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Everything posted by cardovilian

  1. Couldn't have said it better myself. Edit: Apparently there's going to be a hunter-related quest soon, so whatever level I have to get to complete that.
  2. Yeah but how often do you actually use the shortcuts? And how much time do actually save compared to, say, training herblore to the point where you can make super-energy pots?
  3. For herbs and seconds when you are training herblore :thumbsup: (4 whiteberry bushes =D>)
  4. I quit for over a year rofl. I just signed on randomly at times. I havent been on this forum in ages. Yeah, ages being three months and randomnly being three or four times a week! Get over yourself! There are buttons called 'profile' and 'find all posts by'. To paraphrase a well-known forum saying "'Search Is Your Friend' but these buttons aren't yours!!"
  5. Prince Ali WILL be the last I do when I absolutely have to do it to get that cape (currently 11 quests to do). I'm currently 99 combat, 1476 total lvl with 207 QP and STILL haven't completed Prince Ali!
  6. Away for 3 months??? Man I have to take two months off at a time just because of work commitments. Don't get too excited, its not like you're the prodigal son or anything!
  7. I have 56 agility because I needed it (I'm a Quester). Eventually I'll have 65ish so I can do ME2 (though I'm gonna try it at 56 just to be perverse and stubborn.....then die). As far as I'm concerned, Agility is the second-most pointless skill - after firemaking - in the game, and I am a serious skiller (1476 total lvl at 99cmb, lowest 38-CON (cos I just started it) then 51(guess!) highest 81 ATK. Avg lvl 67.)
  8. I've always been a skiller and always been a male. Its my experience that some of the females playing the game are among the nastiest (i.e. most aggressive) combat-leaning players, so I don't think such generalisations apply. Which is why games such as Runescape are known as 'RPGs' (ROLE PLAYING GAMES). Geddit???
  9. Could the 'Archive of Wisdom' forum be re-named as - for instance - Proposals for Archive of Wisdom' to distinguish it from the 'true' Archive of Wisdom Sticky, so as to avoid confusion for new members and occasional vistors, who might follow a suggestion in the current forum, believing it to have been endorsed by the forum Mods and members as a recommended course of action, when in fact it has not. I point to the number of locked and disputed threads in the current forum as support for this suggestion.
  10. I tried search button but got dozens of seemingly unrelated results. Is there still an air running world/company, if so where is it?
  11. I agree! Its actually bigger now ands its a toggle which is (or will be when we're used to it) easier to use.
  12. I dont know you and have never seen you in forums so I wont be there to hoover up up your stuff. But its always a sad day when someone quits, so I wish you all the best and hope that you are quitting for a good (for you) reason.
  13. Its largely because of the fact that people like Deangut are involved, that I applied to be a member of SODB. I read the original post on SODB forum and knew I was where i wanted to be. You guys are the epitome of MMORPGs. (I've already been 'Welcomed' so this isn't a wagon-kissing exercise, for those who want to flame, its telling it how it is.) If Runescape had more of this kind of goodwill, the game would be so much more enjoyable for all of us.
  14. I think it really depends on what your combat level is when you take on the quest. Desert Treasure is generally considered to be a hard quest to complete. But having just completed it at 97 cb, I have to say that I p**sed on all the monsters except Dessous, who gave me a momentary pause for thought. As for RPD, which I completed straight away after DT, no bother at all. However, Dragon Slayere is a quest which you go after as soon as you think you can get away with it, because of the reward. Which means most people take it on at the minimum limit of their ability to complete it, Monkey Madness is the same. I found Monkey Madness to be the harder of the two, so I would say in terms of difficulty, 1. Monkey Madness 2. Dragon Slayer 3. Desert Treasure
  15. Runescape is expanded, improved. Skills are linked & modified, usually for the benefit of most players. Yes, if you were an old school RS player, you will see new RS2 players getting benefits that you missed out on. But these are the new members whose membership payments are keeping your payments at $5 a month, while the game continues to be expanded and improved at no extra cost to yourself. So why dont you revel in the fact that your game gets better and better all the time, with no input from yourself, instead of bemoaning the fact that some people are having an easier time than you had? You sound like a whinging old grandparent saying, "You youngsters dont know you are born! In my day we had to work 26 hours a day, 9 days a week, just to be able to eat bread and water for our tea", all the while missing the fact that modern day workers are working 30 hours a day, 10 days a week, just to pay for their elders pensions!
  16. Just been to Ogre Enclave to kill Blue Drags. Can we have a new option for updated Sound Effects? -100/10 - for the abhorrent noises made by the drags during combat! And I thought the area sounds were annoying... Edit: I think I know why they've done this. Who want's to listen to this racket while they are perusing forums, listening out for when they get hit (so they know to check back on the game window and eat if necessary). All the time a F2P'er is looking at a forum, they're not seeing the advertising. Or am I just being too cynical?
  17. Its the d chain with my name on it which WILL (one day) be dropped by a dusty!
  18. Figure of speech. But if he should happen to be gay, kind of an insulting one I would think. (NOT that I'm trying to start a N0valyfe is gay rumour - so freeze those keyboard fingers all you rumour-mongers out there!) Just trying to make the point that you should think a little more before using a 'figure of speech'.
  19. So Freshwacka, are you gonna collate these replies into some sort of poll result? If not this thread is kinda pointless, don't you think?
  20. Can you say "Con-Dee-Send-Ing"? (I'm directing this at Jagex, not the thread-maker or any subsequent posters - just to be clear and avoid flaming) Can you say "I'll pronounce it how I like, its only a damned game after all"?
  21. Hmmm... submitting problem leads to double post
  22. Area Sounds: 0/10 Irritating Emote Screen: 5/10 dont really use emotes, but I guess the pics are quite amusing - someone has obviously spent some time designing them. Orange Text on stats page: 5/What's the diff? Looks OK on my CRT, maybe they're a problem for LCD owners? New Equipment Page: 9/10 Goodbye scrollbar, you wont be missed Run Button: 5/10 Initially awkward, but I suppose I'll get used to it. Lumbridge Bank: N/A Did RPD on first day so doesn't affect me. If you haven't done RPD then I suppose its good for a quick trip to bank when you die. (Unless you've done the quest to respawn in Fally.) Compass 11/10 Not being able to centre that damned thing has bugged since the first day I played. Hurrah! Rune Boots: 10/10 About time too! Free Lumbridge teleport: Meh!
  23. Wow, you can speak english with a reading age greater than 12, give yourself a big pat on the back. It's infuriating that your the minority. Pot, kettle anyone?
  24. At last! You can center North on the compass!
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