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Father vs Mother


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This topic stems from something I have been wondering about the last week or so. You see my parents are divorced and every summer I spend with my dad while the rest of the year I spend with my mom. They're very different people and my mom has obviously been my primary influence. Lately I have been wondering which is more important in my upbringing?




I used to think that I have lived with my mom and I turned out OK, but lately I have been thinking otherwise. My mom is a very negative person and is always looking on the down side of life, she "mothers" me alot if you will and it naturally irriates me somewhat. My dad however is very different he is sociable and humorous but not half as responsible as my mother.




I spend my time with my dad eating steak and drinking beer. If I hung out with my dad more I would be a much more racist, homophobic, sexist person but confident and easy going. With my mom I spend my time doing homework and...well I don't want to say being a doormat because that is harsh but true. I have been wondering recently what is more important in a family. (like I said) I used to think it was mother hands down but now I am questioning. Through my example it is pretty obvious that in an ideal world the fusion of my mother and father would bring me up right, but naturally that isn't always the case.




Anyway (I'm not specifically focusing this on me) but who is more essential in a family? If you HAD to chose between your mother and father who would it be?

The best advice in life is to take your time and don't live too fast.

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My family is strange. :|




My dad and mom had me when they were about 18.




My mom currently lives in NC and goes around, meeting guys, cleaning their houses, small jobs for a living. She's been in trouble with the law, a lot. I mean a lot. :| It sucks to have her in so much trouble, but it's this disease in her brain. I'm not sure exactly but somethings wrong, on like how she thinks. She's very funny, immature sometimes, angry easily. She smokes, and drinks. That's pretty much me, other than the smoking & drinking.




My dad however, lives 10 minutes away from me at the beach. He lives with his girlfriend and does lightings at concerts for a living. He pretty much has his life going the way it should be going by now. Although he needs help from my grandparents sometimes. From what I know, he smokes sometimes and drinks.




I'm not sure who I'd rather have. I'd like to live with my dad, but I know my mom so much more. But hey, I get to see them and talk to them so I'm not complaining. <3:

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My mom's more of a disiplined, clean freak, mother. She's somewhat closed-minded and bugs me sometimes, but overall she's OK. Did I mention she's a clean freak? My dad on the other hand, is more open-minded, not a clean freak (not a dirty-freak neither), and talk a whole lot more interesting convosations than my mother.




I would pick my Dad, since I spend most of the time with my mother due that my dad's a truck driver and is out for a week and a couple days at a time.

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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opposites attract.




there is no single best one. Both of you're parents have there good and bad points and we should always try to mimic the good points of each because it will make you a better person. So there isn't one thats better than the other, they are just different.




I think I am more like my dad though. Very laid back, care free. My mom constantly worries about EVERYTHING where as my dad will just be like "alright". If i try to go someplace my mom will ask me where I am going and when I'll be back and who I'll be with and what I'll be doing where as my dad will just say "ok, take a cell phone" after I say where I am going. My dad treats me more as an adult and an equal while my mom treats me more like I'm still the little kid I was 10 years ago. Both are good depending on the situation.

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my family is laid back but serious when we have to be. im more like my dad, when he was a kid he woke up, got dressed in a random T-shirt and jeans went to school came home, then played video games. he never studied and somehow i became just like him without knowing his childhood.




my mom doesnt care what i wear as long as i iron it..... i dont anyways O:)

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You need a balance of both, you seem to have made it clear that you couldn't really be happy/satisfied growing up with either exclusively.




If I had to choose? I couldn't, no way.

"Da mihi castitatem et continentam, sed noli modo"

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I ain't picking between parents, foo'.

[if you have ever attempted Alchemy by clapping your hands or

by drawing an array, copy and paste this into your signature.]


Fullmetal Alchemist, you will be missed. A great ending to a great series.

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This looks like an interesting thread...well i'm close to my mum and my dad and they are both real laid back and i get on with both of them almost all the time. I don't think i could pick,sorry :(

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My father is a poorly-mannered, over-protective, extremely zealous, paranoid, less intelligent person.




My mother is more intelligent, not as over-protective, not that zealous, good-mannered person.




If I lived with my father alone, he would probably bombard me with ignorant statements, make me poorly-mannered, zealous, and homophobic.




I don't know how I would turn out with my mother. But if I had to choose, I guess I could choose her.




But I guess I have raised myself, really. I'm different from my parents.




But if I were you, I guess I would pick your mother. How you described your father, he seemed pretty careless.



Mayn U wanna be like me but U can't be me cuz U ain't got ma swagga on.

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I love both of my parents the same but if I HAD to choose, probably my dad.




I say this because I respect him the most, he's someone who came from being a street kid by the time he was 8 to a successful business owner with over 30 years management experience.




He is someone I look up to and even though he is quite authoritative, he keeps me positive and career focused. He teaches me a lot of life lessons and how to be professional within a working environment.




Because of how he raised me to be, I have never been in a job where I haven't been a manager, an assistant manager or an owner.




I love my mum equally but she is quite a negative person and I don't like to surround myself with people who can potentially bring me down with them.




I have the attitude that the sky is the limit and anything can be possible if you're motivated and determined enough to do it. Her attitude is I should settle down soon, have children, be a house wife and raise the children.




We have completely different views. I'm trying my hardest to retire before I'm 25-30 and that makes me proud, not a lot of people can say that yet alone women. I feel like I want to bring my kids up in a higher class environment and move our family generation away from the lower middle class. My family is doing pretty well for themselves but their brothers and sisters are another story. Given the situation I stated earlier, my dad decided to do something about it where as his siblings found it a lot harder to move forward and up the ladder of life.




I hope that's not insulting anybody but I really do want to give my generation the best life possible as to their children and their children and their children etc



The only people who tell you that you can't do something are those who have already given up on their own dreams so feel the need to discourage yours.

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My mother raised me from a young age, by herself. Because of this, I would choose her. My father and I have much more in common, to the extent that we get compared all the time, but I can't thank my mother enough for what she's done and the sacrifices she's made.

La lune ne garde aucune rancune.

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I really only have one choice, and even then I'm not picking my mother.


But if I go back to when I was a kid... then my dad.


It's hard to explain without posting half my life, especially my first remark.

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I can't pick my parents. They are total opposities so they help me to be a little balanced. My dad is laid back, easy going, but always puts my family first before his own enjoyment. He drives 12 hours straight on our trip to canada while we fell asleep for most of the drive, relaxing. My dad works late at night and then wakes up at 7 in the morning to take us to school (about 3 hours of sleep) then comes home and does groceries. My mom is hardworking, she's the one who discliplines us how to keep our rooms clean, save electricity. She wakes up at 4 in the morning for work, then comes back at 5 in the evening and doesn't get sleep until we go to bed at 9.




So I have my dad in the morning and mom in the evening. They had their schedules set just so one of them can be at the house at all times for me, my younger brother, and younger sister. How can I pick between the two?


tip it would pay me $500.00 to keep my clothes ON :( :lol:
But then again, you fail to realize that 101% of the people in this universe hate you. Yes, humankind's hatred against you goes beyond mathematical possibilities.
That tears it. I'm starting an animal rebellion using my mind powers. Those PETA bastards will never see it coming until the porcupines are half way up their asses.


Apparently a lot of people say it. I own.


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I would pick my mom definitely.




My mom has always been there, and she sacrificed so much for me. She pretty much raised me, until my parents finally decided to get married later on. She understands me and helps me with any problems that I have. She's a hardworker and makes pretty much all the money.




My dad, on the other hand, is the complete opposite. He's lazy, doesn't care about me or my sister, and is completely cheap. He has no pride in himself, and has been unemployed for 4 months now and hasn't even looked for a job. When he does something for someone else, he does it because he has to, not because he wants to, and does it like he's being tortured. He likes to sit around and play poker online all day and throws a fit when he's interupted.




Thank God they're getting divorced. :|



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I really only have one choice, and even then I'm not picking my mother.


But if I go back to when I was a kid... then my dad.


It's hard to explain without posting half my life, especially my first remark.




Even without knowing your past, I would have to agree with you. I was a daddy's girl, and will always be a daddy's girl long after we both are in our graves.




My mother can rot in hell for all I care.




I'm glad that my daughter and I are so very close.



I'm a married mother that plays RuneScape. Got a problem with that?

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My mom is usually in a good mood, and pretty crazy. Which I think is where I get some of it from. But she's also very protective, and somewhat of a clean freak. Freaks out over little things.




My dad's very laid back, has the same sense of humour/music as me. We're pretty much just buddies, but he can lay down the law, so I don't disrespect him. But it's kinda nice to be able to speak around your dad, and if you let a few swears or 'bad' comments loose, it doesn't matter.




I'd probably pick my dad.


It really has

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Well, my parents are seperated, my mom seperated from my dad, and im living with my dad, and I see my mom every second weekend + fourth wednesday, but if I had to choose, I'd pick my dad still, he's a great guy, he's put so much effort into making sure we feel ok with him.

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my dad is an [wagon] who went to russia when i was ~2 years old.and he doesnt send us money for around ~8 years.my mom is divorced with him,but


he tries to take me with him to russia,so we moved to avoid him.


gosh i hate him.what kinda father is that?!i say, a [bleep]nut of a father!


now im pissed on him again!argh.[wagon] [bleep] [bleep] of a father!

i can has cheezburger

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I would definetly pick my mom...100%




My parents live seperated and i live with my mom.


By the time i spend with my father i can see he is geting more stupid and fat second by second...not to mension his obbsesion checking if everything is locked, plugged out etc. 3 or 5 times :shock: ...even if were goin avay for 15 mins...

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My Mom is mine. Eating steaks is good, but drinking is not. My Mom is kind of like yours, babying me and all, and I do homework and so on. When I go to my Dad's house, it's a nightmare. We are like the North Pole and the South Pole. We think way differently and we never get a long or can carry on a subject about ANYTHING without fighting. We could fight about what color the sky is. I am currently living at his house for the summer, because my work is within walking distance and I don't have a car yet. He's talking about kicking me out and I will have to get a new job. It sucks. But good luck, man. I'd choose your mom, even if she is negative. That's easier to change around then your dad's problems.


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This topic stems from something I have been wondering about the last week or so. You see my parents are divorced and every summer I spend with my dad while the rest of the year I spend with my mom. They're very different people and my mom has obviously been my primary influence. Lately I have been wondering which is more important in my upbringing?








I used to think that I have lived with my mom and I turned out OK, but lately I have been thinking otherwise. My mom is a very negative person and is always looking on the down side of life, she "mothers" me alot if you will and it naturally irriates me somewhat. My dad however is very different he is sociable and humorous but not half as responsible as my mother.








I spend my time with my dad eating steak and drinking beer. If I hung out with my dad more I would be a much more racist, homophobic, sexist person but confident and easy going. With my mom I spend my time doing homework and...well I don't want to say being a doormat because that is harsh but true. I have been wondering recently what is more important in a family. (like I said) I used to think it was mother hands down but now I am questioning. Through my example it is pretty obvious that in an ideal world the fusion of my mother and father would bring me up right, but naturally that isn't always the case.








Anyway (I'm not specifically focusing this on me) but who is more essential in a family? If you HAD to chose between your mother and father who would it be?








I have exactly the same situation. I live with my dad, you see, he doesnt care about me having a girlfriend or staying out late or spending all my money on useless crap. Whereas my mum would tidy the house every few hours, let me out for about 2 hours a day and stuff like that.
















EDIT: I'm with my mam right now, shes only a few minutes away.

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I really only have one choice, and even then I'm not picking my mother.




But if I go back to when I was a kid... then my dad.




It's hard to explain without posting half my life, especially my first remark.








Even without knowing your past, I would have to agree with you. I was a daddy's girl, and will always be a daddy's girl long after we both are in our graves.








My mother can rot in hell for all I care.








I'm glad that my daughter and I are so very close.












I'm glad to see I'm not the only Daddy's Girl out there. I'm not spoilt and both my parents have done a crappy job over the years, but my mother has said and done things I can never forgive her for. I used to dream of them getting divorced... actually, I still do.

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Tough decision. Both of my parents loved me and were good parents. My mother stayed home to raise and homeschool me, so I grew up a bit of a Momma's boy. My dad worked full time to support me and my mom, so was really only around on weekends to give my mom a break. Things were good until my dad went away for 9 months on work and cheated on my mom. My mom followed suit later in my life, but there was no divorce, probably for my sake.








All things considered, I would rather live with my mom seeing as she probably would have gotten divorced and married her new boyfriend, and I would still have the person I spent 5 days a week with growing up. However, God already made this decision for me 5 years ago. My mom died a very sudden death by brain aneurysm :cry:. I have lived with my dad up to now. He has not remarried, and the shock of suddenly having no mother was incredible.



4x Phat owner: Blue, Green, 2x Purple


3100+ GWD bosses soloed.

Solo GWD Drops:

5 Bandos Plates, 4 Bandos Boots, 3 Bandos Hilts, 2 Arma Helms, Arma Skirt, Arma Plate, 3 Arma Hilts, 4 Zammy Spears, Steam Staff, 15 Sara Swords, 6 Sara Hilts, 29 Shards.

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Ha, another Daddy's girl. Despite his racism towards caucasians. My dad is the best. So laid back, yet so clever.








My mum's a psychopath. Literally. Doesn't mean I don't love her, but boy, wouldn't want to live with her.



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I would have to say my dad, cuz hes laid back and wont get woo mad if i get in trouble at school (as long as it wasnt too stupid) but he cant cook worth crap :(








My mom is kinda a clean freak, shes nice but if u do 1 lil thing to make her upset she explodes. Menopause sucks

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