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"I want a girlfriend/boyfriend", and other such relationship advice


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This isn't much of a "relationship" question, but does anyone else here feel awkward talking to people of the opposite sex in front of your family, or theirs?




I have no problem talking to girls if she is a family friend, but when it comes to unfamiliar girls, I feel very weird talking to them when my parents (or hers) is present. I know that "don't talk to strangers" is meant to teach young children not to accept things from unknown people and that my parents won't mind me talking to girls, it still feels awkward.


I certainly felt like that when I was around girls' houses. When I was at home I was a little bit more open because I'm in a familiar environment but it still felt awkward. It felt like people prying into to mine and her conversations, even if they weren't all that private, was an invasion of my personal life. If they're a family friend, the conversation's not really a part of my personal life anyway. :lol:




Then, I feel awkward talking to people anyway.

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This isn't much of a "relationship" question, but does anyone else here feel awkward talking to people of the opposite sex in front of your family, or theirs?




I have no problem talking to girls if she is a family friend, but when it comes to unfamiliar girls, I feel very weird talking to them when my parents (or hers) is present. I know that "don't talk to strangers" is meant to teach young children not to accept things from unknown people and that my parents won't mind me talking to girls, it still feels awkward.


I certainly felt like that when I was around girls' houses. When I was at home I was a little bit more open because I'm in a familiar environment but it still felt awkward. It felt like people prying into to mine and her conversations, even if they weren't all that private, was an invasion of my personal life. If they're a family friend, the conversation's not really a part of my personal life anyway. :lol:




Then, I feel awkward talking to people anyway.




When you want to feel awkward around a girls' parents, try spending the night at her house and trying to convince her parents to let the two of you sleep together only to have her mom go off on a ramble about sex and related topics before laughing and saying it's ok. Seriously, it happened to me a few weeks ago and then I spent the night with her last night and the same thing happened. It's always so hard to talk to her mom in the morning 'cause we're not exactly "good" haha :P

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I absolutely hated my parents breathing down my neck every 2 seconds, trying to listen to my conversations. Then again I was always up to no good 8-)



The only people who tell you that you can't do something are those who have already given up on their own dreams so feel the need to discourage yours.

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I really wouldnt try that.




I personally would ask them out in person. It makes a much better impression if you really like em.




Don't worry bud, I'll ask for help when I need it




Ok, fine, just dont call me bud, im not a little kid like I think your trying to imply me as.

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I'm trying to ask out a girl on facebook. Wish me luck :lol:




I really wouldnt try that.




I personally would ask them out in person. It makes a much better impression if you really like em.




I always hated that. If you like them, what does it matter how you ask them out? You get the same product, that they either say yes or no.




Anyways ..

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I always hated that. If you like them, what does it matter how you ask them out? You get the same product, that they either say yes or no.




Anyways ..


It just says something about how gutless you are that you can't even ask those sorts of questions face to face.




Like dumping people by text messaging. Nothing wrong with it, per se, it's just a little bit shallow (actually, it's very shallow).

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I always hated that. If you like them, what does it matter how you ask them out? You get the same product, that they either say yes or no.




Anyways ..


It just says something about how gutless you are that you can't even ask those sorts of questions face to face.




Like dumping people by text messaging. Nothing wrong with it, per se, it's just a little bit shallow (actually, it's very shallow).




Yeaaahhuh. I know what you're saying. I just definately hate the pressure to ask out someone face to face. I don't handle stress or awkward situations in the first place heh.

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It just says something about how gutless you are that you can't even ask those sorts of questions face to face.




I was too shy to ask my fiance' out face to face. I asked him over the net because I knew he was leaving for the army in about a week for 6 months and I only had a fraction amount of time to gain the courage to ask him. I knew within myself if I didn't ask him right there and then over msn, I would lose my shot. It worked out for me. If being gutless got me a son and soon to be husband, then being gutless rocks. I'd never break up with someone over msn or text message though. I feel too bad if I do that.



The only people who tell you that you can't do something are those who have already given up on their own dreams so feel the need to discourage yours.

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So what did she say Shadow?




She hasn't replied yet.




But I'll tell you now the answer is most likely no :lol: I barely ever talked to her and I'm not sure if she's into older guys.




I always hated that. If you like them, what does it matter how you ask them out? You get the same product, that they either say yes or no.




Anyways ..


It just says something about how gutless you are that you can't even ask those sorts of questions face to face.




Like dumping people by text messaging. Nothing wrong with it, per se, it's just a little bit shallow (actually, it's very shallow).




Yeaaahhuh. I know what you're saying. I just definately hate the pressure to ask out someone face to face. I don't handle stress or awkward situations in the first place heh.




I asked a girl out on MSN one time... we dated for 3 years after that. It really doesn't matter how it starts. It's how you experience it that matters.

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I'm trying to ask out a girl on facebook. Wish me luck :lol:




No, just no. NEVER do that. When you meet up for the first time, it will be awkward as hell, and if she doesn't say yes, it will be even worse. Delete that comment if you can.





My relaxation method involves a bottle of lotion, beautiful women, and partial nudity. Yes I get massages.



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No, just no. NEVER do that. When you meet up for the first time, it will be awkward as hell, and if she doesn't say yes, it will be even worse. Delete that comment if you can.








Relax... wow you guys are. I've done it before, it's not as suicidal as you guys make it out to be

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It just says something about how gutless you are that you can't even ask those sorts of questions face to face.




I was too shy to ask my fiance' out face to face. I asked him over the net because I knew he was leaving for the army in about a week for 6 months and I only had a fraction amount of time to gain the courage to ask him. I knew within myself if I didn't ask him right there and then over msn, I would lose my shot. It worked out for me. If being gutless got me a son and soon to be husband, then being gutless rocks. I'd never break up with someone over msn or text message though. I feel too bad if I do that.


You're telling me. My last relationship, neither of us asked each other. It just sorta... happened. Mutually.








Anyway, I'm not saying it spells S-U-I-C-I-D-E I'm just saying it's not exactly the best way to do it.

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I'm trying to ask out a girl on facebook. Wish me luck :lol:




No, just no. NEVER do that. When you meet up for the first time, it will be awkward as hell, and if she doesn't say yes, it will be even worse. Delete that comment if you can.








It's not that big of a deal. My current gf asked me out over AIM one night and this relationship has held together better than any of my previous relationships. It really isn't how you do it that matters. If she likes you she's going to say yes..

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I'm trying to ask out a girl on facebook. Wish me luck :lol:




I really wouldnt try that.




I personally would ask them out in person. It makes a much better impression if you really like em.




I always hated that. If you like them, what does it matter how you ask them out? You get the same product, that they either say yes or no.




Anyways ..




It matters when they're so scared they not only ask you out through MySpace, but don't have the balls to type the message and get their friend to do it for them.

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It matters when they're so scared they not only ask you out through MySpace, but don't have the balls to type the message and get their friend to do it for them.




If a person cannot handle asking another person out, they are not ready for a relationship. How can you expect to do anything with that person if they can't talk to you?

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It matters when they're so scared they not only ask you out through MySpace, but don't have the balls to type the message and get their friend to do it for them.




If a person cannot handle asking another person out, they are not ready for a relationship. How can you expect to do anything with that person if they can't talk to you?




Since he was very immature on top of that, I turned him down. I think he was 17 by then too...which kinda makes it worse.

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Uh oh. One of my closest friends, I'm pretty sure she's starting to have feelings for me. And, I really like her. It's just gonna be wierd. My best friend has a date this weekend, and we're likely going to be accompanying him. Hoping it'll be a good way to start off the year - thinking that it won't be much different to us just all hanging out again (we haven't all hung out together in a few weeks).




My friend ain't exactly the best with the ladies. He's too used to hanging out with older guys, his sibling's friends - me and him both are. Buuuuuut, I think he'll be better if another one of our friends doesn't come. He's an [wagon] to girls, even though he's still our buddy.




Huh. Now I bet I'll feel wierd asking one of my closest friends to help us double-date with our other ... closest ... friend.




Man, we just need to bring some weed and it'll be a total That 70's Show moment.

catch it now so you can like it before it went so mainstream

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