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Standing ovation to Jagex


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Why not just say "My daddy will sue you because I' m 10 and you let me play your game!!!" They might give you free membership.




And altizzle, :thumbsup: :XD: YOU THE MAN!

RSN:Mico1311 Combat: 82 Highest skill: Fishing 75 Playing time: From around August 2003


The guy in my avatar is Veso, a comedian mastermind.

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You made me spill my drink!!! Holy crap i couldn't stop laughing.


When a true genius appears in the world, you may know him by this sign, that the dunces are all in confederacy against him. ~Jonathan Swift


Website Updates/Corrections here. WE APPRECIATE YOUR INPUT! Crewbie's Missions!Contributor of the Day!

Thanks to artists: Destro3979, Guthix121, Shivers21, and Unoalexi.

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^ I might try that. Or something close to it.




okay thats was just a waste of space and rude.




ot: jagex systems are quite screwy. i was perm' banned from my main Chrismcv because i was "apparently" macroning despite being smart enough to not use something so stupid with a well dont character. well jagex i say: :P jog off.


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i just tried typing a random message to recover my account asshumper69




yes i made the account before they made asshumper edited.




got perma banned for offencive language before i could log in.




well i wrote something like this for my appeal:




jagex ban why me not log in kill self suicide cut wrist pork and beans jagex dumb monkeys gots fleas oscar meyer frito lay




we will see what happens lol




lmfao i probably got a 6 pack abs for laughing @ that name.


asshumper69.... lmfaoo




2nd troll to 840+ post count.

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Some of you may remember the account I got banned with 212.1 blackmarks (Post all RS related screenshots here sticky). I tried that appeal and several other ones like it and so far two of them are denied withing minutes..I've never had a successful appeal..all I can see is that you're really lucky..




Impressive though. Very impressive.

I once shot a man in Reno, just to watch him die.
Pics or it didn't happen.
I hate my generation.
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I just copied and pasted Scorpiona's quote to appeal my first offensive language blackmark...we'll see what happens. And this is a hilarious thread! Asshumper69, hybrid2hell's swearing appeal... :lol:




It wasnt my swearing appeal, it was justcallmedaddy's.




0 blackmarks ftw?

I engineered this thread with precise variables that I know would cause lul-worthy flames.


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Some of you may remember the account I got banned with 212.1 blackmarks (Post all RS related screenshots here sticky). I tried that appeal and several other ones like it and so far two of them are denied withing minutes..I've never had a successful appeal..all I can see is that you're really lucky..




Impressive though. Very impressive.




I just looked at a RWIT site and they were selling 1k dragon bones for $11.05. That translates to just over 1 cent per bone. Think how long it takes to kill a green dragon, (estimating 1 minute), and say that the gold farmer keeps 1/4 of the money, they make about 15-20 cents per hour at most. Also assume that since the owners of the sweatshop keep 45 cents per hour from each person, and let's say they have 100 workers, they earn $45/hour. This translates (assuming 12-hour days, 15 cents an hour and 350 days a year) to a gold farmer earning about $630/year, the sweatshop owner earns about $170,000-$180,000 (because of advertising costs), while the guy flipping burgers at the fast-food restaurant earns $10,000-$20,000/year. I see no reason why sweatshop workers should earn less than a low-end fast food worker for working more than 50% more than them, especially since the sweatshop workers have to support entire families, while the guy flipping burgers is most likely doing it as a part-time job for extra money.




Also, when you can buy items in RuneScape or macro your way to a maxed skill, where's the sense of achievement? The gold farmer or macro is the one that really deserves that pixelated 100m, or that strength cape.




Not you.




Would you rather earn every gp for that party hat set, or buy the gp with real money and get the money in minutes from a RWIT site? Or would you rather chop every magic log for your 99 woodcutting, taking many months, or macro 24/7 for a few weeks? A macroed cape of achievement is an oxymoron to me, as there is hardly any achievement that I would consider less worthy of recognition for.




Think about what cheating really leads to.




Here's my problem with allowing f2p on the forums, and probably why Jagex doesn't allow them on.




F2P General Forum topics:




Buy RuneScape Gold at cheapgold.com!


need free money


~~Cheap RuneScape items and gold at rs-items.com..


**** jagex and ****** their ********* ****** omg **** it!


Selling cheap member pins - PM me!


etc, etc, etc....








(None of the websites are real, I am not begging, insulting Jagex, selling member pins, or advertising or in any way encouraging real world trading.)




See what I mean? You think ad bots and noobs (NOT newbs) are bad ingame? What about the forums?






Forums for F2p would be nice, but I just don't see how it could work out..just so everyone who suggested it understands.





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people write multiple paragraphs explaining in great detail withalot of evidence showing how jagex made a mistake and get denied, your write this and you get it received..........im not sure what to say




Im one of those people who write paragraphs... im muted...




+1 I'm muted too...I think I should send Jagex a link to this message..


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That's nothing. I saw a post a while back where someone got banned for impersonating Jagex staff, and their appeal was "But I really AM a J Mod. Don't ban me for being who I am =(" and it was accepted. I've seen several other ridiculous examples like that one; and then I've seen cases where someone got banned for something I'm guessing they probably didn't do, and then their actual attempt at an appeal gets denied.

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I wonder if someone could make a code phrase that would le anyone with a mute off the hook? I'm sure many people would do a lot for that, seeing as though there actually are many, many people who would not break the rules again, but cannot get word to JaGex.

That's what it takes to be a hero, a little gem

of innocence inside of you that makes you want

to believe that there still exists a right and wrong,

that decency will somehow triumph in the end.

--Lise Hand

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That is ridiculous yet very funny...




[spoiler=Stats:]Updated December 22, 2011:


Total level - 1442 - 170M+ XP , Combat level - 115

Combat skills: Attack - 90, Defence - 99 (24.45m+ XP), Strength - 90, Constitution - 99 (16.42M+ XP) Ranged - 99 (13.32M+ XP), Prayer - 60, Magic - 99 (13.25M+ XP)

Non-Combat skills: Cooking - 99 (13.80M+ XP), Woodcutting - 99 (31.95M+ XP), Fishing - 90, Firemaking - 99 (24.82M+), Crafting - 90, Smithing - 90, Mining - 85, Runecrafting - 60, Dungeoneering - 85


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The appeal system is keyword based, similar to the tagging system Google and other search engines use to attach "word weight" to specific keywords. It's only for very rare or very serious cases that you'll actually get a real person to respond to your appeal.




Your previous account history also affects what the Appeal-O-Bot does to your appeal. It will lower the weight of heavy keywords you use repeatedly, and will blanket-reject you in certain cases (such as if you threaten suicide twice in a row).




For example, an appeal consisting solely of:


suicide scared never again so sorry only tried please help me didn't mean to one more chance kill myself cut wrists hanging pork and beans




Is much more likely to succeed rather than:


Dear Jagex,




I'm very, very and deeply sorry that I committed the offence of macroing. I've recently become a Christian and had my reproductive organs removed and I am sure that this will never happen again.




Thank you for understanding,


Timmy Jones




Also, there are hardcoded rules that the Appeal-O-Bot sometimes applies. Such as, if it's the very first offensive language blackmark you have, it will usually automatically approve your appeal.




Makes you think about just how much Jagex cares about their loyal customers, eh?




Meh, it's morally wrong. Can you imagine an automated court case where the machine messes up and a serial killer/rapist gets off free?




Okay, perhaps I shouldn't be comparing Rule 1 to mass killing, but oh well.




btw I love the poster!




I didn't know that you've gotta have your reproductive organs removed if you're to be a christian...




Nice poster though. You might want to paste it all over RS.


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get your pitchforks and spades, kill the drunk, malletwielding monkey.


'rationality. aparently does not apply in england.' heh.

If you jump into a river in Paris, you're insane. If you jump into a river in Egypt, you're in denial.

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