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When will the witch hunt end?


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before you read this post keep in mind:




I do not encourage others to break the rules set by Jagex and the example I give is a very common way of cheating, but only for the sake of topic.












Again another topic about REAL WORLD TRADERS!!!! dun dun dummmmm




I have never cheated in Runescape and I do not plan on in the future. My question to the forum go'ers is if all the recent updates are worth it to take down the cheaters in the game. If you say yes, then how far are you willing to go?




I use to trade off from playing Runescape and Diablo II back in 2001/02, but I quit because the duping in Diablo became so bad that it wasn't worth playing. Though Runescape has had a major dupe problem in the past it hasn't been a big issue, if an issue at all today. I just feel that you can't stop RWT. The most simple way of getting around any security is to just let someone log onto a mule that you supply with name/password. Sure there are talks of Runescape losing the trade function, but they certainly will not lose the LOGIN FUNCTION.




I know this is a controversial topic, but I just want simple responses in how far Runescape players are willing to go with this never ending war on cheaters. Do we need to add more security features, stop trading, increase membership costs, delete game functions, allow cheaters, or keep things the way they are? Whatever you decide

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what they should do, is hire a team of about 5 people and make a list of players that recieve large cash sums (100mill +) through different ways, or 50 mill + uneven trades. they should then investigate it throughly instead of banning and hoping no one will notice




You can't stop it, but at least theyre making it harder to do.


by 10 seconds...






jagex is pretty much like a broken car going down a steep hill.


They see it going down, they try to fix it on the way and blow the breaks (dual arena)




and from there its a one way stop to hell


i swear they are gonna go as far as removing trade




just like the smart rant i made on the suggestions forums to solve wc auoters:


remove all trees


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what they should do, is hire a team of about 5 people and make a list of players that recieve large cash sums (100mill +) through different ways, or 50 mill + uneven trades. they should then investigate it throughly instead of banning and hoping no one will notice




Even that wouldnt really work that well.


Quit. PM me if you play The Conduit to exchange friend codes.

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what they should do, is hire a team of about 5 people and make a list of players that recieve large cash sums (100mill +) through different ways, or 50 mill + uneven trades. they should then investigate it throughly instead of banning and hoping no one will notice




Even that wouldnt really work that well.




will work better then ruining the dual arena.




or my super awsome plan


jagex making their own website (a regular domain, a rs cash website has very low bandwith so it would prob be less then 100 or 200$ a year)


which they could catch buyers and maybe sellers


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No trading = No RuneScape






They need to hire people to go ingame, go up to people who look like they're macroing, and make some popup appear on the screen in bright flashing red. If the player logs out, the IP is immediately banned from making a new account for 24 hours. A computer system then tracks any activity from that IP adress. If any account from that IP logs in, the mod/mods in that world are alerted, and one of them uses the popup thing again. If they player acts like a bot, then he is banned.




This system might work better if Jagex just offered players free membership to ban bots. I dont have time to finish thinking this out at the moment.

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Jagex should sell gold.




Like Gaia Online?




The game is just around $5-10 depending on where you are for 1 month...




How much should they charge then?






If they charge lower than $5-10, then wouldn't people just be encouraged to buy cash instead of training and using skills?




Also thats gonna flood the market...








If they charge higher, then real life cash sellers and cheaters would just sell lower... and that would only encourage more cheaters...

The Enrichment Center reminds you that the weighted companion cube will never threaten to stab you and, in fact, cannot speak.


In the event that the weighted companion cube does speak, the Enrichment Center urges you to disregard its advice.

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jagex should make luring offers on ebay and such sites, and fake buying offers.




and then they should ban their "costumers" or "sellers"




they can also make a lawsuit against gold selling sites


+1, but is it possible to make a lawsuit against such sites? as most em are made in internet cafe's i suppose...



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jagex should make luring offers on ebay and such sites, and fake buying offers.




and then they should ban their "costumers" or "sellers"




they can also make a lawsuit against gold selling sites






Im pretty sure theres a law against framing people...

The Enrichment Center reminds you that the weighted companion cube will never threaten to stab you and, in fact, cannot speak.


In the event that the weighted companion cube does speak, the Enrichment Center urges you to disregard its advice.

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Autoers and gold farmers are a good thing. They benefit the community by doing the jobs that no-one else wants to do, but that we all need doing so we can level our secondary skills. The only people that care about them are newbies who are stupid enough to think doing something like making bowstrings is a good way of making money.




Jagex should stop wasting their time and concentrate on improving their appauling customer service.

Capone Sabre since April 2001.

99 Attack, Defence, Strength and Hitpoints Achieved January 2005. When it still meant something.



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jagex should make luring offers on ebay and such sites, and fake buying offers.




and then they should ban their "costumers" or "sellers"




they can also make a lawsuit against gold selling sites






Im pretty sure theres a law against framing people...

Framing means you make it look like someone did something wrong but they didn't and never intended to. Also, some people are confused about entrapment. Entrapment is when you make someone do something they wouldn't normally do. That wouldn't apply in this case either, because they're already looking to buy/sell gold.
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Jagex should sell gold.




So David Beckhams kids can go and buy up all the blue party hats in game over night?




I don't think so.. It would also create major inflation that would result in higher prices on goods for the player that don't want to buy gold.




Personally I'm willing to go very far in order to do RWT and cheating as hard as possible.


21 lag piles, 4 Pjs, 2 Party hat kills, 67 newbs teached.

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what they should do, is hire a team of about 5 people and make a list of players that recieve large cash sums (100mill +) through different ways, or 50 mill + uneven trades. they should then investigate it throughly instead of banning and hoping no one will notice




Even that wouldnt really work that well.




will work better then ruining the dual arena.




or my super awsome plan


jagex making their own website (a regular domain, a rs cash website has very low bandwith so it would prob be less then 100 or 200$ a year)


which they could catch buyers and maybe sellers




I believe they already do that. Heard it from somewhere, forgot where.


tip it would pay me $500.00 to keep my clothes ON :( :lol:
But then again, you fail to realize that 101% of the people in this universe hate you. Yes, humankind's hatred against you goes beyond mathematical possibilities.
That tears it. I'm starting an animal rebellion using my mind powers. Those PETA bastards will never see it coming until the porcupines are half way up their asses.


Apparently a lot of people say it. I own.


http://linkagg.com/ Not my site, but a simple, budding site that links often unheard-of websites that are amazing for usefulness and fun.

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What I'm wondering is wht does jagex go to such great lengths? i mean, they do make it harder to break rules, but still the rule breakers just come back. Its like trying to bail a gigantic ship with dozens of holes and sinking rapidly. Water just keeps coming back in twice as much as you bail out. Gold farmers can just make new accounts. Itll be difficult and take a while but they'll do it. autoer owners can make new accounts. inconvenient, but still possible to do. ou'd have to take extreme measures to stop these guys:




1. a money cap on how much can be traded, unless the other person can offer something of an equivalent amount, which would cause plenty of complaints.


2. make it so that players in china are not allowed to wield whips or dragon weapons unless Jagex investigates their account. People would call that racist and unfair, and gold farmers could probably bypass it.


3. Total level requirements to cut certain trees, mine rocks, etc. sklillers would complain.






Jagex is just fending off the rule breakers, making it harder for them. But of course, as long as there's an opportunity, the rule breakers will take it.


tip it would pay me $500.00 to keep my clothes ON :( :lol:
But then again, you fail to realize that 101% of the people in this universe hate you. Yes, humankind's hatred against you goes beyond mathematical possibilities.
That tears it. I'm starting an animal rebellion using my mind powers. Those PETA bastards will never see it coming until the porcupines are half way up their asses.


Apparently a lot of people say it. I own.


http://linkagg.com/ Not my site, but a simple, budding site that links often unheard-of websites that are amazing for usefulness and fun.

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So your grand revelation is... you can't stop cheating.




Congratulations! If only Jagex would realise that simple fact.




You will never be able to stop real world trading until you remove the idea that cheating a game is acceptable. To do that, you'd not only have to educate RuneScapers, but anyone who uses Action Replay, or Gameshark, or any of the other cheats out there. Suddenly, you're not looking at a game with a 1M+ population, you're looking at several hundred million gamers.




The problem is thus exponentially worse than Jagex like to make out. Sometimes, I get the feeling they convince themselves you can actually eliminate cheating completely. It's a false and flawed concept.

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what they should do, is hire a team of about 5 people and make a list of players that recieve large cash sums (100mill +) through different ways, or 50 mill + uneven trades. they should then investigate it throughly instead of banning and hoping no one will notice


That wouldn't work unfortunately. With an option like that, it would probably be expensive hiring people to remove bots instead of updates. Raising updates is much cheaper and at least updates can do something. No, I'm not saying I hate that idea, I think its good. But, there are too many problems when it comes to hiring people to remove cheaters and autoers.




Jagex should sell gold.


First, Jagex would be a company full of hypocrites. Second, a lot of us would not want Kip Dynamite and co. buying 1bil gp and then start celebrating like KC and the Sunshine Band in their blue phats. Us honest folk would be playing "Night on Bald Mountain".




Autoers and gold farmers are a good thing. They benefit the community by doing the jobs that no-one else wants to do, but that we all need doing so we can level our secondary skills. The only people that care about them are newbies who are stupid enough to think doing something like making bowstrings is a good way of making money.


Oh, we don't want to fish and wc. Thats just plain bull and propaganda. Bots do nothing to help the economy for both sides. Example:




player1: selling 10k yew logs 430gp ea




the fair and honest player is making his wealth.




34934340: selling 100k yew logs 300gp ea


What does this show? That the player loses his business because bots are selling for a very cheap price.




Now, with that in mind, it would be very good for the buyers? Nope, here's why. Think of a slice of brownies. Yum! Wait, there is dog crap secretly put in. If you were given that choice, would you still continue with eating the brownie? In this case, the crap are bots/gold sellers and buyers. A lot of the wcers would stop cutting yews and do something else. That means you fletchers have to work harder when it comes to buying yew logs.




That was only an example, lets get to a real story that I have actually been involved in as a player with level 89 fishing.




Before May 1, 2007, the shark prices were horrible and just awful. At 300-500gp ea, what could explain such horror? Many fishers (including me) nowadays would fish lobbies due to their prices being as close to shark. Buyers found it harder to buy shark. Who's to blame?








On that great day on May 1, 2007, Jagex announced its new plans for bot dominating and over 10,000 autoers, RWT, etc were banned. A while after this, shark prices came back to normal.




What I'm wondering is wht does jagex go to such great lengths? i mean, they do make it harder to break rules, but still the rule breakers just come back. Its like trying to bail a gigantic ship with dozens of holes and sinking rapidly. Water just keeps coming back in twice as much as you bail out. Gold farmers can just make new accounts. Itll be difficult and take a while but they'll do it. autoer owners can make new accounts. inconvenient, but still possible to do. ou'd have to take extreme measures to stop these guys:


You want a world where its harder for bots to do their business? Yes, they won't be finished yet, it'll never happen. But Jagex is taking lots of measures to prevent an infestation of autoers and gold buyers/sellers and the rest of the scum.




1. a money cap on how much can be traded, unless the other person can offer something of an equivalent amount, which would cause plenty of complaints.


I'd quit if that horrible idea ever came out.


2. make it so that players in china are not allowed to wield whips or dragon weapons unless Jagex investigates their account. People would call that racist and unfair, and gold farmers could probably bypass it.


Then the honest Chinese players would be complaining. You seem to make it look like every Chinese player are autoers. That isn't the case, that'd just make things worse.


3. Total level requirements to cut certain trees, mine rocks, etc. sklillers would complain.


Nope, that doesn't ring a bell to me.






Jagex is just fending off the rule breakers, making it harder for them. But of course, as long as there's an opportunity, the rule breakers will take it.


Exactly, I agree with you. But, nothing is going to be fixed with those ideas you posted. Like I said, it would be more annoying for the players that don't cheat or auto (unfortunately, Jagex made that mistake with the 3k cap for duel arenas.)




So your grand revelation is... you can't stop cheating.




Congratulations! If only Jagex would realise that simple fact.




You will never be able to stop real world trading until you remove the idea that cheating a game is acceptable. To do that, you'd not only have to educate RuneScapers, but anyone who uses Action Replay, or Gameshark, or any of the other cheats out there. Suddenly, you're not looking at a game with a 1M+ population, you're looking at several hundred million gamers.




The problem is thus exponentially worse than Jagex like to make out. Sometimes, I get the feeling they convince themselves you can actually eliminate cheating completely. It's a false and flawed concept.




I don't think they are trying to stop cheating forever. But, is it ok for them to keep trying to prevent more cheating/bot activities? I'd rather want to have a place where the company of a game actually tries to help prevent the botting problem than have Ref29043 and Imhop34343 selling free rs gold at some site and Jagex does little about it.



We should euthanize anyone who lacks the capability to contribute to society in any way.

Please don't elect this man for president in 2012

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How far I'd go:




Replace the drop option with the destroy one,




Change the death penalty system entirely, giving players in the Wilderness a score based on several factors such as level of killed target, their equipment and the level of Wilderness it happened; then give the top high-scorers gold as much as they've gathered points. Of course, the replacement for the death penalty would become a "wounded" state where a player cannot have another fight for a set time period, which is prolonged if they were skulled.




It's just an idea, but that would essentially eliminate drop trading and "death" trades.

"300 programmers make their futile but glorious last stand against 1000000 angry players in The battle of Misthalin. They fight for honor, glory and new content sacrificing themselves so that their game may live on. This is Madness! This Is JAGEEEX!"
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Witch hunt??? It's hardly a witch hunt. Witch hunting was all about killing people who were believed to be something that doesnt' exist... Real World Traders DEFINATELY exist.




This isn't a witch hunt... it's a purge! Exactly what the vast majority of fair rule abiding players want.




You mention that Diablo 2 was ruined by item duplication and character manipulation... while that's true, the only reason it got completely out of control was because the game engine was designed to allow a large amount of manipulation.... Runescape has not been designed this way.




Besides, the problem with Runescape isn't character manipulation or item duplication, it's real world traders. A different issue completely.




Jagex are losing the battle to stop them from creating accounts. Clearly it's very difficult to stop macroers and gold farmers from doing so (other than tracking payment methods and IPs, which can be worked around anyway). So the best way to beat them is to stop them from effectively transferring the money in the game, which Jagex are now doing a fantastic job of stopping.




Large unbalanced trades are easily spotted, so RLTs find other ways including Wildy Deaths, Duelling, Party Rooms etc... Jagex is simply and systematically removing these means through what the majority of us consider to be valid and intelligent means.




I'm delighted by the recent updates and hope the PURGE continues. If they make life difficult enough for RLTs, then perhaps they'll leave and attempt to ruin other games instead.

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OK - you want a controversial thing that Jagex can do :




Make F2P a separate game with no iteraction with P2P at all. :-w




Reason - 90% of the bots/gold farmers are F2P because its so easy to create lots of accounts. At least with P2P people have to pay, by some method for their characters. If people have to pay then Jagex have a way of detecting and auditing people who apply for accounts (credit card details, bank details, postal addresses etc.) and banning them even before they get going. I actually suspect Jagex is doing something like this with applicants for members accounts as there are now very few botters in the P2P world - I personally have not seen any for about 3 months.




Can you imagine the controvesy if they were to do this :lol:

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