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The Draft may be Back


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What I would like to see is the UN sending in Blue Hats to do security. Surely such a noble peacekeeping force would not be killed in cold blood by insurgents.




I'd rather not... Why send in people who are like a piece of meat to hungry predators? The moment they step into duty, they became 'bargaining chips' for the various factions who *will* kidnap them. Heck, they aren't in most cases even allowed to use force in self defense let alone pre-emptively.




Insurgents 'respecting' anything? Rebels in Sudan constantly raid UN's world food programme trucks and cars, steal the food & vehicles and disappear. It happens so much they suspended food aid to some areas.




Srebrenica, war in Bosnia 1992-1995, 300 UN soldiers robbed of their equipment, taken hostage or recruited into enemy armies under threat of death? Ring a bell?




No offense meant to people who serve in the UN, but the organisation's military operations are a joke. Soldiers with blue hats that aren't allowed to fire the weapons they recieved for peacekeeping are just as useful as Wal-mart clerks with pencils trying to control violence.




After military, I served 6 months in Kosovo 1999 under UN's peacekeeper program. (Patrol+translating duty, unauthorized to fire weapon under any circumstance) Seeing first-hand how helpless the UN truly is, can be shattering. When real problems arise, local militias and gunmen, NOT the United Nations, step up to the offenders.

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i can buy my way out
Why don't presidents fight the war?


Why do they always send the poor?


Why don't presidents fight the war?


Why do they always send the poor?


Why do they always send the poor?


Why do they always send the poor?


Why do they always send the poor?




Seriously, that's messed up on several levels more than the Vietnam era "pull some strings to get into the National Guard", but it does sound like a Neocon's wet dream so it might not even be that far off.

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I'm with Wakka. I wouldn't join the army for a pointless war. We need to help ourselves before we can help others. :?




Do you not understand what conscription is? You don't say hey, I want to go! That is volunteering. Conscription is them calling you up. If you don't go, you're going somewhere-prison.


Thanks to college, I will never have to actually get in a drafted war. :roll:


You know they can't send all young men to war.

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I'm with Wakka. I wouldn't join the army for a pointless war. We need to help ourselves before we can help others. :?




Do you not understand what conscription is? You don't say hey, I want to go! That is volunteering. Conscription is them calling you up. If you don't go, you're going somewhere-prison.


Thanks to college, I will never have to actually get in a drafted war. :roll:


You know they can't send all young men to war.


Well what if the draft hits when you are no longer in college?

Runescaper (off and on) since late 2001

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If you are going to post a news topic, why wouldn't you comment on it?







"We have more than 300 million people in this country, but less than 1 percent of our population has to bear all of the burden, to make all of the sacrifices, to do all the fighting and all the dying for the rest of us," he said




Well if people don't want to make unnecessary sacrifices, then what does that tell you?'




That people don't want to fight in pointless wars for their government.




Dying for your country now equates to Dying for your government.


Denizen of Darkness| PSN= sworddude198

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That people don't want to fight in pointless wars for their government.




Dying for your country now equates to Dying for your government.




If an imminent threat was posed against, say Scotland, would you take up arms and join the military or just duck in fear behind a toolshed?




I can't believe the stuff written here. :shock: Your attitudes will probably change after you grow older...

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That people don't want to fight in pointless wars for their government.




Dying for your country now equates to Dying for your government.




If an imminent threat was posed against, say Scotland, would you take up arms and join the military or just duck in fear behind a toolshed?




I can't believe the stuff written here. :shock: Your attitudes will probably change after you grow older...




Its America.

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That people don't want to fight in pointless wars for their government.




Dying for your country now equates to Dying for your government.




If an imminent threat was posed against, say Scotland, would you take up arms and join the military or just duck in fear behind a toolshed?




I can't believe the stuff written here. :shock: Your attitudes will probably change after you grow older...




Its America.




Yes but I was obviously referring to his location. The country is really irrelevant anyways, drafts can happen in other countries as well which don't have a conscription army.

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Well Arnie, as far as I know, well trained businessmen or important jobs, such as doctors don't have to go to war, during a draft. Well by the time I have to sign up for the draft, and get into college, we hopefully won't be in another stupid war. :|

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I'm with Wakka. I wouldn't join the army for a pointless war. We need to help ourselves before we can help others. :?




Do you not understand what conscription is? You don't say hey, I want to go! That is volunteering. Conscription is them calling you up. If you don't go, you're going somewhere-prison.




Remember if you're an American male over 18, you have to be enlisted with the selective service if you want to be able to hold any type or respectable job or enroll in any type of secondary education. Once you enlist (which you pretty much have to) you no longer have any right to say you don't want to go.




Hopefully a draft will never happen, and if it does it will not be for an unecessary battle far away. If it does happen it will hopefully be for defending our soil or a WWI/WWII type scenario where we are defending close allies and stopping the enemies from potentially coming to us. I believe if we really are attacked, a draft won't even be necessary though since many people would join up voluntarely. I know that if someone literally decided to attack us, I would.

Then I'll go to jail, or I'll flee the country, anything beats fighting and dying in a war that has no purpose.
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That people don't want to fight in pointless wars for their government.




Dying for your country now equates to Dying for your government.




If an imminent threat was posed against, say Scotland, would you take up arms and join the military or just duck in fear behind a toolshed?




I can't believe the stuff written here. :shock: Your attitudes will probably change after you grow older...

Haha, Scotland really isn't much of a threat lol, Scotland has less than 6 million people, England has 10 times that.




I believe if we really are attacked, a draft won't even be necessary though since many people would join up voluntarely. I know that if someone literally decided to attack us, I would.
Sounds pretty accurate.
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I'm with Wakka. I wouldn't join the army for a pointless war. We need to help ourselves before we can help others. :?




Do you not understand what conscription is? You don't say hey, I want to go! That is volunteering. Conscription is them calling you up. If you don't go, you're going somewhere-prison.




Remember if you're an American male over 18, you have to be enlisted with the selective service if you want to be able to hold any type or respectable job or enroll in any type of secondary education. Once you enlist (which you pretty much have to) you no longer have any right to say you don't want to go.




Hopefully a draft will never happen, and if it does it will not be for an unecessary battle far away. If it does happen it will hopefully be for defending our soil or a WWI/WWII type scenario where we are defending close allies and stopping the enemies from potentially coming to us. I believe if we really are attacked, a draft won't even be necessary though since many people would join up voluntarely. I know that if someone literally decided to attack us, I would.

Then I'll go to jail, or I'll flee the country, anything beats fighting and dying in a war that has no purpose.




Ok, traitor.




You sign up for the selective service to reap all the benifits, but when push comes to shove you wuss out? :-k


ANd you know, "going to canada" is no longer an option. There is some kind of agreement now that they can go hunt you down there, although I don't know the name of it.




And you know, most conscripts don't even serve in the front line anyway. They usually hold duties at the bases here and abroad while the real soldiers are fighting. Any combat veteran will tell you iti s better to have no one at your side than a scared and unexperienced who has no idea what he's doing or what to do and doesn't even want to be there in the first place.

Runescaper (off and on) since late 2001

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I think you should be able to choose if you want to be drafted or not. Of course, if you are not, you should lose all Selective Service benefits. That means no social security, no voting...hell, you will have less rights than a convict!




The draft will never be instated unless it's a major war.


My heart is broken by the terrible loss I have sustained in my old friends and companions and my poor soldiers. Believe me, nothing except a battle lost can be half so melancholy as a battle won. -Sir Arthur Wellesley

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House representatives Charles Rangel of New York, and Ernest Hollings of South Carolina, both Democrats, introduced Bill 89 and House Resolution 163 in 2003, to re-instate the draft, and then tried to lay the blame at President Bush's feet recently. The bill lost all steam (not even a little puff ) ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Ã

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And you know, most conscripts don't even serve in the front line anyway. They usually hold duties at the bases here and abroad while the real soldiers are fighting. Any combat veteran will tell you iti s better to have no one at your side than a scared and unexperienced who has no idea what he's doing or what to do and doesn't even want to be there in the first place.




Exactly, the last thing a professional soldier wants is to fight alongside with a whiny 20-year old who shivers in fear and says "I shouldn't be here in the first place".




If you are conscripted in the army, there are a ton of jobs not related to combat:




Field communication duty (such as administering radio base stations)


Equipment delivery/shipping


Pilot/driver duty


Kitchen duty (serving or preparing food)


Demolition duty/construction


Scouting/counterintelligence duty


Weapons/armor maintenance


Engineering duty


Medical duty




You know, war isn't just about jumping off a plane and rushing in a country like G.I. Joe with two machine guns blazing in both your hands.




If you don't have proper training beyond basic skills, you're much more likely to do something else than fight in front lines.

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I'm with Wakka. I wouldn't join the army for a pointless war. We need to help ourselves before we can help others. :?




Do you not understand what conscription is? You don't say hey, I want to go! That is volunteering. Conscription is them calling you up. If you don't go, you're going somewhere-prison.




Remember if you're an American male over 18, you have to be enlisted with the selective service if you want to be able to hold any type or respectable job or enroll in any type of secondary education. Once you enlist (which you pretty much have to) you no longer have any right to say you don't want to go.




Hopefully a draft will never happen, and if it does it will not be for an unecessary battle far away. If it does happen it will hopefully be for defending our soil or a WWI/WWII type scenario where we are defending close allies and stopping the enemies from potentially coming to us. I believe if we really are attacked, a draft won't even be necessary though since many people would join up voluntarely. I know that if someone literally decided to attack us, I would.

Then I'll go to jail, or I'll flee the country, anything beats fighting and dying in a war that has no purpose.




Ok, traitor.




You sign up for the selective service to reap all the benifits, but when push comes to shove you wuss out? :-k


ANd you know, "going to canada" is no longer an option. There is some kind of agreement now that they can go hunt you down there, although I don't know the name of it.





Some peoples principles extend far beyond blind patriotism. Like Franz JÃÆÃâÃâägerstÃÆÃâÃâätter.


With so many trees in the city you could see the spring coming each day until a night of warm wind would bring it suddenly in one morning. Sometimes the heavy cold rains would beat it back so that it would seem that it would never come and that you were losing a season out of your life. But you knew that there would always be the spring as you knew the river would flow again after it was frozen. When the cold rains kept on and killed the spring, it was as though a young person had died for no reason. In those days though the spring always came finally but it was frightening that it had nearly failed.

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Some peoples principles extend far beyond blind patriotism. Like Franz JÃÆÃâÃâägerstÃÆÃâÃâätter.
Principle's worth dying for are a great thing to have.




Assuming, of course, you're actually willing to die for them, rather than talk loftily about their benefits and how virtuous you are and when push comes to shove, go hide beneath a rock.

-This message was deviously brought to you by: mischief1at.gif

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There is not going to be any draft any time soon, in fact the military has been making cut backs on its active duty fighting forces recently. I know for a fact that over the past 2 years the USAF has cutback 25,000 active duty personnel, and are planning to cut another 17,000 over the next two years. So no, there will be no draft, no sense in making another topic about this in the future.

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Theres no way I'm joining the war on Iraq. I would consider a draft if it was actually a war worth fighting but I can't stand the war in Iraq, its useless and terrible.




So, what are you going to do, tough guy? Have fun being imprisoned.




That is so ironic, its not even funny.




Exactly, the last thing a professional soldier wants is to fight alongside with a whiny 20-year old who shivers in fear and says "I shouldn't be here in the first place".




If you are conscripted in the army, there are a ton of jobs not related to combat:




Field communication duty (such as administering radio base stations)


Equipment delivery/shipping


Pilot/driver duty


Kitchen duty (serving or preparing food)


Demolition duty/construction


Scouting/counterintelligence duty


Weapons/armor maintenance


Engineering duty


Medical duty




You know, war isn't just about jumping off a plane and rushing in a country like G.I. Joe with two machine guns blazing in both your hands.




If you don't have proper training beyond basic skills, you're much more likely to do something else than fight in front lines.




You do realize that all of those jobs must be done over in Iraq. From what i hear on the news, a large number of casualties are just people walking from their sleeping quarters to the mess hall. American bases are constantly mortared and kill the non-front line people as well. It isn't like you have a 0 percent chance of dying. Thus, logically, you still have a chance to die even if its not in combat. Being put in a situation against your will, where there is a chance where you can die is morally wrong. But, its not the time or place to get in a talk about ethics because the draft will not be instated. There is a democratic majority in congress, so i think us strapping young lads are safe.


Everybody lovin' it, but ain't no body touchin' it

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I don't know why these politicians are floating these rumors out there and scaring people.




The last guy who introduced a bill to do this voted against it himself. Go figure?




A little off topic but here's a quote from a friend who recently came home from Iraq.




...the american media likes to make the war out to be something completely different from what it is for most of us. Yes, there are guys out there getting shot at every single day, and we pray for their safety and do what we can to make sure they have everything the could possibly need, but for most of us... well, it's different.




A lot of the troops I talk to are very proud of the work they did in Iraq. We may not have gone for what we said for, but we did remove a tyrant for power. A female marine I knew from high school was a drill sergeant helping train the new Iraqi army, and she noticed that there was a large amount of women joining up. They are excited that they have the freedoms to do so, and the Iraqi army is almost to a level where it can support itself.




We just have to be patient, and the US can be out of Iraq in a few years. Al Queda terrorism in Iraq is dropping heavily (most of the current stuff is ethnic infighting or terrorists from Iran or Syria instigating crap). Afghanistan is a different story, because Al Queda is dug in.




What I would like to see is the UN sending in Blue Hats to do security. Surely such a noble peacekeeping force would not be killed in cold blood by insurgents.




I agree.




I have a question though. Say I joined the army/air fore/whatever, served how ever many years I needed too, came home, and the draft came back, could I be drafted?




I am for the was in the Iraq and the Middle East for mainly one reason. If we leave, Isreal has a huge risk of being wiped out. And Isreal is our main ally against terrorism. If you haven't noticed, most contries in the world hate us and would be happy if we didn't exist. Isreal is one of our only allies who would accually be happy to help us fight terrorism. I don't know about some people here, but I'd rather go into the army, get into shape, and be proud for helping my country instead of sitting in jail, getting fat and feeling like a "girl" because I was too afraid to help my country. Plus I don't think your family would proud of you if you're in jail because you're a coward and in a way a traitor. Unlike most people here, I'm for the war, probably going to join the army (either air force or something to do with weapons research), and try to get rid of terrorism. If you back out and don't get of terrorism now, it's going to be too late when the US gets nuked. Well anyway, that's how I feel. :D

range: 64/80/80

mage: 61/84/82

atk: 46/77/60

str 41/82/99


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