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I love the actors in Paul, but god did that movie look awful.


It'll probably be a basketball watching day all day today. Going to a viewing party for the Xavier game at 7.

Looks awful, wasn't awful. I had the same notion, but it was actually pretty decent. Worth my time for sure.


Rango was better than I hoped actually. Pretty creative parts in it.

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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I love the actors in Paul, but god did that movie look awful.


It'll probably be a basketball watching day all day today. Going to a viewing party for the Xavier game at 7.

Looks awful, wasn't awful. I had the same notion, but it was actually pretty decent. Worth my time for sure.


Interesting. May have to check it out now.


And Xavier lost, therefore I am pissed.




My Bloggy


Proud to have served on Tip.it Crew

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Today I discovered the amazingness that is Pendulum..


Hooooooooooooly [cabbage]


and your world suddenly became that much less bleak.


Today I'm working 13 hours, then going to a 3 hour lazer tag session, followed by another 13 hour shift of work. Who needs to sleep?




Anyone who likes tacos is incapable of logic.

Anyone who likes logic is incapable of tacos.


PSA: SaqPrets is an Estonian Dude

Steam: NippleBeardTM

Origin: Brand_New_iPwn

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Have to leave for work in 15 minutes, currently shoveling food in my face, shouldn't be wasting time posting but I love you all too much.


After that going to the musical that my girlfriend is one of the leads in. She thinks I'm not going because I have work, but it's about 5 minutes away from where I work and I get out the same time it starts so I'm just going to punch out 4 minutes early and floor it. Hopefully I can get in.


Also it's [bleep]ing gorgeous outside, I hope I get to be outside at work today as much as I did yesterday.

I bet you don't mean -5c and snowing when you say gorgeous... *so tired of this weather*


-15°C here. It was melting all week, so the roads are like skating rinks, causing me to fall 3 times on the way to school and back.

holy [bleep] where do you live, tell me so i can never go there

Winnipeg. This city [bleep]ing sucks, it's cold as Antarctica for like 60% of the year, then it gets nice and the mosquitoes attack in waves.

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Today I discovered the amazingness that is Pendulum..


Hooooooooooooly [cabbage]






In my life, not much happened today. Gon' finish an assessment tonight, then I'll be starting another.




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i feel a bit weary when donating to these super huge

charities. i'm not sure what percentage of the money

will go to charitIES AND what percent will go to pay for

the staff/man power, equipment etc etc. That's why i

ussually sway towards donating to local charities because

it feels like you know where your money is going.


hmm, wouldn't it be great to highlight a text and press

caps lock to make it all capitals rather than rewrite it

again? why has no-one installed that feature...



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Another day. Work in the morning today though, starts in an hour. Going to see my girlfriend's show again, she was amazing last night. I kinda felt like an [wagon] cause two of her close guy friends gave her flowers and I just showed up in my gross, unwashed work clothes. But it's fine, I'm going to get them for her tonight since I'm working early instead of getting off when it's supposed to start.


And that's the update on my life which is entirely about my girlfriend. Sorry guys. I was going to write more but I'm running late and I realized non of you actually care about what's going on in my girlfriend's life. Although I'm not sure anyone really cares about what I'm doing either. So bye, back in a few hours, or not.

[bleep] the law, they can eat my dick that's word to Pimp

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@skull: we do, just twitter it next time...lol.


In other news: last night I managed to do something interesting. Stayed up till 2am with a bad case of the munchies. Decided to head over to mcdonalds, figured a big mac would settle my stomach. As I walk into the restaurant, I notice one of the cashier/'server' people there making out with some random guy 'presumably her boyfriend'. People immediately notice me, the guy leaves, and the 'server' tells me that I can have a free meal so long as I don't report this to her manager. Ended up getting 3 big macs/2 large pops/2large fries out of it, oh, and an 'anonymous complaint' was phoned in the next day about her (apparently her 'make out session' was stalling the 3 people in the drive thru lane)

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@skull: we do, just twitter it next time...lol.


In other news: last night I managed to do something interesting. Stayed up till 2am with a bad case of the munchies. Decided to head over to mcdonalds, figured a big mac would settle my stomach. As I walk into the restaurant, I notice one of the cashier/'server' people there making out with some random guy 'presumably her boyfriend'. People immediately notice me, the guy leaves, and the 'server' tells me that I can have a free meal so long as I don't report this to her manager. Ended up getting 3 big macs/2 large pops/2large fries out of it, oh, and an 'anonymous complaint' was phoned in the next day about her (apparently her 'make out session' was stalling the 3 people in the drive thru lane)


Lol, lucky :P


In other news, I'm going to small show in an hour or so. Bunch of people I know are performing in a bar, should be fun since I know they're great musicians. Other than that, a Saturday well wasted for me :P

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@skull: we do, just twitter it next time...lol.


In other news: last night I managed to do something interesting. Stayed up till 2am with a bad case of the munchies. Decided to head over to mcdonalds, figured a big mac would settle my stomach. As I walk into the restaurant, I notice one of the cashier/'server' people there making out with some random guy 'presumably her boyfriend'. People immediately notice me, the guy leaves, and the 'server' tells me that I can have a free meal so long as I don't report this to her manager. Ended up getting 3 big macs/2 large pops/2large fries out of it, oh, and an 'anonymous complaint' was phoned in the next day about her (apparently her 'make out session' was stalling the 3 people in the drive thru lane)


Lol, lucky :P


In other news, I'm going to small show in an hour or so. Bunch of people I know are performing in a bar, should be fun since I know they're great musicians. Other than that, a Saturday well wasted for me :P

You're missing the most important part. What Mcdonalds is open at 2 A.M.? and their lobby at that.

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I don't have a twitter actually. I think it's kinda dumb. Granted once I started using it I'd probably get really into it but oh well.


Anyways, work was pretty good today, was on carts duty four times in a four hour shift (I'm a service clerk at a grocery store) which was nice because I hate bagging and it was a fairly nice day (mid 40's). Only problem was that on my last shift, whoever was supposed to be doing it before me didn't, so there were probably 100 carts out in the parking lot and it was during a pretty big rush hour, so for every 10 or so I brought in probably 6 got brought back out. It's ok though, it gives me a pretty decent workout, which is good because I don't have the energy to work out after work.

[bleep] the law, they can eat my dick that's word to Pimp

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@skull: we do, just twitter it next time...lol.


In other news: last night I managed to do something interesting. Stayed up till 2am with a bad case of the munchies. Decided to head over to mcdonalds, figured a big mac would settle my stomach. As I walk into the restaurant, I notice one of the cashier/'server' people there making out with some random guy 'presumably her boyfriend'. People immediately notice me, the guy leaves, and the 'server' tells me that I can have a free meal so long as I don't report this to her manager. Ended up getting 3 big macs/2 large pops/2large fries out of it, oh, and an 'anonymous complaint' was phoned in the next day about her (apparently her 'make out session' was stalling the 3 people in the drive thru lane)


Lol, lucky :P


In other news, I'm going to small show in an hour or so. Bunch of people I know are performing in a bar, should be fun since I know they're great musicians. Other than that, a Saturday well wasted for me :P

You're missing the most important part. What Mcdonalds is open at 2 A.M.? and their lobby at that.


Aren't all McDonald's drive-thrus open 24hrs?

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i'm eating an orange so damn bland i'm about to make

a post about it in the "the things that annoy you"



do y'all like my signature? i made it myself. going to try

dithering it later. currently it looks like some half assed

attempt and tracing, which i can assure you it is not.

just thought it'd be easier to start off with "sections"

rather than try a whole body at once.



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Either my post got deleted or I didnt press Post.


TLDR; saw disturbing video of God-Praising girl about japan and family abuse is back.

God is sooooo good.

Edited by Wongtong




#1 Wongtong stalker.

Im looking for some No Limit soldiers!

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@skull: we do, just twitter it next time...lol.


In other news: last night I managed to do something interesting. Stayed up till 2am with a bad case of the munchies. Decided to head over to mcdonalds, figured a big mac would settle my stomach. As I walk into the restaurant, I notice one of the cashier/'server' people there making out with some random guy 'presumably her boyfriend'. People immediately notice me, the guy leaves, and the 'server' tells me that I can have a free meal so long as I don't report this to her manager. Ended up getting 3 big macs/2 large pops/2large fries out of it, oh, and an 'anonymous complaint' was phoned in the next day about her (apparently her 'make out session' was stalling the 3 people in the drive thru lane)


Lol, lucky :P


In other news, I'm going to small show in an hour or so. Bunch of people I know are performing in a bar, should be fun since I know they're great musicians. Other than that, a Saturday well wasted for me :P

You're missing the most important part. What Mcdonalds is open at 2 A.M.? and their lobby at that.


Aren't all McDonald's drive-thrus open 24hrs?

Not here. Open until 1 A.M., lobbys close at 11 P.M.

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Meh, I live in vancouver, where drive thrus are open all the time, and they don't care whether you pick up your food in the restaurant or using the drive thru, as long as you don't stay. Oh, and here's a good tip: if you're bored/semi hungry at 2am, chances are most mcdonalds franchises have free meal services/'sexual education seminars'. Just enter the lobby and act annoyed, they'll do the rest. (This is fancy talk for me saying that it happened again. Same mcdonalds, same server, different guy. Got 23 bucks in free food this time, oh, and the server gave my little brother her phone number for some reason.)

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Watched the entirety of the LoTR trilogy for the first time.


It was fairy good. It stayed pretty true to the books, I thought. And it captured the spirit well. Definitely better than the Harry Potter movies, which is what I usually compare it too.


And that's about all I did today.

My skin is finally getting soft
I'll scrub until the damn thing comes off

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March Madness, Super Moon, missing my girl, lots of chili, plenty of man dates, and missing out on pi(e) day and st. patrick's day. This sums up my week of spring break.

A reflection is just a distorted reality held by glass and your mind.



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kicked ass in lazer tag. ranked 23/37 overall, but #2 on my team, so whatevs




Anyone who likes tacos is incapable of logic.

Anyone who likes logic is incapable of tacos.


PSA: SaqPrets is an Estonian Dude

Steam: NippleBeardTM

Origin: Brand_New_iPwn

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