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MechScape: The reason for the decline of RS?


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You guys ^^^^^ all too serious. What will probably happen is that "MechSCape" will be a sequel. About 2,000 years into the future, everything is high tech and stuff. New things built. Old things detsoryed. Like VArrock being destroyed 100 years after the current time by the Mahajarat. Falador spreading all the way to the river salve. Etc. THis will not be the end of RuneScape, as people will be like, what was here before...? And also, that means to make a new area, it must be in the past too, ( well usually) so that means updates to RS does it not? It's no use speculating as we do not know the inner workings of Jagex. So sit back, and hope the ride doesn't make ya puke.

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First of all, Java is the language that Jagex is familiar with. They probably aren't very good at C++.



At this point Jagex can hire enough c++ developers to do the job.





Second, if this alleged new game is client-based, it would probably have decent graphics, MUCH better than RuneScape. Like I have said before on this thread and many others, RuneScape's graphics are poor because it's browser-based, not because it's Java. A C++ browser game wouldn't be much better than RuneScape.



its both,Java graphical libs doesn't have the strengh of c++ based libs (DirectX for example)





Third, many games with good graphics, particularly "next-generation" games, DO have complicated quests ("epic quests") and skills. They also have superior gameplay. Take it from someone who plays such games.


I love RS for its content. It seems to me that most of the games out there focuses on Cool Graphics rather on inteligent content.





Much of Java is derived from C++. Anyone taking a Java course or studying Java could probably half-[wagon] C++ without too many errors, and vice-versa.





Shifting from C++ to Java is quite smooth but not the other way.


Java programmers always have real problem shifting to c++. The fact they have to manage the memory themself without their beloved Garbage Collector gives them the creep :D


(but i guess this is a subject to diffrent forums..)

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According to Wikipedia, Mechscape is the working name of Jagex's side project, a space/sci-fi MMO that they've been working on for several years. This actually explains a lot, to be honest.




What do you all think about this? I'll tell you what I think:




One possible conspiracy theory about why RS has declined over the past couple years is that Jagex realizes the cesspool RS has become, and they realize the amount of work it would require to salvage the game, and they decided it's not worth it. That's why so many of the things that players have begged for have gone unnoticed and unfixed. That's why almost all of the quest storylines are unfinished, the important issues like the defunct Triange have gone unnoticed, and why Customer Support is so crappy. They are still making a killing off RS, so they intend to let it run its course while they start from ground zero on their new game, hopefully fixing the problems that plagued RS.




But I honestly don't see how this new game will be any different, I mean.... Jagex is steeped in Java, so the game will likely have the same limitations, and in today's market, it will be extremely hard to get positive publicity with their new game if it keeps similar cartoony graphics to what RS has. Also, once the kiddies hear about the new game, they will infest it and crap in the pool like they did with RS. ALSO, with Jagex's horrid customer service, I just do not see any way their new game will survive. To be honest, by creating this new "side-project" they are cutting off their nose to spite their face. RS could be a brilliant game if they would just invest all their effort in fixing it, instead of starting over.




Finally, November is Jagex's last chance to avoid losing one of their longest paying customers. If they don't release anything spectacular in November, come December first, I am unsubscribing. But hell, what do I matter to them? Even if I leave, I will just be replaced by ten whiny noobs who crap their pants and then beg Jagex to do something about it.




Oh, and PS: I will probably end up checking out their new game if it has a trial, but there's no way in hell I am subscribing. Jagex has exhausted their credibility with me; the only reason I've put up with their BS for this long is because I've invested over half a decade of my life into their game and I do not fancy starting from scratch in a different MMO.




Harsh, aren't you? Runescape is one of the best games I've ever played. I can't agree with you calling it a "cesspool" and declaring that it needs "salvaging". Runescape is at it's peak right now. You have to understand that the very limitations you speak of are probably what's causing the updates to go slower. I'm no computer whiz, but i can guess that it takes a while to make create, design, and implant all that they put into this game. Plus, they don't exactly have the biggest workforce in the business. It sounds like you're implying that jagex doesn't give a [cabbage] about it's players and that's totally out of line. You want a game like that, play SRO. Runescape has a tight community that's spawned many devoted players like those here at tip.it. Also, how can you blame Mechscape for causing these so called "problems" that you speak of. Number one, barely any work has been put into mechscape as far as we know. Do you honestly believe that Runescape declined because one of their employees drew some concept art? Number two. There would most likely be an entire other group of workers designing mechscape and that wouldn't affect runescape.




Stop whining. This is another one of those "good old days" topics in disguise. If you don't like the game that you've played for five years, then maybe you shouldn't play anymore. simple as that. Don't grab for answers in the dark trying to explain why runescape isn't the way you envision it to be. It is what it is and it won't go back to what it was. Deal with it.

The internet: A place where the men are men, the women are men, and 13 year old girls are FBI agents.
looks like WoW's interface.

Were you too lazy to read 3 posts above or too stupid to comprehend it?

Brothers and sisters, I have none, but that man's father is my father's son. Who is that man?

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First of all, Java is the language that Jagex is familiar with. They probably aren't very good at C++.


Actually they have C++ developers there and most people who know Java will know atleast some C++.




Second, if this alleged new game is client-based


What do you mean by client-based? Last time i checked runescape had a client.




it would probably have decent graphics, MUCH better than RuneScape.


Not everyone wants better runescape graphics, i think it's graphics are good enough.




Like I have said before on this thread and many others, RuneScape's graphics are poor because it's browser-based not because it's Java.


Umm, no they aren't. Jagex could easily release a .jar download version of the game which, when launched, would run just the same as if it was in a browser.




A C++ browser game wouldn't be much better than RuneScape.


Last time i checked a c++ browser game was impossible.




Third, many games with good graphics, particularly "next-generation" games, DO have complicated quests ("epic quests") and skills. They also have superior gameplay. Take it from someone who plays such games.


Just because those games have that sort of graphics doesn't mean that Jagex have to use that sort, the graphics on runescape are unique and i hope Jagex keep it that way.




=; :notalk: :-k :boohoo: \'

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I don't think Jagex would actually go develop another game and leave Runescape alone. Just like Blizzard, Jagex could have another team (explains the employing x people interested in y) to develop game and yet the game is as successful and other games like how Warcaft, Starcraft and Diablo series turned out.




Now I don't Jagex can do much about the community. Jagex doesn't control their mouths, they can speak what they like, any form of intelligence test will turn out to be too tedious to work.

Strangely with WotLK so near, I wished I could delay it a bit to push through that last TBC content in MH/BT :'(.

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So when is the public beta going to be out?




MechScape? I can't say, not won't, can't :wink:




And for our game err, not sure we still haven't built our dueling arena yet and jousting area.




But to be serious about it and give a date, I would say:


Don't expect anything until at least next christmas, there are only 3 people (including myself) that works on it.




What's the name of your game, and is it browser-based/P2P?

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First of all, Java is the language that Jagex is familiar with. They probably aren't very good at C++.




If you knew anything at all, you would know that if you know Java you will also know basic concepts of C, C++, C#, as they're all pretty much the same.




So when is the public beta going to be out?




MechScape? I can't say, not won't, can't :wink:




And for our game err, not sure we still haven't built our dueling arena yet and jousting area.




But to be serious about it and give a date, I would say:


Don't expect anything until at least next christmas, there are only 3 people (including myself) that works on it.




What's the name of your game, and is it browser-based/P2P?




NeL; short for Never-ending Lands, I didn't design the site, if I did it would be much better than what it currently is, also no, it's not browser based, you download the Client and then open :thumbsup:

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I'm pretty sure that Jagex would have a separate team for Mechscape (which I think is a dumb name). I doubt the development of this new game affects RS that much.




RS is already a big success that earns its creators mucho $$$. It would be stupid to ditch an extremely profitable game for a new game that is not guaranteed to succeed. Jagex could always run two games...

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Let me put it this way. You know the game Adventure Quest? The creators of that have 3 games. Each are successful. Even if Jagex makes MechScape, RuneScape will exist. It might not be as active as it is now, but still active.




i have the character named God on AQ... but i suck

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^ i played AQ but it bored the hell outta me so i stuck to RS ::'




bored the be-jesus out of me as well. i played it for 3 days str8 instead of RS, the days AQ came out than never again. just checked i got ID # 1644 or something out of millions of accounts :P maybe someone would buy a cool name like God ... :mrgreen:

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I can't believe Jagex plans to make their next game out of java aswell. That is so stupid.




Runescape doesn't have smooth, agreeable gameplay, au contaire. Runescape doesn't have good graphics, it is bottom pit. Runescape doesn't have a good friendly community, it's one of the worse on internet. It survives because of the exceptionally large content it has.




For now, a lot of high graphical mmorpgs are asian hack and slashs, with very little content. But when the little asians will have understood that adding content is the way to go if they want to snatch the westerners,


Runescape is toasted.




Choosing java for their alledged backup game is utterly ridiculous. It means they will never be able to graphically compete with the other games. So in the next years, Jagex survival will count on pure wishful thinking: in hopes other graphically superior games don't start adding complex content such as skills and roleplaying quests.





If there are higher graphics, it means that there will be higher system requirements. How many people have 1.5 gigabytes of RAM out there? The majority have around 256-1 gigabyte of RAM.



You talk of RAM as if it was the most important thing. Just shows your ignorance on the subject. For mmorpgs, RAM is secondary. The two most important things to have are a good graphical card & processor speed.




Mmorpgs, yes even the high graphical ones you have no clue about, have relative low requirements compared to modern technology. For instance, I bought a good computer about 10 months ago. It has a 4.4Ghz processor and an excellent 500MB RAM radeon graphics card. A few months ago, a technologically high end game formely called Granado Espada came out. It is a demanding game, yet it only requires a 1Ghz processor and a 64MB graphics card to work.




By the time the games reach my computer limits, several years will have passed. Fact: a good computer you buy now will be able to handle all mmorpgs, for several years.




As people upgrade their computer equipment, the game requirements are less of a problem. Very little people play Runescape because their computer cannot handle anything else. They play it because of the large content. And as I explained above, if future games pick up on it, and decide to add large content aswell as having good graphics, Mechscape and Runescape are both toasted. A good backup game would have superior technology, so it would be able to compete with other games in both graphics and content.




primitive graphics + good content <3:


Out of two options, people choose the best. If you're emotionally attached to the game, that's fine, but be wary that most of the gaming community doesn't have such restrains. They hop from game to game, choosing to play whichever is best. When people had to choose between Runescape Classic and Runescape 2, they chose Runescape 2, because it had potential, even if they were emotionally attached to classic. The same thing would happen between a hypotethical Runescape 2 and Runescape 3. That it would be between two games with a different producer, it wouldn't change anything, the same thing would happen.




P.s. I never said I played for the content.


Go ahead, tell me what you play for.

2480+ total

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Hey, this is Ren of MechScape Central.




I'd just like to point out this statement from Andrew Gower in a May 2007 interview (source):


Will RuneScape continue to be Jagex's primary focus in the near future?


Yes, RuneScape sits at the heart of Jagex and we will continue to improve it, continue with weekly updates, and it will be fully supported going forward. Recently we added a German version of the game in beta, offering the same rich features and depth of game play as the English Language version. We expect to add other languages in the future to extend the reach of RuneScape across the world. We do have other games in development but we are very aware that we shouldn't lose our focus on advancing and growing RuneScape.


Mechscape World (the original MechScape fansite)

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Hey, this is Ren of MechScape Central.




I'd just like to point out this statement from Andrew Gower in a May 2007 interview (source):


Will RuneScape continue to be Jagex's primary focus in the near future?


Yes, RuneScape sits at the heart of Jagex and we will continue to improve it, continue with weekly updates, and it will be fully supported going forward. Recently we added a German version of the game in beta, offering the same rich features and depth of game play as the English Language version. We expect to add other languages in the future to extend the reach of RuneScape across the world. We do have other games in development but we are very aware that we shouldn't lose our focus on advancing and growing RuneScape.




You go on like MechScape is new news... Some guy worked for jagex for 3 weeks and exploited pictures of it, I guess you talk to the wrong people -.-


There's also trust between people who gets told these things not to tell anyone, so clearly you never knew when a large number of people did, you only just found out, looks like trust still goes a long way when its told to the right people :thumbsup:




There's quite a lot more about Mech and RS that people know \'

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What decline? Runescape is as big as a java-based RPG can get. Look how many people play that game, why? It manages to have fair gameplay while being strict on the rules. What more could you want? anyway, I think RS will cancel if it becomes unprofitable (amazing how it is still standing since I believe that half of the RS players are playing Halo 3 online).



We should euthanize anyone who lacks the capability to contribute to society in any way.

Please don't elect this man for president in 2012

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First of all, Java is the language that Jagex is familiar with. They probably aren't very good at C++.


Actually they have C++ developers there and most people who know Java will know atleast some C++.[/b]




Yes, but the vast majority of the programmers are Java. Yes, they will know some C++, but they still are much better at Java. That's why they use Java.




Second, if this alleged new game is client-based


What do you mean by client-based? Last time i checked runescape had a client.




I meant a client like the ones for other MMORPGs. Technically, when you're playing RuneScape on a browser, you are playing on the client. Except that the client is on the browser.




it would probably have decent graphics, MUCH better than RuneScape.


Not everyone wants better runescape graphics, i think it's graphics are good enough.




That's not my point




Like I have said before on this thread and many others, RuneScape's graphics are poor because it's browser-based not because it's Java.


Umm, no they aren't. Jagex could easily release a .jar download version of the game which, when launched, would run just the same as if it was in a browser.




But if it was a download, they wouldn't be restricted by the limits of a browser game.




A C++ browser game wouldn't be much better than RuneScape.


Last time i checked a c++ browser game was impossible.




Didn't know that. Thanks. But if it were possible, it's capabilities would be similar to RuneScape's.




Third, many games with good graphics, particularly "next-generation" games, DO have complicated quests ("epic quests") and skills. They also have superior gameplay. Take it from someone who plays such games.


Just because those games have that sort of graphics doesn't mean that Jagex have to use that sort, the graphics on runescape are unique and i hope Jagex keep it that way.




I like their unique style too, but they have a LOT of room for improvement.




=; :notalk: :-k :boohoo: \'

Ah, this reminds me about the noob on the Runescape forums who was upset with the quest "Cold War" because apparently his grandparents died in the war. :wall:
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if it dont kill ya it only makes you stronger. and your acting like a baby. Its only a game



R.I.P. Un-id Merching- we will always remember you.


R.I.P. The Old Night- Heros get Remembered, but Legends Never Die.

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I am interested in anything jagex might produce in the future but maybe they arnt such a great company to choose.




This new game would have to be very different in gameplay if I was to simply drop this account for another on a different game. From the experience of playing this game I rather not make the same mistake again.




Besides I think after two more years of playing this game I will be sick of leveling based games. I have done a few others and its getting boring. I am not sure where my gaming career will lead to..




Still I will try anything they make. The problem is I still feel connected to the company from years ago when they used to be less formal. :(




I think.. If they dont advertise it on miniclip I will play it. :lol:

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The TC sounds like he is at the end of his rs life. No matter how long you play for, you will never have achieved anything outside of rs once you quit, the idea is just to entertain you, if you're not entertained, there's no point in playing.




Mechscape sounds alright, but I probably won't ever play it, rs will be probably be the last MMORPG I pay for. Rs may or may not ever be completed, but it will be around for a while yet.




Also, out of curiousity does anyone know what the longest running MMORPG is at the moment?



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Also, out of curiousity does anyone know what the longest running MMORPG is at the moment?




The first thing that comes to mind is Ultima Online, which has been around since 1997 and still has about 100K subscribers.




I'm sure there's some more that are some more, older games, but UO is probably the oldest MMO that's actually worth playing. Anyway, if any game is so obscure that I haven't heard of it, it's probably dying.

Ah, this reminds me about the noob on the Runescape forums who was upset with the quest "Cold War" because apparently his grandparents died in the war. :wall:
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I don't know if anyone has posted this link yet:








I personally can't wait to see what mechscape will be like. I'd like to switch to a different game since I've just been with RS too long and its getting boring no matter how many updates they continue to add. Obviously they aren't going to release mechscape until they cover every aspect that could ruin it. Like bot detection will probably be 100x what it is on rs2, since they can do it from scratch instead of being limited by what they have already done with rs2. They will probably keep up on money selling since they registered those domains and will probably try to get the sites shut down immediately that pop up. If you google runescape money the first 7 pages are all different sites I think, and thats a big problem.

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Even if I leave, I will just be replaced by ten whiny noobs who crap their pants and then beg Jagex to do something about it.




Best. Quote. Evar.

In Soviet Russia, glass eats OTers.


Alansson Alansson, woo woo woo!

Pink owns yes, just like you!


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