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3. More. Days.


Why hasn't cryosleep been invented yet?

"Let your anger be as a monkey in a piñata... hiding amongst the candy... hoping the kids don't break through with the stick." - Master Tang

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I want my [bleep]ing birthday over now. It's only been 2 hours and I already hate it.


Went out, things were fine until everyone's GF came, went back to hosue @ 12, everyone's having sex in diff rooms. Im on my own and went home.








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Had an awesome birthday.

Went to dinner with friends, was surprised by them actually. And a friend got me a bunch of records, so that's awesome.

Then we hit up the liquor store and went back to a friends room and started doing shots, had some fun there.

So this morning I go back to my room to get cleaned and dressed for breakfast and I walk in and see a Dr. Pepper bottle on my desk. I'm like "Oh, that's cool." Then there's one on my roommate's desk. Then there's one in my shower. Then there's one in my closet. Then my cabinet. Then in the microwave. Then one in each of my shoes. Then under my pillow. I don't remember all the locations, but there were 18 bottles in total. [bleep]ing awesomeicon_thumbsu.gif

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Leaving for the US in a few hours. More nervous than i should be, but this is really my last shot. I can't screw this up. If i don't manage to stick to this and see it through i'll be forced to get some dead-end job, so no pressure...

New country, new people, new career.

I don't handle "new" too well :|

Been pacing up and down the house for the past 2 hours.

So nervous i'm finding it really hard to sit still for more than a few moments.

I'll be on the go for the next 17 or 18 hours, something like that. On top of that i'll have a really busy Monday, 3rd medical test on Tuesday (same on i've done twice now).


My parents gave me my birthday presets a bit early, which kind of sucks because it really doesn't feel the same even though i'm not really a gift/birthday person. I think the thought of spending my 21st without my family is just a bit depressing though.


Oh well, here's to a new life.

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Geez, Tim. Life isn't about getting laid. :\ Stay away from your 'friends' if you know they're just gonna have sex and it's gonna piss you off.


EDIT: Noxxx, my parents accidentally scheduled a vacation during my high school graduation (to the holy land, not refundable). So I kinda know how you feel. :P


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Don't take that stupid "it was a test" bullshit. A relationship can only be founded on trust, and if she's testing you it means she doesn't trust you. You trusted her and she betrayed you, and that's all there is to it. Not sure how serious you were, but your always better off setting these kind of things off, even if you know its going to be a trap. Better to find out now that she's paranoid rather than when your married and it ends in divorce. You can't be in a relationship if one or both parties is sitter there wondering if the other is being faithful, or worse, thinking up schemes to prove it.


How pathetic.


I just really hate people like that. Not even worth the time of day.

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God damn, I come back to read the Today thread and see it turned into "Have you ever caught them". <_<


You should of seen this coming, Eggs. I vaguely remember you saying she did these tests before. If I remembered, surely you should of too.




Anyway, Tim don't worry about it. A relationship isn't nearly as special as people have misled you to be. You see it everyday: individuals getting cheated on, individuals with little respect towards one another, etc. The good thing about you Tim, is when you do get a girl it's going to be wonderful and dare I say, better, than all your 'friend's'.




Why you goin' to 'muricuh Noxx?

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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God damn, I come back to read the Today thread and see it turned into "Have you ever caught them". <_<


You should of seen this coming, Eggs. I vaguely remember you saying she did these tests before. If I remembered, surely you should of too.




If she's testing him, then the relationship is already over. Doesn't matter which way he choose really, so you might as well go out having the most fun you can.

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Happy birthday, Boros & Tim!



Gentlemen, I have returned.


Wasn't quite a three some. I'll spare the graphic details due to the family nature of this forum (if you really wanna know everything about what happened, PM me). Long story short, I had sex with the gorgeous blond friend while my girlfriend pleasured herself in bed next to us and made out with her friend at the same time. Not quite what I expected, and not quite sure if it would qualify as a three some, but hell, I got laid.


Girlfriend seemed a bit distant after the fact and didn't really kiss me much or say too much. That might have been because of the fact that her friend and I went out to share a cig and then came back inside and had a conversation that my girlfriend didn't really jump into for about 10 minutes. Maybe she thought I was starting to like her friend better or something. I don't know.


Well, tomorrow my girl is going to have the house to herself for most of the day so I'll go over and see what's up. Maybe get some more action if she isn't regretting her decision/pissed off about tonight.



Edit: She's been texting me. Big fight... She says tonight was a test and I failed horribly. I ask her why she lied and said she was okay with it. She says it was all part of the test. I tell her that when we first started dating we agreed to be completely honest about everything and never lie. She keeps saying "it was all a test, and you failed". I tell her it's her own damn fault for lying to me about being okay with it, I can't read her [bleep]ing mind. She tells me to own up to my mistakes and take responsibility. I tell her that yes, I made a mistake, but she also lied to me leading me to make said mistake. She replies with "I think we need to take a break...".



[bleep] women's logic. Apparently it's okay to go back on what you said and lie about things if it's for the sake of a test that could ruin our relationship. Acording to her, if I had any common sense I would know she wasn't okay with it. My bad, my common sense tells me that when you say you're okay with something, but I ask 10 more times to make sure and you say yes each time, then you're okay with it.



She was pleasing herself while she watched you bang her friend, and then she has the nerve to say she felt upset by the experience?


Your [former?] chick is rediculous. Anyone with any amount of sanity would have stopped it, and NOT watched their boy/girl friend literally have sex with their friend. I know a few people on this thread [including me] have had the misfortune of knowing their bf/gf has done something like this behind their back, but your chick practically forced you to do it in front of her. AND THEN SHE PLEASED HERSELF TO IT.


You're better off with out that kind of mind-[bleep].




Anyone who likes tacos is incapable of logic.

Anyone who likes logic is incapable of tacos.


PSA: SaqPrets is an Estonian Dude

Steam: NippleBeardTM

Origin: Brand_New_iPwn

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So... I've slept for 2 1/2 hours since exactly 2 days ago and I'm not even tired.

If for some reason I get super tired and fall asleep before the rugby match tonight I will be super mad.


Also, speaking of rugby, tonight should be awesome. May or may not drink as theres an alcohol ban at my hall because its study time (my friends got their boxes of beer taken off them on Friday even though we only wanted to watch the rugby casually).


Until then, gotta study... Exam on tuesday and wednesday, then a nice break till saturday and the last one on monday the week after.

Doomy edit: I like sheep

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Don't take that stupid "it was a test" bullshit. A relationship can only be founded on trust, and if she's testing you it means she doesn't trust you. You trusted her and she betrayed you, and that's all there is to it. Not sure how serious you were, but your always better off setting these kind of things off, even if you know its going to be a trap. Better to find out now that she's paranoid rather than when your married and it ends in divorce. You can't be in a relationship if one or both parties is sitter there wondering if the other is being faithful, or worse, thinking up schemes to prove it.


How pathetic.


I just really hate people like that. Not even worth the time of day.


This whole situation and relationship summed up.

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Worked the day at another ski swap. Probably sold off about $4000 worth of gear just by myself, so I'm happy with that. Now I'm tired, and I'm going to see a friend I haven't seen for about 6 months tomorrow. So it'll have been a great weekend :D

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Pissed off with my laptop. It won't update my iPod or jailbreak it, forcing me to use the home computer. I probably should ask for a new laptop soon, it's coming up to 5/6 years old.


On the subject of getting pissed... Going to watch the rugby and play pool with the boys, as well as drink. Should be a fun night. :thumbup:

My relaxation method involves a bottle of lotion, beautiful women, and partial nudity. Yes I get massages.



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I don't know shit about ruby, but I would watch it if wasn't on at 1am my time.



Neither do I.

My relaxation method involves a bottle of lotion, beautiful women, and partial nudity. Yes I get massages.



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Feeling quite alpha right now. Went over to her house today, talked to her, showed her some man logic and reasoning. She appologised and said the whole thing was her fault. Got there at about 10 a.m. and by noon she wanted to have sex. Finished off the night with another round. I'm not sure how I pulled this off, but I'm okay with it.




99 HP, Attack, Strength, Defence, Summoning, Ranged, Herblore, Prayer, Agility, Magic, Slayer, Fletching, Fishing, Woodcutting, Mining, and Thieving.


Jagex'd out of my untrimmed hp cape on 6/14/2011.

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Feeling quite alpha right now. Went over to her house today, talked to her, showed her some man logic and reasoning. She appologised and said the whole thing was her fault. Got there at about 10 a.m. and by noon she wanted to have sex. Finished off the night with another round. I'm not sure how I pulled this off, but I'm okay with it.





Glad to here that things are okay again Eggs :)

My relaxation method involves a bottle of lotion, beautiful women, and partial nudity. Yes I get massages.



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Eggs is definition alpha. fastort, eat your heart out




Anyone who likes tacos is incapable of logic.

Anyone who likes logic is incapable of tacos.


PSA: SaqPrets is an Estonian Dude

Steam: NippleBeardTM

Origin: Brand_New_iPwn

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