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Ask me about stuttering.


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I used to have a speech problem, because when i was learning how to talk, i couldnt hear properly, so i would learn wrong.


Everything i said would begin with a W. I fixed it up, but it was frustrating at the time and did make me sometimes stutter too :shock:


Quit Runescape 30th May 2006.

Thanks to Hawkxs for my signature :)

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I have a very slight stutter with some words.




I don't think specific words, just some vowel combinations and diphthongs.




It's almost gone now anyway, but it usually happens when I'm trying to tell someone something quickly, which doesn't help since I'm a natural fast talker.

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That's horrible. This kind of disease (at least to that degree) doesn't seem natural. I wonder if there's any hope for a cure (if there isn't one)? I have no idea how they would be able to come up with one though. :?




There's no cure, since nobody knows what causes it. They've tried using hypnosis as a way to cure people, have them blow plastic balls across a table repeatedly, and even tried putting plastic balls into their mouths and have them spit them out, and probably thousands of other potential "cures". None of it has worked.




There are several theories for what's causing it, but there's really only a very few that I find plausible. One theory is that stutterers have differences in the way their hemispheres coordinate their interaction, so structures among the midline - especially the articulators - don't coordinate properly, which causes the stuttering. So the parts of the brain that deal with speech is essentially "damaged". It is also believed that it's a genetic thing. My grandmas brother stutters quite a lot (prolongation), but I don't know if it's something he's done all his life, or if it's an age thing. Hasn't occurred to me to ask anyone either. :P






I do have a question, because I can almost always predict it will happen and just change the sentence structure of what I want to say and prevent it... have you experienced this?




Yup. I can most of the time predict when I'm about to stutter. It's easier to feel a blocking than prolongation though, since the blocking just "clogs" up the throat entirely, not letting any air get through - and like I said, it physically feels like you're choking. The prolongation is harder to "predict", so I usually just stutter it out.








Yeah, the speech therapy classes you can get at school usually doesn't help you in any way. So if you're open to it, I highly recommend going to a professional speech therapist outside school, they're much more knowledgeable about the condition so it's really worth it.




Well, basicly, When I'm speaking outloud, I'm speaking/thinking too fast for my own good, and I usually forget what I'm trying to escape, or a certain word escapes me, so I just put out my index finger and put it forward it a sort of "Hang on a tick, I'll get this sometime" type deal, Take a breath and then restart.




That doesn't sound like stuttering to me, more like a slur or, like you said, you're talking too fast for your own good. I find how you put up your finger like that to be simply awesome though. :D


But yeah, if it's something that bothers you, I'd just try to talk slower.




well im not so sure that the only problem i have is a stutter. i've been wondering this for some time: is it more than stuttering thats keeping me from pronouncing a certain sound right away??




i dont get caught up in my words at all. i just stutter on some words. most of the time, i do think before i speak. the part that i may go "th th th the one time when..." is stuttering i believe.




You might very well have more than one speech-impediment. I don't know you, and I'm not familiar with all speech-impediments that exist. So if you're truly curious about it, I'd go see a speech therapist and you'll get a proper answer. I could just make half-assed guesses at best.




Sometimes, I get kind of a mental block stopping me saying the word. But I just take a breath, then keep going. Is that a proper stutter? I have always wondered. It gets worse if i become self conscious of it, so maybe its a confidence thing. I hardly get it now but I'm still curious.




What do you mean by "mental block" exactly? Do you know what to say, but you just can't make yourself say it, or do you just forget what you were about to say? If it's the first, you most likely have a case of blocking, and if it's the latter... then it's something else. Maybe you're talking really fast?








To be honest, I was expecting more "juicy" questions! Remember, as long as you sincerely wish to know, you can ask me anything. :)


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I can't roll my 'r' and over the years my pronounciation of them has got worse and worse. They don't come out like a Johnaton Woss but more of an "aaaaaggh". The best way I can describe it is as the most pathetic pirates "Arrrrrggggh" you've ever heard. In everyday speech when I'm trying to get a word like 'horribly' out of my mouth it makes me quite hard to understand.


Thanks Venomai for this super sig and Kwimbob for the awesome avatar!

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I'm fine with 'r' at the start of words, I should have mentioned that. It's just getting them out mid-word that messes me up.


Thanks Venomai for this super sig and Kwimbob for the awesome avatar!

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I'm fine with 'r' at the start of words, I should have mentioned that. It's just getting them out mid-word that messes me up.
Yea.. I just read it and i'm like... damn bl to introducing yourself :-?
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I'm fine with 'r' at the start of words, I should have mentioned that. It's just getting them out mid-word that messes me up.
Yea.. I just read it and i'm like... damn bl to introducing yourself :-?




Ragen isn't my real name :D I only use it on Internet forums and games and most of the communication done on them is text based, in fact I don't think I've ever rang anyone up who I met on a forum and said "Hey it's Ragen". The only time I've spoke to someone I met online, they already referred to me as Chris :D




Damn parents sticking an r in the middle of my first name.


Thanks Venomai for this super sig and Kwimbob for the awesome avatar!

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I have speech problems as well. I don't stutter, but I have a lisp and sometimes I forget to pronounce letters or I say things out of order. For a few years I went to a school speech therapist but, really she just made me feel worse about it, partly because she made me realize it was there. Because of my speech impediment I'm a pretty anti social person. I rarely speak to anyone and when I do it's just a few words. It seems like you have had a good experience with a speech therapist outside of school, maybe I'll look into that.




I just think that it's nice to see other people with speech problems who have over-come them. Hopefully I can over-come mine.

You can't ever find a place that's nice and peaceful, because there isn't any. You may think there is, but once you get there, when you're not looking, somebody'll sneak up and write "(bleep) you" right under your nose. Try it sometime. I think, even, if I ever die, and they stick me in a cemetery, and I have a tombstone and all, it'll say "Holden Caulfield" on it, and then what year I was born and what year I died, and then right under that it'll say "(bleep) you."
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I can't roll my 'r' and over the years my pronounciation of them has got worse and worse. They don't come out like a Johnaton Woss but more of an "aaaaaggh". The best way I can describe it is as the most pathetic pirates "Arrrrrggggh" you've ever heard. In everyday speech when I'm trying to get a word like 'horribly' out of my mouth it makes me quite hard to understand.




I can't roll my R's either, i thought it was a skill, not something everybody should be able to do :uhh:




I also found it very difficult to make a gutteral sound, which you use for H in hebrew :P


Quit Runescape 30th May 2006.

Thanks to Hawkxs for my signature :)

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I stutter alot, everyday. It started in grade 1-2, which was horrible, i remember on incident, I began complaining to the teacher that the kid sitting beside me took my pen, " Miss, (insert name) to-too-took m-m-mm-my p-pe-pee-pe-p-p pen. The pen took me 15or so seconds to get out. :( Being as young as i was ill always remember that. The whole class burst out in laugher and i began to cry. :anxious: As grades moved on by grade 5 it was barley evedent, grade 607 it showed up alot more. And now it happens regularley, moreso when i have a presentation, i get flustered and i replace stutters with um. I hate it. Oh well. Freinds and girlfriends have gotten used to it. \'

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I've never stuttered as far as I'm concerned but I do have a problem getting words out, if that makes any sense :? If I was talking, there would be that one or two word that I can't say! I know what it is but it's like I totally forgot how to say it. And the lisp I get from my braces doesn't help too...

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Ive been a stutterer all my life and it has caused me to be rather withdrawn to speaking aloud in class,which has as a result lowered my level in english (due to the dang speaking + listening grade).


when i started secondary school i got the weird looks and heckles.but now in year 10 its ignored mostly now.so stuttering does affect my life,but at least it doesn't mean im the "freak who can't speak" anymore :XD:



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I have speech problems as well. I don't stutter, but I have a lisp and sometimes I forget to pronounce letters or I say things out of order. For a few years I went to a school speech therapist but, really she just made me feel worse about it, partly because she made me realize it was there. Because of my speech impediment I'm a pretty anti social person. I rarely speak to anyone and when I do it's just a few words. It seems like you have had a good experience with a speech therapist outside of school, maybe I'll look into that.




If you'd like to become more social and talkative, then yeah, seeing a speech therapist is definitely what I'd recommend.




I'm having curiosity about this, what kinds of things did you do in your therapies? How did they help you?




About 80% of the time was spent talking about it: experiences, worries, relationships, friends, what kind of things/situations that make me stutter, difficult words etc. and the rest was spent basically learning different techniques that would help to decrease my stuttering as well as learning about the condition as a whole. It certainly helped me come to terms with it, and basically accept that I do stutter, which in turn made me a lot more outgoing and talkative than before (I also believe this helped decrease my stuttering).




Ive been a stutterer all my life and it has caused me to be rather withdrawn to speaking aloud in class,which has as a result lowered my level in english (due to the dang speaking + listening grade).




Yeah, same with me. I've never been very active in discussions in classes. It has definitely lowered my grades in the more discussion-friendly classes like Swedish, English, history etc. I would get A's on the exams and essays, but I was always told I needed to be more active in discussions in order to get it as a final grade.


However, my English teachers in high-school didn't seem to think it was very important, because I got A's in both English A, B and C. :P


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Do you stutter when you sing?




If you sing that is ::', even to yourself in your room, or in the shower, whatever :wink:.




I don't stutter when I sing, nor when I talk to myself (I'm not crazy)... I don't think I stutter when I whisper either... but I'm not completely sure on that one.


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Do you stutter when you sing?




If you sing that is ::', even to yourself in your room, or in the shower, whatever :wink:.




I don't stutter when I sing. Maybe it's because I have to keep in a tune. I don't know how it works, though.


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I stutter a bit, well on I do on long words that I don't usually use. Like once I was ring up this school and had to say "compulsory", I was like "C-Complusary." I stutter at the beginning of sentences but I usually get through it alright. Oh and sometimes I can pronounce a word perfectly like "Acrylic" and sometimes I just can't say it, I'd go "Aclyric" or "Aclilic" some other alternate hah. I screw up words so bad.



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I'm sure there was or will be a program on British t.v. about a boy who has a really bad stammer. I saw the ad for it and, honestly, he took about 30 seconds to say his name. It sounded like the prolonged thing you mentioned, where he kept repeating the letter, B B B B B Benjamin...




I felt really sorry for him as you could see how it was really making communicating in his day to day life really hard.




Il watch the program if it hasn't been aired already.

It isn't in the castle, It isn't in the mist, It's a calling of the waters, As they break to show, The new Black Death, With reactors aglow, Do you think your security, Can keep you in purity, You will not shake us off above or below

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Quite interesting thread.




I have had quite a bit of speech therapy in my life.




When I was young I use to have moderate stuttering, but I have gotten over it mostly. I still suffer from "blocking" from time to time. I can not pronounce the word "river" without effort. But my stuttering is not my main speech problem.




At quite a early age I was diagnose with verbal dyspraxia. It means I fail to create many sounds correctly, it has also given me a "Scottish / Celtic Ascent", atleast most people I meet assume I am Ireland, Wales or Scotland. Something not common for a New Zealander.




I believe that I consider my speech worst then it really is. I can quite easily carry out a normal conversation with only needing to repeat the odd word such as "rainbow". Whenever someone asks me to repeat something I automatically assume my dyspraxia is at fault when in reality they might of just mis-heard me.




Because of my dyspraxia it has made me quite shy and lacking in confidence to varying degrees. Due to that I often get nervous when meeting new people and rush out my words which makes me even harder to understand.

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