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Is it really possible to quit?


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...Search my thread, "is Tip.it harder to quit than Runescape?".




A Mod double post! :lol: :lol: :lol:




On topic, in your wiew i did "quit" completley, but i came back cause i had things left in Rs i felt i had to achieve.

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No, it's very possible to quit. One just needs to have a distraction.




For those that haven't quit or play every so often, they're either not distracted enough or they can't afford to play other games.




If they come to forums related to the game they've quit, there's a very good chance that they're here for the community instead of the game...




True, many people such as Albosky haven't played Runescape for years yet they keep coming here (and not just because he's an admin).




Search my thread, "is Tip.it harder to quit than Runescape?".




Double post.

RIP RU_Insane. August 3rd, 2005 - November 11th, 2012.


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I have quit RS, i gave all my possessions away, but of course i didn't want my account deleted or banned; i even got my moderator status removed to stop me going back.




I still linger here because i think i can do some good, and i have nothing else to do that fills RS's boots. I have a vast RS and in some areas, IRL knowledge that people on this forum possibly could benefit from tuning in to. I can still be useful here so i post here.




I also still post cos it reminds me of the good old days, i still haven't quite let go.


Yeah...Some people just go out of their way to ruin other peoples fun.
Sounds like Jagex to me...

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I quit today. However, I did not quit these forums. I will still go into every forum, because both a) I like the community and B) I like participating in discussions, EVEN about a game I quit. In a year from now, I will still be here, because both of my reasons. I will still be able to discuss Runescape beecause I will know what is going on from the topics here. So yes, I have truly quit, even though I opened this. Your theory=FAIL.

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Or, you know, the game just gets boring for some of us, and we just cluster into the OT.

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Fullmetal Alchemist, you will be missed. A great ending to a great series.

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I have quit a few times in the past, either for grades or because of boredom. This time however I'm actually going through with it. A while back I was posting on some threads here, saying that things wouldn't be so bad. That was me being blindly optimistic, and after all the RWT updates I don't recognize the RuneScape I have played for three years.




I canceled my subscription yesterday and don't plan on ever returning. The only way I could come back would be if things were changed back to the way they were, but that will never happen. Now I'm on to bigger and better MMORPGs with unrestricted trading, working "lootshare" systems, and fully supported clans (not WoW). I've enjoyed the community of RuneScape over the years, but too much has changed and I am quiting for good.



I've killed over 20,000 dust devils while training to 99 attack and have still not gotten a dragon chain.

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Definitively yes


I think for most people, quitting Runescape means deciding to become someone in real life, to go to another stage your life.




Personally, I'll tell you how my brain works in mmorpgs. My brain wants things. When it has obtained what it wants in the game, then it has a sudden total disinterest of the game and I quit. Because for my brain, that means he succeded at the game, and he can go away with no regrets now.




In Runescape, this thing I want is to get a partyhat back. I used to have one years ago, but I sold it, and now I realise my error. Then when I get my partyhat, then Rs will become really just a game for me. I'll play for adventuring, I will be in peace.




Working on my rc now, and I don't intend to give up until I get this darned partyhat and can move on.

2480+ total

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I quit RuneScape for a total of two years.


I think it's quite hard for people to quit because:


1) I think, especially high-leveled people, have put a lot of work into playing and improving, and don't want to throw that away. :twisted:


2) Members have paid money and don't wanna waste it. :P


3) You have made friends on RS that you don't wanna leave and love to talk to.


4) Eventually, like me, a bunch of your friends start the game and others continue to play, and if you are high leveled, or moderately good (Lvl 85), you'll feel quite good.


5) Lastly, its just a real fun game!

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I quit, and here's how; Step 1. Download world of warcraft. 2. Play it.






thats pointless if you're quitting runescape. mostly people quit is cause they want to cut out the addiction or find a better hobby. i dont think playing another MMORPG would make a difference.

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I quit, and here's how; Step 1. Download world of warcraft. 2. Play it.






thats pointless if you're quitting runescape. mostly people quit is cause they want to cut out the addiction or find a better hobby. i dont think playing another MMORPG would make a difference.




Yeah I'd rather play RS than a game where i have to start from scratch, which takes less skill, costs more and is less fun for me.


Yeah...Some people just go out of their way to ruin other peoples fun.
Sounds like Jagex to me...

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I agree with you, i quit rs temporarily every once in a while but its more like I'm just taking a break and playing another game for a while...


but it still isn't completely impossible to quit, just its hard once you've played the game enough and enjoy it enough to join a forum that is almost completely dedicated to the game

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I recently cleaned my bank...everything is gone...gave all my money away. I have no desire to start runescape back up for many reasons.




1. I live a busy life, there is SOOOOOOO many things that are more important then RS.




2. I feel I have outgrown it.




3. My college life is more important to me.

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That's like saying its impossible to get disinterested in something.




Yeah sure i surf these forums when im bored, mostly OT going on General discussion if nothings on OT.




You'll get disinterested of RS at some point and regret you made this topic. :roll:

world2isntthathardby4.pngI think merchanting is extinct....

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Why it is impossible to quit playing RS? Don't you know that!?


It's the penguins in Lumbridge's fault, of course! They use there evil penguin magic on you so you can't quit!




No, seriously, I think that it's because of all the time you have put down on your character that makes so you can't quit. There are not many games where you put down as much time on leveling, making money and so on as you do in RS. This could be one of the reasone to why RS is harder to quit than other games.



Add me if you so wish: SwreeTak

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Yes it's possible. You know, hundreds of thousands of people have. Personally, I haven't "quit."




I went about three months without playing then decided I wanted to play again. I got on about an hour for about 3 days in a row, and now have been back off it for a little over a week. Maybe I'm gone for good, maybe I'll log back on tomorrow. With the direction RS is going, I don't ever see myself becoming a serious player like I once was though.

Quit RS, combat 104, total 1651


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Now, let me go to rs. You say you "Quit three months ago because the updates stink". Really? Wow. so you still post on a website solely dedicated to something you "quit"?




First off, it's pretty narrowminded to knock on someone for posting on a forum even after they've quit a game. I stopped playing for well over a year, but was still interested in what was going on with the community and the game. Then again, I wasn't running around telling everyone I quit either... but the reality of it is that I really did quit.




Am I back now? Of course, but within the next month or so I will be having A LOT of added responsibilities and my gaming time will be extremely limited, almost to the point where I might not even bother renewing my membership for awhile.




People quit games and stick around on community based forums all the time. I still surf forums to past games I've quit/am done with. Your thread seems extremely sarcastic and arrogant. You really shouldn't bother making topics like this if you can't grasp why people do such things. Hell you're probably guilty of it yourself.


R.I.P Shiva

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