There are three options, depending on how updates are combined... Option 1: Challenge system this week, Al kharid and Botany bay next week Option 2: Botany Bay this week, Al kharid and challenge system next week Option 3: Challenge system and botany bay this week, al kharid next week.
  19. The challenges are not tasks, the point is not to complete them all and never do them again. As such, a large number of tasks is good because it makes sure they are varied It's already active since the last update.
  20. I find it cool that people are putting their time into research, but...considering Jmods have said already that timing has no influence, and that it would make sense to code it like that and not in a different way, is this really worth the time?
  21. Jagex has managed to botch a few updates that sounded great in concept, but I have to say that so far, the challenge system sounds good. I am wondering - no efficiency expert: The mod working on this mentioned that drop mining iron ore is the fastet method - is that still true? Wondering if they actually are familiar with all the skilling methods :P
  22. I doubt it. Considering the scroll if live gives back a random seed if the herb is dead (Because the game does not distinguish between herbs after they died), there couldn't possibly be a level requirement on it.
  23. Figuring out your questions doesn't help them though. They still need your password, possibly login name, and e-mail. JAG questions are not recovery questions, which were indeed quite flawed
  24. Tbh 90% is LOW. Consider it's more effort not to use it than to use it, and that using it will give you an advantage, with no reason not to spin except dislike of the whole thing, 10% of players not using it is actually a lot. I don't use it anymore either, but less because I want to show that I am against it (I can see the point of it being introduced, and I don't think it will be the death of runescape) and more because it just personally makes me feel better :P
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