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What's the story behind your RS name?


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Well I am a Geordie aka a person from the north-east of England i am very proud of where i live so i was determind to have that in my name. Also a couple of weeks before i made this account i had just been made prom Queen so i put two and two together and got Geordiequeen.

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the story behind my name is when i first started playing runescape my friend introduced me into the game. i was first gonna make my name Evil_dude6 but then he said, "u can get banned in this game for breaking rules and saying bad things" so i was like "nevermind about Evil_Dude, ill be Nice_Guy so ppl wont report me :P" so now i got to live up to my name. the numbers were picked at random cuz Nice_Guy alone wasnt available. Long story huh?



16 Dragon Drops: 4x D Chains, 3x D2h, 5x D Legs, 1x D Med, 2x D Skirt, 1x D Spear

Draconic Visage Drop: 1 - First Day Out!

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My name is 66 and 06.




It was the World Cup at the time I made it, so I thought, 1966 was when England won it, and now the there gonna win again in 2006, so hence the name 66 and 06. They sadly didn't win :cry:

Science and Religion are not at odds.

Science is simpily too young to understand.

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My boyfriend and little brother used to find it hilarious to call me Gina Weena. They both played Runescape at the time and forced me to make myself an account and they chose the name.




Little did they know how addicted to Runescape I'd become :)

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In all honesty, no clue where Sundreena came from.




I swear the name is simply brain vomit, I've been using it for years though and it's been stolen very few times.




Actually, the only online name I'm extremely proud of is the one I came up with and forced upon my husband for all his online play. I sat around and danced around sounds until Nrienumah finally emerged. It rolls off the tounge. Plus, Sun and Nrie sure does have a nice ring to it.

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My name seaden has been with me for nearly 12yrs now back in the telenet days I never had to worry if it had been taken but lately other ppl have been useing it For me i created it as simply meanin a calm place in turbulent waters then i find out that its a fish kinda like a sardine in japan :shock: there a good chance if you seen a seaden somewhere its me so dont start taking my name ppl! :shame:

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Well My first name was actually TKAMB (Without dots.) which i made around 2003 but then around 2004 i got really bored of the game and found a really low lvl 3 and gave him my account (which was pretty good back when i gave it to him it had 55 smithing and 68 mining and 60+ combat) but then this year i decided id try the game out again so i used the dots in the middle of the letters to make it different because i still wanted the same name.




anyway the reason why i chose this name was because it is the title to one of the books i was reading in school at the time To Kill A Mocking Bird. I thought the book was terrible but it was the only thing i could think of becuase i had taken a break from my homework to start playing runescape. My cousin told me i should starrt thus that name was born.




And to tell you the truth My new accoun worked out better because not only did the dots let people now my name was an anagram but also becuase it gave me a goal ... to make my new character better then the one i gave to the noob .... which he still uses sometimes today and wont give back <.<

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i saw a vid of game on youtube before i made this account, though i would call it:




the sword, and i would have made the pass vengeful (i saw pkin vids)




but both were taken so i mixed and ended up with VENGESWORD (btw i never had vengeful as my pass)








PS i hate pking, ironic isn't it? :twisted: ROCK ON

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Xathic is a name thats always been in my head, im even useing it as the main char in my book, also tried to reserve Xeliar but its taken.




I changed my name frm [daum]x187 cuz Xathic just sounded somuch better




And [daum]x187 was basicly cuz i was in a clan called dumb assed united members.


And x187 was my nick at the tme (x187 was taken)


Your temple trek is over.

Welcome to runescape.

wtf is this? pm me, i also have a screen.

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I enjoy naming my characters off of real life heroes whose stories have had an impact on my life. I have 2 names in RS, well 1 in RS2 and 1 in RSC which I've barely touched and both are named after missionaries from the 19th century.




My RS2 name, the character I use the most is: Hudson talor


(didn't have enough space to add the "y" in taylor.) Hudson was a British doctor who spent most of his life in Inland China.




My RSC name is: Adoriam, short for Adoriam Judson the USA's first commissioned missionary.

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I had just finished reading a set of books called the Hawklan saga, and the main character was, Hawklan, surprisingly. I tried that name first but it was already taken :(


One of Hawklan's best friends in the book is Isloman, so I chose that name. Simple, really.




I find it irritating when people misread it as a twist on "Isle of Man". No, I don't live there.



1700+ Total!! QP Cape! W23 resident.

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I started off with jenkees, as my surname is very similar, and it's my nickname in school. I got to around level 12, and then went into Draynor Manor. I was such a noob I couldn't get out (you have to use the side door). The account is still in there to this day, but I have long forgotten the password. Thats why I made the account jenkees2.




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I have a few accounts, so I'll do them all...




My main account is Grimnirwher9


I used to be a Grimnirwher when I started to play - it's not important what a Grimnirwher is - so I chose Grimnirwher for my nick. It wasn't occupied yet, lucky me. Now I immidiatly lost my password, and I didn't find the Lost Password Recovery section of RS yet, so I had to make a new account. For some reason, Grimnirwher seemed to be taken yet (wonder who took it), so I had to put a number afther it. I chose 9, because 9 is a magic number in the ancient Norse mythology. I'm very interested in this mythlogy, you know. Grimnirwher is an ancient Norse word too.




My other accounts:




Bloodinsand: refering to the story of Abdul Alzharred, an magician who was torn into pieces by demons that he summoned himself afthe being provked by his enemy Daful Cirio. The blood of Abdul Alzharred dripped into the sand and was later mixed with molten silver to make a set of magical tarot cards. "Blood in sand" is a part of the spell you need to invoke the magical powers of these cards. Nice story, what?




Gunnlod: She's a goddess (a Vanir) in the ancient Norse mythology.




McDiarmada: he was one of the leaders of the easter Rising in Dublin, 1916. I like Ireland and the Irish.




Voicesclan: The same name as the clan I'm in... I use it to manage things for the clan.

Excentric staff member of the Voices clan

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well my acc name is kirby989 and my last name is kirby the 989 was my friend who got me into rs 4 years agos idea he said it would be easy to remeber .. im almost sure at the time i could have just been kirby with no numbers


friends name is/was xsoldierxxx i have the acc now (lvl 62 with bunny ears thru rubber chickn lol)

RS vet for 5 years and counting


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I've got 3 accnts. il go thur story 4 each ofem. 1st name is the_pretzel0:i got this name cuz i can put my legs ovr my head and the 0 comes from the sugested names. quest guy567:i like doin quests and the numbers i sawem thout him tahts easy 2 remembr and voila. the_pretzel2: same reason as the_pretzel0.

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Well, err... I got my name cause, TIDUS OWNz! lol. And Tidus was taken so, i had to add something cool. like Zero :thumbsup: And BTW coca Cola stole my name, Zero, and my favourite colors :( Red, Black and white, waa! CopyCats! First Post BTW :)

25 Bucks short for Halo 3 -.-


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My dogs name (sash) and my girlfriends initials. Admittedly though I did feel dumb when we broke up.

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Back in runescape classic when I made this account, I started runescape from miniclip and hadn't heard anything about it. I assumed this had a "mana" system for magic so I'm like OMG I WANNA USE MAGIC so thus "eddie" my name with "wizard" to show I'm a mage, although runescape has one of the worst magic systems ever-.-" the combat in runescape is bad in general...

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