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What are your opinions on no-lifing?


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If you want to play Runescape, do it. Play for days at a time, i don't really care. Just don't start skipping school and/or work, dont ditch friends, ect..




Play Runescape all you want, never let Runescape play you.


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Thanks for all your replies people :) I can see that there are very varied opinions on the whole matter which is great :D P.s I broke my dry streak of three days not going outside by going down the shop this morning lol



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What is our position to give someone proiorities? For all I care, someone can do whatever they please as long as it doesn't interrupt others.




It is in no one's rights to tell someone they should do something otherwise. If I want to drink beer all day then by god's right let me! But, until the moment I drive a vehicle and hit someone and distrub their life, no one should do anything to me.




It's a health hazard though. People have died from exhaustion by "no-lifing" before. I see nothing wrong with pointing out the dangers of it to your fellow man. Moderately "no-lifing" is fine unless until it gets out of control - then you can harm yourself, and doing that over a video game is not fine.




Now, making fun of someone for "no-lifing" is a different story, but I think it's absolutely fine to tell someone when you think they had more than they can handle.


We're basically on the same boat. I find it perfectly alright to warn someone about the dangers, but if the guy knows the conquences and keeps doing it, its his problem. At this point people make 'fun of' no-lifing.

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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Imo no-lifing doesn't depend on the amount you play. To me no-lifing is when you put runescape/a game in front of important things irl. 1 hr or 16 hrs, if you played instead of doing something else you should of done you're no-lifing, if you passed on hanging out with friends, for 1 hr or 16 hrs, you're no-lifing. At least that's my opinion.



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Ehh... In Soviet Russia, RuneScape plays you. For all I care, people can no-life however much they want. I can actually respect someone solely for their attention span - i.e. if they got a very boring 99 in an exceptionally short time. But for me, I don't care about how others are no-lifing. As for my definition of it - you don't do other things in life, only RS. Which, I think, is fine as long as it's only your problem and as long as you don't completely ruin your life with it (school skipping, suicide etc.)



You're being watched.

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well i play 2 hours a day maybe 3 hours max and i need to go outside after that for a while >.>


how do people do 10 hour plays! :!:


most ever was 5 hours at that wasnt getting skills i just sorta went insane ancient pking :-# (lost 3mil in runes :) and pked 10mil in dragon auto whips!)

Check it out, huge amount of effort has gone into this massive mod!


[hide=old sig]



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Imo no-lifing doesn't depend on the amount you play. To me no-lifing is when you put runescape/a game in front of important things irl. 1 hr or 16 hrs, if you played instead of doing something else you should of done you're no-lifing, if you passed on hanging out with friends, for 1 hr or 16 hrs, you're no-lifing. At least that's my opinion.


I completely agree with you. No-lifing isn't defined by a number of hours, it's defined by what priorities you place below playing Runescape.

~ W ~



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I have nothing against people "no-lifing" and I wouldn't judge any of my RS mates if they did it, I'd still get on with them just as well. However, I would find it rather sad if people just sat on their computers all Holiday, and not only didn't go and do anything, or go out with your mates, but if they didn't get invited to do anything by their friends than maybe they should get the hell off the computer and start socialising a bit.




I wouldn't consider your 3 days of long play no-lifing though, no-lifing to me involves literally having no life, and staying on the computer all the time, regardless of social and physical implications.






EDIT: Sorry, but I only just saw this:


I can't stand the heat in summer. So I aim a fan at myself and play vidja games.




I never got the whole "Hang out with friends" thing and why is it better than watching tv or playing a game? Either way nothing gets done. If theres work to be done of course that comes first, but otherwise I don't really give a damn about what people think is normal.




That, to me is worrying. Now I don't actually know you Rob, but seriously, if you would rather play a game or watch TV on your own instead of what you put in inverted commas: "hanging out with friends," then really someone needs to blast your house with an EMP*! I mean, do you just not invite people to do anything, or do you actually turn down invitations because you'd rather watch TV and play games, saying that either way nothing "gets done." If you're going to take the effeciency attitude where you think that it's better to stay at home acheiving nothing than going out with your friends and acheiving nothing then I'm seriously worried, you should probably go and see a councilor or something.






* Electro-magnetic pulse, this would deactivate anything that uses electricity.


Thanks to Quarra for the awesome sig!

Xbox360 Gamertag = Tintin113

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I can't stand the heat in summer. So I aim a fan at myself and play vidja games.




I never got the whole "Hang out with friends" thing and why is it better than watching tv or playing a game? Either way nothing gets done. If theres work to be done of course that comes first, but otherwise I don't really give a damn about what people think is normal.




That, to me is worrying. Now I don't actually know you Rob, but seriously, if you would rather play a game or watch TV on your own instead of what you put in inverted commas: "hanging out with friends," then really someone needs to blast your house with an EMP*! I mean, do you just not invite people to do anything, or do you actually turn down invitations because you'd rather watch TV and play games, saying that either way nothing "gets done." If you're going to take the effeciency attitude where you think that it's better to stay at home acheiving nothing than going out with your friends and acheiving nothing then I'm seriously worried, you should probably go and see a councilor or something.



Well he does indeed have a point. By going out with friends he only gains abosolutly nothing. What makes 'socializing' such an important factor I never understood. It is fun and entertaining for me and many others, but if some don't see it like that, then leave them be.

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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During the summer I have been online (not just rs) a lot. Because there's nothing else to do. :?




But once college starts I should be out more! \'




There's not much wrong with no-lifing imo. As long as they eat, drink, sleep well... And see the sunlight occasionally >_>



^dds'er in progress =D

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Well he does indeed have a point. By going out with friends he only gains abosolutly nothing. What makes 'socializing' such an important factor I never understood. It is fun and entertaining for me and many others, but if some don't see it like that, then leave them be.




Didn't think I'd agree with first, but that's true actually.




For example... When I hang out with friends, someone always calls and says they're "busy"... Which usually means they're watching baseball reruns and can't be bothered to walk around the town :lol:




I'm never offended by that.. It's their choice, and I don't blame them. Friendship is the main point, not the fact you have to be forced to do meaningless things every day "just because".




Also.. I have a pretty hard time believing some people who say they have like 200 friends. They CAN'T all be loyal, real friends. How many would desert you if you needed a quick lift to the hospital if your mother got sick and you needed to visit her? Probably a lot.




I got maybe 5 core friends, and lots of 'friends'. I value them all, but I'm not sure how friendly the "other" group would really be if I actually needed something. I'd help them, but would they ever even appreciate it -.-

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I can't stand the heat in summer. So I aim a fan at myself and play vidja games.




I never got the whole "Hang out with friends" thing and why is it better than watching tv or playing a game? Either way nothing gets done. If theres work to be done of course that comes first, but otherwise I don't really give a damn about what people think is normal.




That, to me is worrying. Now I don't actually know you Rob, but seriously, if you would rather play a game or watch TV on your own instead of what you put in inverted commas: "hanging out with friends," then really someone needs to blast your house with an EMP*! I mean, do you just not invite people to do anything, or do you actually turn down invitations because you'd rather watch TV and play games, saying that either way nothing "gets done." If you're going to take the effeciency attitude where you think that it's better to stay at home acheiving nothing than going out with your friends and acheiving nothing then I'm seriously worried, you should probably go and see a councilor or something.



Well he does indeed have a point. By going out with friends he only gains abosolutly nothing. What makes 'socializing' such an important factor I never understood. It is fun and entertaining for me and many others, but if some don't see it like that, then leave them be.




Obviously you wouldn't go out with people you don't get along with, but I find it difficult to understand how you can have any friends in real life, and then prefer being on a game than with them. Of course you don't have to spend all your time with them, but I really don't get how you can make any good friends irl and still prefer watching TV than hanging out with them. And, call me ignorant if you like, I don't understand how you can talk about being with friends in terms of gaining anything. You could say, games are fun, friends are fun, but with games I don't have to spend time going out. But don't you get a feeling better than fun while with your friends...? I know when I'm with my friends I feel like I belong somewhere, and I know I'll have people there to help and support me if I ever run into any problems. If you consistantly choose TV or video games over real life friends then one day you might find yourself in a hole and your "e-friends" won't be there to help you. Don't get me wrong, there's nothing wrong with making friends on the internet, but if you don't have friends in real life too then something's really wrong. If you do have friends, you have to keep them, and you won't do that by playing on video games and watching TV.


Thanks to Quarra for the awesome sig!

Xbox360 Gamertag = Tintin113

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I can't stand the heat in summer. So I aim a fan at myself and play vidja games.




I never got the whole "Hang out with friends" thing and why is it better than watching tv or playing a game? Either way nothing gets done. If theres work to be done of course that comes first, but otherwise I don't really give a damn about what people think is normal.




That, to me is worrying. Now I don't actually know you Rob, but seriously, if you would rather play a game or watch TV on your own instead of what you put in inverted commas: "hanging out with friends," then really someone needs to blast your house with an EMP*! I mean, do you just not invite people to do anything, or do you actually turn down invitations because you'd rather watch TV and play games, saying that either way nothing "gets done." If you're going to take the effeciency attitude where you think that it's better to stay at home acheiving nothing than going out with your friends and acheiving nothing then I'm seriously worried, you should probably go and see a councilor or something.



Well he does indeed have a point. By going out with friends he only gains abosolutly nothing. What makes 'socializing' such an important factor I never understood. It is fun and entertaining for me and many others, but if some don't see it like that, then leave them be.




Obviously you wouldn't go out with people you don't get along with, but I find it difficult to understand how you can have any friends in real life, and then prefer being on a game than with them. Of course you don't have to spend all your time with them, but I really don't get how you can make any good friends irl and still prefer watching TV than hanging out with them. And, call me ignorant if you like, I don't understand how you can talk about being with friends in terms of gaining anything. You could say, games are fun, friends are fun, but with games I don't have to spend time going out. But don't you get a feeling better than fun while with your friends...? I know when I'm with my friends I feel like I belong somewhere, and I know I'll have people there to help and support me if I ever run into any problems. If you consistantly choose TV or video games over real life friends then one day you might find yourself in a hole and your "e-friends" won't be there to help you. Don't get me wrong, there's nothing wrong with making friends on the internet, but if you don't have friends in real life too then something's really wrong. If you do have friends, you have to keep them, and you won't do that by playing on video games and watching TV.


Again, their choice not yours. If they feel like playing PC is funner than "life", then they can do that for all we should care.




Think of it this way: with less guys out on the mall, less compeition with the girls. ;)

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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I can't stand the heat in summer. So I aim a fan at myself and play vidja games.




I never got the whole "Hang out with friends" thing and why is it better than watching tv or playing a game? Either way nothing gets done. If theres work to be done of course that comes first, but otherwise I don't really give a damn about what people think is normal.




That, to me is worrying. Now I don't actually know you Rob, but seriously, if you would rather play a game or watch TV on your own instead of what you put in inverted commas: "hanging out with friends," then really someone needs to blast your house with an EMP*! I mean, do you just not invite people to do anything, or do you actually turn down invitations because you'd rather watch TV and play games, saying that either way nothing "gets done." If you're going to take the effeciency attitude where you think that it's better to stay at home acheiving nothing than going out with your friends and acheiving nothing then I'm seriously worried, you should probably go and see a councilor or something.



Well he does indeed have a point. By going out with friends he only gains abosolutly nothing. What makes 'socializing' such an important factor I never understood. It is fun and entertaining for me and many others, but if some don't see it like that, then leave them be.




Obviously you wouldn't go out with people you don't get along with, but I find it difficult to understand how you can have any friends in real life, and then prefer being on a game than with them. Of course you don't have to spend all your time with them, but I really don't get how you can make any good friends irl and still prefer watching TV than hanging out with them. And, call me ignorant if you like, I don't understand how you can talk about being with friends in terms of gaining anything. You could say, games are fun, friends are fun, but with games I don't have to spend time going out. But don't you get a feeling better than fun while with your friends...? I know when I'm with my friends I feel like I belong somewhere, and I know I'll have people there to help and support me if I ever run into any problems. If you consistantly choose TV or video games over real life friends then one day you might find yourself in a hole and your "e-friends" won't be there to help you. Don't get me wrong, there's nothing wrong with making friends on the internet, but if you don't have friends in real life too then something's really wrong. If you do have friends, you have to keep them, and you won't do that by playing on video games and watching TV.


Again, their choice not yours. If they feel like playing PC is funner than "life", then they can do that for all we should care.




Think of it this way: with less guys out on the mall, less compeition with the girls. ;)




:D OK, now put it like that and I can support no-lifing. :D ::'


Thanks to Quarra for the awesome sig!

Xbox360 Gamertag = Tintin113

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I'm not going to lie. If it were not for school, I would have played RS for at least 9+ hours a day, on weekends I averaged about that and on school days I would play about 6 hours. I was and still am physically fit, I go to the gym 3 times a week and I do dancing twice a week. I don't see anything wrong with so called "no-lifing" But my only problem was that I was not playing for fun, I would play to train skills up and once I reached my goal, I would instantly set another. Now that I don't play Rs anymore, I find myself just watching tv/playing Xbox for the same amount of time as I did playing RS, but I'm having more fun. ::'

Don't play with fire!




18,200th to 99 Defence!

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I really don't no-life much, maybe the most I've ever played one in one day would be ~8 hours, and that was during a snowstorm..






But don't try to force your opinions on me, I'll play games as much as I damn well please. I've never really understood how hanging around a mall or fast food joint with a few people I don't really like very much, or going to a party and getting wasted with people I don't really like is healthier or better than playing games for an hour or two, reading outside for a while, taking my dog for a walk, and talking with a neighbor for a few minutes... I can think of maybe two or three people my age that I actually consider friends, maybe 7 or 8 more that I talk to on friendly terms, and the rest I either hate or am indifferent to. Maybe the problem is that I've never really seen so many of the pointless things that people do as any more important than enjoying my time. I only have a little bit of time to live, maybe ~75 more years tops, and I'm going to enjoy every moment that I can.




Well, that was pretty disjointed. Have a cookie if you read through it all.. :-#

There is no meaning or truth in life but that which we create for ourselves.


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If someone says to me, 'I played RuneScape for eleven hours today!' I get a little weirded out. If the person is ill, etc. then I find it perfectly acceptable, but for a healthy teenager, any more than four hours a day seems a bit much to me. I will admit I've no-lifed once, but then when I looked at the clock and realized that it was 5 hours later than I had expected, I swore to never play that much again. #-o

I love to meet people; send me a pm if you see me on RuneScape! :)

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That, to me is worrying. Now I don't actually know you Rob, but seriously, if you would rather play a game or watch TV on your own instead of what you put in inverted commas: "hanging out with friends," then really someone needs to blast your house with an EMP*! I mean, do you just not invite people to do anything, or do you actually turn down invitations because you'd rather watch TV and play games, saying that either way nothing "gets done." If you're going to take the effeciency attitude where you think that it's better to stay at home acheiving nothing than going out with your friends and acheiving nothing then I'm seriously worried, you should probably go and see a councilor or something.




I don't get any invitations. The opportunity never presents itself. Odds are if one of my friends called up and said "Lets go do something" I would go. My school is a paranoid private school that doesn't allow the exchange of phone numbers or e-mail addresses. The people that do live near me are not the kind of people I'd like being around. I do see a counselor, for other reasons though. Thanks for the concern.




Actually, now that I think about it; I'm not really a no lifer since I prefer chatting with internet people than playing the evil vidjea games.




Obviously you wouldn't go out with people you don't get along with, but I find it difficult to understand how you can have any friends in real life, and then prefer being on a game than with them.




Its a horrible disease called "Lackofcaritis".

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Nothing wrong with No-Lifing as long as you are aware of the risks of staying up past 30 hours.




To those saying that under 20 hours is too much, you guys aren't even scrapping no-lifing at it's best.






^My No-Lifing Guide.

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I used to no life ALOT, but I hardly every play runescape for an hour straight anymore. I grew up, other things become more important to me, and I got a truck so I could leave the house be back at a certain time and my parents wouldn't be on my [Censored] (They are pretty strict sometimes, but I guess its for my own good (grounded atm #-o )). I guess there is nothing wrong with it as long as you stay healthy and whatnot. But I imagine for 99% of people the game will wear off eventually. I think one of the things that really made me sit back and think is.... Think about the amount of time you've invested in the game that gives nothing back, now if it is quality fun time there is nothing wrong with it, but if it isn't fun that time could be better put to use. I got to that point were I was just GRINDING at xp to hit my goals for hours on end and it wasn't fun (I can remember some 12 hour days where I made tons of xp), I could have put my time to better use improving my shot outside shooting some hoops. Some people like myself are just shy and don't tend to socialize as much, but for yourself just try going out to town or something on the weekend and makes some friends if you don't find it as fun go back to your routine, but I found going out to be a helluva lot more fun and making more friends is never a bad thing. Just my 2 cents though.




Oh and another thing if you go out drinking be sure to be out with your friends who will take care of you if you do get wasted, and be sure to sleep it off the next morning before you drive home.




Kudos to anyone who read through the whole thing, hope it was some good advice to someone



Wc'ing my way to 99 (Wish me luck)

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Summer = No life tbh. If you really think about it, sports don't benefit us financially, and although you do get exercise, you have a higher risk of injury. I do occasionally go outside and play a little soccer on the weekends, but all in all, I no life it a loooot during summer.

No witty signatures for me :(

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