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Look At The Bright Side For Once


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Lately, everyone is complaining about the recent updates(GE,trade limit ect). So, for once lets all look at the good aspects of them, and maybe not feel so bad about um.








Easy to sell items while you do other activities.




Easy to buy items instead of waiting for responses on forums or shouting the same line over and over in a crowded park.




You now bother to sell stuff you wouldn't bother with selling before(and therefore actually making some money)






Trade Limitations-




Noobs can no longer beg for items!(valuable items anyway)


No more"gimme phr33 st00f pl0x!"


Ex. noob"Can i hv phr33 st00f pl0x i w@s h@x0r3d"


Me "ok!" *trades noob, puts up valuable item, trys to trade.Trade declines"


Me "oh thats right trade restrictions oh well"


*Noob runs off to tell other noobs begging no longer exists*




No more Autoers!


No more RWT's!






That's all i can think of atm, Feel free to share your positive thoughts on any recent update.

99 attack-34,104th to 99 attack.



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Yeah its not all bad. I just hate the overly strict limitations.

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The GE is brilliant in theory but in practice doesn't live up to all the hype. Also, i've seen my fair share of beggars in the last 2 days that i've been online ::'.




However, the GE is brilliant for when I want to sell items and continue doing other jobs. It provides some sort of price stability (however, JaGex still can choose to control what happens which I don't like at all).


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I love it. Annoys me how people only offer whats on bottom.




I know and that price is often too low. No one ever knows the actual price for anything anymore. And all the people who beg are so dumb they don't know about trade limitations so their still begging. Not to mention the prices on G.E. make it impossible to sell/buy some things, like come on its been like a month this is ridiculous.

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Still getting beggar's here :evil:




But jagex didn't know that everyone Has to buy their gold 3k every 15 mins, pity the fools who brought 1mill :wink:



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This is like saying "I'm glad you got over your cold" when the patient has cancer.




No, it's like giving the patient radiation treatment, while the cancer is still at a relatively early stage, but will cause the patient's hair to fall out. It's the right thing to do, will cause some sacrifices, but it's nothing a few cosmetic treatments won't fix. Unfortunately it's the cosmetic treatments which weren't very good. Not the initial treatment.

~ W ~



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This is like saying "I'm glad you got over your cold" when the patient has cancer.


*applause* =D>




Yeah, I remember when they announced that they would add a trading limit, but in December it only showed the prices and the actual limit wasn't enforced yet, the price of r2h swords was 35k! I figured I sell some stuff to clear out my bank of things I don't need, and a lvl 60 in initiate armour was buying a r2h sword. Great! I trade him and he puts up th exact amount shown at the bottom of the screen, saying he knew his prices. :wall:




And although those updates are ment to stop rule breakers, they appear to be doing more harm than good.


Pretty much what Dragon said.

Thread terminated.

I guess that means I'm the thread Terminator?


No Tip.Iters were harmed in the making of this post.

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This is like saying "I'm glad you got over your cold" when the patient has cancer.




No, it's like giving the patient radiation treatment, while the cancer is still at a relatively early stage, but will cause the patient's hair to fall out. It's the right thing to do, will cause some sacrifices, but it's nothing a few cosmetic treatments won't fix. Unfortunately it's the cosmetic treatments which weren't very good. Not the initial treatment.




Not the updates, the optimism.

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This is like saying "I'm glad you got over your cold" when the patient has cancer.




No, it's like giving the patient radiation treatment, while the cancer is still at a relatively early stage, but will cause the patient's hair to fall out. It's the right thing to do, will cause some sacrifices, but it's nothing a few cosmetic treatments won't fix. Unfortunately it's the cosmetic treatments which weren't very good. Not the initial treatment.




Not the updates, the optimism.




Hmm, ok. You're right there.

~ W ~



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I love it. Annoys me how people only offer whats on bottom.




I know and that price is often too low. No one ever knows the actual price for anything anymore. And all the people who beg are so dumb they don't know about trade limitations so their still begging. Not to mention the prices on G.E. make it impossible to sell/buy some things, like come on its been like a month this is ridiculous.


I don't really care about a few wrong prices. If that's what we have to pay for no scammers, no autoers and huge sell comfort, I take it. However, this (*points to bolded part*) annoys me very much, the lack of transparancy. Unless you're familiar with the market of that specific product, there is no way to tell what's the price. Your only option is to buy at the lowest first, wait a day and then higher your bid a little and the cycle restarts. If you could only see a list of people buying and selling for every specific product, I'd be happy.

When everything's been said and done, more has been said than done.

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Trade Limitations-




begging no longer exists




No more Autoers!


No more RWT's!





Autoers are still around and will always be around, there are way less of them now though, they can collect the money, buy an item and switch it between accounts in BH. However they tend to train accounts and sell them now, accounts are trained with autoing.




I suggest going to the free world for a few minutes and count the amount of players asking for 3k now




Real world trading hasn't stopped, you look for 1 item with an equivalent price range and let you get pked with it in the BH, as long as you make sure one of the 2 has the other assigned as target, if not, reenter or switch worlds inside the BH.




Pretty useless if you ask me.




Good point is I can now sell all the junk I got left in the GE whilst doing other more fun things.

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The only way things get fixed is by looking on the bad side of things. We need to be looking for whats wrong on then try to get Jagex to fix it. And I'm not talking about riots but I am talking about constructive criticim and making solutions to problems. Looking on the brightside does nothing. But you know... "ignorance is bliss".




PS- I'm not calling you ignorant, don't wanna come across as a jerk their.

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No more scammers? with gravestones, theres no way you can be lured to your death unless you never knew what BH is, in which case theres always a warning message and plenty of exits. not many scams there. if you get lured to somewhere4 dangerous elsewhere, you might lose your items but the scammer doesn't gain anything, so he's wasting his time. with the trade limit, the only scams left are for scammers who consicer a 10-20k profit to be the best scam ever. no more losing millions!


tip it would pay me $500.00 to keep my clothes ON :( :lol:
But then again, you fail to realize that 101% of the people in this universe hate you. Yes, humankind's hatred against you goes beyond mathematical possibilities.
That tears it. I'm starting an animal rebellion using my mind powers. Those PETA bastards will never see it coming until the porcupines are half way up their asses.


Apparently a lot of people say it. I own.


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ok trade limit:


oo no more rwt! wow that is so worthwhile to take away the whole runescape economy for a couple of cheaters. It's like the worlds superpowers agreeing to take away all nuclear threat by starting a nuclear war and wiping out humanity. Like Stalin said: No man no problem.

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Yeah its not all bad. I just hate the overly strict limitations.




My opinion exactly.




Oh and for those who complained about merchanting being ruined - it is not ruined, it just changed. You can make millions off the GE (look at Pure Ess). It just takes a lot more thinking and patience.

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