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Reveal Confessions, Secrets & Regrets...


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I've never told my parents this because if they knew, I'd be disowned entirely from the family. I plan on telling them when I move out so it wont have a impact on my living life and hopefully with help.


I'm Bisexual. And so help me Ryan if you dare harass me for it I'll hunt you down. I want to tell them when I move out with someone, (Guy or girl) and hopefully have support from my friends about who I am. I lead a terrible life during school and basically started a new life when I finished but because I live home, I HAVE to live by their rules, including being straight. It kinda feels like a prison here...



So yeah....




I'm cool with that. Just don't make a move on me.



I think Ryan might actually be more interested in you now. I say you go for him.


[hide= For Ryan]This is for saying I should listen to Kaye more, you Judas.[/hide]



I thought it'd be because I mentioned the 4 kinds of female orgasm. :lol:

Steam | PM me for BBM PIN


Nine naked men is a technological achievement. Quote of 2013.


PCGamingWiki - Let's fix PC gaming!

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Confession: I have nothing against gays or bis, but talking to them still feels awkward.


EDIT: Only guys, though.

Roses are red,

Violets are blue.

This line doesn't rhyme,

And neither does this one.

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I've never told my parents this because if they knew, I'd be disowned entirely from the family. I plan on telling them when I move out so it wont have a impact on my living life and hopefully with help.


I'm Bisexual. And so help me Ryan if you dare harass me for it I'll hunt you down. I want to tell them when I move out with someone, (Guy or girl) and hopefully have support from my friends about who I am. I lead a terrible life during school and basically started a new life when I finished but because I live home, I HAVE to live by their rules, including being straight. It kinda feels like a prison here...



So yeah....




I'm cool with that. Just don't make a move on me.



I think Ryan might actually be more interested in you now. I say you go for him.


[hide= For Ryan]This is for saying I should listen to Kaye more, you Judas.[/hide]



I thought it'd be because I mentioned the 4 kinds of female orgasm. :lol:


I sincerely hope that is sarcasm.


Confession: I have nothing against gays or bis, but talking to them still feels awkward.


EDIT: Only guys, though.


Yea it's a pretty common phenomenon. I don't feel wierd talking to straight guys to girls, but lots of straight friends I have feel a bit *awkward* talking to my gay friends.


Confession - I have a crush on a girl who I don't even know personally and even then, it's impossible to happen. She's lesbian.


Unrequited love. A total [bleep] XD



Secret: I'm a bit heterophobic. Not really, but I don't know, *womans genitals* just really gross me out. And so does straight porn. It's just unsettling.. And I am not sure why.

I have all the 99s, and have been playing since 2001. Comped 4/30/15 

My Araxxi Kills: 459::Araxxi Drops(KC):

Araxxi Hilts: 4x Eye (14/126/149/459), Web - (100) Fang (193)

Araxxi Legs Completed: 5 ---Top (69/206/234/292/361), Middle (163/176/278/343/395), Bottom (135/256/350/359/397)
Boss Pets: Supreme - 848 KC

If you play Xbox One - Add me! GT: Urtehnoes - Currently on a Destiny binge 


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I've never told my parents this because if they knew, I'd be disowned entirely from the family. I plan on telling them when I move out so it wont have a impact on my living life and hopefully with help.


I'm Bisexual. And so help me Ryan if you dare harass me for it I'll hunt you down. I want to tell them when I move out with someone, (Guy or girl) and hopefully have support from my friends about who I am. I lead a terrible life during school and basically started a new life when I finished but because I live home, I HAVE to live by their rules, including being straight. It kinda feels like a prison here...



So yeah....




I'm cool with that. Just don't make a move on me.



I think Ryan might actually be more interested in you now. I say you go for him.


[hide= For Ryan]This is for saying I should listen to Kaye more, you Judas.[/hide]



I thought it'd be because I mentioned the 4 kinds of female orgasm. :lol:


I sincerely hope that is sarcasm.


Confession: I have nothing against gays or bis, but talking to them still feels awkward.


EDIT: Only guys, though.


Yea it's a pretty common phenomenon. I don't feel wierd talking to straight guys to girls, but lots of straight friends I have feel a bit *awkward* talking to my gay friends.


Confession - I have a crush on a girl who I don't even know personally and even then, it's impossible to happen. She's lesbian.


Unrequited love. A total [bleep] XD



Secret: I'm a bit heterophobic. Not really, but I don't know, *womans genitals* just really gross me out. And so does straight porn. It's just unsettling.. And I am not sure why.


I thought you had a girlfriend?

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I've never told my parents this because if they knew, I'd be disowned entirely from the family. I plan on telling them when I move out so it wont have a impact on my living life and hopefully with help.


I'm Bisexual. And so help me Ryan if you dare harass me for it I'll hunt you down. I want to tell them when I move out with someone, (Guy or girl) and hopefully have support from my friends about who I am. I lead a terrible life during school and basically started a new life when I finished but because I live home, I HAVE to live by their rules, including being straight. It kinda feels like a prison here...



So yeah....




I'm cool with that. Just don't make a move on me.


I sincerely hope that is sarcasm.



Steam | PM me for BBM PIN


Nine naked men is a technological achievement. Quote of 2013.


PCGamingWiki - Let's fix PC gaming!

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I recently found out that my friend is gay because I friended him on Facebook. (Almost nobody here has a Facebook; everyone's into MySpace. I just found out that he had one because he told me, lol.) Anyway, we're doing swimming in gym and I suddenly feel very awkward getting naked to change in front of him, and also swimming with him in class. I didn't know he was gay before, and I thought he just had lots of hot (girl) friends because he was a player. It's really awkward because I can't help but be worried that he'll be attracted to me and gay out or something. O_o

So, basically Earthysun is Jesus's only son.






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I think Ryan might actually be more interested in you now. I say you go for him.


[hide= For Ryan]This is for saying I should listen to Kaye more, you Judas.[/hide]



I thought it'd be because I mentioned the 4 kinds of female orgasm. :lol:


Look at the post time and that makes you a [puncture] anyway.


Besides, you know it can't be true, but we won't get into that here.


Denizen of Darkness| PSN= sworddude198

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I occaisonally leave comments on random sites in languages other than english, for laughs. Maybe some will even develop an interest in a language other than their native. Who knows.


Usually when I do that in German/Spanish, people find it annoying. (My native language is English, and I live in America.)

So, basically Earthysun is Jesus's only son.






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Oh racist parties.. I don't think I can make any comments and be within Tip.It's rules.


But here's an actually good confession:


In the fifth or sixth grade I went to a friend's birthday party at a laser tag place, towards the end of the game I was hiding in a room and this kid came in and I shot him, he came back and shot me so I beat the [cabbage] out of him with my gun(that's not an exaggeration I literally beat this kid and apparently he pissed himself) . The game ended, everyone left, the kid wouldn't leave and they had to call his parents to get him out of the room.


How's that for a Tip.It "community" confession?



Also first post on Tip.It in ~2 years.



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I've never told my parents this because if they knew, I'd be disowned entirely from the family. I plan on telling them when I move out so it wont have a impact on my living life and hopefully with help.


I'm Bisexual. And so help me Ryan if you dare harass me for it I'll hunt you down. I want to tell them when I move out with someone, (Guy or girl) and hopefully have support from my friends about who I am. I lead a terrible life during school and basically started a new life when I finished but because I live home, I HAVE to live by their rules, including being straight. It kinda feels like a prison here...



So yeah....




I'm cool with that. Just don't make a move on me.



I think Ryan might actually be more interested in you now. I say you go for him.


[hide= For Ryan]This is for saying I should listen to Kaye more, you Judas.[/hide]



I thought it'd be because I mentioned the 4 kinds of female orgasm. :lol:


I sincerely hope that is sarcasm.


Confession: I have nothing against gays or bis, but talking to them still feels awkward.


EDIT: Only guys, though.


Yea it's a pretty common phenomenon. I don't feel wierd talking to straight guys to girls, but lots of straight friends I have feel a bit *awkward* talking to my gay friends.


Confession - I have a crush on a girl who I don't even know personally and even then, it's impossible to happen. She's lesbian.


Unrequited love. A total [bleep] XD



Secret: I'm a bit heterophobic. Not really, but I don't know, *womans genitals* just really gross me out. And so does straight porn. It's just unsettling.. And I am not sure why.


I thought you had a girlfriend?


Hecks no. And technically I don't have a bf either. Damn conservatives.





I've never told my parents this because if they knew, I'd be disowned entirely from the family. I plan on telling them when I move out so it wont have a impact on my living life and hopefully with help.


I'm Bisexual. And so help me Ryan if you dare harass me for it I'll hunt you down. I want to tell them when I move out with someone, (Guy or girl) and hopefully have support from my friends about who I am. I lead a terrible life during school and basically started a new life when I finished but because I live home, I HAVE to live by their rules, including being straight. It kinda feels like a prison here...



So yeah....




I'm cool with that. Just don't make a move on me.


I sincerely hope that is sarcasm.




Umm... Yea. Were you? Sarcasm doesn't translate well...


I recently found out that my friend is gay because I friended him on Facebook. (Almost nobody here has a Facebook; everyone's into MySpace. I just found out that he had one because he told me, lol.) Anyway, we're doing swimming in gym and I suddenly feel very awkward getting naked to change in front of him, and also swimming with him in class. I didn't know he was gay before, and I thought he just had lots of hot (girl) friends because he was a player. It's really awkward because I can't help but be worried that he'll be attracted to me and gay out or something. O_o



What does "gay" out mean? And many gay men have very strong boundaries, if you're straight we just don't even think of it. However, from my *personal* observations, straight men love to try and bang lesbians LOL. Never works out.

I have all the 99s, and have been playing since 2001. Comped 4/30/15 

My Araxxi Kills: 459::Araxxi Drops(KC):

Araxxi Hilts: 4x Eye (14/126/149/459), Web - (100) Fang (193)

Araxxi Legs Completed: 5 ---Top (69/206/234/292/361), Middle (163/176/278/343/395), Bottom (135/256/350/359/397)
Boss Pets: Supreme - 848 KC

If you play Xbox One - Add me! GT: Urtehnoes - Currently on a Destiny binge 


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I recently found out that my friend is gay because I friended him on Facebook. (Almost nobody here has a Facebook; everyone's into MySpace. I just found out that he had one because he told me, lol.) Anyway, we're doing swimming in gym and I suddenly feel very awkward getting naked to change in front of him, and also swimming with him in class. I didn't know he was gay before, and I thought he just had lots of hot (girl) friends because he was a player. It's really awkward because I can't help but be worried that he'll be attracted to me and gay out or something. O_o


I was talking to a gay friend the other day about this. (I didn't say I was concerned about it, he brought it up)


He basically said something along the lines of:


"Any straight guy worried about attracting a gay guy needs to remove his head from his [wagon]. Straight guys can't dress for [cabbage] and they can barely take care of themselves let alone another guy."


Except it was more of a 5 minute rant, cut up with nice little condescending encouragements like "no offense, I like the way you dress" <_<

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I recently found out that my friend is gay because I friended him on Facebook. (Almost nobody here has a Facebook; everyone's into MySpace. I just found out that he had one because he told me, lol.) Anyway, we're doing swimming in gym and I suddenly feel very awkward getting naked to change in front of him, and also swimming with him in class. I didn't know he was gay before, and I thought he just had lots of hot (girl) friends because he was a player. It's really awkward because I can't help but be worried that he'll be attracted to me and gay out or something. O_o


I'm straight and I know if I was in a locker room with my friends that are gay I wouldn't find it awkward. It isn't like he's going to try and come on to you anyways. If anything you should feel flattered that your friend thinks your good looking if at all he is attracted to you. You should really just treat him like any other guy because really thats all he is just another guy you really shouldn't care about his sexuality because at the end of the day it does not matter.

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I recently found out that my friend is gay because I friended him on Facebook. (Almost nobody here has a Facebook; everyone's into MySpace. I just found out that he had one because he told me, lol.) Anyway, we're doing swimming in gym and I suddenly feel very awkward getting naked to change in front of him, and also swimming with him in class. I didn't know he was gay before, and I thought he just had lots of hot (girl) friends because he was a player. It's really awkward because I can't help but be worried that he'll be attracted to me and gay out or something. O_o


I'm straight and I know if I was in a locker room with my friends that are gay I wouldn't find it awkward. It isn't like he's going to try and come on to you anyways. If anything you should feel flattered that your friend thinks your good looking if at all he is attracted to you. You should really just treat him like any other guy because really thats all he is just another guy you really shouldn't care about his sexuality because at the end of the day it does not matter.

This. ^


I honestly have never heard of any stories around me where a Gay/Bi guy has grabbed someone or whatever in a situation like this.


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I might get flamed for this, But I've had a long standing belief that the majority of men in the TET are gay. lol

I have all the 99s, and have been playing since 2001. Comped 4/30/15 

My Araxxi Kills: 459::Araxxi Drops(KC):

Araxxi Hilts: 4x Eye (14/126/149/459), Web - (100) Fang (193)

Araxxi Legs Completed: 5 ---Top (69/206/234/292/361), Middle (163/176/278/343/395), Bottom (135/256/350/359/397)
Boss Pets: Supreme - 848 KC

If you play Xbox One - Add me! GT: Urtehnoes - Currently on a Destiny binge 


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^EMR has knives, remember.


Confession: I used to think that 'bollocks' was an olden-times word referring to bulls.


Regret: Probably using the word 'bollocks' in a sentence before now, having misinterpreted its meaning.

The only difference between Hitler and the man next door who comes home and beats his kids every day is circumstance. The intent is the same-- to harm others.

[hide=Tifers say the darndest things]

I told her there was a secret method to doing it - and there is - but my once nimble and agile fingers were unable to perform because I was under the influence.

I would laugh, not hate. I'm a male. :(

Since when was Ireland an island...? :wall:

I actually have a hobby of licking public toilet seats.

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^EMR has knives, remember.


Confession: I used to think that 'bollocks' was an olden-times word referring to bulls.


Regret: Probably using the word 'bollocks' in a sentence before now, having misinterpreted its meaning.


EMR retired.

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^EMR has knives, remember.


Confession: I used to think that 'bollocks' was an olden-times word referring to bulls.


Regret: Probably using the word 'bollocks' in a sentence before now, having misinterpreted its meaning.


EMR retired.

Point still stands though.

Unfinished netherrack symbol of Khorne.


Never forget. ~creeper face w/single tear~



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^EMR has knives, remember.


Confession: I used to think that 'bollocks' was an olden-times word referring to bulls.


Regret: Probably using the word 'bollocks' in a sentence before now, having misinterpreted its meaning.


EMR retired.

Point still stands though.

EMR just got a new job: assassin.

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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^EMR has knives, remember.


Confession: I used to think that 'bollocks' was an olden-times word referring to bulls.


Regret: Probably using the word 'bollocks' in a sentence before now, having misinterpreted its meaning.


EMR retired.

Point still stands though.

EMR just got a new job: assassin.

He takes jobs from Das. :ohnoes:



That's why you're on the TZDF blackdawn. Even your balls can tear zombies to shreds.
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