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New reportable offense: be my gf/bf!


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I was standing in a gnome stronghold bank when a kid asked a girl "Will you be my gf?" The girl turned out to be a pmod, and told him "that's a reportable offense".


Well that should certainly cut down on the amount of public chat in the game. Can't they just block "gf" and "bf" and be done with it?




I would think pmods time would be better spent focusing on getting rid of all the autoers/bots/farmers that are ruining this game right now!




gf also stands for good fight. although it wouldn't be much of a hassle to type the whole word.

Actually, it is a hassle. Especially in the wild when either you are dieing or your opponent is. You don't have time to type out "good fight" before the loser disappears.

Quit RS, combat 104, total 1651


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nick, i'd say that all rules are broken, every single rule goes broken at least 50 times per day i'd say...The fact is that now it is a rule, people can report it. We have laws against murder in the U.S., but it still happens right? But a law against it deterrs quite a few number of people because well..it's against the law. This isn't going to be a perm ban thing or anything i'd guess, most people won't know about it. Jagex will catch them, and hopefully they will learn.


I know that, I'm just saying people make it seem like no one is going to do it again. Plus I highly doubt they're going to get banned, Jagex probably has thousands of reports to sort out, with new rules means more reports and this is quite common (like Offensive language) so most rulebreakers are still going to stay.




But I never had a problem with them anyway, can't you learn to ignore?

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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ugh thats just stupid beyond imagination, you can get warned for asking someone to date you? honestly, they made this game for 13+ year olds, yet they're acting like parents that are overprotective of their 8 year old child.

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Is it okay to ask for a boyfriend or girlfriend in RuneScape?




No, that is solicitation and is not allowed at all. This is to ensure the safety of all our players.




from the knoledge base! it is a rule! w00t!!!




Location:Home > Rules of Conduct > Rule 1 - Offensive Language




so now we can report for this!? oh man! i could of been a mod by now!


ROFL!!! :XD: :D :) :shame:


^Click for my Newgrounds page!


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Funny. Not long ago I saw a low level male character ask a female player moderator to be his girlfriend, and the player mod said yes. And they walked away together.





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Yay! It's good Jagex brought this out, but they should have announced it publicly.


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Bad move Jagex. You're going to lose so much money on bans.




Most people who do this are actually f2p players. Most members won't be willing to risk their accounts with such a stupid offense. Not to mention a rule violation such as this isn't a ban, of course unless you already have 9 black marks.




Members are much more mature.


But sadly i see these so called 'golddiggers'in p2p too. Those levels 10-80s'in dwarf clothing yelling 'wanna be my bf'.




A while ago I did an experiment about it.


I changed my RS gender, and noticed alot more people asking for relationships. Then quickly changed back....

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It's quite funny people think this is the end of it...


Offensive language is against the rules right? Yet loads of people break it. People report them right? Then why are there still people who break this rule? Ethier A) They never got banned or B) More come. So even if the gf/bf situation is reportable or not, kids are still going to ask you to be their 'rich bf'.




They didnt always do, some idiot started it and noobs saw it and tought : "Wow this guy's a genius!!1!1 :shock: "


Then they started doing it and got more noob admirers >_>




We dont suspect it but in their own way, the noobs are a (nooby) community too <.<

Quest cape obtained at combat level 83, march 07.

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Allthough I hate people asking such things, I think this new rule is even more stupid than the people asking. I mean, it's only a question, and a silly one. Ignore it, or say "lol" and carry on. Is a rule really neccesary for this? Then why isn't begging for free stuff prohibited? Or asking silly noob questions.




Seriously, I didn't think Jagex would sink this low with their rules. Most idiot thing I've ever seen from them.

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Thanks for imforming us...yes Jagex, should announace it, but I think they proberly will soon enough, as theyve only just told J-Mods, they should be telling everyone else soon

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Bad move Jagex. You're going to lose so much money on bans.




Most people who do this are actually f2p players. Most members won't be willing to risk their accounts with such a stupid offense. Not to mention a rule violation such as this isn't a ban, of course unless you already have 9 black marks.


I wasn't being serious :| ; I was just utilizing hyperbole to emphasis how rampant the now reportable phrase is in the Runescape community.




Nonetheless, I see plenty of it at Castle Wars, so my post may contain at least a meager amount of validity :-k .

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:wall: nooo now how will i ever find a good cyber chick to spend time with :cry: destined to be loney foreverXD


:lol: !




OT: Good Job JaGeX. A lot of good non game improving updates this year already: world switcher, this rule, anti lruing rule.

When everything's been said and done, more has been said than done.

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I was standing in a gnome stronghold bank when a kid asked a girl "Will you be my gf?" The girl turned out to be a pmod, and told him "that's a reportable offense".


Well that should certainly cut down on the amount of public chat in the game. Can't they just block "gf" and "bf" and be done with it?




I would think pmods time would be better spent focusing on getting rid of all the autoers/bots/farmers that are ruining this game right now!






Lets just block all typing in rs. The scamming should be at least cut in half them :wall:




I'm glad to see this. I'm tired of being proposed to by people cuz they like my red pixel suit.


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why should a guy not be able to ask someone to be a gf on runescape


not that i really care because its just a game, but gfing and bfing is part of the game. :ohnoes: i think this should not be against the rules


Go Chicago Bears!


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To seize everything you ever wanted-One moment

Would you capture it or just let it slip?"

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Is it okay to ask for a boyfriend or girlfriend in RuneScape?




No, that is solicitation and is not allowed at all. This is to ensure the safety of all our players.




from the knoledge base! it is a rule! w00t!!!




Location:Home > Rules of Conduct > Rule 1 - Offensive Language




so now we can report for this!? oh man! i could of been a mod by now!


ROFL!!! :XD: :D :) :shame:


^Click for my Newgrounds page!


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