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CoD4 Player Arrested? (Call of Duty)


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Just watching xleague and the game news part came on and heard something about a CoD4 player getting arrested.. Quick google search and pow!




It seems that law enforcement is everywhere now a days as they have managed to nab college student Allieu Shaw for making a threat over Xbox Live. Shaw, who attends Frostburg State University, apparently threatened to ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ãâ¦Ã¢â¬Åshoot up the schoolÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬ÃâÃ


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Welcome to the U.S.A., whose legal system sucks on more things than I could name in one post, and everyone is paranoid as hell.




If he meant it to be a joke, they shouldn't jail him for saying that, that's like being communist for criticizing the president.




The article is a tad bit biased anyhow.

I was going to eat hot dogs for dinner tonight. I think I will settle for cereal.



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When we go extra on security, everyone complains we do too much. when we don't do all we can and school shootings end up happening, everyone says we did too little and it could've been prevented.




Make up your minds.




Honestly, I'm glad these guys got in trouble. Now, while I think the punishment could've been reduced (I mean... was there really a need ror a fine?, he still needs to be in trouble. Joking about things like school shootings are not ok. Everyone should know that after Columbine, Virginia tech, then the recent colorado shootings. Things like this should always be taken seriously. Better safe then sorry. Otherwise, if there really was a shooting, word would soon come out that the guy basically confessed it on COD4 and everyone thought it was a joke. Think of it the other away around, people, not just "the US justice system sucks". Its wasting time of the authorities having to deal with how to punish someone for such a thing, then sift through whether it was a joke. Just get the kid in trouble, have him as an example for everyone else. End of story. In my opinion, jokes about school shootings are not cool at all and you deserve to be in trouble for it.


tip it would pay me $500.00 to keep my clothes ON :( :lol:
But then again, you fail to realize that 101% of the people in this universe hate you. Yes, humankind's hatred against you goes beyond mathematical possibilities.
That tears it. I'm starting an animal rebellion using my mind powers. Those PETA bastards will never see it coming until the porcupines are half way up their asses.


Apparently a lot of people say it. I own.


http://linkagg.com/ Not my site, but a simple, budding site that links often unheard-of websites that are amazing for usefulness and fun.

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I hate how they're so sporadic in these things. It's not fair to the person who may have done it once and didn't plan on doing it again may get caught, whereas the person who threatens people every other chat message doesn't get caught.




Yes, it's not good to make threats, but you need to arrest a majority of the people who threat, not just one randomly intercepted person!






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Halo 3 players threaten others if they get killed once. If the FBI should decide to monitor team-speak on Halo 3 Live, I'll assume at least 40% of the people would be arrested.




To be honest, the arrest of that Call of Duty 4 player is a waste of manpower and money. Law enforcement officers should be spending time fighting crime in inner-city districts or elsewhere rather than spend their time on Xbox Live. "Hey, hey Mitch! I just got a headshot! By the way, go arrest Loves2kill88."

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the u.s. government... don't even get me started. <.< but i will myself!




Random Guy - yay for the united states of americah!




FBI agent 1 - he misspelled america!




FBI agent 2 - a terrorist!


Peppy: "Do a barrel roll!"

Fox: "That's your solution for everything..."

Peppy: "Just press Z or R twice!"

Fox: "No, Peppy..."

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Halo 3 players threaten others if they get killed once. If the FBI should decide to monitor team-speak on Halo 3 Live, I'll assume at least 40% of the people would be arrested.
You should see some of the stuff that comes down in bf2 pubs when you get privates going against 3-star generals.






death-threats like all hell, hackusations (better get the FBI's computer crims division onto those), and general "annoying people anonymously" which is illegal in the USA now I believe ;)




Not as bad as on xbox live - i know - but damn the authorities need to lighten up and recognise that 99% of talk that happens in-game is just talk :uhh:

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Here is the thing, they didn't know if it was real or not.




This doesn't have anything to do with the game, in fact, take the game out of the picture. If you heard someone issuing a threat that you thought sounded serious (or even if someone issued a threat to shoot up a school) would you act? Does it really matter what medium it happened over?




The fact is, the people who reported him didn't know if he was joking or not. Ever since a lot of the recent school shootings people have obviously been on the look out for possible shooters.








Yes, this one probably was a joke -- but think about it. Death threats, especially a threat such as this, is a serious mater no matter what kind of medium it takes part in. Obviously the difference between this and the average "I'll kick your [wagon] / kill you because you killed me on halo" is that that person has no idea where the other lives and no means to get there, while this person what threatening something near him.








Thats my take on it at least. I know I'll probably get a lot of negativity but I do think that those people that reported him were in the right.






ps: Nothing in the article really actually said they were blaming the video game, this is different from that.

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Better safe than sorry. I know if it were my friend dead if the guy did decide to kill people at his school (yeah I know 1 in a 1000 chance) I'd be asking questions, if they knew.




And yes I know this occurs all the time. But still, after what already happened in America I can 'kinda' understand.

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Terrorism guns Allah Iraq Afghanistan 9/11 White House CIA FBI terror bomb explosion 4chan school shooting mall bombing plane flight lessons airport gas anthrax death destroy kill Bush attack carnivore.




That should be enough keywords. Ha. People taking what's said on the internet seriously? More fool them. It's not like they can do anything to me all the way from Ameri

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This is taking it too far. Everyone says things that they dont mean but come on you dont even see the guy who made a threat to you and you get him thrown in jail? Well I hope the guy who reported him is happy.




Recently, a guy in Finland, posted plans to shoot up his school. Nothing was done. He went ahead, walked into school and started shooting people. There have been incidences where plans for violence (shootings included) have been made and known about, and nothing done about it.




I was at school with a guy, who planned to "cut up" several people, having listed them at school. You know how [bleep]in' scary it is? No.


[bleep] OFF HOW ARE U SO [bleep]ING LUCKY U PIECE OF [bleep]ING SHIT [bleep] [bleep] [wagon] MUNCHER



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This is taking it too far. Everyone says things that they dont mean but come on you dont even see the guy who made a threat to you and you get him thrown in jail? Well I hope the guy who reported him is happy.




Recently, a guy in Finland, posted plans to shoot up his school. Nothing was done. He went ahead, walked into school and started shooting people. There have been incidences where plans for violence (shootings included) have been made and known about, and nothing done about it.




I was at school with a guy, who planned to "cut up" several people, having listed them at school. You know how [bleep]' scary it is? No.




Yeah you never really think about these things until they happen.




One guy who was at my school supposedly had a stab list, he ended up kicked out of school for some reason I don't know.


Denizen of Darkness| PSN= sworddude198

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I've decided to take on the law enforcement of this forum.... everyone in tip it will be arrested as of now for conspiracies against the White House, George Bush and most importantly Jagex.... :shame:

world2isntthathardby4.pngI think merchanting is extinct....

lordofthehauntedminestextcb6.png Completed haunted mine at level 75.

Barrows Drops: Dh platelegs, Guth helm, Karils cb, Torags legs


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