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Everything posted by highlanders

  1. Wow that mask is hideous. Maybe it looks better when reversed on the normal side.
  2. At least it's got a rebate. If you see yourself playing for the next 6 months, then paying for 4 months and getting 6 is a good deal.
  3. I started with all the easy 99s, first being 99 cook.
  4. I bought all the usables I needed when I heard about the bot nuke. It's your fault for not preparing. So how much money/h is it to hunt red chins now? Dat 99 hunt isn't getting a lot of use these days, might give it a try.
  5. They wouldn't be able to squeeze much more money. If they came up with higher tiers, at that point might as well just go play a better P2P game for just a little more money.
  6. I pick a random one, usually one of the closer ones.
  7. I actually didn't like skyrim that much. *dodges tomatoes* It's okay, the production values are high, but I found it difficult to care or get involved in the story. The follower, Lydia? or whatever her name is, kept dying whenever things got a tad tough, which was annoying. It took forever to move from one place to another, even with the horse. Also everyone's gonna say skyrim because the other two games are not out yet so we can't know if they're good or not...
  8. They should release a second version of the wings; a version that gives zero bonuses, but allows people to wear it indefinitely. Seems like a lot of people bought the wings just for the looks, to make their skilling outfit look better or whatever, the time limit is a bummer if you're not interested in the bonus.
  9. Wait, then why is the toolbar IE and Firefox only? :| It's just an ad, it's not like they believe or mean what they say; they're paid to say it.
  10. As long as you adopt good vision habits you shouldn't lose vision from playing. Don't strain your eyes, don't stare, don't stay fixed on the same point, don't try to see the entire screen at the same time; eyes can only see clearly one spot at a time, look around the room every once in a while, etc, there are entire books dedicated to explaining that stuff.
  11. The wings look like paper, they could have atleast tried to make them look 3d. I'm not surprised people are excited about them, but other games have much better wings than those.
  12. UK had runefest 2 times already, yet the player base from UK is small. Time to give other countries a chance. Selfish... perhaps. But then here in the UK we don't have TemleCon or Total Confusion or ConnCon, Intercon, Havoc, Vericon, Penny Arcade Expo (PAX) East, OGC, Huzzah, Carnage, DexCon, Fall In!, Historicon, I-CON, MEPACon, PrinceCon, UberCon, World Boardgaming Championships, Arcon, Council of Five Nations, Queen City Conquest, A&G Ohio, Bashcon, Con on the Cob, D&D Experience, Games Day, Gaming Hoopla, Gary Con, Geek.Kon, Gen Con, Marcon, Marmalade Dog, MichiCon, Origins Game Fair, Penguicon, PentaCon, StarCon, U-Con, WinterCon, Winter War, Wolfcon, Masquerade Society, Gamicon, Fields of Honor, Nuke, Con of the North, Gamer's Reunion, Bayou Wars, CharCon, Con Carolinas, DragonCon, Euro Quest (EQ), Heat of Battle, MACE, Mini MACE, MAGFest, MegaCon, Momocon, PeliCon, [southern Front], Stellarcon, SynDCon, Trinoc*con, Waterloo, Winter Activation Meeting (WAM), CoastCon, Hypericon, MidSouthCon, MOBICON, Tennessee Game Days, Chattacon, PlayOnCon, [gamecon Memphis], Texicon [1] General Gaming Convention, ScrewAttack Gaming Convention (SGC), BGG.CON, TrollCon, Phoenix Vul, GEEX Show, NeonCon, BlizzCon, DunDraCon, Celesticon, E For All, Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3), GameStorm, Games Day, Gamex, Gateway, Kublacon, Enfilade, MineCon, Northwest Pinball and Gameroom Show, OrcCon, [Pacificon Game Expo], Penny Arcade Expo (PAX) Prime, RadCon, Science Fiction and Fandom Convention or Pasco... Nice copy paste. Like you care or have any idea what most of those are.
  13. Free mmorpgs don't exist. F2P games push you into buying stuff from the cash shop. P2P games allow you to test and then subscribe if you liked it. While some big name P2P games only give you 30 days or something to test, RS gives you forever. But I think the general idea is that if you like RS, you subscribe so that you get access to everything, you're not meant to play competitively on the F2P version.
  14. I find that the website is slow if I use firefox because firefox reloads every element at each new page so it takes like 4 seconds for every element to load. If I use opera it's fast because opera just uses the cached backgrounds/elements whatever instead of downloading every time. Probably something wrong with my firefox settings but can't figure it out.
  15. Well I just did that. It found the ultimate insult with everything hidden, but not the second one. Then I did google, and it found the ultimate insult 2 (moved) and said it was moved to rants, which I thought was funny seeing it doesn't even exist anymore, and then after clicking click here to view thread it just sends you back to the forum home. Can't just someone post screenies or something.
  16. Oh a turkey hat, just what I've always wanted. It would look great with my vomit coloured skin. Not. Atleast the things they come up with are fugly so I don't feel sorry at all for not getting them. The people that come up with the concepts for these objects have terrible taste and should probably be fired. That's Saint-Jean-Baptiste Day, not sainte. Jean = male name in French. Sainte = female saint. Poutine is a terrible symbol, more like a hat with a giant beer bottle on it.
  17. I don't really care. The only people the F2P highscore thing really affects is the top F2P players. And then again, they could easily just get members but then only login into free worlds. Atleast that way they support the game. I don't like people who are eternally F2P and do stuff like block ads and never give a cent to help the game, but then get all righteous and start [bleep]ing that Jagex is greedy or evil.
  18. highlanders

    Night Spiders

    I think I got my first at 88 dg or something like that. No point in frustrating over it, it will come when it comes, it's not that rare.
  19. Well feel free to post an up-to-date photo. Photos of you are hard to find and those are the only ones we have lol
  20. Meh, code or no code doesn't make any difference. I wouldn't be surprised if some months or years down the road some of these 25 accounts end up being sold on the black market for big money for owning the second rarest item in the game. People are already doing it with accounts that have bunny ears and scythes, just because an item is untradable doesn't make it impossible to sell. It boils down to Jagex being idiots for releasing an item to only 25 people. They should have given the 25 winners actual physical prizes that they could take home, an event in-person calls for physical prizes, they shouldn't mix it with virtual prizes, that's unfair to people who don't have the luck of living nearby, money or the luxury of putting their life on hold to go there.
  21. I'd say yes but only if everyone has access to the beta. If they only allowed a select group of people to test, armed with the knowledge of future updates those people would be at an advantage over everybody else, which isn't fair.
  22. Library/book store => self-help section => pick up book: How to say no (or similar title) Happy reading
  23. Maybe he got 99 range back when PC was good and hasn't realized that the mini-game has been nerfed.
  24. I'd close RS and go play another game, probably witcher 2 which I just started.
  25. NO. They should never touch already existing discontinued items. Even including tradeables (exception when they added a warning before eating a pumpkin). Making a second scythe was a dumb idea to begin with. I don't know what Jagex was thinking. Well, they were probably not thinking.
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