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Woke up at 2:30 p.m. today

My mom came into my room at 8:40 and I couldn't get back to sleep... It sucked. I didn't fall asleep until 4:30ish, so 4 hours of sleep.


I'm kind of used to being woken up early, but my brother isn't staying home for some weeks so I'm free to sleep as much as I want :thumbsup:


Anyways, played Oblivion pretty much all day long. Pretty awesome game.

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Pretty much snowed in, waist high snow mounds all around the city. Our alleyway is pretty much unusable until someone plows through the snow, which means we can't go anywhere.


So glad I don't have to work today. Shame though, I was going to do some Christmas shopping today.

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It still hasn't snowed here in Ottawa ON. It feels like late October.

Matt: You want that eh? You want everything good for you. You want everything that's--falls off garbage can

Camera guy: Whoa, haha, are you okay dude?

Matt: You want anything funny that happens, don't you?

Camera guy: still laughing

Matt: You want the funny shit that happens here and there, you think it comes out of your [bleep]ing [wagon] pushes garbage can down, don't you? You think it's funny? It comes out of here! running towards Camera guy

Camera guy: runs away still laughing

Matt: You think the funny comes out of your mother[bleep]ing creativity? Comes out of Satan, mother[bleep]er! nn--ngh! pushes Camera guy down

Camera guy: Hoooholy [bleep]!


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Why was Death banned?

I don't know, but this means I can finally try that stunt with the peanut butter and the staple remover without any fear.


Snow today, awesome. Ever looked up at the sky when it snows? Holy damn. There are just so many flakes, millions, as far as you can see, upwards, not to mention outwards in all directions...


Command the Murderous Chalices! Drink ye harpooners! drink and swear, ye men that man the deathful whaleboat's bow- Death to Moby Dick!



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It snowed yesterday. For a total of 3 minutes. Imagine a high school in southern Texas where more than half of the students have never seen snow in their lives. It was weak too, just a small flurry, nothing like in Oklahoma or Missouri.

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Today I got a netbook. It is a MSI Wind U120. It has 1gb of ram, 160GB hd, 1.6Ghz processor and a webcam. My uncle and I chilled at the Columbus, Ohio, Microcenter for 4 hours checking out the 28" monitors, computer cases, motherboards, and mac crap. I felt like a kid at a toy store.


[software Engineer] -

[Ability Bar Suggestion] - [Gaming Enthusiast]

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Woke up at 2:30 p.m. today

My mom came into my room at 8:40 and I couldn't get back to sleep... It sucked. I didn't fall asleep until 4:30ish, so 4 hours of sleep.


I'm kind of used to being woken up early, but my brother isn't staying home for some weeks so I'm free to sleep as much as I want :thumbsup:

I usually don't need to get up before noon, and almost NEVER before 10. So I am not used to it at all.

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Why was Death banned?

I posted like, the same post fourty times on hex's profile cause he annoyed me, by deleting my comments. Then I called him an [wagon] and a couple other bad words.


Ohhh I already knew why you were banned, I thought kirby meant Death7755 or whatever his username is.




#1 Wongtong stalker.

Im looking for some No Limit soldiers!

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First snow of the season today.

Stayed inside, didn't make a dent in my 8 hours of homework for this weekend.

Played some Halo on my computer.

Ate a lot of oatmeal.

Listened to melancholy music.


Quite a relaxingly unproductive day indeed.


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Guest Mrmegakirby

I got dragged off to New Moon. 2 hours of my life I'm never going to get back. Well, 1 hour 55 minutes, seeing as I fell asleep for 5 minutes. Those were the best 5 minutes I've ever had.

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Beach yesterday was great, except now I have a bad case of sunburn on my shoulders, I went rummaging through all our first-aid supplies to see if I could find some Aloe Vera, or something to ease the pain. I swear we have enough stuff to survive nearly everything from a simple cut to radiation poisoning, but not some simple Aloe Vera oil. Mum even used to grow an Aloe Vera plant. <_<


I got dragged off to New Moon. 2 hours of my life I'm never going to get back. Well, 1 hour 55 minutes, seeing as I fell asleep for 5 minutes. Those were the best 5 minutes I've ever had.

Friend decided to take his gf to see it, dunno how he survived, or why he picked it.

Steam | PM me for BBM PIN


Nine naked men is a technological achievement. Quote of 2013.


PCGamingWiki - Let's fix PC gaming!

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Well then, it sounds like it's time for a trip to the local drugstore to pick up a bottle of aloe vera! :D


For some reason, I find heading over to the drugstore and buying aloe vera immediately after going to the beach, at night, extremely satisfying...

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Had bad sinus. Sinus cleared up. Played runescape. Watched cricket. Cleaned back room after dust storm which happened a few months ago.


Yeah, today was pretty boring -.-


Sinus is getting heaps better though, but my eyes are all itchy. Enough compute for me, I'm gonna go to bed.


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Went into the Apple Store in Westfields yesterday because I had a little problem with my iPod touch, in that headphones would only play properly if the jack was in a very specific position, and if it moved around at all it stopped producing audio on the left headphone. As we were waiting, some stupid kid got caught trying to steal stuff, so he was promptly taken down by three of the biggest security guards I have ever seen. They dragged him into a back room, kicking and screaming and swearing.


A few minutes later two hard-looking men came in, said a few words to one of the staff, and then went into the back room. The kid was never seen again...


It turned out the two men were undercover police, as we had suspected earlier when one Apple assistant remarked 'Look, it's the coppers! Undercover ones! It's the hats, it's gotta be the hats!'.


I also got a brand new iPod on warranty.

So don't let anyone tell you you're not worth the earth,

These streets are your streets, this turf is your turf,

Don't let anyone tell you that you've got to give in,

Cos you can make a difference, you can change everything,

Just let your dreams be your pilot, your imagination your fuel,

Tear up the book and write your own damn rules,

Use all that heart, hope and soul that you've got,

And the love and the rage that you feel in your gut,

And realise that the other world that you're always looking for,

Lies right here in front of us, just outside this door,

And it's up to you to go out there and paint the canvas,

After all, you were put on the earth to do this,

So shine your light so bright that all can see,

Take pride in being whoever the [bleep] you want to be.

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What should I get my 19yr old bro for xmas?

He's got everything already... PSP, PS3, 37inch TV, new comp and clothes... blah blah. He bought me some headphones.


I know what I'm getting my younger sis. A make up set and all that shiz. I don't know which is the best brand though >_>



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The PSP is modded so he can get any game. The PS3 idea sounds good but he sells his games fairly quickly >_>


Ah, maybe I can get him a wireless keyboard and mouse ...but I don't wanna pay too much.



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