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What are your flaws?


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I'm an Atheist, so technically I'm going to burn in hell for eternity.




Not much.




Leave unnecessary remarks like this in the serious thread, we don't want to see posts like these in the fun thread.




Anyways, I'd say that I become easily obsessed.


I was being sarcastic, which is a form of humour. :thumbsup:




Usually humor is funny.

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I work too hard, I care too much, and sometimes and am too much of a team player.










Nah, I have a HUUUUUGE Anger problem irl. Also I have a problem with language and vulgarity. :( I try to work on it. Also I'm preeeety sarcastic. Also I tend to be a sort of hypocrite, in that I hate it when people judge me w\o getting to know me, but I automatically judge people before I get to know them. Plus I have anxiety attacks like every other day. Stopped takin' my medicine for it anyways. :P

I have all the 99s, and have been playing since 2001. Comped 4/30/15 

My Araxxi Kills: 459::Araxxi Drops(KC):

Araxxi Hilts: 4x Eye (14/126/149/459), Web - (100) Fang (193)

Araxxi Legs Completed: 5 ---Top (69/206/234/292/361), Middle (163/176/278/343/395), Bottom (135/256/350/359/397)
Boss Pets: Supreme - 848 KC

If you play Xbox One - Add me! GT: Urtehnoes - Currently on a Destiny binge 


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I got off on completely random tangents all the time, and when I don't I ask them what they said like 10 mins after they said it :P

Doomy edit: I like sheep

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Bit of a temper, depressed somewhat, and sadistic.

I was going to eat hot dogs for dinner tonight. I think I will settle for cereal.



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I'm really outgoing when I am with my friends and if I have friends around me I can easily make new friends or say anything. I am totally not shy. When I am on my own though I get really shy, mostly in front of kids my own age or adults who I don't know but I have to talk to, like shop assistants if I am shopping on my own.

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-Sometimes twisting my word instead of saying something in all honesty, it's not on purpose I can't help it.


-Always wanting to just walk "over the line" instead of on it.


-When I drink - or do something - I do it in excessivity (if that's even a word, sp?)


-Instead of being the average 15 year old just enjoying one girl (after another) I'm stuck with feelings for just one, yay for one-itis!


-Poland syndrom (Miss a chest muscle)


-I don't accept how society is today, I can't get over the fact that we're only numbers and that the only thing in life is school - work. There must be more.


-I'm impulsive.


-I disrespect authority, respect must be earned not demanded of me.


-It's easy to dominate me. (girls)


Probably more.


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I was being sarcastic, which is a form of humour. :thumbsup:
Usually humor is funny.
Okay smartass, I'm not funny?! :evil:




Well obviously not everyone's going to find it funny... /care anyway.



^dds'er in progress =D

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Too argumentative sometimes. Too lazy, not capable of finishing assignments on time >.<. Too stubborn, I don't like to give up (this is both a talent and a flaw).




Hey I've got good news to those struggling with social skills, these are things that you can learn over time and eventually get good at.

76th to reach 99 Construction on 6th of February 2007

379th to reach 99 Runecrafting on 4th of November 2007



Finally the secrets of goal achieving are revealed! (give my guide a read :^_^: )

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I like the talents thread better, shorter list to go through.




~I have bad anger problems (not screaming match bad, think more I've narrowly escaped expulsion from every school I've been in, save High School [2 years left to accomplish that though], and one attempted murder charge [which was dropped, only record it happened is in the minds of those involved], the cops never got called, thanks to some quick thinking).


~Kleptomania (though it's gotten better, got some help for it and I haven't really taken anything in awhile, but I still consider it at times).


~Drinking (underage, also haven't done in awhile, but I'm not exactly one to say no if offered a decent quality one).


~I have very little respect for authority, unless they've earned it.


~I'm a bit impulsive.




~Lying (way too much).


~Computer Programming (and I'm not limiting myself to calculators and games here)...

[hide=Funny Quotes]

So you sucker punched a kid in the back of the head? Good job.
What scares me is that you're like 10 years old.
-.- im not that freaking young
You were a couple years ago.
It's not racist if its true.
Hmm... I wonder how one goes about throwing someone out a window in a mystic fashion :-k


The mental image for that is freaking awesome.


- I dont need to "get a life." I'm a gamer - I have LOTS of lives!

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My biggest flaw is that I live by the paradox. Nothing is ever just simple with me. It's even displayed in my looks. My eyes are blue, green and grey at the same time. My hair is neither brown, nor blonde, nor red. It's not straight, but it's not really curly either.




In essence I am kind and wish to do good, but I can have bad tempers, be stubborn, arrogant, self-righteous, a pessimist and a cynic.




I can't stand people who don't move on and don't take responsability for their life, yet find that those are the people I work for and wish to help. And I myself stare back all the freaking time.




In some ways I think only in blacks and whites and in terms of high moral principles, but I'm still able to see every shade of grey.




I have a lot of inner unrest, but lots of people consider me a calm and calming person to be around.




I just seem to combine all kinds of extremes in one volatile personality.

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I am very egocentric. I always tend to think that everything is about me.




I do not like to admit that I am wrong.




I fail at small talk and meeting people.




I do not like to lose anything.




My parents say I spend too much time on the computer.




Apart from that, I'm actually a fairly intelligent and reasonably pleasant person.


Early to bed and early to rise makes a man sleepy and blind in the eyes.

Carai an Caldazar! Carai an Ellisande! Al Ellisande!

If it's the thought that counts, why aren't humans innately telepathic?

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My depth perception may or may not be very slightly off. I tried to land my RC place close to the edge of a hill and ended up on the side. I was on the top of the hill at the time. The plane flipped, but nothing was damaged.


Command the Murderous Chalices! Drink ye harpooners! drink and swear, ye men that man the deathful whaleboat's bow- Death to Moby Dick!



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Where to start...


-too critical of most people


-at times, cold and distant




-too serious and work-minded


-I tend to be a fairly intimidating person, or so I've been told. At 6'3", 210 lbs and a fairly muscular build, I'm told that I'm hard to approach since I usually have a serious look on my face.

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I wouldn't call it a feeling, more a flavor. But I've only even chewed tobacco twice. Once was because I thought it was roast beef (when I was younger) and once when I wanted to see the feeling. Can't do it for long, though, your jaw will start to hurt like hell. Snuff's a bit easier for me.

catch it now so you can like it before it went so mainstream

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Oh, I thought of another one. I've come to loathe most of you based on what you say on this forum, even though I have no idea who you are ::' .

[if you have ever attempted Alchemy by clapping your hands or

by drawing an array, copy and paste this into your signature.]


Fullmetal Alchemist, you will be missed. A great ending to a great series.

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Physically: I lack upperbody strength. But I have decent leg muscles


My left leg is shorter by about 2 inches.


I have 8 toenails only. 2 are gone from a motorcycle accident.




Personality: I seem elitist. I dont like hanging out with people who are far less intelligent than I am. But I guess most people are in that category.

100% F2P

85 Mining achieved on Dec 4, 2007

85 Smithing achieved on May 28, 2009


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I have soooo many flaws:




I'm really weak (I can lose in arm wrestling to the weakest people and still strain my arm somehow)


I can't concentrate (you should watch me when I'm running around the house :P )


I let my sadness emotion take over 2 much


I don't know squat about real life


I have lots of bad and weird habits :?


I'm very annoying :twisted:


My stamina is pretty low (I can get tired really fast)


I worry 2 much


I'm a perfectionist (you should see my erase marks on my papers :shock: )


I have random urges to do irrelevant and pointless things sometimes...


I have 30/20 vision (my left eye being better than my right eye)


I have almost no social life or friends :(


I'm a pessimist


I have a stuttering problem




Maybe I'll add some more later :P


[hide=Funny Quote]

Cbow! Cbow!!!!! +120 range is orgasmic. Or maul, thats what I'd get out of those two options.

I agree with baconisbacon, Cbow looks freaking sensual

Runescape: Where strong weapons bring sexual pleasure.

The size of the e-peen0r is directly proportional to the rarity/power of one's equipment.

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Oh, I thought of another one. I've come to loathe most of you based on what you say on this forum, even though I have no idea who you are ::' .


Thats....comforting..... :|




When I'm talking to someone in public I involuntarily keep my voice really low, almost to mumbling. Paranoid that someone might hear me I guess. I don't need to worry, though; half the time the person I'm talking to can't hear me either :D


Command the Murderous Chalices! Drink ye harpooners! drink and swear, ye men that man the deathful whaleboat's bow- Death to Moby Dick!



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