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What 'age' do you think Runescape is for?


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The other day i was Fletching away, and an arugment broke out between a few players over the 'age' for Runescape...


They were all between 13-16 and seemed to argree with it was aimed at 13-17 year olds...




Im 18, and personally i love Runescape. I didn't even discover it until i was about 16 1/2, and i still feel i'll play it long into the future... And im not ashamed to say it...




Although i agree, there are certain aspects of the game that do feel childish - Pest Control, easy skills, easy levels etc... But there are many other aspects that i feel are aimed at above 13-17 year olds - high level slayer, fight pits/caves, certain quests and tedious skills such as agility etc...




What do you feel?




Remeber, not answer is correct ;)

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RuneScape is aimed at players aged 13+. Younger players can access RuneScape and use the Quick Chat system to communicate using preset sentences. We encourage parents to supervise their children while they play.




Are you sure no answer is correct?


Although I guess under 13s are allowed to play now...

Hail to The Great Big Penguin in the sky. And Guthix, of course.



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Jagex added the "must be at least 13 years old" thing to shield themselves from parents. If something goes wrong, Jagex says "they said they were 13" and they're off the hook.


I started playing this when I was 15, and I liked it because unlike many other MMORPGs, you could play it on nearly any computer, as well as directly in your web-browser.


Now certain aspects of the game are clearly ment for higher levels, which Jagex sees as people who are older (such as GWD, the Zamorak boss for example would probably scare a 9 year old). But you saw what they did during the earlier graphical updates, what game has a zombie with a baubly head? You expect an undead monster like that to be covered in blood, or at least not look like it came out of Sesame Street.


The way I see it, Jagex tries to keep everyone happy. But they seem to be leaning more towards accommodating people in their early teens.


Pretty much what Dragon said.

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I guess that means I'm the thread Terminator?


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JaGex put the 13+ but really they dont care. there a buisness after all. As long as they make cash thats all that matters.




I personaly think rs is based for people 13-18 ish im 17 and fill to old to play this game. I dont know how people like 40+ can sit and play this game i just think its a bit weird but hey i know some people will fell differently.


Goals: 15m Slayer xp | 85 Herblore | 75+ All Stats | Chaotic Rapier | 125k/200k Tokens

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i don't mean to sound smart but i think an 8 year old is capable of this game. my younger cousin is 10 and he plays runescape frequently without the usual begging or immature attitude. if kids already know their way around the internet, then they're definitely ready to play runescape or any other similar rpgs.

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From my point of view, a 19 year old bloke who works 9-5 as an operator for an insurance company's claimsline it's for a younger group than me. It feels like a kid's game to me now after playing on/off since I was 15, although this could be just because of the childish behavour of most players.






This RS novel will be able to tell you more, I reckon it'll be a kid's storybook but I may be wrong... I just tried a quick search on google for T.S. Church (the author) and couldn't find any other books by him (/her), i'll see if I can find anything..

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This RS novel will be able to tell you more, I reckon it'll be a kid's storybook but I may be wrong... I just tried a quick search on google for T.S. Church (the author) and couldn't find any other books by him (/her), i'll see if I can find anything..




Haha, it would make my day if the RS novel would be a pop-up book. :lol:


Pretty much what Dragon said.

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I guess that means I'm the thread Terminator?


No Tip.Iters were harmed in the making of this post.

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i always thought that you had to be over 13 to play the game but its easy for anyone under 13 to play anyway just by saying they are over 13 but personally i sometimes get sick of the younger below 13 year old players in the game, they are rather immature at times and i hate it when they do the A q p/W thing although that doesnt just apply to them. Some are alright but its the others that ruin it for them. As for how old is too old I don't think you can be too old to play unless you cant type or something. Its a 13+ game that means no restriction on how old Im 17 and i still like to play runescape and i have friends that are over 30 that play and I enjoy that company, they seem wiser and i find for some reason more fun to play with as they dont constantly beg and always encourage you to do your best. Anyway rules are rules and as far as I knew, people below 13 really shouldnt be playin this game but i guess for some its "Rules are made to be broken"

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This RS novel will be able to tell you more, I reckon it'll be a kid's storybook but I may be wrong... I just tried a quick search on google for T.S. Church (the author) and couldn't find any other books by him (/her), i'll see if I can find anything..




Haha, it would make my day if the RS novel would be a pop-up book. :lol:




I'm buying one for £12.99, scriblling "A. Gower" on the first page then ebaying it. I can also provide a shiny certificate of authenticity - just like when you buy signed football shirts of ebay for a tenner for raffle prizes... ::'

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Runescape is the kind of game that's defined by the players, if everyone on the game was really mature and over 18 then the game itself would seem like an over 18 game, but because there are so many players and such a wide spectrum of ages playing Runescape (IMO) can be enjoyed by anybody of any age. I don't think Runescape is aimed at any ages, sure it has been changed to suit younger players but there are still many challenging things to do that younger players might not be able to do. I've played since 2001ish so I was about 10/11 when I started playing and i'm now 17 and haven't once at any time playing Runescape felt that my age mattered/was wrong.




PS. this has been discussed a million times. Try searching.

Lowgravity, I want to be just like you. But...I never will be as 1337 as you. :(
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The game itself can be enjoyed by all ages. The community is mostly teens, but that doesn't mean older people can't enjoy the game.

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This RS novel will be able to tell you more, I reckon it'll be a kid's storybook but I may be wrong... I just tried a quick search on google for T.S. Church (the author) and couldn't find any other books by him (/her), i'll see if I can find anything..




Haha, it would make my day if the RS novel would be a pop-up book. :lol:


If it was, I'd buy it. Seriously.




Ot: I started playing at 11 years old (almost 12, and as far as I know it wasn't against the rules then) and the game appealed to me then, and now 4 years later it's still appealing. However, I'm looking for different aspects of the game now then I was then. Back then I was excited by the exploration and simple things like catching shrimp. Now I look for more challenging parts of the game. I think that runescape has things to it that fit almost anyone. Therefore, I'd say runescape is 13-60 (any older than 60 and the clicking would hurt their hands :lol: ) That was a joke, don't take it seriously.

[bleep] the law, they can eat my dick that's word to Pimp

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i don't mean to sound smart but i think an 8 year old is capable of this game. my younger cousin is 10 and he plays runescape frequently without the usual begging or immature attitude. if kids already know their way around the internet, then they're definitely ready to play runescape or any other similar rpgs.




I second that :D


Currently P2P


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I find that as time goes by the runescape population becomes less and less mature for 2 reasons:




1. Runescape is heavily advertized on kiddy sites, i remember before Jagex started advertizing on Miniclip, most players were 14+, but as soon as they set up ADs down there the game started filling up with 10 year olds with names such as "Poop268".




2. Younger people start using the Internet, 4-5 years ago people would only learn how to use it at 13-14 but now there are 6 year olds playing on some sites.




The game itself is aimed at about 10+ on f2p and 13+ on p2p, but ever since Jagex introduced QuickChat almost all updates were destined to make the game appealing to younger players. -.-

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I'm buying one for £12.99, scriblling "A. Gower" on the first page then ebaying it. I can also provide a shiny certificate of authenticity - just like when you buy signed football shirts of ebay for a tenner for raffle prizes... ::'




Ooh, forgery. That'll be an interesting felony.




OT: The game seems to be aimed at teens for me, or in layman's terms, 13+. Regardless of how much "evidence" there is to the contrary, the game doesn't seem to be geared to or directed towards anyone younger than that age group.




Oh, and for those that say that < 13 can play legally now: In the ToS, any account that is younger than the required age is locked into QuickChat until they come of appropriate age.

Linux User/Enthusiast Full-Stack Software Engineer | Stack Overflow Member | GIMP User
...Alright, the Elf City update lured me back to RS over a year ago.

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I don't care how old someone is as long as they act mature. Unfortunately that is about 15% of the Runescape population and most of the immature players are 13+. You can tell how old somebody is based on spelling and attitude. I find that the worst people are in fact 13 and have a distinct anti-authority attitude. In my experience younger players spell slightly better than 13 year olds as they have not picked up on the internet shorthand epidemic. They also still respect authority and tend to follow the rules to the letter out of fear. People 15+ can either be the best or the worst of players. Some spell like developmentally delayed armadillos and act like total asshats. Others spell correctly and have a more collected attitude. Either way the immature greatly outnumber the mature regardless of age.

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I think the main target age is for ages 13-15 or 16 at most, but once they start playing they really get into the game and keep playing it. I started playing when I was 14; I'm 18 now and still play.

Expecting a good life because you're a good person is like expecting a bull not to charge because you're a vegetarian.

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runescape is for all ages


I've met and become friends with people ranging from 12 right up to 55


Although Jagex are aiming for early teens to play by the looks of the graphics, easyness of the game and it working off almost any computer


although those are the features that make it appealing to any age

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