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Hooray for macros?


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that would mean you have to get them....






YOURSELF!!!! Oh noes.... putting some efford in gathering!!!!




Honestly, I think this game needs more gatherers (other then autoers) so you actually see what it means not to buy a skill (fletching, cooking) but to actually put some efford in it to get the 99.




Well Said! I never have to take out money to buy fish, or logs, or even ore! I work for my items, and I only buy the items I need to obtain logs or fish.




Yes, Runescape does need more gatherers. Also, Autoing is against the rules, so why should we need more? Also, Autoing Makes the game lag, and harder to get things. Has anyone noticed? Many of the natural places to get those items have been over-runned with autoers!




I Say, BOOO For autoers!




<3: O'Ducky








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There's a simple answer:




Jagex are behind the Bots.








Without bots, the prices would go up yes, but honestly only by 30-250gp depending on the item itself. Which is quite a lot if you think in the thousands, already lobsters have gone up by 70gp from their recent drop to 200gp, it is causing a massive disturbance to F2P, pkers, and to those who don't know about better food than lobs. Just think how bad it would be if almost all raw materials would be effected?




Also, easier cash? No?




You'd spend that cash on other items you'd buy which would increase in price, unless you gathered everything yourself, which is truly going to take you 10 years, and some serious dedication.




Are you claiming jagex made the bots? :-s

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Are you claiming jagex made the bots? :-s


I'm claiming Jagex could be the ones paying the heads at the gold farmers for the majority of gold, or programed the scripts for bots, or in some discrete pay is helping the bots.




Strong believer in it, and it does make some sense based on the easy steps jagex can take to stop bots. :-#

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I think if the autos 'disappeared' then regular players would finally get the chance to cut the logs themselves. #-o


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I was certainly thankful for their efforts when I went for 99 prayer and 99 crafting. They kept the prices of both hides and bones down.




In hindsight however, they have somewhat cheapened those skills.




Overall, they're a pain, and could ultimately destroy the game if it gets out of hand.

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Lol yes yew price will go up if macroers are wiped out. However some rs wcer would cut to make money so why care lol :-D. I doubt it will go up where alch price is nothing.










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the autos do more damage to the game then help. ITs an on going battle with jagex to rid rs of them yet they continue to make efforts. I don't see the price of yews changing if autos were completely taken out of the game because more people would cut yews themselfs. I think the reason they were introduced into f2p was to keep the price the same, but in the end the autos took advantage. I don't think autos have a HUGE impact on the rs economy though.

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There's a simple answer:




Jagex are behind the Bots.








Without bots, the prices would go up yes, but honestly only by 30-250gp depending on the item itself. Which is quite a lot if you think in the thousands, already lobsters have gone up by 70gp from their recent drop to 200gp, it is causing a massive disturbance to F2P, pkers, and to those who don't know about better food than lobs. Just think how bad it would be if almost all raw materials would be effected?




Also, easier cash? No?




You'd spend that cash on other items you'd buy which would increase in price, unless you gathered everything yourself, which is truly going to take you 10 years, and some serious dedication.




That's some serious accusations there...





I think its really rude to interrupt me, especially when im trying to cut into the conversations of others

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There's a simple answer:




Jagex are behind the Bots.








Without bots, the prices would go up yes, but honestly only by 30-250gp depending on the item itself. Which is quite a lot if you think in the thousands, already lobsters have gone up by 70gp from their recent drop to 200gp, it is causing a massive disturbance to F2P, pkers, and to those who don't know about better food than lobs. Just think how bad it would be if almost all raw materials would be effected?




Also, easier cash? No?




You'd spend that cash on other items you'd buy which would increase in price, unless you gathered everything yourself, which is truly going to take you 10 years, and some serious dedication.





That's some serious accusations there...


Yep, and there's enough evidence on both sides to prove, or disprove those accusations. ^_^

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hey noob, think about the REAL people who play rs. I myself always try to cut yews but its hard with those macros making the tree disapear in an instant. so if you wanna talk about "economy" of runescape go somewere were ppl care. Those level 3 macros do not deserve the money and i hope they all get banned or they leave their computers on too long so they blow up in thier pathetic lazy faces!!! :ohnoes:

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The economy will be a lot better without them, as we don't get price drops which frankly shouldn't happen. Isn't overproduction what caused the Wall Street Crash anyways? :-w

~ W ~



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Myself I don't agree with you. I would be much happier if all the macros and autos disappeared and everything we would need to do was to pay some more cash for, for example, yews.




Yes i would very much like to se this happening.

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There's a simple answer:




Jagex are behind the Bots.








Without bots, the prices would go up yes, but honestly only by 30-250gp depending on the item itself. Which is quite a lot if you think in the thousands, already lobsters have gone up by 70gp from their recent drop to 200gp, it is causing a massive disturbance to F2P, pkers, and to those who don't know about better food than lobs. Just think how bad it would be if almost all raw materials would be effected?




Also, easier cash? No?




You'd spend that cash on other items you'd buy which would increase in price, unless you gathered everything yourself, which is truly going to take you 10 years, and some serious dedication.





That's some serious accusations there...


Yep, and there's enough evidence on both sides to prove, or disprove those accusations. ^_^




Yeh thanks for saying that I was wondering if Jagex was behind the rule breakers and what-not. :-s :?

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Getting 99 in a gathering skill > Getting a 99 in a buyable skill.






The autoers make it so that the only real ways of getting money are rcing nats, pking, and killing high-leveled monsters. I usually just collect my own resources though, as it's not really that hard. Macros just flood the economy with cheap resources, keeping real players from making money by gathering, and allowing certain people to buy skills for a very low price; indeed, sometimes at a profit...

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We all know that most of the macroers bring in yew logs..




Think about this fellow fletchers/fmers:




If all the bots were wiped out, Yew logs would be really hard to buy and shoot up in price.




Yew logs play a MASSIVE part in the runescape economy




If yew logs go up, so will yew longs and then you will lose more money on alching them, and lots of people alch them daily and this brings in alot of money for the economy.










NOT true at all. There has been a time(before all the autoers) when yews were 250-300ea. Right now they are 330+ea.

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Probably already said but no bots = more players wanting to cut(without bots there is no competition) more players wanting to cut(for money) and more players would need to cut. If we didn't have bots it would be the same. The economy evens out either way. :roll:


Happy to find I'm not the only one who eats glass.

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Iself are lazy. Without macros I would hafta get my own stuff.




But honestly, I can't see Jagex EVER stopping macros.


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