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Your first kiss


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Can someone teach me how to get me and my crush in a game of spin-the-bottle? If so, I'll post about how I acted like an idiot and nearly fainted from it.


My mother kissed me on my cheek




Note: Does wanting to know how a kiss on the lips feels like make me a sicko?




If you want the cold hard truth, it feels nice if you do it with the right person, but it also feels like a REALLY slimy snail crawling into your mouth. At a younger age I found the feeling humorous for some reason.

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it was my first kiss, and a kiss i will remember for the rest of my life. call meh a nerd, i dont care :P




I think pretty much everybody remembers their first real kiss. If you have good memories of it, all the better :)

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i member mine, greatly, it was in gr 9, and with the girl. i have alway, and will always love. her and i are now best friends XD




but, it was at school, during lunch hour. im not going to go into deep detail.




it was my first kiss, and a kiss i will remember for the rest of my life. call meh a nerd, i dont care :P


that's not nerdy, thats actually pretty awesome (especially compared to some of these other ppl's firsts, lol)




my first "kiss" and first french were with the same girl. It was pretty awesome if I do say so myself...I was nervous as hell though. My first "kiss" was pretty awkward, cause I was nervous as anything and she went for my lips and i tried to do that head tilting thing like in the movies, and I ended up kissing her on the cheek :oops: But lucky for me, she didn't really care and thought it was cute :lol:


My first french...now that was something else. It wasn't completely unexpected, but the way it happened was. We both went to a mutual friends house after a huge block party, and she just kinda jumped on me XD. Good thing I was ready \'


I'll never forget that day :-w




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There is an unnerving amount of smilies in this topic.




And I honestly can't even remember mine. I have a feeling it was some boy I met on holiday called Thierry, but I can't remember if we actually kissed, I just remember thinking I was completely in love ahahhhhah.



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I have one simple question. How do you get to be around girls when you have school online and you don't have a driver's license. Only things I really do outside is play tennis and golf :-k ...




alot of hot girls play tennis and golf :P




i dunno, just go to a mall or something lol



1980 Berlinetta with a 350, bored, mild cam, intake carb, headers, exhaust

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I have one simple question. How do you get to be around girls when you have school online and you don't have a driver's license. Only things I really do outside is play tennis and golf :-k ...




alot of hot girls play tennis and golf :P




i dunno, just go to a mall or something lol


Hm, problem is that most female tennis players aren't Maria Sharapovas or Anna Kournikiva... Anyways, where I play, there are maybe three or four girls out of 20 people... Where I play golf, is well, male dominated...


A mall sounds okay.........

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I have one simple question. How do you get to be around girls when you have school online and you don't have a driver's license. Only things I really do outside is play tennis and golf :-k ...




alot of hot girls play tennis and golf :P




i dunno, just go to a mall or something lol




usually girls at the mall arnt my type...



"If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or your arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen." - Samuel Adams

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Never been kissed, not even on the cheek.








They just hate me.




I'll kiss you Echo ::'






My first peck, I was eight. My first real kiss was when I was 13, to this really hot chick.




Here's the story. Me and my friend Mat went to go fishing, so we were biking to the lake. On our way there we saw a few girls (like 3 or 4) talking so we started talking to them and ended up going to one of their houses. I started talking to one of the girls for about half an hour and then we went outside and randomly started making out behind some tree.




Ahh, true love? :XD:

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Nope, no kisses or boyfeinds(yet) for me.. meh.. I'm 14 too..




All the boys that I know are obnoxious, crude, and, well, annoying.. I did kiss this guy on the hand once, although that doesn't really count.. Not by personal choice ether.. >.<


Here be dragons ^


Dragon of the Day


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Kissing with no tongue action I was 6 in kindergarten(sp?), at a girls B-Day party, and I was the lucky hobo who got to kiss her. =P~




Kiss with tongue was 3 years ago.




Both felt good, except the tongue lasted a good 30 minutes, and felt 100x times better than just kissing. -.-. It was outside, under a tree. oO

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i have yet 4 mine....im screwed cuz every1 girl in my skool is sooo preppy and only go out the jocs....and leaves us normal ppl to suffer...i mean im not ugly or anything.....


No, but you have the spelling and grammar of a squashed squirrel on the underside of a truck.


Quit Runescape 30th May 2006.

Thanks to Hawkxs for my signature :)

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Ah I remember how she planted one on my forehead and said soothingly that she loved me...










Mother always had a way with kisses.


tip it would pay me $500.00 to keep my clothes ON :( :lol:
But then again, you fail to realize that 101% of the people in this universe hate you. Yes, humankind's hatred against you goes beyond mathematical possibilities.
That tears it. I'm starting an animal rebellion using my mind powers. Those PETA bastards will never see it coming until the porcupines are half way up their asses.


Apparently a lot of people say it. I own.


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i have yet 4 mine....im screwed cuz every1 girl in my skool is sooo preppy and only go out the jocs....and leaves us normal ppl to suffer...i mean im not ugly or anything.....




Then .. become preppy? That's what I did. Now I have a hot preppy girlfriend. Yay?

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