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Is this who jagex picks to be mods?


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I hate practically every player mod I see, every one I've met has been a complete jerk to me and the people around me. Jagex are making more and more stupid decisions..








Kick all player mods & hire people like zez & n0va.


maturity over levels. otherwise like this git in the pic they will abuse their power (some).


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I'm sure Jagex selected that player based on his/her previous conduct. Often a little power goes to peoples heads, so that behaviour is likely a symptom of that.




I hope you reported them. Jagex will not look kindly on it and may review their recruitment process.

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Probably joking, i doubt any p mod would be stupid enough to try to break rules in the middle of falador.


Not true. I have seen alot break rules in Fally and other palces. item scamming, admitting to using autoers, luring "noobs" to wildy. being Jerks and rude for no reason. had one the other day, say quit asking me if Ill sell you something Im not a store noob, her exact words. One said hed sell me ranarr seeds for 100k ea, i said no thank you he called me a noob, said I didnt know prices. you get idiots everywhere unfortunately most have power and you dont. Ive played for 4 yrs, never been banned, muted, reported (that I know of), never made false reports, never been rude, gone outta my way to help people, been scammed outta money, still help, and havent once been contacted. Only time Jagex contacts me is when iCant afford to pay for a month and have to quit. then I get a letter saying we're sorry you let your account go, hope you join us again.



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It seems to me the place I see the most mods is in a merch world with an auto typer. They take advantage of the fact that you CAN NOT block what they are saying, no matter what. :wall: :shame:



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Mingle with my darkness

May we mix to create

Our own twilight sunset

The dusk breeze

Spreading clouds

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It seems to me the place I see the most mods is in a merch world with an auto typer. They take advantage of the fact that you CAN NOT block what they are saying, no matter what. :wall: :shame:


i beg to differ...


ignore list. and it works ::'


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It seems to me the place I see the most mods is in a merch world with an auto typer. They take advantage of the fact that you CAN NOT block what they are saying, no matter what. :wall: :shame:


i beg to differ...


ignore list. and it works ::'




Never thought of that, I always just tried to turn my chat off... :oops:



Come, be my light.

Mingle with my darkness

May we mix to create

Our own twilight sunset

The dusk breeze

Spreading clouds

On our murky horizon


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Ooooh the irony... :roll:




I used to know a few people, back before TIF, who just wanted to become mods for the powers. And they did... I still know one who is a mod today... Although he's a bit straightened up now after I told him off. :wink:


Mmm... Mudkipz...

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It seems to me the place I see the most mods is in a merch world with an auto typer. They take advantage of the fact that you CAN NOT block what they are saying, no matter what. :wall: :shame:


i beg to differ...


ignore list. and it works ::'




Never thought of that, I always just tried to turn my chat off... :oops:




You cannot not igmore JaGeX Moderators or Player Moderators.


Mmm... Mudkipz...

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The way Jagex chooses thier mods is simple but flawed. Any player that hasn't been reported and has reported other rule breakers has a chance to be chosen by Jagex, that's all there is to it. Unfortunately, Jagex can't tell or have enough information if the new mods will be responsible enough with thier new powers. :|

No longer playing Runescape, I caught the WoW bug.

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I actually have less respect for player mods than I do normal players; that is, unless they earn my respect. I know and am friends with several player mods, so they aren't all corrupt... However, more often than not, when I see a level 70 p-mod, I can assume he is ignorant and does not deserve his power.




sorry, cant agree with that at all, if you think like that youre really narrow-minded... perhaps your personal experiences havent been that good, but a lvl 126 can be much more childish than even a lvl 3




does the cb lvl give you a state of maturity? no


does rl age give you a state of maturity? not the slightest


is everyone the same? heck no


will you just have to life with it? most likely

Take your time to post on my blog please!


Open up your hate and let it flow into me, madness is the gift that has been given to me...

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Player mods are just regular players who have spent their time reporting rule breakers, so don't expect too much from them. It's that simple, just keep reporting players who break the rules and you will sooner or later be pmod regarding that you haven't breaked the rules before yourself (recent black marks and such).




I've seen some of them acting rude like "this is my spot go away" and pmod selling vyrewatch clothing 100k ea in w2 etc. They just do like so many other players; it's not breaking the rules, but it sure does make them look like losers.

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I actually have less respect for player mods than I do normal players; that is, unless they earn my respect. I know and am friends with several player mods, so they aren't all corrupt... However, more often than not, when I see a level 70 p-mod, I can assume he is ignorant and does not deserve his power.




You really shouldn't be biased on level. In fact, I saw a level 6 Player Moderator who was an amazing person to talk to.


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^ I think there's a lvl 3 p-mod. Saw him in cammy.




Yeah, there are quite a few level 3 Mods, I've seen a couple myself. Most of them are skillers who reported tons and tons of macros.




And as for the bad mod thing, yeah I've heard about a lot of bad mods. In fact my friend saw a mod who was luring, which wasn't against the rules at the time but he didn't think a mod should be doing it so he reported him. The next day he saw him still with his crown armor trimming, so he reported again. Two days later he saw him pass scamming and he reported again. Three weeks later he saw him yet again item scamming and yes he still had his crown. Moral of the story, mods do scam, and not only that they hardly ever get their crown taken away. I personally think its because so many people report them just for the heck of it jagex rarely looks into it. But really the amount of good mods far outweighs the very, very few bad ones.

"Nothing in life is permanent, not even our troubles."-Charlie Chaplin.


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enough with the mod-bashing threads!


it's very possible that's a new mod, one of VERY FEW bad mods, or was hacked. we don't need a new thread for everyone to flame the entire moderating community every time someone sees a single player mod doing something wrong.




You cannot not igmore JaGeX Moderators or Player Moderators.


you can ignore player mods, just not jagex mods. ever try it?

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I am dissapointed in jagex. I have found a couple other player moderators who have been rude/disrespectful, but to break the rules? What was jagex thinking when they hired this guy?




I hope jagex isn't going quantity > quality when it comes to choosing moderators. There seems to be a mass recruitment of p mods these days.




Oh, they certainly are.




Hey, there are plenty of good p mods, but really, do you think Jagex goes through some sort of rigorous screening process?




It's an old boys' network... you get made a p mod if you know the right people, pretty much.




Sometimes that works well, and sometimes it really doesn't.





Qeltar, aka Charles Kozierok

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Never met a pmod who was rude or didnt try to help people, so theres two options : 1) i've been lucky, 2) most of those saying yeh pmods dissed me and then stole my phat are lying because they were being noobs and got told off.




I'm SURE there are some bad pmods, but i am equally sure that most aren't rude, discourteous cheats.

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Yikes. In addition to this luring mod, I've seen no less than 3 autotyping pmods. DOWN WITH RULEBREAKING MODS!!!

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I've played since rsc.. Around 5 years now and still haven't been asked to be an player mod. Seen so many useless pmods that it makes me angry :P Maybe ill get pmods someday <3:



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I actually have less respect for player mods than I do normal players; that is, unless they earn my respect. I know and am friends with several player mods, so they aren't all corrupt... However, more often than not, when I see a level 70 p-mod, I can assume he is ignorant and does not deserve his power.




Level =\= Intelligence.




No, but level generally corresponds with knowledge about the game. Someone who is level 110 is far more likely to abide by the rules of the game and be helpful to the community than someone who is level 60...




provided the 110 pk didnt break the rules to get to said level in the first place ;)

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