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im sticking with 99, noone seems really interested in this idea. its not difficult to refresh the page a few times to get in.

Expecting a good life because you're a good person is like expecting a bull not to charge because you're a vegetarian.

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im sticking with 99, noone seems really interested in this idea. its not difficult to refresh the page a few times to get in.




Yes, it isn't hard to refresh the page a few times, but it takes time. If you log in 2 times a day for a week, you lose alot of time on refreshing the page while you could have done something in-game instead.



Add me if you so wish: SwreeTak

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The only time i've ever seen 99 full was when the pc riot was going on tbh.




For me, not even then :D




World 99 has never been full for me..Maybe it's the fact that here in NZ at midday it's midnight where most of you guys are..


[signature not appropriate]

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The only official worlds with repeating digits that I can think of at the moment are 66 and 99 for law running which doesn't take up too much space. Anyway change is for the weak and Tip.It is not weak.

Barrows: 9~2 V Brass,V Flail,2 Dh Plate,V Helm,V Skirt,T Legs,Malevolent Shield DKing: 48~6 W Ring,13 A Ring,8 M Staff,9 S Ring,7 B Ring,3 Seercull
Dragon Drops: 500+~50+ Med,26 Axe,3 Chain,10+ Legs,10+ Spear,2 D2h,10+ L Half,49 Boots,2 DDs,10+ Lump,9 Claws,50+ Dagger,14 Visage,50+ Mace,4 Scimitar,7 Hasta,Baxe,50+ Long,30+ Royal,2 Kite,4 Ward,2 Plate,Staff,Hammer,Limbs, Mattock,Halberd
GWD: 156~4 S Staff,50+ Shard,9 B Tass,13 B Plate,5 B Boots,6 A Plate,11 S Sword,8 A Hilt,4 A Skirt,9 A Helm,S Hilt,3 B Hilt,B Glove,2 A Buckler,Z Ward,Z Garb,2 Z Boots,B Shield,B Helm

Corp: 3~Elysian,2 Sp Sh Nex: 6~Torva Legs,Cere,P cowl,Z bow,2 T boots + GWD2: 9~2 Glaive,Wand,2 Crest,Blade,2 Essence,Core Araxyte: 5~Web,3 Pheromone,Fang + Raids: 4~3 Codex,P Boots  + Trails: 2~Bob Shirt,Fortunate

Etc: 64~3 Sceptre,B Mask,16 Whip,2 Focus Sight,5 D Bow,7 SOL,Ragefire,2 Steadfast,Arma Staff,6 Rider Armor,5 Vine,2 Razorback,2 A Wand,Abby Orb,3 Blood Shard,6 Hydrix,Gland,Asc Xbow
[spoiler=Capes]Quest Cape Aquired 12-7-07 ~ Level 93 + + + Completionist Cape Aquired 5-22-15 ~ Level 138
Hitpoints Cape Aquired 9-21-09 ~ Level 131 + Magic Cape Aquired 9-24-09 Attack Cape Aquired 3-5-10 ~ Level 135 Summoning Cape Aquired 3-12-10

Strength Cape Aquired 6-1-11 ~ Level 137 Fire Cape Aquired 6-23-11 Defence Cape Aquired 7-5-11 + Ranged Cape Aquired 8-1-11 Kiln Cape Aquired 2-26-12 ~ Level 138
Dungeoneering Cape Aquired 4-22-12 + Slayer Cape Aquired 6-25-14 ~ Level 200 + Herblore Cape Acquired 12-9-14 ~ Level 138 Prayer Cape Acquired 12-20-14
Agility Cape Acquired 1-4-15 + Hunter Cape Acquired 1-30-15 Construction Cape Acquired 1-31-15 Crafting Cape Acquired 2-22-15 Thieving Cape Acquired 3-18-15
Runecrafting Cape Acquired 4-14-15 Mining Cape Acquired 4-19-15 Fishing Cape Acquired 4-25-15 Firemaking Cape Acquired 4-26-15 Woodcutting Cape Acquired 4-26-15
Cooking Cape Acquired 4-26-15Smithing Cape Acquired 4-28-15 Farming Cape Acquired 4-29-15 Divination Cape Acquired 5-3-15 Dungeoneering Mastery 5-4-15
Fletching Cape Acquired 5-4-15 Max Cape Acquired 5-4-15 + Invention Cape Acquired 11-9-16 Invention Mastery 5-16-19 + Archaeology Cape Acquired 10-30-20

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ive never had a problem with getting in so im not changing.




Oh ok, so as long as you can get in you care nothing of the community and how they are fairing.




Its changed once before, just because half of the people on this thread we not around then they think that worlds matter. "i got my first pk in w99, i did something first in w99"




Change needs to happen for people to advance in life. To the person who posted change is for the weak, go back and live in a cave, start fires with 2 sticks, the rest of humanity will continue on.




The fact is that world 99 is getting full, people who say they havent seen it dont play at peak times, world 99 was playing on teh "full" status for around 40 minutes today, and after 10 refreshes i gave up. People always post "well it only takes one refresh," Well it didnt.




:-k I dont know what else to say, You people are just stubborn.


^^Click For Monster Hunting Blog (180M+ in drops)^^

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It originally was 9. I suppose it might be time for a change.
i still to 9 when i do actually play simply bc its a full world and if i want to do slayer the Good spots are open and there's a nice respawn rate.. Plus i've played on 9 for years gotta stick to what i know

RSN: drgnslyer15


15 skills 90+ - 10 skills 99 - 200m+ total exp

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We will also be adding some information to the world select screen about ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ãâ¦Ã¢â¬ÅthemedÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬ÃâÃ

Doomy edit: I like sheep

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  • 2 weeks later...
So..now that world 99 is the official world for running ess or laws or w.e its been full the majority of the day






oh it'll only be like this for a day or two toast... 99 has always been the official world... people are just anxious to do it for a bit...




stop trying to change something thats perfectly fine.




if you change tip.it to another world it'll fill up fast as well... there are a lot of people in tip.it and eventually that world will get full as well.


I skill. If you skill you should join.

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stop trying to change something thats perfectly fine.




If its not broke, don't fix it.




its not difficult to refresh the page a few times to get in.




Couldn't have said it better. Give it up.

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