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100% F2P: An Achievement?


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This is my response to this topic, and again, its quite lengthy because I am trying to answer all the previous posts on this topic, so please make sure you read everything in people's response, not just the one that jump out at you. This is purely personal opinion, does NOT represent what other people think.




It's true that the intent of this topic is not to aim at the 5% of the F2P population who is, as many people defined "mature", but its still a generalized "gray" line, and its hard not to cross over the line when you discuss this kind of things.




For starters, you should view the tip it news archives of January 13, 2006, to see why some F2p choose to stay the way they are. (which also wrote by Forsakenmage)




I am a F2P myself, but I never go around and boast say that I am proud I am f2p. In fact, most of the time I got asked by people, and the convo goes like this




Player 1: wow, lvl 124 (notice they didn't even say my name)


Me: Hi


Player 1: where is your skill cape


Me: its member only


Player 1: why dont you get one then?


Me: Because I am non member


Player 1: Ever been one?


Me: no




After that, the response usually goes like this....either


"wow, thats awesome" or "wow, high lvl f2p" or


"go get member, its more fun" or


"go become member, you will pwn" or


"lol, you can't even afford 5 bucks a month" or "wow, no lifer" something similar




If they stick around and ask abit more, I usually explain why I dont get members and etc (and if I get a nickel when that happens, I can actually save alot of money)




First reason, which someone mentioned, its simple, most of the training method is one way, and less complicated




2nd, its more relaxing, I know my personality, if I get members, I will want to get my time worth, and play alot, if I stay F2p, I might not log on for a while, but knowing that nothing will get charged on my credit card without using it (its like a gym membership which you never go, lol)




3rd, I like training my character is the fact I earn some lvl 99s in F2P, and to me, that was my original goal when I start the game, to be lvl 99 all F2P. When I start the game back few years ago, I always see alot of P2p high lvls walking around but rarely see any high lvl f2p walking around, so I thought of it as a challenge.




4th TIME, this is probably the biggest reason of all. If I add up all the hours I spend in F2p, and translate that to member time, I could in fact get alot of skills 99 already. So no point of me training so far in F2P, and go to member and become a "norm", Last time I check, alot of skills are easier to train in P2P. (This is not to say that lvl 99 skills in member are junk, in fact, there are more skills to train, so that balance it out, and some member skills I heard are hard)




To be honest, skills in F2p are not that hard to train anymore due to the many new updates, but true to be told, I rarely see any F2p ask for more new update except that more bank space, which I think its more than adequate already (unless you collect tinderboxes...and other things). I also made similar topic, and result is the same, P2p flames F2p, F2p flames p2p, to no end. The one reason I like RS because it has a free component in the first place, and the free content they offer is pretty big already, I am already thankful for that part. So, in most sense, I am enjoying what Jagex offer, not leeching, if I dont play, its still there open for someone else, and that someone else might become member, or might not become member. I read and endure the ads that shows on top while I play, so I am fulling my end of bargain by not doing anything weird to it to keep the F2p servers going.




In the end, I just want to enjoy the game the way I like it, and out of my RS career I haven't really seen anyone actively goes around and say: "look at me, I got this and this lvl 99 or high combat in F2P", its always people ask because they got recongized in someways (mostly combat lvls), and series of asking, begging, awes, and taunts ensues.




Money to some is a problem, but not a problem in my case, I recently finish University too, but I was fortunate enough to have a job so get some cash to pay for everything. Even that,I didn't get member is because the same reason I started with, lvl 99 all F2p.




You can say its a pride, but I am not going around broadcasting my pride, to me, some other people who recognize it will kind of "resonate" with me, because they can understand what kind of achievement that is. I dont really mind if it doesn't get recongize, alot of time I simply get a praise from strangers, and they walk off to do their own things afterward.




I often talk to my member friends and their adventures, which is equally interesting as mine (if not more). They respect my achievements, I respect theirs, and we constantly check up on each other to pass our RS time.




In the end, its an achievement to some people, but to some others it is also a path they choose, thats why we have top 200 f2p, those who choose to stay non member, I think of it as another league in Runescape, but I am not dissing any P2p achievement. After all, this game is all about time, the more time you spend on it, the more xp and lvls you will get, its all up to if you enjoy it or not, or simply grind in the sake of possibiliy getting a praise to walk around and boast.

a happy Runescaper

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People who stay f2p just to be able to say they did a certain thing only in f2p, deserve equal, if not less recognition as the same member task. Member things are OBVIOUSLY better to train with, and people who think they're better for just using a slower method, aren't any special, it's the same achievement, however the person who refuses to get members basically decided to handicap themself, which doesn't show much.




Honestly if someone wants to handicap their goal and stay 100% f2p just to say you got 99 prayer or something pure f2p, aren't any more special than some person who just went and used a gilded altar... they chose their methods to train, if one chose worse, too bad.



the trick is to balance all of these methods to get 99 and either play real life or train another skill while farming.


635th to 99 Farming 12/16/07

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Well for me I'm not proud of what I have done in Runescape because what I have achieved won't get me a prize at the end. I do like to complete games at its fullest when I can just for fun and to have a good feeling. I just play to enjoy myself in my free time.




I know that members is fun and could save time to get a 99 instead of getting it in F2P. I have thought about getting members many many times but I always have two different thoughts for both sides because at the end of the day paying $5 a month for playing a game won't get me a qualification that I can be proud of here and there.




I also don't see the point when people go here and there bragging about their F2P status as being something unique & special. I don't think any member would put a title: "P2P for life", "P2P FTW". I just see it as for getting more attention from others by implying that they have got such high levels in F2P without the help of the extra features that are provided by the game. It sounds like they're the best :roll:.




Moreover, training in F2P isn't hard anymore. All it needs now is patience and a lot of time.




Furthermore, I don't get why some members in here always argue about why F2P don't become members. Everyone has their own reasons and we shouldn't really make such assumptions that might not be true because every single person in this world has his/her own circumstances in life. So doesn't mean they are F2P they aren't likable.

*Started Runescape in 1st of August 2005*.



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Nice post Central_Keeper.




When people put their point across in a clear way and state valid reasons like this it makes it alot easier to see their opinion and accept it. After all, this topic was open to discussion and I believe both sides of the argument can be seen through the amount of posts in this topic. I hope more people continue to post with as much detail and enthusiasm as that post. :thumbup:

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I'm another pure f2per that uses these forums, and this topic made me lol.


Unless you've been pure f2p for quite a while, you wouldn't understand why someone would choose to stay a nonmember.


Everyone has their own reason for not becoming a member, and it doesn't matter whether or not you agree with their decision because it's just a game.


I personally have been able to afford membership since I started playing in 2003, but I liked both the simplicity of f2p, and the constantness (if that's a word). Since rs1, f2p has barely changed, which I really liked. There weren't any weird new updates to have to just adjust to, except for rs2 & rc of course.




F2P is much more of a challenge too, compared to p2p. I don't want to play some stupidly easy game where it takes very little effort to gain good stats. Judging by some of the replies on this topic, it proves it doesn't take a genius to do well in p2p.




Plus I never thought RS was worth $5/month to me. What's the point in paying money when an enjoyable, free version is available? Very few of the skills seemed interesting to me - the expectation of Summoning pushed me somewhat toward membership, but once it came out it seemed pretty lame.






All it proves is that you wasted your time. The amount of time it takes to earn $5 (less then an hour of work) per month is nothing compared to the amount of time you can save by training in p2p.


Being p2p does not lessen the wastefulness of playing runescape. Just because it takes less time to get level XX in a stat, it doesn't mean you spend less time playing runescape.


Playing runescape, whether f2p or p2p, is a waste of time in the end. But if it makes you feel better by spending money to play it, more power to you, lol.

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I play Runescape as a f2p because I want to. That's it. There's no real reason and I'm not going to shove it in any member's face that I'm f2p. I like playing RS as a free player, so why bother getting members if I'm satisfied?




Edit: Having read the comments left by everyone reminds me just how much I Hate Tiffers sometimes. I don't even see the point in having such a negative attitude towards f2pers. It's moronic.

EDIT - Signature far exceeds our sig limits but since it's so colourful you can keep it.

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I don't think it's a matter of "should you be proud" or "is it something to be proud of". As that is in the minds of player. Rather the question should be "Does 100% F2P deserve more respect?" And I think the answer is no. Why should they deserve more respect because they don't want to pay for membership, which is rather cheap anyhow. The argument is, 1400 total in F2P is considerably higher than 1400 in P2P for that it deserves equal, if not more respect. But even then, it would come down to a matter of total experience rather than total level. So you cannot, by any means compare F2P and P2P based solely on total levels, but rather experience. It just annoys me how some expect to not pay for membership, and then blab on about how much better they are because the have "so and so" total levels, which is high for a F2P.

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A good point already stated by Lordjake, whether or not if you are member or non member, if you spend alot of time playing this game, you are indeed wasting your time in the end. Having a high lvl stat RS doesn't mean anything much in real life. Its all about if you are happy about the time you spend on RS or not.




I oftern talk to my other RS friends and joke no matter how much we train, its all still waste of time in the end, therefore, whether or not if you want the skill to be recognize or not becomes irrelevant. We are doing this out of our enjoyment, and to break this enjoyment down into 2 side arguement is kind of pointless (however, it still fun to debate from it time to time, I am sure alot of people post on this topic want their response to be read and somewhat acknowledged, negatively or positiviely)




As already stated by so many others before me, its really blurred and all comes down to personal preference. From my point of view, spending 8 hours in F2p or P2p world means a difference in xp earn, maybe you can get more lvls in p2p, and f2p, it wont really matter in the end. Most of people respect that title simply because it is harder to train in F2p (to some degree, though you can simply world hop to a server with less people and get faster xp)




On average, you can get about 30k to 40k per hour for melee stat while training with ice giants, thats about 300k every ten hours in F2p. I am sure its the same for P2p, you just train with better monsters, drop more stuff, and better equipment and food, more xp in the end, but we all play same amount of time.




Once you do something repetitivly for long period of time, F2p or P2p wise, its just grinding, so what if you grind less than me by being a member? we still both grinds, I sometimes joke with my friends that we should call ourselves sir or miss clickalot. You can make the time efficient by training more smartly, but you still click alot and use alot of time. (So I make my time most of it by reading and doing homework while I train). I remember a while back a friend ask me why I didn't invest in a rare when I have enough cash to buy one, and I simply respond "my own stats are my one of kind rare", because I know I spend time getting it there.




I do admit there is some sense of pride that I am pure F2p, but over the years I grow to see things from a bigger picture. I just go on to RS, trains, talk with friends, do the things I keep on doing to get to lvl 99, nothing has change much, it will just take me longer thats all. I am happy with the stat I achieved in few years time and get some praise for it, I will definitely keep going even I do have a job now (play less of course).




There is really no right or wrong arugement, it's just how people can put it negatively or positively from both sides. If you enjoy the game, thats all that matters, and if being F2P makes you happy or being a P2p makes you happy, then you should stick to it.




On a side note, this is what I sort of think in the world of RS when it comes to recognition, if you really care about spending so much time on the game.




Be a p2p, go for lvl 99 all on all the skills, and get 200mil xp in all the skills (very very very impressive)




Be a F2p, go for lvl 99 all on all the non member skills (very very impressive)




Be a F2p, go for lvl 99 all non member skills and 200mil xp in all the skills (if you actually get that, truely crazy impressive, and this is a joke by the way), I will do that if I ever win lottery and set for life, lol, just kidding.

a happy Runescaper

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i think being 100% f2p while having very decent skill levels should be recognized, i am not saying that we should get a reward for our hard work (although it would be appreciated ::' ), but all im saying is that us 100% f2pers should be looked up at for being able to train our skills in a harder and controlled environment. so here is a big hand for us 100% f2pers =D>




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Most "100% f2pers" probably couldn't survive in the member world. Sure, they can grind for hours on end in a more boring and less productive environment, but i'd like to see a 100% f2per get a firecape, or a quest cape. Imo it takes a lot more than grinding to get respect.


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Most "100% f2pers" probably couldn't survive in the member world. Sure, they can grind for hours on end in a more boring and less productive environment, but i'd like to see a 100% f2per get a firecape, or a quest cape. Imo it takes a lot more than grinding to get respect.


Most members couldn't survive in the f2p world....


I can't count the number of times my p2p friends have said they'd quit if they had been pure f2p as I was/am. Plus, I've seen so many damn "f2pers are noobs" posts on these boards that I know my friends aren't alone.




And if you think a quest cape will bring any type of respect, I feel sorry for you.






(and btw, most of p2p skills involve a lot of grinding. so your last sentence applies to p2p as well ;) )

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It relates to the achievement of defeating hard bosses at low level, like obtaining a Fire Cape at level 40. F2Pers are handicapped because training skills is easier for members.

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I think that it's funny that people will think of anything they can to believe that they are better than someone else. Why do people do this? Maybe they feel worse than others for some reason? Maybe some F2P players are frustrated and think that their efforts are fruitless because no matter what they do a P2Per who plays the same amount will have a stronger character. So they convince themselves that they are proud of their "disability" and that they are better than the P2Pers.




And maybe some P2P players think that their achievements are marginalized when F2Pers achieve the same thing with slower methods so they insult the F2Pers and say that they are not supporting JAGeX by not paying. They convinced themselves that they are better than the F2Pers.




Personally, I have been a member for three years and since combat level 30. It been a lot more fun to be a member to me than a non-member because there is so much more stuff to do. I don't think that I would play RuneScape if I wasn't a member anymore. I strongly suggest anyone to become a member if they can because I think that it is much more fun than F2P. I think that it is kind of silly if someone refuses to become a member because they want to be 100% F2P, because they are only denying themselves extra fun! If you can't become a member because you cannot afford it or if you are a minor and your parents won't allow you to get it then I understand, but otherwise I suggest that someone is a member from day one.




Off topic: could anyone tell me what cba stands for? It seems to be a relatively new acronym that is popping up all of a sudden, and it seems to mean something like "can't be annoyed" to read the whole thread. Thanks!


"We will certainly not be gaining money or members with this update. Instead, we are doing this for the good of the game, which is as dear to our hearts as it is to you."

- JAGEX, December 13, 2007

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Ah yes, another F2P v P2P debate. Full of comments like these




i dont even notice them or acknowledge them as a player simply because they are f2p




P2Pers thinking they are more elite because they pay for an online Java game, maybe even wasting hundreds of dollars on the game.




I've been F2P forever, simply because I don't have the right payment options here in Australia and I don't really see the point. I don't play it all day every day and I feel as though I would waste the money on a game that I don't play often.




I think it is achievement for the hard working F2Pers to stay F2P and work hard to gain skills. People say "You can have more fun on a members world, and get levels faster." Maybe some players want to really work for their levels, and the grinding could be fun for them. You can't say what is fun for you is fun for someone else.


^Sir Jem 05-The Bunny Drinking Blog?^ Click it!


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To be honest I think its totally stupid to be 100% f2p just so you have f2p status, I mean its a bad thing, not a good thing lmao.


I don't care if your 100% f2p but don't go, "I have 80 wc its better then your 80 wc because I'm f2p" :roll:


Its the same achievement no matter what version of the game you play.

Doomy edit: I like sheep

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To be honest I think its totally stupid to be 100% f2p just so you have f2p status, I mean its a bad thing, not a good thing lmao.


I don't care if your 100% f2p but don't go, "I have 80 wc its better then your 80 wc because I'm f2p" :roll:


Its the same achievement no matter what version of the game you play.


Even though i am 95% f2p, i would agree with him.


I don't care how you got the levels, as i long as i see the levels.

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i dont see it much as an achievement more as cant be bothered paying for p2p, its like people that are like "real men wear skirts" in rs its not that real men wear skirts its just they dont have enough for Dlegs.




So at your question no, f2p is not an achievement.




What a narrow minded view of things you have.

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Free-To-Play status is something to be proud of because there aren't even close to as many people with a lot of level 99's as there is in the Members community. A lot of people will also stay down in F2P because they enjoy hanging out with friends they made on the path to getting their high levels.




Everyone must have their own individual reasons,



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Most "100% f2pers" probably couldn't survive in the member world. Sure, they can grind for hours on end in a more boring and less productive environment, but i'd like to see a 100% f2per get a firecape, or a quest cape. Imo it takes a lot more than grinding to get respect.


My friend was pure f2p up untill about two weeks ago and his first week of membership I think he got something like 500 total levels. Saying they couldn't survive it is pure crap. If anything members couldn't survive f2p. Going from 300k range exp an hour using chins (yes, I have no idea of the exp per hour) to 20k an hour is a hell of a lot more challenging than going form 20k to 300k. Not to mention the fact that you can make money 100x easier as a member than f2p.




Here's how I look at f2p vs p2p: You post a rate this thread for 1.4k total levels. If you're a member, I give you a 4. You do it as pure f2p player, I give you a 10. I rate all 99's 10/10 regardless, but if I were asked to choose which was the better achivement I'd pick the f2p player in almost every 99 (cooking and firemaking would be even).




That being said, it really comes down to; Is wasting time really an achivement in the first place?

[bleep] the law, they can eat my dick that's word to Pimp

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