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Jagex announces the most challenging quest to date.


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i think this quest may have to do with barrows being that they released the players gallery with barrows pictures on the same day of this "quest info". also, something tells me that the resizable windows update is something to help us with. I am trying to put many theories listed in this forum and other theories of new updates described when hd came out.




Theories that may lead to new quest:






Dragon Slayer Pt. 2


Mournings End Part 3


Stone of Jas




Staff of Armadyl


Cold War Pt. 2


Wizard Tower and Wise Old Man's Telescope








Well, here is my speculation.....which is mostly based on WOM's telescope.




Now, before the WOM robbed the bank, he had that funny looking black hat. This thing on his head may have been something from Cold War. Possibly a transmitter controling his mind. Who planted this on his head? The Penguins of course. They wanted to see how good he was in magic and robbed the bank across from him. Now when the WOM saw the party hat, he decided to use it to cover up the transmitter on his head. But the penguins needed another pawn. Someone who is tough. So the penguins with their giant robot penguin (as shown in a cutscene after completing the Cold War quest) go underwater and send in the Sea Trolls and the queen. The penguins knew that the people near that area will ask someone to help kill those trolls so they ask an adventurer to team up with the WOM to kill the trolls. (This is where the Swan Song quest comes into the picture). The WOM pretends to die but in reality is watching you fight. Once you kill it, he, i mean the penquins will realize how tough of an adventurer u are. Now they needed someone to get the Pendant of Armadyl or Staff of Armadyl, so they sent a crippled man named Lucien (Temple of Ikov quest) to look for an adventurer who would do so. He declined so they slashed his leg as a threat. (Which is why when u click examine, it says he limps). He accepted and he found an adventurer, YOU!. Depending wether you took the goodside or the badside, he gets the staff of armadyl, or you get the armadyl pendant. (The new quest will probably require the Armadyl Pendant). After they get the staff, (or they don't depending on which side you chose in Temple of Ikov), they realized they needed the pendant as well. The Penguins saw that the WOM was becoming more aware of him being mind controled. So they needed death runes to strengthen the signal. But they didn't know how to make them so they needed someone to lead them to learn how to make death runes. So they gathered a bunch of other pawns and got YOU to lead them to the Death Altar to make death runes.(Mournings End Part 1-2). Once the penguins got the death runes, they realized that the WOM still had enough control to keep is grudge against the wizards in wizard tower. This anger held the mind control back so the penguins devised a plan to get the grudge of his chest and re-control his mind. The decided to destroy the Wizard's Tower which is why his telescope is pointed there. With this, it starts the new long and hard QUEST!!!!!




The timescale of that is extremely messed up. Lucien got/didn't get the staff of Armadyl long before the Penguins made their giant Penguin suit. Same with the WOM robbing the bank and the monkfish quest (can't remember name).







The timescale is off because of how i listed it. You can rearrange it so that they wanted to get the pendant/staff of armadyl b4 they looked for another pawn from the swan song quest. it seems messed up because of how i ordered the series of events, but when you rearrange the suceeding parts to the order of how u did the quests, it can still make sense.




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Personally I think that a lot of you guys on this thread are completely over thinking this...




I mean they said it probably won't in '08 and a lot can happen in the second half of the year.


And I also doubt it will come out so soon in the '09 year seeing as they promise stuff but don't totally follow through as fast as expected. ( Although they did promise something big for the '08 year and that thing was summoning and it came in the third week of the new year.)




Just because we've got a while to wait doesn't mean that we shouldn't speculate. A lot can happen in half a year, but in Runescape, it doesn't change fundamental history and things that have been already laid out. Consider: Half a year ago, it was mid-February. What's changed in terms of major storylines since then? Not much.




This is a quest I'm going to try do WITHOUT using a quest guide, it will be a big challenge, but will be o-so much more rewarding in the end :)




Hear, hear! (of course, that doesn't apply well in my case, since I won't have the requirements even if I tried, but whatever.)

Proud member of the Tal Shiar Alliance


Goals: Quest cape, skill range 10 or less, all stats above 60. (Although yes, I am aware that in order to do the first two, I have to do the third.)


I am sick and tired of people asking me to put stuff in my signature. If you agree with me, do NOT put this in your signature.

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Possibly a Mahjarrat quest that we've been speculating about for months...


The rewards could be insane...




Who knows.. I can't wait!




That is quite possibly the most awesome suggestion ever! :thumbsup:




The Varrock Museum has told us for what seems like an eternity that they're planning some expedition to the 'north', and the whole thing about the remaining Mahjarrat returning to the north... who knows?




I was also thinking, with the emphasis on it being more difficult than RFD maybe it is... a GWD quest?! Go into the door if you dare...

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I love what Jagex is doing with the quests, but i hate how the leave some series unfinished and start new ones...




Add all this to a healthy schedule of quests (featuring Arrav and the sequel to Spirit of Summer), holiday events and some unique puzzle content... and the rest of '08 has something for almost everyone.




I mean, COME ON! We got the quest Devious Mind years ago and for now...nothing. But they are gonna continue Spirit of Summer, a quest that was created 1-2 months ago??? :wall:




What are they thinking?


Proud owner of a Questcape

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*Cough* The banner on the main page of runescape*Cough cough*

"Let your anger be as a monkey in a piñata... hiding amongst the candy... hoping the kids don't break through with the stick." - Master Tang

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When I saw those words on the post I almost jumped up and screamed, half out of joy and half out of fury. I love quests, but Mourning's End Part 2 was bad enough. But the thought of a new, most challenging quest... woo! My friend was speculating that the stone comment might refer to the Stone of Jas, but I doubt it...





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I'm reminded of this:






[hide=WOM plan]womplan.jpg[/hide]




There is also a unusable trapdoor in the runecrafting guild.




Don't forget the things that have been discovered, the head of the rc guild looking for the stone of jas, the ore from the vampire quests found in the death guard tunnels, and of course in postbag 29 jagex released the temple knight's wise old man dossier, so they might have some part in this quest (by they I mean you).




[hide=Temple Knights' Dossier]Subject: 'Wise Old Man'






Under surveillance - Level: ULTRAVIOLET ARCHANGEL




Estimated Threat Level:


















Place of Birth:




















Distinguishing Features:














Known Affiliates:


The 'Wise Old Man' (hereafter WOM) has no significant affiliates at this time. Sources indicate that WOM shuns contact with most people, except when it is in his interests (usually in the financial sense).










WOM is commonly assumed to be a quiet, reticent old gentleman, enjoying his retirement. This, however, is not an opinion shared by all: he is often found to be rude, headstrong and oblique, which makes him an ideal candidate for recruitment. Indeed, Agents Cashien, O'Niall and *CLASSIFIED* have each recommended him for a senior position on a number of occasions. His great experience and excellent beard are all commendable features in any agent, but he is simply too much in love with his own myth. No agent could possibly allow their biography to be entitled "Dionysius: A Legend in His Own Lifetime" and expect to be taken seriously at the Annual Gala Dinner, Auction, *CLASSIFIED* and Fondue.








Distinct Talents:


WOM is known to be a powerful battle-mage, with an unrivalled knowledge of offensive spells and a talent for alchemy. He is the author of "Magicks Most Destructive", which is widely regarded as the finest work on Words of Mass Destruction ever to have existed, although few have actually read any of it. The edition in the Temple Archives is incomplete and frequently features odd fragments such as '...place the crucible and its contents within the [text illegible] walking around the sphere three times, repeating the Rubric of Incandescence until such warmth comes to the form that, with the correct care and [text illegible], might come to the body...' Quite what WOM is capable of, we do not know.














Originally from Varrock, the WOM has travelled extensively at various addresses, including Entrana and No Fixed Abode. Currently, he is fixed in Draynor Village where he occupies a small home, clearly a 'humble' cover for his activities. It is believed that he has spent some time on Entrana as either a student or a pilgrim - which is unsurprising as he is known to be a devout Saradominist. In his youth, he was rumoured to have painted "Saradomin pwns" on the wall of the Zamorakian temple in Varrock (source: Last Will and Testament, Fr Packett, Priest of Saradomin, Varrock).




He claims to have saved countless villages from unspeakable terrors and slain innumerable evil monsters. From the scant details in his biography, it is believed that he did this in a mountainous region north of Kandarin. He has spent a number of years with dwarven miners near Keldagrim, slaying scores of trolls in the process (source: intercepted dispatch 1702H).




According to some sources, he has travelled in the desert north of Menaphos, living with the Bedabin tribe. His activities at this time are unknown, though it may have involved research into various forms of magic.




More recently, he seems to have undergone a change, possibly disillusionment with his situation and advancing years, which has made him decide that it's time to take what he is due. Recent footage (see Comm Orb backup #53634) from the Draynor Village bank confirms that he was solely responsible for the raid, but, as yet, a true motive behind the crime remains elusive. Recommended Action: Placed on surveillance ULTRAVIOLET ARCHANGEL until true motive can be discerned.




Addendum: It has been noted that the WOM has been expending considerable time and effort gathering information on the Wizard's Tower. Interview of Subject Schism by Agent Whrenity has produced interesting results; seemingly, the WOM has been conscripting adventurers to assist him and they are seen coming and going from his house at all times of the day. Recommended Action: Continue surveillance and attempt to find more 'interviewees' for information.[/hide]




Then the WOM robed the bank and is planing a raid on the wizard tower, which is the place where the rc guild is.

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I think this quest will unlock a new skill, not that I am saying sailing, but on Miniclip Jagex hints at more skills and this might be the one to unlock it


*buzzer sound* oh im sorry that answer is wrong. why would Jagex make a skill only acessable after there Hardest quets? so only 50k people could do it? look at what we have to far.




drudic ritual- herblore(wtf did this have to do w/ hlore i dont know.)


wolf whisle- summoning




both being UBER EASY

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Me thinks it will be to tie up all the quests to one ending. Imagine all the dwarfs, elves, penguins, monkeys, mummies, and anything I missed are out to get humans. =D> Then at the final cut scene a picture comes out saying "Congratulations you have beaten Runescape! You have No Life!" just like in that Guitar Hero South Park episode.




:lol: I would even pay them to make something like this. Sadly I doubt this for some odd reason. :(

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Me thinks it will be to tie up all the quests to one ending. Imagine all the dwarfs, elves, penguins, monkeys, mummies, and anything I missed are out to get humans. =D> Then at the final cut scene a picture comes out saying "Congratulations you have beaten Runescape! You have No Life!" just like in that Guitar Hero South Park episode.




:lol: I would even pay them to make something like this. Sadly I doubt this for some odd reason. :(




Hehe, while I sensed some sarcasm in there, I'll still say it's not likely (on the ending every storyline bit). If they end every storyline, then they just lost a big part of the game.




If there's any ending of a major storyline, it will most likely spawn off a new one. That, or the storyline changes focus.

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What would the rewards be?




Addy dragons.


Dragon stuff.












I don't see why people are so intent on bringing in every single storyline they can possibly get their hands on into his quest. Thinking it over, I can't see why on Runescape the elves/gnomes/vampires would be in it.




To clear something up. If Jagex had intended the Daeyalt Mine Cart in the Mourners HQ to be a hint it would still be there yes? But it's not, so clearly a misplaced graphic.




Elves = NOT IN THIS QUEST. Nor will there be Vampires. I really hate to piss on your kids bonfire but it just isn't feasible to pull every single storyline into one. The Vampires are more concered with collecting blood and trying to kill the Myreque without going for the stone of jas.




That Goblin storyline is possible, due to Zaniks connection with the Tears of Guthix, maybe she reacts to the Stone? who knows..




All in all.. I think it's just going to pull together all the small but impressive hints Jagex have been putting into the game for ages now. Maybe not such a continuation of storylines, but a mere needing of having done a few quests in order to progress through this new quest/epic story.


Pretty sure it won't release Priffdinnas. Infact 100% sure. Jagex fail at the elfs. =[

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What would the rewards be?




Addy dragons.


Dragon stuff.












I don't see why people are so intent on bringing in every single storyline they can possibly get their hands on into his quest. Thinking it over, I can't see why on Runescape the elves/gnomes/vampires would be in it.




To clear something up. If Jagex had intended the Daeyalt Mine Cart in the Mourners HQ to be a hint it would still be there yes? But it's not, so clearly a misplaced graphic.




Elves = NOT IN THIS QUEST. Nor will there be Vampires. I really hate to piss on your kids bonfire but it just isn't feasible to pull every single storyline into one. The Vampires are more concered with collecting blood and trying to kill the Myreque without going for the stone of jas.




That Goblin storyline is possible, due to Zaniks connection with the Tears of Guthix, maybe she reacts to the Stone? who knows..




All in all.. I think it's just going to pull together all the small but impressive hints Jagex have been putting into the game for ages now. Maybe not such a continuation of storylines, but a mere needing of having done a few quests in order to progress through this new quest/epic story.


Pretty sure it won't release Priffdinnas. Infact 100% sure. Jagex fail at the elfs. =[


bet you 100k elves AND vampires are involved....im serious too. and a "misplace grafic" really? across the map? the code just happened to land in a mine cart? in a misterious cavern on both sides? ...hithly unlikely imo

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Yes misplaced graphic. I fail to see what's so hard to understand about it.




Mine cart #1 with Daeyalt examine gets put in place where Mine cart #2 should have gone. Bearing in mind this was after the graphics update where so much stuff got messed up.




So that 100k , wanna junk trade it to me? :thumbsup:

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I just hope that the rewards isn't just something to satisfy the rants forum, like that quest to prevent the castle wars catapult from hitting your own team mate. I mean, they can just fix it don't they, instead of wasting a quest on it.



"Do you really want to go back to the time when Falador was grey, lesser demon look like goats, dragons look like cows, hellhound look like cats and your character stands as stiff as a statue?"



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Guess I'll have to start training combat and everything else if I want to keep my quest cape. Maybe it'd be easier to just get a couple of 99s... Hrm.


Still, this does sound very interesting. If it can top Dream Mentor in combat difficulty, or MEP2 in frustration value, it's going to be one for the records. I guess we'll just have to wait and see, they haven't given us a great deal of clues...

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What would the rewards be?




Addy dragons.


Dragon stuff.












I don't see why people are so intent on bringing in every single storyline they can possibly get their hands on into his quest. Thinking it over, I can't see why on Runescape the elves/gnomes/vampires would be in it.




To clear something up. If Jagex had intended the Daeyalt Mine Cart in the Mourners HQ to be a hint it would still be there yes? But it's not, so clearly a misplaced graphic.




Elves = NOT IN THIS QUEST. Nor will there be Vampires. I really hate to piss on your kids bonfire but it just isn't feasible to pull every single storyline into one. The Vampires are more concered with collecting blood and trying to kill the Myreque without going for the stone of jas.




That Goblin storyline is possible, due to Zaniks connection with the Tears of Guthix, maybe she reacts to the Stone? who knows..




All in all.. I think it's just going to pull together all the small but impressive hints Jagex have been putting into the game for ages now. Maybe not such a continuation of storylines, but a mere needing of having done a few quests in order to progress through this new quest/epic story.


Pretty sure it won't release Priffdinnas. Infact 100% sure. Jagex fail at the elfs. =[


I'll give you that vampires might not be in the quest, but there is some strong evidence to support the WOM and elves, look at my post on the last page, then consider the path of glouphrie which you got crystal equipment from, and it mentions the elves. We saw elves in meeting history, plus a rock that we have never seen before. Jagex has been putting a lot of elf based things in the game recently. Since we are considering the stone of jas the fremennik might be in this quest.

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heh great posts everything i think is covered here ... jagex is very creative.. mybe a quest called . Finaly fantasy .. lol just an idea u kno a quest to shadow over all previous and upcoming quests



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I can believe WOM, and if we're lucky Elves. But I do not believe AT ALL that any main quest stories will be involved, maybe reference or snip-its like RFD. I do hope it is like RFD; sub-quests FTW. Possible another obscure sequel(I am the only person I've meet who though the 100th quest [RFD] would be a Cook's Assistant sequel. I knew my bizarre obsession with Cooking would give me something). Clock Tower sequel anyone? Not so obscure but almost as under-represented Shield of Arrav(from the post it looks like we are getting one, but I don't think its 'the big one') ? What other quests have no sequel or have been without them for a while?

Join Future Update News! The longest running update speculation thread on the RSOF, currently on its 24 Edition

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Thanks to Killerwat for the sig!

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