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"Who wants to be my GF/BF" - Any of you?


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There are obviously pros and cons between both arguments.. A solidified option will never ever be reached by all as people have multiple views on the subject..


My quick input:

My girlfriend and i met at school and fell instantly in love. It was great and we got along so incredibly well within a few weeks we both had some reaaaally hardcore feelings about one another. But. Some very very unfortunate things occured and now she is overseas currently residing in the United States. We only really have Windows Messenger and Runescape as running up the phone bill is very very easy to do and texting costs a fortune in the long run. Since she is rarely on MSN (say once a week) she plays Runescape alongside of me. Easily playing 5 days a week.. But in saying this yes i do call her and text her but to avoid long international calls and texts it is very infrequent such as if i don't see her for a while. Granted, physical contact is needed but you can only try. I have stuck with her through a lot and just because some countries and an ocean or two seperate us for now, doesn't mean im willing to give up. The human heart and soul are precious things, but when they desrie, they can be the strongest things in the universe :P


What relevance does this have?

Well there have been many many many times where we have been badmouthed for "internet dating" when people just don't know the cold hard facts. Yes a lot of these people just like to have a connection. Yes they seek it through the internet. No im not saying it is right. But i guess what i am slowly trying to get across is that when i meet a lot of so called "e-daters" i ask them about their status. Most of the time they really are a couple in real life the circumstances might just be mixed up. But then again there are much much more out there who are just Mr X and Mrs Y. Two complete strangers. Trust me. Jade and I would much rather someone ask us why we act lovey than being ear bashed about it. Because then they find out we really are a couple and Runescape just is a convenient, cheap and easy to access way of communication :)



Not all people however are really boyfriend and girlfriend. I know a person who lives in the United States who is dating a boy from the Netherlands and they have been together for 9 Months.. They have never seen each other, have no phones, no Windows Messenger and only ever speak via Runescape. I would honestly really like to know how they make something like that work for 9 Goddamn Months. :ohnoes:


- AnthonyWL :thumbup:

How do you know they're not communicating with MSM? A secret e-elopement is in order, methinks.

Anyway; two major points. Relationships in general are fraught with dangers...it's life. This is especially true for teenagers as, tbh, everything is a relationship. I occasionally flirt with a girl at a newsagents (sad, I know) and people automatically assume we're dating. So sad. Having a conversation with the opposite gender shouldn't be seen as purely sexually orientated, no matter what form it takes. My oldest RS friends (two >.>) are people who not only I've known for about 7 years, but also people I've never met. Yes we talk on msm/web cam, but we've never met. Just being friends with someone purely online isn't worse or something shameful, just different. I suppose I could do another "LaZ0r atatkc of teh WR0[)z!"...but I won't. Keep it short.


Forgivness is for those too weak to take vengeance.

DJ Hiraku



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It`s those 12 year old kids, that want gf in Runescape, so they can boast about it in school.



If I was 12, I would find it [bleep]ing hilarious if some kid was bragging about some random chick he met in Runescape of all places.

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I has a story.


A few years back, when gestures were not completely borked, and indeed, while they were still spammable, I'd gotten tired of endlessly repeating a bland no to "will/want to be my GF?"

So along comes the innocent pimp.

"U be my GF?" He asks.

My hideous laughter peels across the room.

I run two steps behind, then one step towards him.

"No, you will be my GF!" I shout.

I then proceed to spamclick the zombie dance move, resulting in a grind.

He ran, oh did he ran, then he logged.

And it was three months before the mental scarring eased enough for him to log into runescape again.

"Hi there GF!" I pm... and never again did I find him.



Elsewhen: Someone on my mute list had followed me across half of kanderin.

I tenetivly unmute to find him begging to be my BF...

"Chicks only dude" I say, then return him to the mute list.



Still, annoying as hell, but I've noticed a great decline in casting cals for BF/GF since I started.

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I has a story.


A few years back, when gestures were not completely borked, and indeed, while they were still spammable, I'd gotten tired of endlessly repeating a bland no to "will/want to be my GF?"

So along comes the innocent pimp.

"U be my GF?" He asks.

My hideous laughter peels across the room.

I run two steps behind, then one step towards him.

"No, you will be my GF!" I shout.

I then proceed to spamclick the zombie dance move, resulting in a grind.

He ran, oh did he ran, then he logged.

And it was three months before the mental scarring eased enough for him to log into runescape again.

"Hi there GF!" I pm... and never again did I find him.



Elsewhen: Someone on my mute list had followed me across half of kanderin.

I tenetivly unmute to find him begging to be my BF...

"Chicks only dude" I say, then return him to the mute list.



Still, annoying as hell, but I've noticed a great decline in casting cals for BF/GF since I started.


This made me laugh and not many things about Runescape can make me laugh.


My story is where I made a level 3 girl back in 2006, before the trade limit, just for fun. I asked to be people's BF and got about 50k out of it until I saw this level 98, and said "You need a GF?". He said "Yes! I've been looking for one." Fifteen minutes later, he gave me full black, gold trim. I was shocked. He then told me to start training so I could kill his ex girlfriend in the wilderness. That's when I said "Crap I have to go." Logged out and made sure I never saw him again.


It was creepy that he wanted me to kill his in-game ex..


For those of you who say I'm a freak, I was only doing it to test how people who actually do it feel and stuff like that. An experiment. For those of you moralists who said I scammed him, it will make you feel better to know that when I transferred the armor to my main, it got hacked a month later and everything on the account was gone. Karma is a [bleep].


Now on-topic.


About two and a half years ago I met a girl on Runescape. We became fast friends and shared all of what happened in our lives. She's the only person I let see the lyrics I write for my songs, and I've even written some with her. About a few months ago, her parents unbanned her from Facebook, and so we added each other. (Yes, she's an actual girl and is my age.) We then started talking on the phone (I found out she lives about 1500 miles away from me). We both enjoy talking to each other about life, what's happening in our lives and the world, and just talking in general. Now I'm not saying she's my girlfriend, because I don't believe that two people can have a real romantic relationship without meeting each other in person, but I consider her one of my best friends. We occasionally joke around and hit on each other, but both of us know that it's not a relationship. It's a friendship.


That's just my experience.


Now for my general opinion - the asking of BF's/GF's is rather sad because real life relationships are much more fulfilling. I'm not saying you can't develop a healthy, good friendship through Runescape, but you definitely can't have a real romantic relationship over Runescape. Most of the people that do in game relationships are either trying to compensate for something missing in their lives, trying to satisfy some sick fetish, or are heavily into role playing. I normally just ignore it when it happens, unless the person asking is being rude, vulgar, or harassing the person after being told "no" or "stop".

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I think the idea on paper is good, but guess what? Its not on paper, its in real life. I used to have a RS Girlfriend who was actually my girlfriend in real life too. Most people looked at us like a e-dating couple who have no life. Having a real life bf/gf that plays RS alongside you isn't bad. In fact it makes my wcing life much easier. My ex-gfs mom was really strict on cellphones so we used RS to talk and it was an....intresting experience to say the least.


I was only 10 at the time and apparently, everyone who played RS in my school all had gfs/bfs in RS, half of them were just random strangers they asked and the other person apparently said yes. A 2nd grader who didn't even know what a relationship WAS just boasted about having a gf at school. Me and my friends lawled at them but the fact that they thought that RS dating was cool was just sad.

It takes many people to construct a weapon of mass destruction, but only 1 idiot to use it.



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Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe it is basic human nature to desire companionship. While I do not condone walking up and asking a complete stranger to be my boyfriend or girlfriend, I can somewhat "sympathize" with the people who do. For the most part, the people who do so are lacking that genuine emotional connection in real life and seek to fulfill it in a fantasy world. It's rather sad, really. :unsure:

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Well, I don't know. My personal views are biased. I met a girl online, through a roleplaying forum. We started dating, purely over internet and phone lines. It was seven months before I saw her in person. Three years past that, we're moving in together in an apartment. So I suppose that sometimes online relationships do develop into something more serious.


...In general, though, the people looking for love on RS are mentally messed up or scammers.

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They just want money so they ask their "boyfriend/girlfriend" to "lend" them some... :shame:


Pro bump is not pro.


give F2P a penny and they want a dime; give P2P a quarter, they want 100,000 dollars, your car, house, boat, social security number, credit card numbers, drivers license, clothes on your back and everything you ever owned or interacted with ever
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I think you're making more out of it than it is. Although in my eyes it's not normal behavior, it's still just role playing. He's not asking girls to become his literal girlfriend, or to start an actual relationship. He's just looking to roleplay having a girlfriend for his character. Is it weird? Kind of. But ultimately it's harmless within the constraints of not disclosing personal information.

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I have never had a "relationship" in the proper sense on runescape, but I have met several girls/guys and got to know them really well. Heck, I have even talked to some of them over the phone, and helped them through troubled times, and they me. One example is a girl I have known for almost as long as I have been playing, and we both know a ton about each others lives. But she lives in Europe, and I in America. Chances are, we will never meet.


BF/GF relationships can work in any online medium, they just take what all relationships do. Time. Heck, even one of my good RL friends met his wife playing WoW, and have been happily married for several years now. I even know some married couples that play RS together, for fun. Nothing wrong with any of that.


Now, on the subject of boys/girls/genderambiguousweirdos bugging the counterpart on rs, it is just creepy and the wrong way to go about it.





Come, be my light.

Mingle with my darkness

May we mix to create

Our own twilight sunset

The dusk breeze

Spreading clouds

On our murky horizon


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Back when my character was a girl, I'd frequently get guys "hitting on me." Sometimes when I was bored, I'd play along with them for a few minutes, and then tell the truth "btw, I'm a guy irl ;)" Their reactions afterward were priceless.


However, the best thing to do now that they made it against the rules to solicit relationships is to just report them and add to ignore.

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For some reason, a lot of this reminds me a lot of in real life...


Except, the girls are under 20, the boys are under 20.


Though, the boys are mad about the girl, the girl pretends because he is rich, or might become rich.



The major concern is 12 year old boys getting stalked by... other 12 year old boys pretending to be girls.


As long as both the persons being GF and BF is smart enough not to give out their address before they can be certain somehow the other person is "Real" (age he/she says he/she is etc.)

Give a man a lighter, and he will be warm for a while.

Set a man on fire, and he will be warm for the rest of his life.

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Meh, I have an ignore list so I can't say it really bothers me. Half the time people are just screwing around, then some idiot comes in taking it out of context and reports them. I've seen 2 friends meet up and say something like "be my bf/gf" etc.. as a joke, seeing as they're friends, then some douche comes in and starts ranting on them and threatening to report.


Safety-wise I don't think it's good to have a relationship on a game such as Runescape, but I suppose there are exceptions. I'm not really sure how many pedo's play RS, nor do I really care, but generally anyone with a brain can differentiate. If people are just talking, well I doubt it can do them much harm as it may build confidence and enable them to better talk to the opposite sex, as a lot of RS'ers are introverts, most not by choice. However, then there is the possibility of the "break-up" and someone's feelings are hurt. In extreme cases this can lead to suicide. It's a slippery slope. All I can really suggest is that if you don't like what people are saying, use your ignore list or one of the many chat filter functions.




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Killed my maxed Zerker pure April 2010


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girls on the runescape are very cute and tend to be very loving and caring. my only requirement of runescape girls, in contrast to my many requirements of an irl girl, is level 99 cooking. and, that being the most common cape, means that there are many fish in the sea for me. Who needs personality when you have 99 cooking???

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I think the main aspect, is the guys trying to use the girls to get them sammich's....


I kid. But really, it used to be about sharing items and everything. Now with the limits I am not sure on the appeal. My boyfriend IRL got me into RS to start with. Although a friend of mine did start getting interested in some girl who played, and eventually she robbed his account for everything it was worth. Cleaned it out completely. (Back before the restrictions ofcourse) :(


Runescape Internet Dating is pointless


I bed to differ, some of my own personal friends, and even my mothers friends have met partners through Internet dating and they are happily married. Not everyone is doomed, it's just the attitude you go in with. Don't pretend to be something your not, because you will be found out.


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any hot girls reading this thread wanna hook up? lvl138 very rich leave me a pm on here

how rich r u? im lvl 68 14 yrs old add pls.

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5,999th To 99 Woodcutting Achieved June 27, 2007

66,931st To 99 Strength Achieved January 23rd, 2009

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Runescape Internet Dating is pointless

I've been in a happy relationship for several years with someone I met online, and I love him more than I thought possible, so not true.


Did you use eharmony or some other dating site? if i may ask.

We just met on some forums. I wasn't looking for a relationship, nor was he. We just got talking one day and yeah. x:


Edit: Fu, emote.


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The boys who follow girls around pestering them to be their gf are just trying to be annoying. The girls who do the same thing are these same boys with a female account, they just want free stuff.


If you meet some girl on rs, who you become friends with, then if you both want to perhaps to get to know eachother better, then set up a meeting in real life or call eachother.


People who find random people and just ask "Will you be my GF/BF?" (after all the corrections in grammar and spelling) are creepy, stupid, desperate, and annoying. When people bother me like this, I tend to do my best to get them killed.* This is probably mean, but geez, leave me alone.


*Steel drags with no shield, waterbirth, barrows, or generally anywhere they wont make it back within 3 minutes.

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I do not do those thing. The girl is a guy on the other side of his computer.


Basement nerd/ 40-year-old Virgin! :lol:


2002 - 2003 RuneScape Classic Clans: Wild Dawgs (WD). Court of Dragons (CoD). BlacKnights (BK). Black Dragon Knights (BDK).

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