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Why the Assist System will NOT ruin RuneScape


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About time I post a topic here... I've heard too many people thinking the Assist System will ruin RuneScape; that people won't want to raise their skills any more, etc. Yes they will.




The Assist System is basically a safe trading system. If you'll notice, 99% of the actions that can be done with the Assist System were possible by trading. It changes VERY little, except that trust is no longer needed for the sort of things the Assist System allows.




First of all, "but level 3 with 1 cook can cook shark without ever raising cooking now!". Do you think I'm going to stand next to the stove while some level 3 cooks sharks for 5 hours? NO. Good luck finding someone who will. Plus, he STILL needed me to help him. If I weren't there (or another player with high cooking), he couldn't cook the shark.




You cannot earn more than 30,000 XP per day with the Assist System! So it cannot be abused like this. Also, while you're assisting someone, you cannot do anything. This will not double XP rates.




You CANNOT use combat spells or teleports! No ice barrage and tele-block at level 50 magic.




Here's a breakdown of the advantages and disadvantages of the Assist System:






If you and a friend that's high level Runecrafting (say 91+ and you're 60) run at the same time, you can BOTH get double natures! However, this only lets more natures into the game at once... you will not get any XP! So that's somewhat of a deterrent to balance it out.






No change.






No change.






No change.






No change.






No change.






Potentially advantageous with the assist system as BOTH players can use their patches to grow high-level herbs, even if one doesn't have the skill level.






No change.






I found this useful, because of Spellbook swap. With the assist system, you can use pretty much every Lunar spell except the teleports. Other than that, not much change. Spellbook swap is pretty much the ONLY thing that was un-achievable through trade.






No change.






No change.






No change.






The ONLY change is with a few potions whose ingredients are untradable (e.g. nightshade for Weapon poison++), since rather than the assisting person having to gather nightshade, you can get it yourself... because it's untradable.




For all the skills with "no change", it's actually SLOWER than normal, because it ties up TWO people at once. Let's use woodcutting for the example: rather than one person chopping the logs and giving them to his friend later, while his friend does something else... one player chops and the other stands there doing nothing.




So as you can see, the assist system barely changes anything that couldn't be achieved by trade: MINOR things in magic and herblore... except farming, which could potentially be useful.




Hopefully this clears up some things for you. Also, here's a tip: read the knowledge base article before you talk about something you have no experience with. ;)




http://www.runescape.com/kbase/viewarti ... cle_id=536

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I totally agree. I dont believe it will ruin RuneScape. You can only get 30k exp a day so it can't really be taken advantage of.




Well done for laying it all out :thumbsup:

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No while you're assisting someone, you keep the Assist Window up and cannot move or do any skills. You can only chat and move your view around to keep from getting logged out.




Also once you get 30k experience from it, you can't assist at all. Not even for 0 exp.

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The only skill that will really benefit from this is the farming skill due to the time factor and people unwilling to risk their precious seeds for someone else to grow them as they might die.

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All this has done is reduce the possibility of being scammed through trust trading. In fact, in my opinion, they should completely eliminate any possiblity by offering unlimited XP, since you're gonna gain just as much XP while assiting, if not less, than you would by actually doing the skill yourself.




Less scamming will hardly hurt RuneScape.

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All this has done is reduce the possibility of being scammed through trust trading. In fact, in my opinion, they should completely eliminate any possiblity by offering unlimited XP, since you're gonna gain just as much XP while assiting, if not less, than you would by actually doing the skill yourself.




Less scamming will hardly hurt RuneScape.




Well, I agree mostly here, as I think that overall this was a good update. There are a few gotchas, however.




First, this eliminated some types of trust trade scams, but created another one: people charging fees to use the system. This is not happening much yet, but just wait until most high levels get bored of standing around helping people.




Second, offering unlimited XP would lead to tremendous abuses of the system in countless ways. The system would be used for power-training and for circumventing conventional leveling.




Third, several of the skills shouldn't be in the system as "assistance" with them boils down to nothing more than begging for resources. This includes Fishing, Hunting, Mining and Woodcutting.

Qeltar, aka Charles Kozierok

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All this has done is reduce the possibility of being scammed through trust trading. In fact, in my opinion, they should completely eliminate any possiblity by offering unlimited XP, since you're gonna gain just as much XP while assiting, if not less, than you would by actually doing the skill yourself.




Less scamming will hardly hurt RuneScape.




Well, I agree mostly here, as I think that overall this was a good update. There are a few gotchas, however.




First, this eliminated some types of trust trade scams, but created another one: people charging fees to use the system. This is not happening much yet, but just wait until most high levels get bored of standing around helping people.




Second, offering unlimited XP would lead to tremendous abuses of the system in countless ways. The system would be used for power-training and for circumventing conventional leveling.




Third, several of the skills shouldn't be in the system as "assistance" with them boils down to nothing more than begging for resources. This includes Fishing, Hunting, Mining and Woodcutting.




In response to #1: people did this before AS, such as for fury crafting. I can hardly call this a scam, and really it isn't much of a change to the previous system.




I really don't think high levels will charge exorbitant prices for their service; if they wanted profit, they could just Barrow or DK. It's just a little bit of cash to make helping worth their while.


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Less scamming will hardly hurt RuneScape.




Only benefit. :wink:




Correct. I've been very interested in he fact that recently, Jagex's updates are not only beneficial and interesting, but they also at the same time are attacking Runescape's many annoyances (general store update-bots; assist system-scammers; etc.)

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Every update that comes out is "going to ruin runescape/the economy". Jagex has been doing this a long time, and a lot of thought goes into these updates, I'm sure everything will be fine. I'm done listening and reading about how the economy is going to collapse, because of these updates that are designed to make life easier and safer.

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So is there anyway to use the system to get faster exp?




Not unless the person you're assisting has a faster way to get the xp than you which is very unlikely.






At the runecrafting comment, you can't move while doing this so how can they do double natures as the same time as you?


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Less scamming will hardly hurt RuneScape.




Only benefit. :wink:


Not to be pedantic about the subject, but without even a very small amount of scammers around, the game would suffer due to under ten year old kids not being turned away from the game- if you are stupid enough to get scammed, you deserve to be.




As i see it the assist system is largely useless and doesn't really deserve it's spot in the game- uncut gems can be sold or traded for money+cut gems, herblore ingredients cost tons more than the actual potions, using it for gathering skills is just a plain waste of time- for farming the assister wouldn't be very willing to assist as planting gives very little xp and runecrafting thing could have done with trading even before(well ok, saves 5 seconds). Only thing useful for me from the system seems to be the nightshade part, but i would still have to stand around doing nothing.

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Correction on the double nats.




You can only get double of a rune while runecrafting if you have that level. At level 91 rc, if you assist someone, they only get 1x nats.

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I hardly doubt this will ruin runescape. It is just a way to help someone who doesnt have the level to do something without the possibilty of being scammed. Too many people on the RSOF complain. They take one look at an update, and complain without actually trying it out.

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You cannot earn more than 30,000 XP per day with the Assist System! So it cannot be abused like this. Also, while you're assisting someone, you cannot do anything. This will not double XP rates.





You are right as far as you go, but XP is not the only factor to consider.




The player taking assistance has no cap on how many patsies he can hit up each day for assistance.




There are no controls on the receiving end of assistance. This is one of the fundamental flaws with the system.

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