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Everything posted by monkeyboo2

  1. well yes, i remmeber the first ever essence running with larryr (#1 rcer now and first to 99 rc w/o abyss), aaah the good times. personally i think Jagex have done a better job of this than the duelling arena update. They gave us no warning, no reason for that; this time they haven't had me foaming at the moath, partially because i knew it was coming, but partially because they were more open and explained why, how , when , who , what and where. Still, i don't like what the effects it has on me, but i can see why their doing it, and now they're doing it in a better way than the duelling update.
  2. Breaking stereotypes isn't easy. I doubt RS will ever break its stereotype (of the player) because people just don't listen. Anyway, i'm not bothered anymore what ppl think. Ppl don't really care what u do/play; I just care that i do something well. \
  3. I think we'll see almost exactly what is speculated happening soon. And i disagree, the wilderness penalty is the reason i go in there; i don't go somewhere without risk and reward; the duel arena was first my place of risk and reward, but now its the wildy, and i don't want to see that gone too. Would anyone honestly go into the wildy, without the chance of financial gain? I doubt it. P.S.Pjers, looters and other ppl can go into the wildy if they want; they also risk death and more importantly; time loss at the odd chance of afew gp. Pathetic; but if they want to waste their time, i'm happy for them to do so, they aren't somehting i want removed/prevented, because i like to laugh at them, and watch their pathetic attempts. Noobs are what makes everyone else "leet". If they kill you or loot a shark or 2... alls fair in love and war?
  4. The duelling update did effect all RS players. You name what you do and i'll name how it changed your activities (even just slightly). And no, you can't please the people all of the time, but you can displease alot of them, some of the time. as the poem goes: [hide] First they came for the Stakers and I did not speak out because I was not a Staker. Then they came for the Merchant and I did not speak out because I was not a Merchant. Then they came for the Pkers. and I did not speak out because I was not a Pker. Then they came for me and there was no one left to speak out for me.[/hide] I suspect that will forfill itself in due course. Anyway; players do not criticise to anoy Jagex; players want to see a good game as much as Jagex do, we just give Jagex a different perspective on how their game is going, and try to save it.
  5. Inevitable, but already vastly discussed since the duelling arena update.
  6. Good History, but i can't see bots responding to players for atleast a decade. However i've always wondered why scripter don't make pairs of bots that talk in a cycle between each other. Also bots become harder to detect with pattern randomisers and by not wearing green clothes and being lvl 3. A lvl 45 bot that talked to its 'friend' and wasn't wearing green clothes with a less detectable pattenrn would be quite convincing. :S thinking about it, they might already have done it. :ohnoes:
  7. +1, but is it possible to make a lawsuit against such sites? as most em are made in internet cafe's i suppose... Yes they can, although its incredinbly hard to force the full prosecution and find the guy in the first place. They have closed down many sites, but i know a story of a glitching site they tried to close. THey had a lawsuit up against a certain glitching site, and fined the owner of the site over ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâã1,000,000... UNfortunately, with sites, aslong as you play naive and pretend that it wasn't the purpose of the site to ruin the game, you can change the site and get away with it. THis particular site was ironically changed to a site about how much you love ponies, unless you get over 1000 posts where you can post in the darker regions of the site. Its a menace how slippery the laws on internet crime can be, especially locating the true workers/owners of the site.
  8. I must be abit behind...what article?
  9. well i like the new update for drop parties, it wasn't so over the top like the duelling decimation. Somebody at Jagex got the party room right, maybe they could take a leaf out of his book and put better limits on staking and RWITing. :P well done to the ppl behind this update. =D> \ They managed not to kill a part of the game in the process of securing it :shock:
  10. it isn't gambling. Gambling is where you have no control of the outcome, whilst staking gives you 80% control of the outcome (because of the luck based combat system 20% is knocked off). Its simply a risk, like going to the KBD; its risking, but would you say it was gambling? Staking-addictive, yes- gambling, no. :-w
  11. Hunter- you are in your larupia costume, and you trap a larupia with the cage trap from the normal emote. Then another hunter comes along and thninks your a lrupia and cage traps you.
  12. Exactly. And it is this obvious disconnect between what Jagex claims is its motivation and simple logic that leads people to disbelieve what they say. The company is not being honest. I am fully in support of Jagex stopping the huge high-stakes gambling that was going on at the DA. I am NOT in support of them destroying reasonable staking and then lying about why they did it. I do not think that staking is gambling. Gambling is when you bet on something that is completely out of your control; staking is betting on yourself to use skill to win. OK, some people did do complete luck stakes, (dds+whip fights) LOL, and that was perhaps gambling, but atleast 70% of fights were staked not gambled. Of course there is an element of luck, with RS's combat system, but skill is dominant. If Jagex was under any pressure to remove so called gambling from the game, they were misguided in removing staking... When you go to the KBD, thats risking your items to gain more, but is it gambling? i don't think so. Losing is almost completely user controlled. Anyway, fortunately i don't think they did it to get rid of gambling, but as they said to remove RWITing (which fails without the removal/limitation of trading and dropping aswell).
  13. they get a transcript of whats going on everytime you click that report button, they know whats going on.
  14. this is fairly old i believe; i saw it over 6 months ago on a thread here... It is possible with the version of linux on the PS3 for RS to work, so long as Sony update that Version of linux with a Java (not of the question). And as far as your title goes... Yes, Jagex is always planning something cruel and sadistic to do to its members. It has a great working formula; simply by raising our hopes, then giving what could be a potentially brilliant update a nice catch. Look at duelling for instance... :uhh: :ohnoes: =D>
  15. wasn't quite following everything you said, but agreed, 5% does not allow enough flexibility, maybe 15% would allow players to have more control of prices. What we are seeing is 'noobs' controlling blood rune prices, because they pick up 10 blood runes from here and there and think they are 700gp each. Enough of these noobs really crush the actual buying and selling of bloods (and possibly other items) on the GE. Ps i kinda like the GE tbh, merchanting isn't gone, its just much more subtle. buy 100k nats, wait for a rise in price, sell them 10 gp more... Makes only 1 mil but you don't even have to put any effort into it. Its a passive one mil.
  16. IP's can be changed every 10 seconds (if your a fast clicker). IP bans are not hard to bypass.
  17. actually mine was... by a day. :shame: :lol: http://forum.tip.it/viewtopic.php?t=718195
  18. Or maybe they are starting a trading card game. :wall: Say bye to what every maturity Runescape has left :boohoo: thats what i worried about :S. Lets hope its the buy game membership in shops :)
  19. Try monkeybones... Rat bones etc, like the bone collector quest? and maybe they will be non tradable bones which only come out with the skill?
  20. I will quote you on that on Tuesday... Also it think they may limit the direct trading to an almost unusable point like duelling (so they can still claim they have direct trading in the game). PS Since i assume it was my thread you (thread owner) saw the idea off can you please link it http://forum.tip.it/viewtopic.php?t=718195 ? Btw i guess its a nice positive spin on the updates, present and to come.
  21. Well i think your missing my point a little; 'i'm encouraging this kind of 'i'll never do it again, i'm sorry'. R2 could have just posted as his last post '%"$ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâã! Jagex' or similar in a giant thread of hate, like some of these so called 'creeps' do. Some 'creeps' carry on RWITing and others, when they are banned, slink off without remorse. I'm comparing his bravery to that of other such 'creeps', and compared to the rest of them, R2 is admirable, very admirable. :anxious:
  22. Good point, the 2 people could just have their rules and show their inventories with whatever they are able to use and the cash and skull then kill. Simple as pie. except for ppl using dragon imps to bank the expensive items in their inventory first.
  23. After reading some of the posts i was reminded about Drops from death If Jagex want to complete the whole lot-stopping all methods of RWIT trade includes: Duel (done) Trading (coming soon) Drop Regular Death PK? I may be thinking into it abit far but if Jagex truly wanted to stamp out all forms of unbalanced transfer, wouldn't these be included? Sounds like a scary thought, and but if i'm wrong about trading i'm wrong about those 2 aswell (thank god). :anxious: Brave? What was brave about that? It was pretty obvious YEARS ago that he was a price manipulator. God knows I had my fair share of arguements with him about his manipulative ways, only to eventually be ignored because he knew I was right. Granted, I wouldn't have pinned him as selling his GP back then, but now it makes sense as to why he was so hell bent on trying to manipulate the rares market. It's people like him that are destroying the game, not Jagex. Jagex has to do what they think they need to do. No matter how that effects the game. And when you get pseudo-intellects like R2 trying to make real money on a game... then yeah... you're going to have conflicts of intrest. The scary thing about it is, there really isn't a way around real world trading. Even if you completely eliminate the trade system. Jagex has to at least try and cut it back though. Just because he manipulated prices didn't make him.. *not brave*. And actually, if Jagex limits how much you can PK with, takes away dropping, takes away trading, then there is no way people can give items to another. Yeah, you can't judge him on one thing that he used to do. And besides if he can justify why he did it to me, then i'll leave it at that. Brave because he owned up- atlast perhaps but nevertheless; and he faced the consequences. Anyway the thread isn't really about that (although i thought it deserved a bravery mention) its about the possibility of GE replacing normal trade in one way or another. R2 Pleasant just happened to remind me of that in his post and i thnought he deserved a little credit.
  24. This is the kind of person that stops the whole idea dead; the kind that runs straight off with your money :|
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