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1. give em back for sure


2. same


3. same


4. no, thats just mean, he worked hard to get his money so why would i have the rights to take them?


5.yes ofcourse, if he is stupid enough to bring a partyhat into wildy then it is his fault


6. not that i pk, but yeah.


7. hmm, change my mind here, if he was nice, and not like "omg durrr giev m3 bak my st00f n00b" i would give it back. but only if he asked me, i wouldnt like chase him down and give it to him.

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1. If a friend from RL lent you a party hat to wear once and give back, would you take it?






2. If an ingame friend gave you his partyhat to wear then give back, would you take it?






3. If a rich person you hardly knew lent you his partyhat to wear and give back, would you take it?






4. If you knew someones password, and knew they were rich, would you take thier stuff?






5. Would you kill a skulled person in the wilderness for a partyhat?






6. Would you accept a duel with a much lower level that stakes all his money (say 5 mil)?






7. If someone died, and dropped something valuable, would you give it back. AND how valuable would it have to be for you to keep it?


I'd keep it. It would have to be worth more than 50k.

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1. If a friend from RL lent you a party hat to wear once and give back, would you take it?








2. If an ingame friend gave you his partyhat to wear then give back, would you take it?








3. If a rich person you hardly knew lent you his partyhat to wear and give back, would you take it?








4. If you knew someones password, and knew they were rich, would you take thier stuff?








5. Would you kill a skulled person in the wilderness for a partyhat?








6. Would you accept a duel with a much lower level that stakes all his money (say 5 mil)?








7. If someone died, and dropped something valuable, would you give it back?




Yes, no matter what


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  1. [*:2ltv67be]If a friend from RL lent you a party hat to wear once and give back, would you take it?
    Yes, though it wouldn't happen to start because I don't like being responsible for other's items so I wouldn't accept.
    [*:2ltv67be]If an ingame friend gave you his partyhat to wear then give back, would you take it?
    Same answer, people are people whether you know them in person or not.
    [*:2ltv67be]If a rich person you hardly knew lent you his partyhat to wear and give back, would you take it?
    Yes if it happened, though in the case of strangers I'd absolutely refuse to wear it.
    [*:2ltv67be]If you knew someones password, and knew they were rich, would you take thier stuff?
    Nope, probably tell them to change their pass.
    [*:2ltv67be]Would you kill a skulled person in the wilderness for a partyhat?
    Depends, if they were just out there minding their own business I'd think "What the hell?" and probably ask them about it. If they're a rude abrasive jerk who went out of their way to harass me then I'd kill them no hesitation.
    [*:2ltv67be]Would you accept a duel with a much lower level that stakes all his money (say 5 mil)?
    I don't stake for gp but assuming I did, I'd like to think somoene is smart enough to not wager more than they want to lose.
    [*:2ltv67be]If someone died, and dropped something valuable, would you give it back?
    Yes. If I can see the person's name before it happens I'll contact them. Otherwise I wait for them to return and verify items they dropped so I know it's them.


571st to 99 Fm Nov. 4 '06 - 315th to 99 Crafting Mar. 3 '07 - 3410th to 99 Fishing Sept. 18 '07

26378th to 99 Cooking Oct. 16 '07 -.- 99 Thieving Dec. 29 '07 - 1343rd to 99 Farming June 5 '08

1807th to 99 Agility Nov. 8 '08 - 3094th to 99 Smithing Feb. 14 '09

2012 total - 91 combat

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When you say "take it" in the first questions you mean stealing it from him right? ... Anyway




1. If a friend from RL lent you a party hat to wear once and give back, would you take it?


If i ever feel like beeing killed irl, yes




2. If an ingame friend gave you his partyhat to wear then give back, would you take it?






3. If a rich person you hardly knew lent you his partyhat to wear and give back, would you take it?






4. If you knew someones password, and knew they were rich, would you take thier stuff?






5. Would you kill a skulled person in the wilderness for a partyhat?


Yes, even if it's lure, the wilderness ditch is there to protect them, if they don't pay attention to it they deserve to lose thier phat.




6. Would you accept a duel with a much lower level that stakes all his money (say 5 mil)?


I'd first ask him if he was sure of this considering the grand diference of combat levels.




7. If someone died, and dropped something valuable, would you give it back. AND how valuable would it have to be for you to keep it?


Depending on the way he died:


If he died to an npc while he was talking to me or at least i knew he was actually playing the game and not afking.


If he died to a ramdom i wouldn't, the only way to die for this is by afking,


and that's againts the rules.




If he wasn't afking and he dropped a party hat i wouldn't give back, too much temptation :oops:


If he was afking i wouldn't give back anything, doesn't matters if it's a bucket or a phat, maybe i'd give back the bones ::'

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1. If a friend from RL lent you a party hat to wear once and give back, would you take it? No




2. If an ingame friend gave you his partyhat to wear then give back, would you take it? Depends how close I am to this ingame friend




3. If a rich person you hardly knew lent you his partyhat to wear and give back, would you take it? Yeh :(




4. If you knew someones password, and knew they were rich, would you take thier stuff?


Seems easy so far, this is where it starts to get a bit harder. Nope I wouldn't want to risk my real account getting banned.




5. Would you kill a skulled person in the wilderness for a partyhat? Obviously.




6. Would you accept a duel with a much lower level that stakes all his money (say 5 mil)? I would look him up first as he could be a Pure but if not yes/




And Finally, the big one that expect the vary the most




7. If someone died, and dropped something valuable, would you give it back. AND how valuable would it have to be for you to keep it?




I would keep it whatever Value it is.

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1. If a friend from RL lent you a party hat to wear once and give back, would you take it?


I have no rl friends that play RS.




2. If an ingame friend gave you his partyhat to wear then give back, would you take it?






3. If a rich person you hardly knew lent you his partyhat to wear and give back, would you take it?


Not if he's in my clan, else thanks you for the kind gesture.




4. If you knew someones password, and knew they were rich, would you take thier stuff?


That depends who it is.




5. Would you kill a skulled person in the wilderness for a partyhat?


Before you can say ice barrage.




6. Would you accept a duel with a much lower level that stakes all his money (say 5 mil)?


After checking his stats, yes.




7. If someone died, and dropped something valuable, would you give it back. AND how valuable would it have to be for you to keep it?


I if don't know the person, I'd give it back unless it's 5m+.


2146 overall - 136 combat - 6 skillcapes


Plus I think the whole teenage girl thing will end soon (hopefully), because my girlfriend is absolutely in love with him(she is 18), and im beginning to feel threatened by his [Justin Bieber] dashing looks.

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1. If a friend from RL lent you a party hat to wear once and give back, would you take it?






2. If an ingame friend gave you his partyhat to wear then give back, would you take it?






3. If a rich person you hardly knew lent you his partyhat to wear and give back, would you take it?


I wouldn't ask him to wear it, but if he out of the blue lent it to me, yes :P




4. If you knew someones password, and knew they were rich, would you take thier stuff?






5. Would you kill a skulled person in the wilderness for a partyhat?


HELL yes.




6. Would you accept a duel with a much lower level that stakes all his money (say 5 mil)?


As long as he didn't have 99 range/mage or somthing like that, yes.




7. If someone died, and dropped something valuable, would you give it back. AND how valuable would it have to be for you to keep it?


Nope, I'd keep it.




I'm good to people I know well, but everything else to me is fair game. But as for breaking into someone's elses account; I know for a fact that that is 100% against the rules, and pretty wrong, too.

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1. No


2. No


3. No


4. No, and I'd tell him to change his pass.


5. Yes


6. Yes


7. I'd give back part of it, and not very valuable.

Ah, this reminds me about the noob on the Runescape forums who was upset with the quest "Cold War" because apparently his grandparents died in the war. :wall:
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Answer Honestly. I kind just wanted to see the reactions to this thread. these are ranking in order of severity




1. If a friend from RL lent you a party hat to wear once and give back, would you take it?






2. If an ingame friend gave you his partyhat to wear then give back, would you take it?






3. If a rich person you hardly knew lent you his partyhat to wear and give back, would you take it?






4. If you knew someones password, and knew they were rich, would you take thier stuff?




Seems easy so far, this is where it starts to get a bit harder.




5. Would you kill a skulled person in the wilderness for a partyhat?




6. Would you accept a duel with a much lower level that stakes all his money (say 5 mil)?


yea but not if he asked for it bak nicely...then id give bak 70%


And Finally, the big one that expect the vary the most




7. If someone died, and dropped something valuable, would you give it back. AND how valuable would it have to be for you to keep it?


i wouldnt give it bak....they should have been more carefull. although if they were my freind i would give it back





Thanks to Goldwolflord, megadedhed, willmcdermot, Biabf, jak722, born2die, Mediumwell, xxxShade, Random, speedofsound, edtheripper, and Alduron for the awesome sig

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So many people are lying. here's the honest truth.




1. If a friend from RL lent you a party hat to wear once and give back, would you take it?


No since that rl friend would stab me lol


2. If an ingame friend gave you his partyhat to wear then give back, would you take it? Depends the friend, prolly if I didnt know him much Id keep it \'




3. If a rich person you hardly knew lent you his partyhat to wear and give back, would you take it?


Um yes, his fault


4. If you knew someones password, and knew they were rich, would you take thier stuff?








5. Would you kill a skulled person in the wilderness for a partyhat?




6. Would you accept a duel with a much lower level that stakes all his money (say 5 mil)?


Yes of course


And Finally, the big one that expect the vary the most




7. If someone died, and dropped something valuable, would you give it back. AND how valuable would it have to be for you to keep it?


Of course his fault :thumbsup:


RSN: Zammyftw ^^The girl that ruined music.

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I'm a bastard. Deal with it.




1. If a friend from RL lent you a party hat to wear once and give back, would you take it?








2. If an ingame friend gave you his partyhat to wear then give back, would you take it?




Probably not, if it's some kid I met two days ago, sure.




3. If a rich person you hardly knew lent you his partyhat to wear and give back, would you take it?




If he was that stupid (trusting) then yes, I would.




4. If you knew someones password, and knew they were rich, would you take thier stuff?








5. Would you kill a skulled person in the wilderness for a partyhat?




If the person was stupid enough to skull with a party hat, it's his own fault. I would kill him without a second thought.




6. Would you accept a duel with a much lower level that stakes all his money (say 5 mil)?




Once again, If he's stupid enough to stake me, then yes.






7. If someone died, and dropped something valuable, would you give it back. AND how valuable would it have to be for you to keep it?




Yes. The second i pick it up, it's mine. If he wants it back, tough.

Treasure trail items: 9

Dragon drops: 0

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Answer Honestly. I kind just wanted to see the reactions to this thread. these are ranking in order of severity




1. If a friend from RL lent you a party hat to wear once and give back, would you take it?




2. If an ingame friend gave you his partyhat to wear then give back, would you take it?




3. If a rich person you hardly knew lent you his partyhat to wear and give back, would you take it?




4. If you knew someones password, and knew they were rich, would you take thier stuff?


Seems easy so far, this is where it starts to get a bit harder.




5. Would you kill a skulled person in the wilderness for a partyhat?




6. Would you accept a duel with a much lower level that stakes all his money (say 5 mil)?




And Finally, the big one that expect the vary the most




7. If someone died, and dropped something valuable, would you give it back. AND how valuable would it have to be for you to keep it?






Just some random thoughts I had while playing lessers today. I kinda wanted to see the responses










4.if I knew them in real life, no, if i they were complete strangers, yes


5.who wouldn't?


6.who wouldn't?


7.If I had a use for it I'd keep. Or if I needed it.





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1. If a friend from RL lent you a party hat to wear once and give back, would you take it? No




2. If an ingame friend gave you his partyhat to wear then give back, would you take it? No




3. If a rich person you hardly knew lent you his partyhat to wear and give back, would you take it? No




4. If you knew someones password, and knew they were rich, would you take thier stuff? No






5. Would you kill a skulled person in the wilderness for a partyhat?


Yes, it would be getting to phat fair and square.


6. Would you accept a duel with a much lower level that stakes all his money (say 5 mil)? If he is being a jerk, if not then no.






7. If someone died, and dropped something valuable, would you give it back. AND how valuable would it have to be for you to keep it?


No, if he died on his own accord fairly then I would keep it.








-Pasty 8-)

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1. If a friend from RL lent you a party hat to wear once and give back, would you take it?




2. If an ingame friend gave you his partyhat to wear then give back, would you take it?




3. If a rich person you hardly knew lent you his partyhat to wear and give back, would you take it?




4. If you knew someones password, and knew they were rich, would you take thier stuff?




5. Would you kill a skulled person in the wilderness for a partyhat?




6. Would you accept a duel with a much lower level that stakes all his money (say 5 mil)?








7. If someone died, and dropped something valuable, would you give it back. AND how valuable would it have to be for you to keep it?





1. No


2. No


3. No


4. No


5. Yes


6. Yes


7. No

If you jump into a river in Paris, you're insane. If you jump into a river in Egypt, you're in denial.

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1. If a friend from RL lent you a party hat to wear once and give back, would you take it?




2. If an ingame friend gave you his partyhat to wear then give back, would you take it?




3. If a rich person you hardly knew lent you his partyhat to wear and give back, would you take it?




4. If you knew someones password, and knew they were rich, would you take thier stuff?




5. Would you kill a skulled person in the wilderness for a partyhat?




6. Would you accept a duel with a much lower level that stakes all his money (say 5 mil)?




7. If someone died, and dropped something valuable, would you give it back. AND how valuable would it have to be for you to keep it?






1. No


2. No


3. No


4. No


5. Yes


6. Yes


7. Anything on the floor is mine for the taking as far as I'm concerned, but there are certain circumstances when I would give it back. How people treat me is a major influence on my treatment of them (plus friends, forum buddies etc.). Value doesn't really matter, when I was new to the game a girl died and dropped what was a huge amount to me at the time. Because she pmed and asked nicely for it back I waited and gave it back.

Playing WoW


Server - Ghostlands US


My mian is Redshifter - Level 80 Feral Druid

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1-id give back


2-I'd give back


3-i might take it, matters how rich i am atm








7-I'd give it back if its worth nothing, but keep it if its worth anything, even like 100k, unless they were being nice, and pmed me and asked nicely


When a true genius appears in the world, you may know him by this sign, that the dunces are all in confederacy against him. ~Jonathan Swift


Website Updates/Corrections here. WE APPRECIATE YOUR INPUT! Crewbie's Missions!Contributor of the Day!

Thanks to artists: Destro3979, Guthix121, Shivers21, and Unoalexi.

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1. If a friend from RL lent you a party hat to wear once and give back, would you take it? I would give it back definately.




2. If an ingame friend gave you his partyhat to wear then give back, would you take it? I would give it back.




3. If a rich person you hardly knew lent you his partyhat to wear and give back, would you take it? It depends on how much I know him..




4. If you knew someones password, and knew they were rich, would you take thier stuff? It depends on how much I know the person. I probably will.. I regret.




Seems easy so far, this is where it starts to get a bit harder.




5. Would you kill a skulled person in the wilderness for a partyhat?


Yes, definately. It was their stupidity.




6. Would you accept a duel with a much lower level that stakes all his money (say 5 mil)? I'm F2P. But If I encountered this, I would only accept if I didn't have ot stake that much in return.




And Finally, the big one that expect the vary the most




7. If someone died, and dropped something valuable, would you give it back. AND how valuable would it have to be for you to keep it?


If it's a rare, I'll keep it. If it's something less than 100k, I'll give it back to the person.


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1. If a friend from RL lent you a party hat to wear once and give back, would you take it?


Never :o


2. If an ingame friend gave you his partyhat to wear then give back, would you take it?


If I KNEW the person had got it through scamming and deceit, I'm all for the saying 'What goes around comes around'.


Otherwise, never




3. If a rich person you hardly knew lent you his partyhat to wear and give back, would you take it?


Oh yea :-w




4. If you knew someones password, and knew they were rich, would you take thier stuff?






5. Would you kill a skulled person in the wilderness for a partyhat?


Who wouldn't?




6. Would you accept a duel with a much lower level that stakes all his money (say 5 mil)?


All depends on the situation and how I'm feeling




And Finally, the big one that expect the vary the most




7. If someone died, and dropped something valuable, would you give it back. AND how valuable would it have to be for you to keep it?




'Someone'? A friend - Of course I would give it back




If it was just some random person, I would put my private chat on and if they contacted me and asked for their stuff back -nicely- I would give it back (unless it was something insanely valuable or the person died out of stupidity e.g afking at bandits/metals)

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1. If a friend from RL lent you a party hat to wear once and give back, would you take it?


No! O:)




2. If an ingame friend gave you his partyhat to wear then give back, would you take it?


Pretty much the same answer, I only make friends with people I can trust (and people who can trust me).




3. If a rich person you hardly knew lent you his partyhat to wear and give back, would you take it?


Tricky, tricky, tricky...


I would probably run for the hills with it, but, it depends on them. If they seemed nice to others ect. I probably would feel bad and would hand it back. If, however, the person was a total *cough* *ahem* then I would consider it karma. :pray:




4. If you knew someones password, and knew they were rich, would you take thier stuff?


I wouldn't want to risk my account. :anxious:




5. Would you kill a skulled person in the wilderness for a partyhat?


Well, thats a no brainer, obviously I would. Any items you take into the wilderness you must be prepared to loose.




6. Would you accept a duel with a much lower level that stakes all his money (say 5 mil)?


No, for the reason that if it sounds to good to be true, it usually is.




7. If someone died, and dropped something valuable, would you give it back. AND how valuable would it have to be for you to keep it?


Depends on my mood. I have given stuff back to people before. But, if it is worth anything over about 20% of my current cash, then I would keep it.


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1. If a friend from RL lent you a party hat to wear once and give back, would you take it?




Yes i would they earnt it i'm not gonna take it away from them




2. If an ingame friend gave you his partyhat to wear then give back, would you take it?




Same as above




3. If a rich person you hardly knew lent you his partyhat to wear and give back, would you take it?




Same as above




4. If you knew someones password, and knew they were rich, would you take thier stuff?




That is selfish they earnt it why take it, it's not worth losing somebody's friendship over pixals




5. Would you kill a skulled person in the wilderness for a partyhat?




If they are in the wildy, Yes the wildy is surpose to be fighting not looking cool.




6. Would you accept a duel with a much lower level that stakes all his money (say 5 mil)?




Yes why not If they are really that stupid to do it they must




7. If someone died, and dropped something valuable, would you give it back. AND how valuable would it have to be for you to keep it?




Depends how they died, if it was due to their own stpidaty No, if they was stupid enough to do it while wearing something valuable



180th to 99 Divination + 1st W36er


Rambo, cannot pk call your friends bro :). Wait nevermind none of SAPK/PKS can. Kappa.

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1. If a friend from RL lent you a party hat to wear once and give back, would you take it?




Err... if only I had a friend IRL who HAD a party hat... I probably wouldn't be stealing it.




2. If an ingame friend gave you his partyhat to wear then give back, would you take it?




Happened before. And I haven't been pursued and flamed constantly for scamming. ;)




3. If a rich person you hardly knew lent you his partyhat to wear and give back, would you take it?




Depends. Did I ASK to borrow it? If he's lending it out to random people for no reason, then I'd keep it merely because if I don't, eventually someone will and in the end it hardly would matter. If I asked to borrow it for whatever reason I would certainly return it.




4. If you knew someones password, and knew they were rich, would you take thier stuff?




Happened before. I never even went on his account... it's the same guy that had the p hat though and we've been friends since I started RS.




5. Would you kill a skulled person in the wilderness for a partyhat?




Doi. Well, assuming I could kill him with a rune scimitar... which is usually about all I bring into wild. XD




6. Would you accept a duel with a much lower level that stakes all his money (say 5 mil)?




No. Way too high probability of bug abuse or such.




7. If someone died, and dropped something valuable, would you give it back. AND how valuable would it have to be for you to keep it?




Probably anything up to 20m I'd be willing to return. Higher than that, I would have to think twice. Why he died, did he deserve to. If he brings a blue party hat when he's alching in barrows and accidentally clicks on coffin and gets owned, I'm keeping. :twisted:

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1. If a friend from RL lent you a party hat to wear once and give back, would you take it? I wouldn't accept the trade when he/she attempted to give it to me. (This one has happened before, and my reaction was as I stated)




2. If an ingame friend gave you his partyhat to wear then give back, would you take it? I wouldn't accept the trade when he/she attempted to give it to me. (This one has happened before with a mask instead of a party hat, and my reaction was as I stated)




3. If a rich person you hardly knew lent you his partyhat to wear and give back, would you take it? I wouldn't accept the trade when he/she attempted to give it to me.




4. If you knew someones password, and knew they were rich, would you take thier stuff? I wouldn't even use the account. (I have known several passwords of somewhat rich people and would never abuse the trust)




5. Would you kill a skulled person in the wilderness for a partyhat? No, I have no desire to gain a party hat. Also, I don't even go to the wilderness except to work on prayer.




6. Would you accept a duel with a much lower level that stakes all his money (say 5 mil)? I only enjoy fair fights, no matter the reward, so no.




7. If someone died, and dropped something valuable, would you give it back. AND how valuable would it have to be for you to keep it? Assuming I saw their name, I would give it back no matter the value.




Experience/Skill > Bank Value

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1. If a friend from RL lent you a party hat to wear once and give back, would you take it? no




2. If an ingame friend gave you his partyhat to wear then give back, would you take it? no




3. If a rich person you hardly knew lent you his partyhat to wear and give back, would you take it? no




4. If you knew someones password, and knew they were rich, would you take thier stuff? no


Seems easy so far, this is where it starts to get a bit harder.




5. Would you kill a skulled person in the wilderness for a partyhat? no




6. Would you accept a duel with a much lower level that stakes all his money (say 5 mil)? no




And Finally, the big one that expect the vary the most




7. If someone died, and dropped something valuable, would you give it back. AND how valuable would it have to be for you to keep it?


i would give it all back assuming i saw their name or they came back


Gwd Drop's: Sara - 4 Hilt, 13 Ss(3 ls), Armadyl - None, Bandos - 6 Hilt, 4 Bcp, 7 Tasset, 4 Boot

Zamorak - None, Tormented Demons - 1 Dragon Claws, 1 Dragon Shard

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If a friend from RL lent you a party hat to wear once and give back, would you take it?








2. If an ingame friend gave you his partyhat to wear then give back, would you take it?








3. If a rich person you hardly knew lent you his partyhat to wear and give back, would you take it?








4. If you knew someones password, and knew they were rich, would you take thier stuff?




Yes, if they weren't my friend on rs.




5. Would you kill a skulled person in the wilderness for a partyhat?








6. Would you accept a duel with a much lower level that stakes all his money (say 5 mil)?








7. If someone died, and dropped something valuable, would you give it back. AND how valuable would it have to be for you to keep it?




Not my fault that they died. I would keep.


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