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30 November 2007 - Party Room Changes


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Whats the huge problem with trading items for real life money. They are really taking it too far with [cabbage] like this.




They should get over the fact that its almost impossible to stop it. As a customer there is no reason why i should have to explain giving some random lvl 3 over 100million gp. They can not prove anything




Their attempts at stopping things usually go hand in hand with making the game worse. Let us not forget fatigue in RS classic. Great fun having to sleep every few minutes. Or how about the fact that im afraid of taking a piss whilst logged on, or even browsing the internet incase some stupid random event comes and kills me.




One or two random events, when there is evidence to suggest you may be autoing, would be sufficient!

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I think it's ok, except the free teleport part, they pushed it a little too hard there :P




There will still be 'private' parties in people's player owned houses, people rarely have 'private' parties in Party Pete's anyway.

[insert birds flying in a circle here]

Yes, that sig was annoying.

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well i like the new update for drop parties, it wasn't so over the top like the duelling decimation. Somebody at Jagex got the party room right, maybe they could take a leaf out of his book and put better limits on staking and RWITing.




:P well done to the ppl behind this update. =D> \'




They managed not to kill a part of the game in the process of securing it :shock:


Yeah...Some people just go out of their way to ruin other peoples fun.
Sounds like Jagex to me...

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So, every noob and beggar will come and grab every piece of goods I was going to drop for fellow Tip.Iters who have supported me?




^That is one possible way to look at, but well, share the fun, etcetera, and if you want private party just go to some periferia lands of f2p and no uninvited crashes to it.






GG JaGex, share the fun, brake apart RWT.

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Jagex better leave pking alone, well actually let them fix what they've messed up with it, then just leave it alone.




This update actually had some sense in it, and actually looks thought-through, good job Jagex.




pking is 100% the next thing to go




you won't be pking in 2008 like you did in 2007, I guarentee it. They're afraid of people covertly transferring gold through the PARTY ROOM...do you think they're gonna leave pking where it's not unusual for a player to drop 2m+ in items? It's as good as gone (not that i want this by any stretch)

100 Combat

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Nice idea but I am surprised Jagex hasn't updated the wilderness so you can't bring more gp into the wilderness - it's an easy and effective update. Not like people need to bring gp into wildy (maybe put a cap to 3k so you can still buy pizzas from bandits spot).


People enjoy cash DMs. Lots of people.

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Honestly, this is bordering on absurdity. It's unlikely that RWTs could put items in, pull the lever, and then get every balloon before someone else did. I think Jagex is off their rocker.


Not even that, the chances of them popping every single baloon before they start disappearing is really low.

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This is a very reasonable update, I think. BUT: we need to host tip.it's drop party somewhere else, other than the party room. We don't want people teleporting in... I suggest the new fairy ring place.

That's what it takes to be a hero, a little gem

of innocence inside of you that makes you want

to believe that there still exists a right and wrong,

that decency will somehow triumph in the end.

--Lise Hand

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Personally, I prefer the old-fashioned way of manually dropping items. It makes the party last longer. Plus, I can choose what order the items appear in (from cheapest to most expensive).





Baratus [AS] max hit: 166 with Moon Battle Hammer

ixfd64 [AS] max hit: 116 with (untitled spell #2)

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Trading - I think they will make it so trades have to be balanced, but that of course will nerf lending items to genuine friends so I hope they will accomidate for this.




Drop Trading - Make it so you can only destroy items? or have drop partys in set locations?




PKing - Not sure on what they'd to do this




I would hate it if they balanced trades... There goes my b-day presents for RS friends :(




I would hate having to "destroy" all my objects if i accidentally picked them up or something. It would take so long because you would have to move your mouse so much to do it.




As for PKing, it's already risky for drop traders so I don't think it's necessary to do anything about it. There's always the chance of getting pked by another person.

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They're going to pretty crazy measures here. I really, really hope they leave dropping items alone. Drop parties aren't always about giving away all of your items to random people. They're sometimes parties for your friends. Time to move it to the house.

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