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Glitch Hits Burial Of Man With Mobile Phone


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A man whose dying wish was to be buried along with his mobile phone has to be dug up again after his family discovered they had forgotten to insert his SIM card.


Arso Banjeglav, 67, of Montenegrin, was so pre-occupied with sending text message to his friends on his mobile phone that he told his son 38-year-old son Brano of his wish to be buried with it.




However, after his funeral, his family discovered that his grandson, who was playing with the device, had taken out the SIM card.




"We put the phone in the coffin as he wanted, but my 10-year-old son had been playing with it and had taken the card out without my knowledge," Brano said. "So now we have got to dig him up again to put it in the phone."




Your toughts?

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It's Montenegro, actually. The culture over there respects death more than Mexico. When someone makes a wish for death, people follow it to the letter.


My heart is broken by the terrible loss I have sustained in my old friends and companions and my poor soldiers. Believe me, nothing except a battle lost can be half so melancholy as a battle won. -Sir Arthur Wellesley

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OP, why do you have a problem with this. I see no negative effects.




I see no problem in the OP :roll:




On topic - Cool, its little, strange, quirky things like this that remind me of the true strangeness and randomness the human race is capable of.




Now is the time to change the saved number of the deceased to your own and text them - messaging from beyond the grave!

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OP, why do you have a problem with this. I see no negative effects.




I see no problem in the OP :roll:




On topic - Cool, its little, strange, quirky things like this that remind me of the true strangeness and randomness the human race is capable of.




Now is the time to change the saved number of the deceased to your own and text them - messaging from beyond the grave!




I meant like why should anyone care? It's not anything bad. It's mildly interesting...just kind of random.


Trix.--quit WoW as of 12/07

Thank you 4be2jue for the wonderful sig and avatar!

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It's Montenegro, actually. The culture over there respects death more than Mexico. When someone makes a wish for death, people follow it to the letter.




Very true, Mexico honors their dead to a point. (if that makes any sense)




Festival of the dead?


Listen to the mighty words of Bloodredsword.

Tip it MGC Xbox live leader board!

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Now is the time to change the saved number of the deceased to your own and text them - messaging from beyond the grave!


I would laugh so [cabbge]ing hard, there isn't a smiley fit to show it, so I'll have to do this: :XD: :thumbsup: :XD: :thumbsup: :mrgreen: :lol: :XD: :XD:


Command the Murderous Chalices! Drink ye harpooners! drink and swear, ye men that man the deathful whaleboat's bow- Death to Moby Dick!



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You will leave this world with what you came in with (in my opinion).




I respect the family for fulfilling the man's will, but the man's will is a little out of hand - Unless someday waaaay in the future the cell phone is worth like trillions of dollars (or whatever advanced currency they have, bytetokens maybe?) for being a rare artefact...






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Whatever floats their boat.




I work in a cemetery, so I know how crazy some people get when it comes to dead relatives. They can get very, very crazy.




my dream job = GRAVEDIGGER!








awsome ice breaker at parties :P

Say what you mean and mean what you say because those that matter don't mind, and those that mind don't matter.

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my dream job = GRAVEDIGGER!








awsome ice breaker at parties :P




Not as awesome as you would think it would be. I do have a few interesting stories to tell though, only if they ask though.




Id love to hear an example. Smile




Well it's more crazy as in annoying as hell. There's one lady who moans and cries like no other, every day. Now that normally isn't bad, mourning is normal. It's six months later though now, and it's still everyday. Which is also not too bad, she is just taking it harder than others. She brings a lawn chair and a book, and her grave is on the edge of the driveway that is the main road for the cemetery. Now the thing is, she only moans and cries when there is someone around observing her. If no one else is in the cemetery she sits there and reads her book. When a car drives by, she puts the book down and starts wailing and moaning, then reads again when they are past. When someone walks through, she cries and yells and wails, but as soon as they are gone, she goes back to reading. So yeah, not as much crazy as it is just annoying.



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This is ridiculous... He's DEAD! I'm all for honoring them and everything, but this is just too far. These people need a reality check. <.<
it's not ridiculous, it was in his will. I don't think you would like your family to completely ignore your will and do whatever they wanted with your body when you're dead (don't start getting necro fantasies), and yes it's exactly the same thing.
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Whatever floats their boat.




I work in a cemetery, so I know how crazy some people get when it comes to dead relatives. They can get very, very crazy.




my dream job = GRAVEDIGGER!








awsome ice breaker at parties :P




I know a good icebreaker for this one family. Their son died by getting raped by a horse. I bet anyone would love to hear that story.


I <3 Gears of War 2.


Add me on Xbox Live and mention you are from Tif :D

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