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Eventual deletion of the trade system?


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I'm extremely bored so i'm just going to post this for no apparent reason to waste your time.




I'll go through some recent/future updates that show this could eventually happen in an attempt by jagex to completely stop rl item traders.






With lootshare, because over time drops are evenly spread out between all players, shares of expensive monster drops wouldn't need to be given to the people who helped kill the monster, so if the trade system was removed monster hunters would be somewhat happy.




Staking Update


Jagex removed 2 player staking because it was an alternative way for rl item traders to trade over gold and replaced it with a method of staking where the stakable amount was firm and the winner was more random, kind of like removing the normal trade system and replacing it with a grand exchange right?




Grand Exchange


This is the big one, it makes trading completely anonymous so it is impossible for rl traders to trade to other players, while almost completely replacing the current trade system.




Assist System


Removes the need for the trading system when assisting over players.




Could it be true or just one huge coincidence that all these updates are released around the same time? Discuss.

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maybe jagex wants it to be like WoW. After all the great exchange is basically a acution house. So yes they are trieing to remove tradeing, but not as a whole




Sure they do. :roll:

I shall take my flock underneath my own wing, and kick them right the [bleep] out of the tree. If they were meant to fly, they won't break their necks on the concrete.
So, what is 1.111... equal to?



Please don't continue.


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Oh God, they better not remove trading, the method was here long ago, the same blokes are going to end up destroying the game at the rate they are going.




Thing is, if the trade screen is removed, EVERYONE is going to rant, and I mean everyone, possibly on par with the staking update, possibly, no, it will be WORSE, and then A LOT of people are going to quit playing entirely.




Only a few days' time can tell...

I was going to eat hot dogs for dinner tonight. I think I will settle for cereal.



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I don't personally see them doing that, although then again I never expected anything like what they did to the Duel Arena to happen. Too many players would quit, the rants would overflow, they'd nerf it immediately. And seriously, Runescape is a game. You play games for fun, and the companies providing are supposed to make updates primarily for that. But hey, as long as Jagex has your five dollar bills, why do they care...




~~~~~~~~WOOOOOOOOOT FIRST POST!!!!!!!~~~~~~~~

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woot more tread about the same thing :D




heck i even have tread about it :lol: (mines was the first of them all to be about JAGEX removing the drop and trade option \:D/ )

My private chat is always ON.

Winner of The Tip.It Teamcape Outfit Contest!

6 years. 1 dragon CS drop and some barrows, bad luck?


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I wouldn't be surprised if Jagex would do such thing, but limit the values you can trade so that you can still pass some food to someone when he needs it or something.




So yea I think it's possible and IMO it wouldn't be all that bad really

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Personally It wouldn't really bother me if they did do away with the trade system the way it is. As long as I could still get all the items I need to carry on playing the way I do I'll be happy.




I would feel sorry for all the merchants who rely on this to make their money though, as I feel sorry for all the stakers out there even though I am not a staker myself.





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I hope they don't get rid of it completely. It'll be a pain in the backside if you're trying to do a quest or something with a friend, and they need a coal or pair of gloves or something. The only way to trade this over is to drop-trade it - but that's against the rules.




I have to say, I'm quite looking forward to the Grand Exchange though :D




Plugpoint92 ::'


Maxed 15/06/13

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The amount of code involved in trading in general (let alone the code that Jagex uses to detect scams and RWTs) is huge, there's no way they'd delete what would have to be at last 1 years worth of man-hours work.




And if I see one more thread about trading disappearing from RS I'm not going to come back to tip.it for a very long time. I thought this was supposed to be a decent forum, not one populated by scare mongers.

Goals to get my skills back up to a barely respectable level on the high scores:



Currently going for Bone to Peaches spell. It's amazing how boring doing the same repetitive task is! Stupid MTA

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Thats the most ridiculus thing i've ever read :-#




Ha, well if someone had made a thread a week before the tournament update saying Jagex was going to remove staking in the manner that they did they would have been laughed at.




In light of that new "update" I wouldn't put it past them. It does seem like they're putting in a lot of alternatives to the current trade system... but I can assure you, if they do indeed remove it, monster hunters will NOT be satisfied. If someone gets a hilt drop and can't share it... what are they supposed to do? Wait until they all get hilts? :roll:

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woot more tread about the same thing :D




heck i even have tread about it :lol: (mines was the first of them all to be about JAGEX removing the drop and trade option \:D/ )




actually mine was... by a day. :shame: :lol:






Yeah...Some people just go out of their way to ruin other peoples fun.
Sounds like Jagex to me...

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Like many other people say about jagex new updates like duel arena and the assist system, i do think that jagex is tryin to abolish the trade system,and staking we known and used for so long, from posts i seen on rs fourm's in the rants secction, i seen alot of players will stop playing rs. nearly half of


players on fourms will not continue to play. But even if jagex does pass


the update and abolish the regular trade system, i would still play..


maybe... \'

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