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Runescape (the name)

Guest Kickpointy

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I feel that it is really supposed to be interpreted as Rune Quest. Rune for the runes found throughout the game, both in the magical aspect and as in runes (ruins, folklores, explanations) of the gods. The gods and the backround of the world is partly explained due to histories in the knowledge base and are explained in quests.




The second part is for Scape, or "scaping". I feel this translates into questing, and questing for knowledge of the runes and lores. Therefore, the many quests that explain the runes and storyline are what the game is named for. Runescape.




I really don't think they called it Runescape due to runite armour, because due to the low levels required and the fact that they would not base a game around weak weaponry or armour.

Tetris is about using the equal force of the working power to build up the glorious people's republic of Russia....
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Magic has been around since the game started, it was an original stat of course.




However in the start of runescape, there were two types of magic.








Alot of the early classic quests were magical based or had some sort of magical properties.


Demon Slayer, Imp Catcher, Witches potion, plus areas like stonehendge below varrock, wizards toward near draynor most of the game's landscape and folk were affected by magic. Since you must have runes to cast magic, and the entire game is affected by it , it makes sense the LandSCAPE is affected by runes.






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I thought rune was something elemental so I thought it was an UBER FANTASTICAL game but turns out it isn't.




And its called Runescape but Rune isn't the best armor..? :?




At one point it was...




Considering there was at least 2 months between runescapes release and the release of rune armour this theory is bs anyway.




Runescape is a clear reference to it being a scape of rune(s)




Rune(s) being the magic stone


Scape being a term meaning an area containting the affor mention word eg landscape a scape of land


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Well, if you consider it as Run Escape, that's basically what Level 3's have to do to escape from the endless hordes of monsters... Like the level 5 Highwaymen... Or the Hobgoblins or Scorpions. They run a lot. But usually they don't escape, resulting in annoying topics on the RSOF.


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Well Runes and Capes Merge it together Runescape


Capes don;t have much to do with the game, though, so that seems slightly pointless...unless you;re joking. Then hahahahaha. Smiley for effect: :XD:




Capes don't have much to do with the game?






All I hear about nowadays is players spending 100+ hours on the game, trying to get some silly little item called a "Skill cape"





Clever on Jagex's end, seeing as they named it 'RuneScape' years before they made Skill Capes. Nice job.








I always thought Rune was about the Runite armor/weaponry, and Scape meaning Landscape.




Clever indeed, seeing as how runite armor wasn't around when RSC started. Nice Job


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A land of magic. Of course, this isn't always true when this is happening:




12-year-old boy on Runescape talking to a girl: cex plz.


Girl that is really a man: OK. Give me 10k gp first.


12-year-old boy: (Gives money) k cex plz.


"Girl": k. (runs off)

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I think Rune signifies magic, and scape is an area of land. Together I think the name is suppoesed to give the impression of a Magical World or Runescape.

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Well Runes and Capes Merge it together Runescape


Capes don;t have much to do with the game, though, so that seems slightly pointless...unless you;re joking. Then hahahahaha. Smiley for effect: :XD:




Capes don't have much to do with the game?






All I hear about nowadays is players spending 100+ hours on the game, trying to get some silly little item called a "Skill cape"





Clever on Jagex's end, seeing as they named it 'RuneScape' years before they made Skill Capes. Nice job.




I always thought Rune was about the Runite armor/weaponry, and Scape meaning Landscape.




ya same i always thought it was rune for magic/armor and scape as in landscape


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Rune's Cape. :o




D'oh :shock:




There was once called a warrior named Rune, he was so famous he got armour and ores named after him. He also had a special cape and that's when Jagex made a game about him and called it: Runescape. :XD:




They couldn't make Rune's Cape so they left out the ' and the space and you get Runescape. <3:




Gosh i'm smart. :ohnoes:

ooh eeh ooh ahah, ting tang wallawallabingbang m8

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Someone was proably interested in runic writing, symbols on RuneScape's runes maybe have somthing to do with symbols in Runic alphabet? And somehow combine it with scapes... for example, log in screen, there are two columns with two scapes.

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I still stand by my name Rune's cause you cast magic and cape =X






Capes Think about it itll like BLOW YOUR MIND!


Proud Mother Of Two Girls

Proud Player Of Rune Scape

Proud And Loveing Angel Maghras Strong As A Robot =X

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I think its because of rune stones. Also because on the RS Login page, the word "RuneScape" is written on stones, and there are some burners making rune symbol shaped smoke. (Sorry about the bad explanation, but you know what I'm talking about. Do you? :-s )

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Well the Rune part is easy > > The name rune scape brings it out Theres Rune Letters runes we use for magic =X


Proud Mother Of Two Girls

Proud Player Of Rune Scape

Proud And Loveing Angel Maghras Strong As A Robot =X

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